Qiang Qin

Chapter 34 Princes and Generals, Would You Rather Have Kindness?

Updated: 2010-06-02

The imperial court's order to arrive in Taiyuan before December was also carefully calculated.There are so many people coming from all over the world that they are not subordinate to each other, so a training process is needed, and spring is the best season for attacking, so I want them to go to Taiyuan in December, and after several months of training, they will attack in March. Yue attacked Shangjun.

This idea is also very good, but unfortunately they missed one point. The distance between soldiers and horses in various places and Taiyuan County is different, and after your order is issued, people from all over the country will be recruited to go to Taiyuan. It is very difficult to recruit so many strong men, not to mention rushing to Taiyuan County.So people everywhere have started to complain, but they are still waiting for an opportunity, someone who will take the lead.

The night was quiet, and a gust of cold wind would blow from time to time, causing those who had already fallen asleep to subconsciously move towards the lit bonfire.Chen Sheng, who was by Bibo's bonfire, was still awake. He was the head of the team that was rushing to Taiyuan, and he was still worrying about whether he could get to Taiyuan County in time.The copper knife in his hand was picking up the burning branches one after another. Chen Sheng had no idea in his heart, because the official road had been blocked due to heavy snowfall along the way, and now they had to take a detour. The schedule is very tight, and now it is even more late.

At this time, a person slowly approached him. This person was tall and thick, with black skin and wrinkles on his face. He looked close to fifty, but Chen Sheng knew that he was only under 35 years old, because he was his own for many years. Wu Guang, a friend of mine, is also another village chief in this team.

The head of the village is not the highest commander in this team, but only has the task of escorting. To put it bluntly, he is the person who bears the responsibility. If there is something to do, they will take the lead. They have the credit, but there is the only camp next to him who is sleeping soundly. Several Qin soldiers led the way.But they also have a high prestige in this team, and the two of them are responsible for their behavior under normal circumstances. Those Qin soldiers only care about whether anyone escaped halfway. After all, the responsibility belongs to the two chiefs. A Qin soldier was too lazy to contribute.

"Old Wu, what do you say?" Chen Sheng pushed down the branches, making the flames that had dimmed burn again.

Wu Guang walked up to him, holding some dead branches in his hand: "I'm afraid the fire here isn't strong enough, so I brought some firewood over here." After a pause, he said, "Old Chen, you said we can burn it in time this time?" Are you there?"

Chen Sheng sighed and said: "I don't think so. The nine hundred of us have never left the village, and we are completely strangers here. Now all the official roads are blocked by heavy snow. How can we find our way around here? Hurry to Taiyuan County."

Wu Guang pouted at the tent and said: "Those soldiers have traveled from south to north, don't they know the way?"

"Didn't you see that they were only responsible for seeing if there were any escaped people along the way? They didn't care about these things on the road at all. After all, it didn't matter to them whether they arrived early or late. Not their heads." Chen Sheng said coldly.

"Our 900 people were late, so they will really cut off [-] heads?" Wu Guang was still not convinced.

"Did you forget Li Ergou in the village two years ago?" Chen Sheng smiled, but the smile looked a bit hideous under the flickering bonfire, "He is considered a figure in the village, and it is said that he is still with Li Ergou. The chief has some friendship, but his head was chopped off because he was half a day late for the corvee. He has friendship with the chief or something."

"He...he is alone after all," Wu Guang said in a good manner, "We have about nine hundred lives here."

"Nine hundred lives? Huh, I'm afraid that in the eyes of those officials, these nine hundred lives are not in their eyes. They only care about whether their orders can be implemented and implemented, and whether their official positions can be carried out." After being further promoted, as for the lives of us common people, they don’t think it’s worth mentioning. Our Great Qin has always ruled the country with harsh punishments and strict laws, don’t forget, Old Wu.” Chen Sheng sneered.

Wu Guang shivered after hearing his words, and said after a while: "Then we can only speed up our progress, otherwise we will really lose our heads."

"I'm afraid no matter how hard we try, we won't be able to reach Taiyuan in December."

"Why?" Wu Guang was very surprised.

"Didn't you notice that we are all walking on mountain roads, which are extremely rugged. If we walk this way for a while, the weak will not be able to bear it. Moreover, we don't have horses, so we can't go any faster."

"Then we are doomed." Wu Guang looked sad.

"Actually, even if we can reach Taiyuan, do you think we will survive?" Chen Sheng asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Wu Guang was stunned by his question.

Chen Sheng looked at the tent and said, "I asked those Qin soldiers a few days ago, and I got the reason for going to Taiyuan from their mouths. It turned out that Fu Su and Hu Hai fought for the throne and raised their troops a few months ago. There was a rebellion. The imperial court sent 20 troops to encircle and suppress, but there were only less than 5 horses left. You said that those of us who have never been on the battlefield ran to fight with Fusu’s army, didn’t we send sheep to the tiger’s mouth? ?”

"Hearing what you said, I feel like we're going to die anyway." The wrinkles on Wu Guang's face deepened.

"I've been thinking about how to survive these days, so I can't sleep peacefully." Chen Sheng showed a murderous look in his eyes, "Now I finally thought about it."

