Qiang Qin

Chapter 408 Phase Controversy

People are at the top.

There are people who spy on them.

The turmoil in Qin's internal affairs caused by Ji'an's participation reached the peak of disputes with the return of Wu Wang Li Yuan, which also made Li Yuan, who had just escaped from his busy state, feel a little irritated.

Eight years as phase.

In addition to the previous long history, Chen Ping has been in aspect for more than ten years. This term is long enough that those who have thoughts about aspect can no longer wait any longer.

What's more critical is that Chen Ping's character is not flawless. Li Yuan got the information, and Chen Ping has accepted bribes from his subordinates and gifts from foreign missions many times. Chen Ping never confessed to Li Yuan.Of course, no one is perfect, and Li Yuan didn't want to pursue these small details. What he valued more was Chen Ping's ability and his contribution to the development of Qin.

But now, Ji An's memorial has pierced the cover that Li originally wanted to maintain. If he ignores it, officials who are corrupt will not be punished as they should be, which will inevitably make other officials unhappy and follow suit. Follow the example, in that case, the era of Qin Ershi and Zhao Gao's misconduct will appear again, and if Chen Ping is investigated and dealt with, it will cause political turmoil in Qin's current stability. It is difficult for Li Yuan to decide for a while.

Prime Minister's House.

Xiangguo Chen Ping sat in front of the table with a blank expression, and what was placed on the table was the large bunch of coral that Ji An mentioned when he was impeached.

In the house, Zhang Negative, Zhang Zhong, Zhang Suniang, Hu Zhuang, He Ping are all there, and Chen Ping's elder brother Chen Yuan is also there. As for the evil sister-in-law who once looked down on Chen Ping, Chen Yuan has already divorced her early.Both Hu Zhuang and He Ping came from Daliang, and they have fellowship with Chen Ping.

These few people are all relatives of Chen Ping, and they are also the core members of his lineage. In addition, many local sheriffs and county magistrates who were promoted by Chen Ping are also the backbone of the Chen lineage.It's just that they can't be regarded as the core members of Chen Ping's forces.

"My son-in-law, how about I come to confess to King Wu, saying that I couldn't resist the temptation and accepted Lu Jia's bribe, this matter has nothing to do with you."

After a long silence, Zhang Negative said slightly tremblingly.

After Zhang Negative arrived in Guanzhong, he served as the Dunong Supervisor for three years and took up this position.Zhang Negative also received the approval of Li Yuan because of the successful dredging of the Zheng Guoqu, and in the past two years, because of his age, and after the unification of the Qin State, many young officials were gradually promoted, so there was no need for an old man like Zhang Negative No more hard work.

Chen Ping and Zhang Suniang gave birth to a son three years ago, and now Zhang Negative is full of children and grandchildren.It was enjoyable, but he didn't want such an unprovoked disaster to calm the sky and thunder.The piece of coral was actually collected at a banquet for Chen Ping's son who turned three years old.At that time, it was just a celebration, but I didn't want to call disaster from it.

"What did my father-in-law say? Even if you stand up and admit it, will the people behind Ji An believe it? Will those people let it go?" Chen Ping shook his head.

Behind Ji An.who is it?

Chen Ping didn't need to guess, he also knew that there must be a shadow of Li Zheng.

Chen Ping still had some concerns about this elder brother of King Wu Li Yuan.Although he also knew that Li Yuan didn't have much real brotherhood towards Li Zheng, but the blood was still cut off. If he really opposed Li Zheng, Chen Ping couldn't judge, and Li Yuan would definitely stand by him. party.

Moreover, this time, it was obvious that he was caught by Li Zheng's people. Even if Li Yuan wanted to protect him, he couldn't find a suitable reason.

"Second brother, this Ji An is just a low-level visitor. His superior will not believe King Wu. Why don't we just make it clear to King Wu that it is Li Yushi who is smearing us—!" Chen Yuan said angrily.

"Shut up, and if you make any more mistakes, go back to Daliang." Chen Ping's expression darkened, and he yelled at Chen Yuan rudely.

After being yelled at by Chen Ping, and Zhang Negative, Zhang Suniang, Zhang Zhong and others all showing bad looks towards Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan shrank into a corner after whispering a few times.

Between brothers, it is reasonable to say that Chen Yuan is the eldest brother, and it is disrespectful for Chen Ping to speak so angry, but this time of crisis, coupled with all kinds of people in the past, made Chen Ping, who has always been calm and calm, could no longer restrain his anger.

The brotherhood is always wiped off.

Just like Chen Ping and Chen Yuan, when Chen Ping broke up and separated from his family, Chen Yuan let his evil sister-in-law bully his weak brother without saying a word, but after Chen Ping got rich, he ran to Chang'an eagerly, Chen Ping was not good either. After rejecting his big brother, and giving him a few cold faces, he still helped Chen Yuan find a low-level position as a visitor.

Unfortunately, Ji An's attack this time was the result of Chen Yuanda's mouth. If he hadn't boasted in front of his colleagues about how dazzling and incomparable that piece of coral was, the speaker had no intention of saying it. The listener was interested, and Ji An listened to Chen Yuan's remarks in the true sense, and there were many people present who could testify.

While Chen Ping, Zhang negative and others were discussing the countermeasures, there was a lot of ups and downs in the Yushi Mansion in Changle Square in the city, and there was a lot of talk and words.

Censor Zhongcheng Li Zheng, Du Nongjian Guan Yue, Pu She Zhaoping and five or six Chang'an officials, and Yu Shi were whispering to each other, and besides these Xin Qin officials, there was an old man sitting in his arms Wrinkles piled up on his back and face, and he kept covering his mouth and coughing lightly.

If Li Yuan was here, he would definitely recognize it, Chen Di.

