Qiang Qin

Chapter 419

The spring is loosened and tightened.

Just like the situation on the battlefield, it is incredible.

With the southward advance of the Qin army from the left, middle and right, the anti-Qin forces retreated steadily. The shrinking territory left them with less room for maneuver, but it also made them more united in one place.

On the contrary, due to the extension of the supply line, the Qin army gradually lost the arrogance it had when they first crossed the river. Discomfort will also increase little by little, and diseases, plagues, and poisonous gases that invade the human body will become more active with the arrival of summer.

April is coming to an end.

Stepping into the south of the Yangtze River in May, it began to enter the Huangmei rainy season, and the water volume of the big rivers began to increase sharply. For the Qin army who was not familiar with the water conditions, the rainy season was the most desperate season.

Yuzhang City.

That is, Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province.In the pre-Qin period, it was under the jurisdiction of Jiujiang County. It was an important city attached to the waterway built and developed by the clan Shufan on the Ganshui River.

As the army of the Qin Army continued to advance southward, the rear base camp also moved southward from the six counties in Jiangbei to Yuzhang. Peng Yue, the commander of the Southern Expedition Middle Route Army, was wearing a Gebu armor robe with his cuffs rolled up, gnawing his hands with sweat Millet pancakes.

Hot heat.

Not only is it testing the determination of the soldiers of the Qin Army, but also the logistical support of the Qin Army.Due to the continuous rise in temperature, the Qin army's rations were also replaced by millet, which is more energy-supplementing meat, for ordinary people, because meat will deteriorate even more at high temperatures**.

"General, General Ji's vanguard has already reduced its personnel to 3000 people. If this continues, we may not be able to attack even if we want to attack. Now. We have two options. One is to continue to send troops. Go up, supplement the lost soldiers, maintain the vitality of the vanguard attack, and strive to capture Nanzhang in a short time, and completely open the north-south passage; the second is to order to retreat to Yuzhang, recuperate, and wait for the weather to cool before marching. However, If we do this, the advantage we finally gained in the first stage is very likely to be lost again——!"

Beside Peng Yue, Lieutenant Sima Luanbu was analyzing the current military situation. The military situation from the front made the generals of the Qin Army unhappy, and a large number of combatable soldiers fell down.

This was something that Peng Yue and Luan Bu could have expected, but it was beyond their expectations. Although Juyeze is also a water area of ​​Daze, after all, it is in the north, and the climate is not as hot and humid as in the southern jungle. Not a lot.But to the south of the river, the situation is completely different.

At the time of the expedition, there were nearly [-] troops, but now only less than [-] can be sent to fight, and the rest of the soldiers can only be transported back to Yuzhang City by boat.Waiting for the doctor's treatment, and what's more serious, quite a few of them were also infected with a highly contagious plague.

Deal with this unique southern disease.As far as Qin's medical level is concerned, only some herbal medicines can be used to enhance the resistance of sick soldiers, as to whether they can survive.Can only resign to fate.

Peng Yue sighed, and said helplessly, "General Ji Bu, is there any good news? If Nangao City can be captured within half a month, even if it is a retreat, the rebels will be afraid. Dare to invade the north——!"

Luan Bu shook his head, and said: "In the hinterland of Wuling in the depths of Nanzhang, it is the old nest of the Meiyue tribe. It is really difficult to take it there. Besides, General Ji's troops have been seriously downsized, and their combat effectiveness has dropped too much. To take it To go there, we must rely on the mysterious army sent by King Wu from Chang'an, but I heard that if the weather keeps raining, the force of that army will not be able to show its strength——!"

"Wait a little longer, Luan Bu, take another five thousand generals to meet him. If you really can't take the city, you can only temporarily stop the attack." Peng Yue ordered.


Located at the southernmost tip of Jiujiang County, on the northern extension of Yuling, one of the Five Ridges, as far as the location of later generations is concerned, it is within the territory of Ganzhou.At that time, the national captain Tu Sui led the Southern Expedition Army to fight against the tribes of Baiyue, and used this as a supply ground. However, after Tu Sui died in the battle with the Yue and Ou tribes, Nanzhang fell immediately, and finally It is the base of Mei Yue Department.

The Qin army marched southward along the Ganshui River on the middle road, aiming straight to the south, and captured this ancient city. In a military sense, it cut off the connection between the east and west anti-Qin forces.

Ji Bu is the vanguard of the Qin army in the middle.

The governor of Jiujiang and the former general of the Five Tigers of Chu has been very active since he entered the south to fight. Whether it is contacting the local clan acquaintances or fighting against the newcomers, he has always taken the lead and personally rushed to the front line. It is precisely because of his performance that the Central Route Army hardly encountered any major troubles during its southward advance.

However, diseases are fiercer than tigers.

After May.The advance momentum of the Qin army had to slow down. The cause of this difficulty was not the harassment of Mei Juan and Xiang Zhuang, but the disease.