"Is there a way to save my life? Come and listen to me." Wu Guang rushed to him as soon as he heard it.

"We killed these Qin soldiers, rebelled!" Chen Sheng said lightly, word by word.

Although the words were light, they sounded like thunder to Wu Guang's ears. He stared blankly at Chen Sheng for a while, as if he didn't know him at all, and then stammered and asked, "You mean... Kill them?" He pointed at the tent.

Chen Sheng didn't answer him, just nodded vigorously, and then said with some distress: "But there are still too few people who are willing to do this now, after all, most people have not felt the threat of death."

After a long time, Wu Guang said: "Old Chen, no matter what you want to do, Wu Guang, I will definitely support you. Let's do it this time."

Chen Sheng's eyes showed a moving expression: "I knew that you, Old Wu, are my good brother. With your support, I have greater confidence."

"But how can we get these people to completely stand on our side?" Now that Wu Guang had decided to work with Chen Sheng, he naturally began to think about rebellion.

"Let's look at it first. It's not a last resort. I don't want to kill Qin Bing directly and force them to rebel with me. After all, it is still difficult for the two of us to kill the five Qin Bing who have been fighting for a long time. "After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he lay down beside the bonfire, "You should take a break too, you have to go on your way tomorrow."

More than 900 people continued to shuttle through the mountains and forests, and time was slowly running out.As the time approached December, the five Qin soldiers also became irritable.Although their heads would not be killed if they were late, the punishment was unavoidable, so they stopped doing nothing, and began to urge everyone to move faster along the way.Chen Sheng and Wu Guang watched their actions coldly. It could be seen that the friction between these people and the five Qin soldiers was getting bigger and bigger. All this was good news for them.

On this day, they came to the jurisdiction of Hedong County, but perhaps because of recruitment, they didn't see anyone for dozens of miles.Everyone was sleeping in front of a small temple exhaustedly. Looking at the broken statues in the temple, Chen Sheng thought of a plan.

He sneaked up to Wu Guang's side, whispered a few words of advice, Wu Guang nodded and left.There is a small river in front of the temple. Although it is winter, the river does not freeze. Those Qin soldiers saw the fish that came up from time to time in the river and felt a little bit slanderous, so they ordered several people to go down the river to fish.

After a while, a few big fish were caught, and everyone set up a pot to cook the fish on the fire.Suddenly a person shouted: "Hey, there is something in the belly of this fish."

Everyone rushed over to see what was going on, and the man tore open the fish, and took out a piece of rag with three characters written on it. "What is written on it?" Everyone asked curiously.

Among them, those who could read took a look and said in amazement: "Chen Shengwang, it says Chen Shengwang!"

Everyone's eyes flicked to Chen Sheng who was pretending to be dazed. "All right, all right, let me break up, what's so interesting about these things." A Qin soldier drove the crowd away with a whip.The little turmoil stopped like this, but the doubts in their hearts were not dispelled.

At night, the drowsy Hao Liu stood up to make it easier, when suddenly he saw a fire in the ruined temple. "Why do people go to the temple in the middle of the night?" Driven by curiosity, he came to the temple.

A faint voice came from inside, which made his hair stand on end. He braved up and continued to walk in. "Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng!" A strange cry suddenly entered his ears.

"Ah!" Startled, Hao Liu turned around and ran towards the gate of the temple.After receiving his call, many people woke up, and the voice from the temple also came out: "Da Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng! Da Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng!" The voice lingered in everyone's ears again and again.

"It's the fox fairy, the fox fairy has appeared!" Wu Guang took the opportunity to shout.

"What fox fairy? Give me peace of mind." Those Qin soldiers saw that the momentum was wrong, and shouted loudly.

At this time, Chen Sheng suddenly jumped up from the ground, and said in a sharp voice: "Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng! I am here to rescue you. Now that the Qin government is tyrannical, it is time for Chen Shengcheng to lead you to overthrow Qin. "As he spoke, he gave Wu Guang a wink, and at the same time stabbed a Qin Bing who was running towards him with his knife.

Wu Guang didn't dare to neglect, he quickly raised his knife and slashed at one of the Qin soldiers.Hearing the words of the "fox fairy", seeing the actions of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, and adding to the dissatisfaction with these Qin soldiers these days, everyone's anger finally broke out.They rushed forward with shouts, and threw Qin Bing to the ground a few times. Under the sticks, several Qin soldiers were beaten to death in one fell swoop.

Chen and Wu just put on a pose and got rid of the five Qin soldiers.Chen Sheng waited for them to stop and said loudly: "Unexpectedly, I, Chen Sheng, was sent by the fox fairy to rescue the people in the world. From now on, we will be brothers. We will overthrow Qin and create our own world. Everyone here can worship the king Prime Minister, princes and generals, would you rather have a kind?"

"Princes and generals, would you rather have a kind?" The sound resounded through the forest, and the enthusiastic people did not see a person slipping out of the ruined temple quietly and standing among the crowd.

The Chen Shengwu Guangda Uprising broke out in Daze Township half a year earlier.

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