Qiang Qin

Chapter 397 Battle of Hetao

(Double monthly pass, jealous. The second one will be delivered)

In Gaoque City, several Hun scouts galloped out.

Zang Yan and the others hurried down according to the order, each turned back to the tribe, gathered troops, and waited for Maodun's next dispatch.

At the military level, Moton has always been a dogmatic person.Different from those brawny men on the grassland who only wield bravery, Maodun has a rather sinister temperament, and he is very vengeful, which is why many tribes attached to the grassland dare not disobey Maodun's orders.For other people, if the suggestion is in line with his wishes, he will naturally accept it. If he disagrees with him, then what awaits the other party will be thunder and wrath, and the life of the tribe will be difficult in the future.

Over the years, I don't know how many tribes that wanted to fight against Modu were ruthlessly annexed, and I don't know how many men who thought they were the first warriors of the tribe had their heads cut off.

Upon receiving the urgent order from Modu, the Hun chiefs, who were busy making a fortune one by one, reluctantly gathered their troops together, and then escorted the captured men and women back.

Indeterminate riverside.

A large river divides the north from the south, and the Wuding River Basin is close to the north of the Qin State Pass. Once the Huns occupy this place, it means that the gate to Qin's capital Chang'an will be opened.

The terrain here is quite different from that of the Hetao. The undulating gullies here and there divide the ground into deep cracks. These deep cracks gradually become the immature shape of the river valley after being washed by the rain for a long time. What is different about the later generations of the Loess Plateau is that on the plateau of this era, although there are not many tall trees, the landform of grassland and shrubs is still preserved.

It made the Huns of the Helian tribe jealous.He Lianbi led a team of Xiongnu rangers to lie dormant on the north bank of the Wuding River. His tribe was the first to enter the hinterland of the Qin State, and it was also the most successful of all the Xiongnu tribes.

"Send the order to retreat!"

Unwillingly, He Lianbi looked back at the flocks of cattle and sheep on the south bank where the wind was blowing and the grass was low. If he had to wait a few more days, those cattle and sheep would have been spoils of war for his Helian tribe.

Modu's order.He had just arrived in his hands. To be honest, He Lianbi was quite disapproving of Maodun's strategy of luring the enemy to go deep. Judging from the few times he entered Hetao and confronted the Qin army, the Qin people's will to fight is not bad. , In addition, there are some advantages in the application of equipment and in defending the city, and the others cannot be compared with the Xiongnu.

He Lianbi felt that Mao Dun was a little too careful.

but.He Lianbi did not dare to disobey the order from the King's court of the Huns. All the elite of his tribe were in the expedition team this time, and the rest of the old and weak remained in the Beihai area. Might be uprooted by Mouton.


Chang'an is on the road to Gaonu City.

The vanguard of the [-] Qin Army was advancing rapidly along the expressway from Chang'an to Jiuyuan. Qin General Cao Xin, who was underestimated by Maodun, was riding a black horse with only a little white hair on his forehead. One single eye is cold, coupled with his own tall body.With a glance, it can't help but give people a feeling of suffocation.

Time passes.

After Cao Xin experienced several ups and downs, has his temperament become calmer, and will he still be as reckless and impulsive as before.The answer can only be given by Cao Xin himself.

The reason why Cao Xin was underestimated by Mao Dun.It was because of Li Yuan's strategy of closing doors and beating dogs during the Longxi War that year, and because Cao Xin chased and killed the Huns impulsively, which led to Mao Dun's escape from Didao without any risk.

It is also Li Yuan's pro-barracks background.Cao Xin belongs to the type who is furious and desperate, and his personality and aptitude may determine it.He can only be a fierce general who charges into the battle, but cannot lead an army alone to fight in all directions like Li Zhongxiang, Wang Shang and others.

After three years of dormancy, if you don't sing, you will be yourself, and you will become a blockbuster.

It is appropriate to apply this sentence to Cao Xin. During the period of being hidden by Li Yuanxue, Cao Xin really calmed down for the first time and examined his own shortcomings.

"General, the scouts have come to report that the Huns on the north bank have retreated. In addition, they have taken tens of thousands of people abducted?" A scout who had been scouting the enemy rushed forward and reported urgently.

"The Huns ran away, and the battle has not yet been fought. If there is no opponent, where will the credit be taken?" Around Cao Xin, all the generals became restless.

The [-] Qin troops were selected from all over the country. After receiving the news that Li Yuan was going to lead the army, the guards of the counties hurriedly summoned the most powerful soldiers under their command to join the ranks. Hearing that the Huns were about to escape, the brave generals who were one against ten immediately became anxious.

"What are you so anxious about? When this battle is going on, pass on an order to camp by the Wuding River tonight. The supply battalion is responsible for building a bridge for the army to pass through—!" Cao Xin mused for a while, and snorted coldly.

The enemy's situation is unknown.

Any rash action may lead to the passiveness of the whole battle situation. Before leaving, Li Yuan repeatedly asked Cao Xinyu to think carefully before making a decision.

This time, the Qin army arrived in Gaonu for the first time and had not yet fought the Xiongnu. It was unreasonable for the opponent to stop fighting and be timid. Moreover, the Huns retreated northward with the captives, which seemed to be deliberately leading the Qin army to pursue .



The Qin army from the Northern Expedition arrived here after three days of rapid march. The county magistrate's mansion where King Wu Li Yuan stayed temporarily was lit for a long time.

