Qiang Qin

Chapter 341

Updated: 2011-03-01

Except for Maodun, none of the Xiongnu army knew that their rear was being attacked by the Qin people, so they would not guard against the enemy attacking behind them at all. Although Maodun knew about this, he didn't want to shake the army's morale And keeping this matter a secret, secondly, he didn't believe that those Qin people could defeat the more than [-] elite soldiers he had deployed around Shanyu's tent in a short time, so he didn't think to pay attention to his back.What's more, after several days of hard-working attacks, the Lan's city was finally broken, and every Hun wanted to go into the city to vent their hatred, so the Huns didn't deploy a single soldier outside.

This is what Zhang Han and Long Qie saw when they arrived with their troops, and they were overjoyed.This is another good time to launch a surprise attack and kill the Huns by surprise.Of course, the two of them would not miss such a good opportunity, so after lining up their troops, Zhang Han launched an attack.

The [-] army went straight to the back of the Huns.First, the bowman who had put his arrows on the crossbow at the front, thousands of sharp arrows screamed in the air, and shot at the Huns who were still at the gate of the city.Before they recovered from the attack, Qin Jun had already formed a phalanx and strode up.Weapons such as spears and spears pierced fiercely into the horses under the Huns cavalry.The horse either fell to the ground immediately, or stood up in pain, and the rider on the horse was thrown off like this.At this time, the Qin army from behind also arrived. They raised a knife in their hands, and with a few swipes, they cut off the heads of the Huns who had been thrown half to death.

This is a style of play that the Qin people or the people of the Central Plains have studied over the years when fighting against nomadic peoples such as the Huns. This time, Zhang Han naturally thought of this method since he had mostly infantry around him.It turned out that there were rows of shield soldiers before the army, but now that they are attacking the Huns from behind, they will counterattack, so these shield soldiers are unnecessary.

The Qin army used this formation to continue to fight forward, until it entered the Lan's city, and was discovered by the Huns.When the Huns saw the Qin army suddenly coming from behind them, they immediately became confused. Some turned around in a hurry to confront the Qin army head-on, and some wanted to move forward to distance themselves from the enemy before counterattacking. Yes, in short, everyone did not have a unified idea.

Mao Dun was in the middle of the army at this time, and after knowing that he was attacked by the Qin army behind him, he knew that something was wrong.Since Qin Jun, who was supposed to fight Bai Ban, has come here, does it mean that Qin Jun has defeated Bai Ban and his cronies, and occupied the big tent representing Shan Yu's status?Thinking of this, Mao Dun's thoughts became confused at once, and he didn't know what to do, whether to advance or retreat, whether to pursue the remnants of the Yue clan or fight against the Qin people.

The main generals were already out of proportion, and of course the soldiers had no idea. They were chaotic in front or back, which gave the Qin army a better chance to eliminate them.Crossbow arrows kept shooting at them, spears and daggers kept stabbing at them, and the formed Qin army kept rushing in, killing the Huns in all directions.

At this time, the chaos behind had been noticed by the rest of the Yue clan who were struggling to support them, and they soon knew that it was the Qin army that was attacking the rear of the Huns.When this news reached the ears of the Yuezhi people, their morale was lifted again.It turned out that they had lost the courage to fight again and thought of dying here, but now they knew that they still had a chance, and that they had a chance to join forces with the Qin people to defeat the Huns.All the Yuezhi people and the original Qin army in the city fought forward again, seeing the Xiongnu cavalry slashing at them with their knives and seeing the Hun cavalry's overwhelming momentum, they counterattacked in this way.

Being attacked by the Qin people and the Yuezhi people back and forth, coupled with the fact that the morale of the army has been disturbed, and the battle in this city is indeed not very beneficial to the cavalry, the Huns who had already secured their victory began to show signs of defeat. They seem to have tried their best to stop them.

At this critical juncture, Mao Dun finally woke up. He knew that it was impossible to achieve any results by desperately fighting now, and it would only increase his own casualties, and without knowing what was going on behind him, he could no longer lose any more There were too many people, so he made a decisive decision and ordered people to break out to the side.

Fortunately, the walls of this city have been crumbling under the offensive and defensive battles these days, which gave the Huns a chance to escape from death.After Mao Dun gave an order, the Hun cavalry who had no fighting spirit went straight to the side walls. Under the constant collision of horses and people, these already unstable walls collapsed.

