Qiang Qin

Chapter 358 The real trump card

Advance and retreat!

The choice is so difficult.

"Great Chu, Great Chu, fight, fight, fight!" Xiang Yu shouted loudly, the blood in the bones of the man from Chu was like a puff of wolf smoke, which was ignited again and again under the multi-layered suppression of the Qin army.

Under the continuous urging of its master, the black horse also began to neigh long, trying to call back the bravery of the past. Seeing the general Chu rushing towards him like a black tower, the crossbow arrows and throwing soldiers on the upper and lower floors aimed at Xiang Yu one after another. Killing the Chu army commander in one fell swoop before the battle, this huge honor is in front of you.

Excited, the front sight of the generals of the Qin army deviated.

Yuezhiren's throwing short spears fell through again and again, and only one wooden spear bounced up irregularly after landing, accidentally hitting the belly of the black horse.

Blood dripped and dripped down along the lowest part of the horse's abdomen.

"Drive!" Wu Zhima was injured, but Xiang Yu, who was riding on the horse, was still urging him continuously. From his position, it was impossible to see that the point of the spear bounced from the ground would coincidentally penetrate the horse's belly.

Wronged by its owner for running slowly, Xiang Yu's legs were again threatened, and the black-tailed horse had to gallop in pain, but a few drops of blood-red tears rolled down its horse's eyes. In the past seven years, it has had countless honors and the most prominent position among its kind, but today, it is paying the price with its life for what it got in the past.

The galloping horses are like wind and lightning!

Xiang Yu's combat power soared even more, and before the crossbowmen's arrows reached him, they were blocked by the impenetrable halberd wall of the halberd.

When it was less than five or six feet away, the crossbow also fell into a situation where it could not be aimed due to the problem of the shooting angle. Xiang Yu, who was in a runaway state, almost only took three or five stops before approaching a pregnant woman's car.


Overlord Halberd sweeps!

The thick wooden planks shattered instantly, and the Qin army crossbowmen hiding inside fell to the ground due to the strong impact. The Yuezhi soldier standing on the upper layer of the chariot was even more unstable, and fell headlong to the front of the chariot. Before he got up.That is to say, he was chopped into meat by the red-eyed Chu soldiers.

Under Xiang Yu's tyrannical force, a gap was forcibly opened in the chariot formation. The generals of the Chu army shouted excitedly, and rushed towards the gap.

The red torrent broke through the black embankment in an instant. The tenacity of the chariot line once made them despair, but under the encouragement of Xiang Yu's personal bravery, this line of defense was also washed away like paper, and was smashed in the gap. After opening, the Qin Army chariots on the two wings scattered and retreated one after another seeing that they could not do anything.


After breaking through the Qin army's chariot formation.The speed of the Wuzhi horse was so slow that it could almost be described as moving. Xiang Yu finally realized that something was wrong with the Wuzhi horse. The situation was far more serious than he expected.

After the horse.

A long line of blood showed just how much pain the old horse had endured just now to lead Xiang Yu to break through the tough line of defense of the Qin army.

Before the horse.

The horse's head, which had always been raised high, had now drooped down.

Strong and powerful front hooves.Trembling and powerless, he knelt down, and blood froth gradually appeared in the gaping horse's mouth, and the horse's eyes were bright.Also half-closed and half-open, without the past look.

Xiang Yu's forward speed slowed down, and the other Chu soldiers saw that the Qin Army's central army was in front of them, and shouted one by one.He fantasized that he would be the first to run over, cut down the flag with a single sword, and then went to find Li Yuan, the coach of the Qin Army.Cut off his head—.

Under the ecstasy of the hopeful Chu soldiers, their ability to judge and analyze the battle situation gradually faded. They even failed to immediately notice the appearance of a huge Qin army with more than [-] soldiers.

At this moment, the Qin army, who had never exerted its full strength, finally revealed the last hole card that determines the outcome of the battle.

In the hands of Li Yuan.

The most elite is also the cradle for training middle and lower-level generals - the personal barracks.

After several years of development, the size of the pro-barracks has gradually expanded from the original 800 to [-] people to more than [-] people, which is more than ten times the current number.

