Qiang Qin

Chapter 399 Battle of Hetao

Wang Li died in battle.

The last banner of the frontier army bid farewell to this turbulent era in such a tragic way.

In the future era, young generals who belong to the new Qin generation and those who cannot adapt to the new situation will eventually be eliminated. Wang Li's personal tragedy proves to the world that the continuation of the Jiangmen's family is gradually declining in the new Qin. Regardless of background, the new Qin State proves itself with actual performance and ability.

The south bank of the great river.

Qin army camp.

Fifty thousand generals of the Qin army built a series of defensive chaiyan. In order to ensure the smooth flow of food and fodder in the rear, Li Yuan also ordered the reinforcement of both sides of the road from Gaonu to Jiuyuan. They were blocked by fences, and the height of the railings was very special. With the jumping height of the Huns' war horses, even if they tried their best, they couldn't jump over.


If you are familiar with the deployment of the Qin army during the Battle of Julu, you will be surprised by the current layout of the Qin army. Li Yuan actually put on a formation that is almost the same as when he was defeated.

In that battle, the Chu army used Yingbu and General Pu to attack the tunnel, which interrupted the communication between the Wangli border army group and the Zhanghan group in Jiyuan, and finally created the conditions for Xiang Yu to break through the Qin army. Now, Li Yuan Knowing that it is an inevitable defeat, but still doing this, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

In Jiuyuan City.

The Hun King Maodun, who had just broken into the city, sat in the hall of Wangli's former frontier guards. It may be because he was used to living in tents. Maodun didn't like the roofed houses built by the Qin people. In order to let myself have a peaceful sleep at night, Mao Dun ordered his attendants to set up a tent at the entrance of the frontier hall.

There is a house to live in.

They would rather live in a tent that is ventilated on all sides on a freezing day. The behavior of the Huns made those captives who barely survived feel unbelievable.However, their astonishment was quickly overwhelmed by the extremely heavy physical work. Under the whip of the traitor Zang Yan, the miserable cries of the frontier soldiers spread far away.

in the king's tent.

Two pretty girls from the frontier were hugged tremblingly by Mao Dunqiang.Although the cold weather outside made people have to wear furs, the two women were naked, with a pair of breasts on their chests exposed in front of the generals of the Xiongnu.

Mao Dun hugged left and right, while holding a girl's soft chest, with the other hand reaching to the bottom of the broken skirt, he was looking for the source of the stream inside. In the king's tent, the leaders of the Xiongnu tribes were all alone. He stared at him strangely, pretending to bow his head and think seriously with his face flushed.

"Warriors, we have broken through the last Qin city on the Hetao Plain. Our sharp horses have scared the people of Qin. Our little brothers are conquering the women of Qin. Do you understand?" Smiling, he lifted the girl in his arms high.

The woman's scream.

The naked white body and the flickering secrets made the blood of the strong Huns run wild.

For the southern Qin woman, Mao Dun has always had a crush on him. At first, he insisted on seeing Wang Jinxi, a witch from the Baiyang tribe.Although there is a hint of political marriage among them, there is no lack of Jin Xi's blood, which has the genes of the Qin people.Last night, Mao Dun was excited.One dragon fought against two phoenixes, and the conquest did not stop until the sky was getting brighter. The two girls had already turned pale under the ravages of Mao Dun.Unbearable humiliation.

"Hahaha——, Da Shanyu is really as powerful as before. He drowned in the middle of the night last night. But he still heard the sound of conquest in the king's tent." Zang Yan laughed a few times, and patted his horse flatteringly. Shit Road.

These two frontier women were searched by Zang Yan from Jiuyuan City and presented to Maodun. As a confidant, Zang Yan knew that in the eyes of the Huns, he was nothing more than a dog, and only let Maodun Only when the master is satisfied can he get the chance to get promoted and make a fortune.

"Master Zang, you have worked so hard. I will give this girl to you. Remember, I will find two innocent children tomorrow." Mao Dun laughed loudly, and pushed the weeping woman to Zang Yan. in the arms.

"I will definitely do it in the end, and I will make sure that the chief Shanyu is satisfied." Zang Yan rubbed his hands excitedly, touched the woman's dark place vigorously, and then quickly shrank back.

The women that Da Shanyu had enjoyed were not immediately available to him at his level. After the discussion was over, those hungry Hun tribe leaders could not help asking Zang Yan for women, and what Zang Yan could do was unconditionally If he hesitates a little, what awaits him is the thunderous wrath of the Huns.

"Okay, there are plenty of women, as long as the leaders cheer up and use all their strength to defeat our enemy - Li Yuan, the king of Qin who is known as ever victorious and invincible, do you all hear clearly?" Amid the laughter of the crowd, Daring The sudden laughter stopped suddenly, his face sank suddenly, and there were bursts of murderous intent in his voice.

"Please give the order." All the chiefs bowed their heads in agreement.