Qin Jun also didn't expect them to do such a thing, and the troops outside were only deployed at the city gate to prevent the enemy from getting out, so seeing this scene at this time, they could only chase after them, and at the same time ordered the troops at the city gate to go around too. cut off.All the Qin people refused to let go of such an opportunity, so everyone followed the Huns to the side. After the Yuezhi killed some Huns in front of them, they found that they were the only ones left in the city. The people of the city, and the city has been dilapidated.

After all, the Qin army were all infantry. Even though their hearts were full of murderous intentions, they could not run with two legs, so they had to watch the Huns go further and further, frustrated. The last cavalry of the Huns who couldn't dodge shot and killed them.

Zhang Han reluctantly returned to Lan's City with his troops until he could no longer see the dust raised by the enemy.Seeing these soldiers of the Qin army who saved their lives, all the Yuezhi people were grateful, and when some Qin people discovered that there are still many of their own robes in the city, they were also ecstatic.Regardless of the dilapidation of the city, everyone took out dry food, food and wine in the city, and ate and drank. As for the remnants of the Huns chasing the Huns, that was after resting in the city. After the war, the vitality of the Huns has been seriously injured.

He came out with 5 horses, only thinking about destroying Maodun of the Yueshi, but looking at the remnants of less than 1 soldiers following him now, he felt that he was having a nightmare.Now he only hoped that Bai Ban and the others were not defeated by the Qin army, but were bypassed by the Qin army, so that after he returned, he could regroup and fight the Qin people again.

All the Huns have lost their usual wildness and morale, and they all hang their heads like defeated cocks. This battle has completely crushed their confidence.

But what they didn't expect was that when they hurried back, a cavalry force of 5000 men also rushed towards them. Waiting for someone.

Both sides were startled when they met suddenly, but after seeing each other's identity clearly, the two sides launched an attack on the enemy.The two armies were just defeated, but the Qin army only failed in pursuit after all, and did not completely lose their fighting spirit like the Huns. In the past, no one in the Qin army dared to think about it.

And the Huns became afraid after they couldn't defeat the enemy at once. They didn't know that the Qin people chasing after them had already eaten and drank in the city, and they only thought that the tens of thousands of enemies would appear behind them again soon , at that time, I will really have a way to go.So their only focus is to rush over quickly instead of eradicating the enemies blocking the way.

In the end, the Huns relied on their superior horsemanship and their large numbers. After losing nearly 4000 lives, the Huns were able to kill them and continue eastward.Qin Jun found that it was rare that he was able to defeat the Huns with less fighting and more. The idea of ​​winning in their hearts made them completely forget the gap in strength between the two sides, and they still chased after them with less than 8000 troops. More than [-] Huns cavalry.

Finally, the Huns arrived at the place where their Shanyu tent was originally located, but what they saw was everything that had been turned into ruins. There was no one alive here, and some were just corpses all over the ground. There were Qin people and Huns as well. There are people, there are warriors, and of course there are ordinary herdsmen of the Huns.Seeing all this, all the Huns were stunned, and now they finally believed in a fact-this time they had suffered a disastrous defeat.

But before they could come out of their grief, the cavalry of the Qin army who followed closely behind them killed them.Looking at the corpses of their relatives and friends on the ground, looking at the burned home, all the Huns were angry, and they had to speak suddenly, and they turned around and killed the Qin army.Only by killing all these people can I relieve my hatred a little bit!

The Qin army was immediately shocked by the murderous intent of the Huns. They didn't understand why the Huns, who hadn't dared to fight with them just now, suddenly changed their minds?But at this time, it was beneficial to think too much, they could only go forward, and the two armies fought together for the second time.But this time the result was different. Although the Huns went through even a big battle without taking a break, the strength of the mourning soldiers was still astonishing. With just one charge, the Qin army was defeated.

Mao Dun took the lead, waving the long knife in his hand and desperately slashing and killing these enemies who have ruined everything about him. Only killing, crazy killing can relieve the anger in his heart.He forgot his identity because Shanyu's big tent was destroyed and all his tribe members died in battle.

Mao Dun, who lost his mind, soon tasted the bitter fruit, because he rushed too far forward, and those Huns who were originally responsible for protecting him also lost their minds, so he became the target of the Qin army.The clothes on his body were obviously better than those of the other Hun cavalrymen. Although the Qin people didn't know his identity, they could tell that he was different.That being the case, let's get rid of him first.

Several crossbows mounted arrows and aimed at him...

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