Qiang Qin

Chapter 355 Crossbowmen Revenge

A cold feeling spreads all over the body.

Rang Fanjiang Wuyu felt an uncomfortable feeling of thorns on his back. This feeling was like being stared at by a more ferocious and terrifying giant beast while hunting in the forest.

The corpse of the person in front had already been nailed with numerous arrows, but in a vague sense, Wu Yu still felt that as long as he raised his head a little, a sharp arrow would shoot towards his forehead.

in the dark night.

Who has such precise archery skills?

Among the generals of Qin on the opposite side, I heard that there is a general from the Western Regions named Li Zhongxiang who has practiced the magical ability of hitting every shot. Could it be that he is the one who is eyeing him?

While thinking wildly and anxiously, Wu Yu anxiously ordered the Fan soldiers beside him to rush forward. His original intention was to use the bodies of his fellow Fans to block the enemy's tricky arrows. Get out of the predicament of staring.

Fanren are bloody.

When charging into battle, it is usually the bravest warrior at the front. Under Wu Yu's fear, he did not expect that his action of lying on the ground would make the soldiers under him misunderstand that he was greedy for life and afraid of death. Of course, this is not actually a misunderstanding, because Wu Yu really In the bottom of my heart, there is fear of possible danger.

The crossbowmen of the Qin Army were divided into four teams.

In the last row are strong archers holding poplar wood and boxwood. These archers are all from Hexi, and most of them are capable men who emerged from the bloody battle between Hexi and the Huns. In fact, they can no longer be classified as crossbowmen. Ranks, according to the classification of military historians, the real name of these bowmen should be: longbowmen.


In the direction of the enemy's formation, arrows rained all over the sky.

This is the tactic that the longbowmen are most proud of. In terms of their range, no unit in this era can attack them first.Of course, this conclusion must exclude some special cases, such as Li Zhongxiang's superb archery marksman.

In front of the strong archers, there are three rows of crossbowmen in the true sense of the Qin Army, arranged from high to low. This crossbowman belongs to Jiang Yu, the leader of the East Route Army.They made the Chu army suffer a lot in the battle of Hulaoguan three years ago, and today.Facing the same opponent, these crossbowmen, who had been suffocated for a long time, aimed and aimed at Wangshan on the machine crossbow.


It is a unit that makes all the soldiers of the Qin State respect, it represents all the glory of the culmination of the development of the Bronze Age, crossbow cavalry, infantry, these soldiers belonging to different legions, use their cold judgment , precise gaze, and powerful and ruthless killings make opponents daunting.

They were once invincible.

They once drove for more than tens of miles to drive the mighty Xiongnu barbarians out of the Hetao grassland.

them.He also followed Wang Jian, Li Xin, Meng Tian, ​​these well-known generals of the Qin army, under the command of the first emperor of the ages, to sweep across the country and dominate the world.

Of course, there is the joy of victory and the bitterness of failure.

In the jungle of the Southern Expedition to Baiyue, the bronze machine crossbow of the Qin army was attacked by bad weather.compare to.The bamboo and wooden arrows of the Baiyue people were not affected, and they easily tore apart the panicked Qin army.

It was also in that battle that the Qin army lost Tu Sui, the supreme military commander who conquered the South, and died at the same time as Tu Sui.There were also many experienced old soldiers who died in the Southern War. Their deaths caused the Qin army to lose an important part of inheriting the glory.

Unlike infantry who have been replaced with iron weapons, at present.Among the troops of the Qin army who are still using bronze weapons, there are only these proud crossbowmen of the Qin army left, many of them.They are all old soldiers who have fought for many years, and most of them are old soldiers who escaped from the Lingnan battlefield.

After the Qin State unified the six kingdoms, the First Emperor launched the Southern Expedition to Baiyue. Groups of experienced soldiers were recruited to the south of the river to join the 50 Qin State Southern Expedition Army that ultimately failed.

Most of the people in this army followed Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo to the South China Sea and Xiangjun, separated one side and established themselves as kings, while a considerable number of them chose to leave the team and return to their homeland.However, facing Qin's harsh laws and regulations, these fugitives did not dare to return to their hometowns. They could only hide in Tibet, or became bandits, or escaped into the mountains, relying on robbery and land reclamation for a living.