Together with Li Yuan, Li Zuoche, Zhong Limei, and Wang Shang were analyzing the military situation in the north of Qin State before the case.

"General Zhongli, in your opinion, is the Huns' retreat this time true or not?" Li Yuan asked, pointing at the gradually shortening enemy arrows on the sand table.

"King Wu, it seems unreasonable for the Huns to be cowardly before fighting. Our army must not rush forward to pursue this. On this point, General Cao has done a good job." Compared with the familiarity of the other two, Zhongli Mo's expression was a little bit Gou Shu, he didn't expect that Li Yuan would specially propose to let him join the army this time.

"According to the reports from various scouts, not only the Huns in front of us have withdrawn, but also the Hun cavalry in other directions have begun to retreat to the hinterland of Hetao. Based on the analysis of these situations, Moton is trying to induce us to pursue them—!" Li Zuo Che analyzed that since he had been in the northern border for a long time, he was more familiar with the situation of the Huns.

"King Wu, since the Huns intend to retreat, it means that they are planning to fight a decisive battle with our army in the Hetao area. Mouton is very confident in his field combat ability, so we might as well use our strategy as the basis and choose a place Stand firm to attract the enemy to surround them, and the rest of the troops from all directions will take this opportunity to attack the rear of the Huns, and we will take back those looted wealth and people—" Zhong Li's eyes were bright.

Only when he was in the Qin army did he know the strength Li Yuan had accumulated over the years.Not to mention the mysterious Tianlei troops that time.That is, the quantity and quality of the cavalry in the Qin army are not at the same level as the Chu cavalry that Xiang Yu finally established. From the pastures in the Tianshui River Valley, to Hexi, Longxi, Yanbei, and Hetao—the vast land controlled by Qin The grassland has bred one after another excellent war horses.

With a strong background, Qin's defeat of Chu was also a matter of course, but now facing the Huns, Zhongli Mo suddenly felt a strong sense of pride in his heart.

"General Zhongli, the land of Henan is flat. It is not easy to defend. Mao Dun must have thought of this, so he chose to fight our army in Hetao." Wang Shang carefully searched the terrain and mountains around Hetao, with a serious expression on his face. Said disappointed.

"King Wu. The terrain is unfavorable. We can create a favorable terrain. If the heavy tanks in the rear army can be assembled and used, it will not take long to form a large defensive formation. Coupled with the cover of the shield soldiers in the army, It is not easy for the scattered cavalry of the Huns to break through our formation." Zhong Limo said confidently.

The people of Chu are short of horses.

This created Zhong Limei's attainments in chariot commanding. The ancient arm of the chariot gradually withdrew from the battlefield after riding and shooting in Hu suit.

But in some specific battlefield environments, tanks can play an important role.

"General Zhongli, I will leave it to you to deploy the tank formation. The rest of the ministries will cooperate with General Zhongli's troops from now on." After pondering for a while, Li Yuan nodded in approval of Zhongli's idea .

To completely solve the problem of the Huns' invasion, one or two strikes alone are far from enough. The Huns tribe occupies the initiative to attack, and the Qin army can only be in a passive defense situation at present.Therefore, taking advantage of Maodu's arrogance, it is the most ideal decision to deal a heavy blow to the Huns.

"The final general obeys King Wu's orders." Zhong Limo's stern face flushed red.He who has always been calm and calm, finally couldn't bear the excitement in his heart after hearing that Li Yuan accepted his advice and appointed him as the general of the chariot army.

Among Chu's surrendered generals, he was the one who fought to the end.

Among the generals of the Chu army, the unit that killed the most Qin army was his Changshan army.

It stands to reason that he was lucky to be able to save his life after the fall of the Chu State. The ones who were able to be reused by the Qin State were not generals like Ding Gong and Zhou Yin who had defected to the Qin State from the beginning?

And that's not the case.

Ding Gong and Zhou Yin were sent to Jiangdong to chase and wipe out the remnants of Xiangzhuang. This task seemed normal. Ding and Zhou Yin seemed to be reused by the Qin State, but from the perspective of a veteran on the battlefield like Zhong Limei, it was just the opposite.

The Huns were rampant.

The main force of the Qin army continued to lean towards the northern border. Under such circumstances, it was obvious that the generals trusted by Li Yuan would be sent to the north to participate in the war, while Ding Gong and Zhou Yin stayed in Jiangdong.What surprised him even more was that Li Yuan specially sent Lou Jing to speak and persuade him to join the army of the Northern Expedition.

For an excellent general, the process from training to growth to maturity is very long. Just like Wang Shang and Luo Jia, they fought with Li Yuan for nearly eight years before breaking away from their initial innocence and gradually gaining a new personality. A little temperament of a famous general.

Facing the great enemy of the Huns, Li Yuan couldn't let a talent like Zhong Limo go to waste. However, with Zhong Limo's character and temperament, he would definitely reject it in a civil war, but he couldn't refuse it in a foreign war.

Great boy.

Faced with the alien race who invaded his homeland, he didn't think about aggressiveness and resistance, but he sighed leisurely all day long. Zhong Limei is not such a person who moans without illness. Li Yuan believes in his own vision.The best way to make Zhong Li Mo return to his heart is to enlist him to join the army to fight against the invasion of foreign enemies. (to be continued..)

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