The change in the number of troops shows the fact that the total strength of the Qin army is also constantly expanding. After rounds of selection, which one of the elite soldiers of the pro-barracks has not experienced the battle with the enemy? After a bloody battle, he finally got the chance to serve Li Yuan, just like Ma Jin, who made great achievements in the Battle of Hexi, is now a small team leader in this infantry team.

From a captain to a soldier, and then from a soldier to a captain, and now he has been reduced to a team leader, Ma Jin does not mean to be depressed at all. As long as he is not out of his mind, everyone knows that the personal barracks is equivalent to the cradle of the general. Be patient and wait for a few years, and if one day it is released, you will be an upright general in the army.

The seven thousand Qin troops watched the Chu army approaching coldly. Judging from the scattered pace and rapid panting of the Chu army, it could be judged that this Chu army should have reached the end of its strength.

All previous illusions.

At this time, it was finally completely torn apart.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The drums are rumbling!

The shouts of the soldiers of the Qin Army were accompanied by the sound of war drums, and accompanied by the tragic and passionate battle song of "Old Qin, restore my rivers and mountains", which every soldier of the Qin Army can blurt out .However, as the big banner began to move forward, the seven thousand soldiers of the Qin Dynasty stopped singing almost at the same time. They bit their lips tightly, held their weapons tightly, and began to take vigorous steps to meet the Chu army.

"Qin, people from Qin!"

A Chu soldier raised his head in search of the sound, and the black army formation that appeared in his eyes was like rolling black clouds. This kind of solemn oppression made him more frightened than shouting.

Li Yuan calmly stood under the big banner, and the words "Li Wu" embroidered on the big banner were written in official script commonly used in the state of Qin.

After the flags of the Qin Army were made in the weaving workshop, they were usually stitched on the flags one by one by the ingenious Guanzhong weavers, while Li Yuan's Chinese army flags were made by Gu Yunniang and a group of court ladies day and night. Come out, according to the words of taking care of Yunniang, with such a big banner, the men in Guanzhong will be more courageous in the lead, because behind them, there are pairs of expectant eyes.

"Chu Wudao, kill, kill!" Li Yuan shouted in a deep voice.

"Chu Wudao, kill, kill!" As the seven thousand elite soldiers of the Qin army approached, they suddenly burst into a high voice that resounded through the sky. shout.

Li Zhongxiang's troops on the southern front, after successive assaults on the follow-up troops of the Chu army, finally successfully separated Xiang Yu's part from the other Chu troops.


Blindly advance.

It was only at this time that Xiang Yu's cavalry of the Chu army came to their senses. They were surrounded by the Qin army, and it was almost impossible to expect other Chu army troops to come to help them.

The only Fanbing unit that has crossed the gap is being attacked by a cavalry army of the Qin Army. Even if they can kill the Qin Army, without the command of the main general, this Fanbing army will not be able to play much role.

As for the other Chu soldiers who were crossing the river, they were blocked far away on the east bank of the chasm. Without the protection of Fanbing on the side of the pontoon, these Chu soldiers were not strong enough to swim across the river. In desperation, they could only swim. He watched helplessly as his companions on the other side rushed hopelessly under the siege of the Qin army.

The victory and defeat of the war.

Often it changes in an instant.

After Xiang Yu crossed the river, Zhou Yin, the general of the Chu Army who stayed at the Chu Army camp and was responsible for transporting follow-up troops, was actually caught in a dilemma.

Not long after Xiang Yu led the main force of the Chu army across the river, scouts rushed to report that a large number of enemy troops under the banner of the Qin army appeared on the rear flank of the Chu army, Chen Jun, which was stationed by Chu army Ji Bu and Ding Gong.

This is not the worst news, what makes Zhou Yin, the former Grand Sima of the Western Chu Kingdom, even more anxious is that the scouts also reported an amazing rumor: Ji Bu and Ding Gong have descended to Qin!

Ding Gong is just a mid-level general in the Chu army and has little influence.

But Ji Bu is far different. As the third famous general among the five tiger generals, Ji Bu's reputation in Chu is second only to Xiang Yu and Zhong Limei. , It also changed Zhou Yin's face greatly. If Ji Bu led the Qin army to cut off the Qin army's return from the gap, even if they defeated the enemy in front of them, the Chu army still had no chance of winning. (To be continued..)

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