And from the bottom of their hearts, these fugitives are eager to return to normal life, to return to their hometown to see their parents, wives and children in their lifetime.

Therefore, when the new Qin Dynasty re-emerged, when amnesty orders were promulgated, and when it was heard that fellow fugitives like Jiang Yu had served as generals in the Qin army, the news was like wings, allowing those who almost Desperate deserters rejoiced.

They met and joined the ranks of the Qin army in batches. After joining the new Qin army, many of them were selected and transferred to the only remaining crossbowmen unit at present with the skills they had trained in the previous crossbowmen. middle.


Facing the enemy again, the same Shanyue fan with broken hair and tattoos, the hearts of these crossbowmen immediately surged with blazing flames of revenge.

Two hundred feet.

150 feet.

One hundred feet, eighty feet, seventy feet——.

"Front row, get ready, let go!"

"Second row, aim, release!"

"Third row, put it again!"

Following the deep and forceful order from the captain of the crossbow soldiers, each crossbow arrow carried a strong gust of wind, and headed towards the approaching Fanren without hesitation.


The opportunity to slaughter Qin Gou is in front of him.

As long as you cut off a few more heads, you will be able to make a feat that will make your companions jealous, and then return to your hometown. Those women who wear clothes have not taken the initiative to post them one by one, grinding their hot and passionate bodies. , When the time comes, choose a woman with big hips and big breasts, and give birth to a few babies——.

A fan soldier with a simple mind and well-developed limbs hung the heads of three Qin soldiers on his waist, shouting and rushing forward. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest.

When I looked down, I saw a crossbow arrow inserted towards the heart on the strong and powerful chest. The front end of this crossbow arrow without arrow feathers is triangular in shape. , otherwise, even if it is reversed, it will still be unavailable.

Zhongya's fan soldiers screamed.

The sharp pain in his heart continuously spread to his brain, causing him to lose all his strength immediately.

One after another, the Fanbing fell to the ground under the arrow rain of the Qin Crossbowmen. The application of the three-stage strike allowed the Qin Crossbowmen to carry out saturated strikes against the enemy without interruption, which made Ben Ji hope to use the attrition tactics to gain closeness The general who had no chance of hand-to-hand combat could only watch helplessly as his generals died screaming.

"Qin Dog, damn it!"

Wuyu cursed angrily, tried to set up the wooden shield brought up by his own soldiers, and hid most of his body behind. The battle situation was unfavorable, so he had to rush to the front, and use the power of an example to inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers again. It's getting closer, with the bravery of Fanbing, these bastards who can only shoot arrows can be easily killed one by one.

The wooden shield is huge.

It is made of a kind of shady wood from Jiangdong. The production environment of shady wood is mainly in the humid place with the back of the mountain. It takes hundreds or even thousands of years to grow into a big tree, so its texture is quite hard, even if it is a Qin tree. Even the sharpest sword in the army can only make a small gap.

And this little damage is almost nothing to the wooden shield.

Holding the shield, Wu Yu rushed forward for more than [-] steps in a row. There were more than ten crossbow bolts nailed to the wooden shield. However, these crossbow bolts obviously lacked penetrating power. What they could do was to attach their bodies to the Yinmu shield does not fall off.

"Haha, Qin Gou's crossbow is useless. Brothers, hold the shield!" Wu Yu shouted excitedly in ecstasy. Seeing the heroic general's bravery, the soldiers behind were also very emotional. When Qin Jun's arrow rain was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe, he suddenly found a way to crack it. This magical turning point made the once dim eyes of the Fanbing soldiers extremely hot again.


There was another rain of arrows, all under the ecstasy, a little higher than the wooden shield's forehead, a sharp arrow with arrow feathers shot from the left temple, and passed out from the right.

Wu Yu's footsteps paused for a moment, and then his body fell heavily on the ground. After a few twitches, this extremely vigorous general was silent again. (To be continued..)

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