"According to the information obtained by the scouts, the Qin army is deploying defenses along the south bank of the river. They are currently building firewood and fences, and are still building a high platform. Li Yuan wants to build another city to threaten us who are grazing here. All the tribes of the Xiongnu, so in order to completely occupy the Hetao, in order to firmly occupy the ancestral land, we must completely defeat the Qin people, we must drive them into the big river, and then move south to occupy Chang'an——!"

Mao Dun was in high spirits, with confidence and calmness in his voice. This time he encouraged all the tribes. He did not ask Zang Yan to analyze the enemy's situation for him. Instead, he gave a speech himself. It turned out that he was the strong opponent he was most eager to meet in the past few years.

The Qin army built a wooden city on the south bank of the river, and built a corridor along the Chidao, which made Maodun secretly happy. In his mind, Li Yuan probably thought that the Huns were far away from the north and did not know the war in the south, so, Only then did they put on such a formation that was almost the same as the Battle of Julu back then.

Xiang Yu is dead.

The people of Qin must have thought that the miracle of breaking the boat would never happen again.But they forgot that on the Hetao Plain, the strength of the Qin army and the Xiongnu army was 15 to [-], and the warriors of the Xiongnu tribe had the upper hand.

Mao Dun was full of confidence.

After some instigation, Helianbi, who was gradually exiled by Maodun, took over the drudgery of leading his troops to attack the Qin army's corridors, and it became Zang Yan's task to cooperate and supervise the people of the Helian tribe.As a running dog, it is natural to have the awareness to share the worries of the master, and Zang Yan is well aware of Mao Dun's arrangement.

After the Helian tribe launched an attack on the Qin Army's tunnel, General Maodun personally led the tribal armies to besiege the Qin Army's camp on the south bank. Killing Li Yuan has a well-thought-out plan.


All the ministries of the Huns responded in unison.

After receiving the order from the Great Chanyu Royal Court, the once shrunken Huns yelled and waved their whips, and led their horses tied with thick straw mats to cross south again.

The battle situation in the Hetao area also turned into another killing due to the arrival of the main force of the Qin army. In contrast to the madness of the Huns, the Qin army was very calm.

Li Yuan's Chinese army camp was built on the edge of the river at a place called Bainijing. The terrain here is slightly higher than the surrounding area. In the middle of the high hill, there are two wells left by Hu Rong. One of them is a salt well, and the other is a sweet well. With these two wells, the drinking water source of the Qin army's camp is guaranteed.

After planning the positions of the ministries, the infantry in charge of repairing the battalion, under the command of the military commanders at all levels, erected fences one after another, smashed the ice floes from the ice of the big river, and piled them up piece by piece. , forming smooth and insurmountable ice walls.

The severe cold weather has only just begun.

Even if the ice wall melts a little at noon, it will freeze again in the evening, and this kind of ice that melts and freezes is the most solid and difficult to break.

The Qin army fought in the Hetao area in winter. In terms of adaptability alone, it is definitely not as good as the Huns who are used to the severe cold weather. In summer, the Qin people are much better than the Huns who are not used to the heat.

Fortunately, the Qin army is not completely helpless. The army of the Qin State went out this time, and there were more than [-] young and strong people who accompanied the army, various carpenters who were good at construction, masonry, and pure coolies. , These heavy soldiers can be used as technical arms during defense. They can be used to repair ice walls, build corridors, high platforms, and build nests with leeward winds for the soldiers of the Qin Army to continue to maintain in cold weather. Mobility.

Compared with the defense of the big battalion, the defense of the corridor seems to be much weaker. Qin Jun just walked along the two sides of the corridor, inserted deeply into the soil with wooden sticks as thick as his arms, and then used them in the form of horizontal bars to insert them into the soil. , separated Chidao from the outside world.

At the same time, in order to guard against the sudden attack of the Huns' cavalry, the Qin army's heavy soldiers dragged a lot of sharp stones on the two wings of the road, and spread them on the side of the road. These stones have fatal damage to the horseshoes. If the horse bleeds, the horse's running speed will drop significantly, and for the Huns, who have always been good at speed, without fast speed, they will lose the possibility of winning.

However, since the tunnel is more than a hundred miles long, it is impossible for the Qin army to lay sharp stones everywhere. As long as the Huns inquire clearly in advance, they can still launch an attack on the tunnel in some unobstructed areas. Whether it is a trap set by Qin Jun, only God can know.

The person in charge of the safety of the tunnel is Li Zuoche, who is good at ingenuity and strategy. This descendant of Li Mu, the famous general of the Zhao Kingdom, is worthy of the name of his ancestor.

Instead of defending everywhere, it is better to simply expose the flaws, and if there are too many flaws, the Huns will doubt whether it is a trap of the Qin army. Dispatched to carry out precise strikes on the attacking Hun cavalry. (To be continued..)

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