This important official of the former Qin Dynasty who was dismissed because of the Ying's incident, and the former backbone of the Ying's family, once again appeared on the political stage of the new Qin Dynasty.

Chen Di and Li Zheng got entangled together.

This was something Li Yuan never thought of. For the past few years, his main energy has been on how to deal with such powerful enemies as Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, and Mao Dun. For the officials around him, he only asked Yan Le to pay more attention. Pay attention to the enemy's sneaking into the Qin officials' side, but don't pay too much attention to the exchanges between officials.

"Cough, cough, shut up. Listen to me, if you want to pull Chen Ping off the horse, you can't just accept the gift once, and you have to come up with more lethal evidence. Think about it carefully, over the years, who has Chen Ping offended, and what things have he done to provoke public outrage?"

Chen Di bent down and hung his gray head lower, after fading out from the center of political power in Qin State.His life was a bit down and out. The luxurious life of rich clothes and good food in the past was impossible, and the land bestowed by the clan was taken back because of the Ying clan's rebellion. .

If Li Zheng can ascend to the phase and Chen Di contributes, I believe that Li Zheng will not treat him badly, and more importantly, his descendants of Chen Di will have a backer.

"Evidence. It's not difficult to look for it carefully, but whether this matter can be done depends on the attitude of King Wu. If King Wu protects Chen Ping, then no matter how much evidence we have, it will be useless." On the fat and white face of Guan Yue, the agricultural supervisor, there was a hint of worry.

Guan Yue's political attitude.He has always been a carefree faction in the middle, but this time, he is on Li Zheng's side. The reason is.It was the serious disagreement between him and Zhang Cheng, the former capital agricultural supervisor, on the appointment of agricultural officials.

"In this matter, no matter what, we still have to test King Wu's attitude first. If he still likes Chen Xiang, then I will quit right now—!" Li Zheng paced back and forth in the room, looking up for a while Everyone, after a while, bowed their heads and meditated again.

"Master Yushi. We can't just wait like this. King Wu has already returned to the Shenhou Mansion. If Chen Ping is allowed to go ahead with the slander, then the old man's ending may be——!" Chen Di said quietly.

political battle.

Not much cleaner than the battlefield.

From Chen Di's point of view, Li Zheng was obviously still very immature, he was still imagining that he could find the key evidence of a fatal blow, which was obviously too naive.

The current Guan Jian is not about finding evidence, but about convincing King Wu Li Yuan that Chen Ping's problems are serious and have already affected the stability of Qin's internal affairs. If the Prime Minister is not dismissed, the new Qin will face an unprecedented crisis turmoil, and honest and loyal officials like Li Zheng and Guan Yue will feel helpless and hopeless.

There is a saying, catch the ducks and put them on the shelves.

Li Zheng's current situation is like this.In fact, his appeal for the phase is not as strong as everyone imagined. At least, Li Zheng believes that as long as Li Yuan controls the power of Qin, the position of phase will be his sooner or later.His leisurely attitude is now tense because of Ji An's attack on Chen Ping.

where there are people.

There are rivers and lakes.

Among the Xiongnu tribe, Maodun, Helianbi, Huyanxie, Qiulijin, including the dead Tiefule, Zhelan Songhua and other major tribe leaders were intrigues with each other.As for the interior of the new Qin State, since Li Yuan led the army to rise, there has been no internal conflict. Previously, neither Li Bi nor Chen Di could make any big waves. This is mainly because Li Yuan handled it properly. , but this time, when the external threats were basically eliminated, the internal conflicts among the various factions in Qin State suddenly became sharper.


The turmoil in the prime minister's mansion and the imperial censor's mansion is strange.

At the center of the storm, Li Yuan, the king of Wu, was listening to the investigation report of Yan Le, the governor of Jingjing.

Yan Le is also a member of the court.

However, his status is detached. Due to his past experience, both Chen Ping and Li Zheng respect him at a respectful distance. More importantly, because of the existence of Yan Feng, Yan Le and Li Yuan have a mutual relationship. The degree of trust should be closer. In fact, Yan Le has no other allies in the court except Li Yuan's support.

"According to what you said, Chen Ping's greed for ink is true, and Ji An didn't intend to exaggerate at all?" Li Yuan frowned, and asked while looking at the long scroll presented by Yan Le.

"King Wu, there is nothing wrong with Ji An's impeachment in terms of content, but there is a reason for Chen Xiang to accept Lu Jia's gift. If we insist on resigning, the envoys of the South Vietnam Kingdom may misunderstand our indifference. This may lead to conflicts between the two countries. From this point of view, it is not impossible for Prime Minister Chen to accept the gift, but the mistake is that the gift was not handed over to the state treasury in a timely manner." Yan Le replied.

For some things, the authorities and the bystanders have different attitudes towards things because of their different identities.

Yan Le did not participate in any of the internal struggles between Chen Ping and Li Zheng, but it made him more clearly discover the essence behind this matter.

"One more thing. In Yushicheng's mansion, our people found an acquaintance: Chen Di, he sneaked back to Chang'an City from Yongqi, and lived in Yushicheng's mansion." Yan Le paused Once again, said again.

"Yan Le, go and keep an eye on Chen Di yourself, pay attention to his every move, and record everyone who has come into contact with him, especially those who have connections with the palace." Li Yuan's expression changed. , commanded.

He knew exactly what kind of person Chen Di was.

Although this old man has been hiding behind the scenes, he is the backbone of the Ying clan. His appearance most likely has another deep meaning.

"It's as simple as just inciting Li Zheng to compete for belief? Or is there another plan?" Li Yuan suddenly discovered that after the military victory over the Huns, the road ahead of him was still not smooth, and he still needed to cut through the thorns. Riding through the thorns, to sweep away the difficulties on the road to the development of Xinqin. (To be continued..)

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