Qiang Qin

Chapter 334

Updated: 2011-02-24

Yunzhong and Jiuyuan also rushed to the grassland with nearly 5 troops, plus the 8 horses led by Zhang Han and the others, there were more than [-] Qin troops entering the grassland this time.The most worrying thing about these many people marching on the grassland was encountering the cavalry of the Huns, because in this way, their idea of ​​dragging the Yuezhi people into the battle first would be impossible to realize.In order to prevent the Huns from easily discovering his army, Zhang Han sent scouts ten miles away, but if they found any traces of the Huns, they would report to the Chinese army, and then they would decide whether to hide or kill them.

But although they continued to go deep into the grassland, they did not find the Huns along the way, not even half of the nomadic tribes, which made everyone very puzzled.In fact, on this point, Zhang Han and others would like to thank Zidu for killing on the grassland last year, because his killing has already forced some tribes close to the Central Plains to migrate west or north. It's Fengmei. In order not to cause the disaster of killing and exterminating the clan, the tribes can only give up this large grassland.

But Zhang Han and the others didn't know about this. They still sent scouts to investigate carefully to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed.Among the troops, there were a few soldiers who were very familiar with the terrain on the grassland. They guided the troops all the way to the direction of the Shanyu tent of the Huns. After trekking for more than half a month, the army finally arrived. Only less than a hundred miles away from the target.In order not to alarm the enemy, Zhang Han stationed his troops there, and then began to implement the original policy.

Along the way, they selected 5000 of the most elite cavalry. At this time, under the leadership of Long Qie, they bypassed the gathering place of the Huns in front and rushed to the northwest.These 5000 people were the inducement envisaged by Zhang Han and others to make the Huns turn their spearheads on the Yuezhi people.

When they were parting, Zhang Han and several generals bowed to Long Qie and the 5000 men and horses: "You are going to face the Huns' army, and I hope you will protect yourself after completing the mission. We are still waiting Let's defeat the Huns together with you, and return to Xianyang to ask for credit."

Long Qi laughed and said: "Now is the time for me, Long Qie, to repay the emperor's great kindness and make contributions to the country. Why should you do this? Our 5000 troops are the most elite cavalry in the army, even the cavalry of the Huns They are not our opponents, not to mention that our purpose is to attract the attention of the Huns to the Yuezhi people, so naturally we will not be too risky. Generals, please wait here for the news of our success."

The 5000 people behind Longqie also were a little timid in his heart by his heroic words, and there was a bit of determination in his eyes.The dragon didn't say anything to them anymore, so he whistled and led the people behind him to the west.

At this time, in the tent of the Shanyu of the Huns, Maodun was gnawing on a leg of lamb, listening to the report of the chieftains, although the number of cattle and sheep on the grassland has been greatly reduced, as a Shanyu, he still eats. Most of the people lived on beef and mutton, while others mostly lived on the grain looted from the Central Plains.What the headman was talking about was the number of people who died of starvation on the grassland due to the shortage of food in the past few months, and what many headmen asked Modu to give them advice.

Mao Dun ate the leg of lamb, and from time to time he said "uuuuuuuuuuuuuu" and after the man finished speaking, he threw the bone of the leg of lamb on the ground and said, "I know exactly what you said. , Didn’t I bring people to the Central Plains to rob a lot of food a few days ago, and now the tribes should not starve to death anymore, right?”

The man said with a bitter face: "Although Shanyu robbed a lot of food, our herdsmen still can't get used to that food, and these things can't compare with beef and mutton in terms of taste and hunger, so those herdsmen I am still very dissatisfied with this. The most serious thing is that the cattle and sheep have lost too much, and the herdsmen’s property has been left. I am afraid that our tribes will still not be able to return to the past next year.”

Mao Dun snorted coldly: "It's not bad to have food to fill your stomach. These fundamentals can't be followed on the battlefield. Those who went to the Central Plains to plunder together have such high requirements. Now there are not enough cattle and sheep left for us in the Xiongnu. Too much, I still want to feed them to my warriors, how can I let them eat them again? You can tell the leaders of each tribe, let them persuade those herdsmen, otherwise even they can only fight against those herdsmen who can’t fight It's the same."

The headman's face was bitter when he heard the words, but now Maodun is no longer the leader of the inter-tribal alliance in the past, but has actually mastered most of the Huns' cavalry forces. He can only obey his orders, and agrees He went out with a bang.

After this person went out, Ji Du on the side wanted to persuade Modu. He knew that although Maodu had mastered everything on the surface, in fact, many Hun warriors still had contact with their original tribes. If they fall out, it will only be detrimental to Maodun.But as soon as he opened his mouth to call "Shanyu", he was stopped by Modu: "You don't need to persuade, I can only guarantee everything for those who can fight for me now, as for the other clansmen, let them Let’s get through it first. As long as we survive for a few years, we Huns can still make a comeback and give them back what the Central Plains people killed us.”

Ji Du knew Modu's temper very well. Once he made a decision, no one could change it. It was because of his decisive ability that he was able to kill Touman and become the new Shanyu of the Huns. All the tribes in the village were unified under his own tent, so he could only sigh and turn around to leave the big tent.

Seeing Ji Du's appearance, the day shift outside the tent knew that he hadn't persuaded Maodu successfully, so they could only sigh together with him.After the two walked into Ji Du's tent, they sat on the ground like people from the Central Plains, and then Ji Du said: "It seems that Mao Dun doesn't want to listen to our advice this time. Unexpectedly, the two of us want to borrow the power of the Huns Qin Guo, who came to deal with Fusu, ended up like this in the end."

Bai Ban also said: "Yes, after all, Maodun is just a barbarian who only knows how to use force to conquer but does not know how to be soft. Although the tribes dare not do anything because of his reputation, one day they will deal with it like Maodun did back then. My father got rid of him like that. Now some leaders are discussing in private that it is because of Mao Dun's willful actions that the grassland has suffered so many disasters, so many warriors have died, and so many people have been killed by the Qin people. It seems that the dissatisfaction with Modu will become more and more serious as time goes by. At that time, those Hun warriors from various tribes will naturally not become enemies with their own tribes because of Maodu's words, and he may be... ..." As he spoke, he sighed deeply again: "It seems that the Huns can't stay here for long."

Ji Du said: "Then where else can you and I go? The Central Plains has long lost our foothold, and the Yue clan is not as good as the Xiongnu." They have tried to change that.

Just when the internal worries of the Huns began to slowly emerge, Longqie's troops had already arrived at the northwest edge of the Huns' Shanyu Dazhang.After giving the army a proper rest, Long Qie led his men and horses to attack the target.

Relatively speaking, the Huns are more cautious in defending the south. After all, the Qin people there are not easy to mess with, and their own people just launched a looting of their cities and villages. It is normal for their army to take revenge of.But the Yuezhi Kingdom on the other side was no longer in their hearts, because the Yuezhi had always been suppressed by the Huns, and there had been no war between the two sides during this period of time.So when Long Qi led this cavalry in leather armor and rushed into the gathering place of the Huns, all the Huns were stunned, so shocked that they even forgot to resist for a while.

This made Long Qie and his men very happy. They rushed all the way, and they were almost to the Chanyu's tent in Modun, before they were stopped by the Huns who came to their senses.After all, there is still a certain gap between the two sides in terms of military strength. After the Huns started to fight back, no matter how the cavalry charged and killed them, they could not go any further. What's more, they were so killed that they began to retreat.Seeing this situation, Long Qi knew that it was almost time for the play to end, and further killing would be a futile sacrifice, so he issued the military order to retreat.

At this time, there were less than 5000 of the 4000 troops left. The sergeants knew that their mission had been accomplished, so after another round of charging and killing the enemy back, they also turned their horses and headed west.In order to convince the Huns that they were Yuezhi people, they even retreated in the direction of Yuezhi when they retreated, and then they thought of other ways.

When the Huns saw that the attacking enemy wanted to leave, they naturally refused, and immediately thousands of people chased after them, while the rest stayed in place to defend in case others appeared.However, Long Qi's action this time was carefully planned, and naturally he would not let the Huns catch up with him, so after they chased him for a long time, they found that the attacking people had disappeared.The Huns in Chennai had to go back.

When Mo Dun knew about this, he personally brought his men and horses to fight the incoming cavalry. Unexpectedly, the enemy had already retreated as soon as he came out, which made him very annoyed.He was even more annoyed later when he learned that the retreating men had thrown off their pursuers.

But Ji Du on the other side saw something, and said: "Shanyu, look, the direction of this attacking army is coming and going in the west, and there is only one country of Yuezhi in the west of us..."

ps: It’s still the 24th now, so I don’t have any salt, so I ask for everything~~~~~~~~~~~

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