After a few days, the high-spirited and lively soldiers turned into sick soldiers who were so emaciated that they needed someone to help them to walk.

After a team of full-staffed and reorganized teams suffered continuous attrition, it became difficult to even gather a neat team or even a small number of soldiers.

Although the Qin Army had already estimated and prepared for the difficulties it might encounter when it marched south, and although the doctors in the army had tried their best to treat them, as the temperature rose day by day and the weather became hotter day by day, the reduction of the Qin Army's personnel also increased. More and more, the morale of the army is no longer as high as before.

Nanzhang is right in front of you.

Should we continue to attack, or should we retreat to Yuzhang and wait for Xia Tian to pass?

Facing this difficult multiple-choice question, whether it was the main general Peng Yue, or the pioneers Ji Bu and Luan Bu, they all felt extremely tricky.

The source of Ganshui.

It is in the deep mountains of Wuling.

When Ji Bujun arrived here, it was already the middle ten days of May.

In front of him was the city of Nangao, which was guarded by Mei Juan himself. Ji Bu did not have much confidence in whether he could win here. What gave him a little hope was the indomitable eyes of the soldiers of the Qin army, and those under his command from Jiujiang County. The recruited young soldiers were Tianlei troops transferred from the north by Li Yuan in order to support the Conquest of the South.

This was a small force of [-] thunder-throwers. Due to their small number, they were mixed in the train and did not attract much attention.I believe that Mei Juan and Xiang Zhuang still don't know that there will be such a killer unit in the Qin army.

May 26.

Ji Bu's army launched a battle to capture the ancient city from the north gate of Nanzhan City. Although the soldiers of the Qin Army looked exhausted, they still mustered all the strength in their bodies, felling trees, making ladders, hitting wood, and charging cars.

in the cry.

Teams of black-armored soldiers of the Qin army, led by the school lieutenants, military marquises, and team leaders, launched wave after wave of attacks on Nanzhan City. At the same time, as the defenders of the city, there was no way out The retreating Mei Juan and Xiang Zhuang also mobilized almost all of their available forces to deal with this life-and-death battle.

Wu Feng's Changsha Army has been divided and annexed by Mei Juan and Xiangzhuang. At the head of Nanzun City, it is these cannon fodder soldiers from Changsha County who are fighting on the front line.

Soldiers fight.

It is very important to follow the right person. Wu Feng's great achievements, lack of talent and incompetence not only lost the Changsha Kingdom, but also brought these soldiers under his command into the purgatory of life and death.

on the city head.

The lord of the Five Ridges, the deputy commander of the anti-Qin coalition army, Mei Juan, with a grim expression, kept ordering the Meiyue warriors under his command to drive groups of soldiers to the city wall.

The city wall of Nangao City is entirely made of bluestone. Its terrain is built along the Gan River. Under the erosion of the water, the city wall is too high above the ground outside.

Yellow plum season.

Under the continuous drizzle, the Qin army braved the rain and had been attacking the city wall for two consecutive days. During the second day's attack, Ji Bu pushed his position forward to a place less than [-] meters away from the city wall. , Groups of Qin army generals put their lives on the line and continued to launch wave after wave of attacks without interruption.

"Da Qin!"

"Ready, let go!"

"Don't die, don't die, don't fight bloody! There is Daqin in the west, rising like the sun!"

The sound of battle songs, the shouts of generals, and the wails of soldiers injured by arrows interweaved in and out of Nanzhan City. A ladder, guarded by several soldiers, leaned against the city wall at the corner with difficulty. , the first person to climb the ladder was a short and stocky Qin Junjunhou.

As soon as his head came out of the battlements, a bamboo spear pierced him.


The sound of the bamboo tip piercing into the soft body made a Changsha soldier with a gun ecstatic. Deputy Marshal Mei Juan had already made a promise that if he could kill the general of the Qin Army, he would be rewarded.

Raindrops hit the face.

It was cool and hot, and a few drops splashed into the mouth, and there was still a bit of salty bloody smell.

This is--.

In the pain of doubt, the Changsha soldier's dream also came to an end. The Qin Junjun resisted the severe pain in his flanks, and suddenly stepped onto the top of the wall, beheading the negligent Changsha soldier.

After a hard fight, the Marquis of the Qin Army finally occupied a small place on the city wall. Behind him, the morale of the Qin Army generals on the ladder was greatly boosted, and they launched a tidal wave of attacks on the enemies on the city.

"Crossbowmen, quickly suppress the opponent!"

"Reserve team, all go up, hurry up!" Ji Bu could see clearly not far from the city, and urged again and again.

Victory and defeat.

As long as this is the most critical moment.

Ji Bu is used to battle formations, and has a keen ability to judge and interpret the battle situation. After two days of hard work, the fatigue of the soldiers of the Qin Army is increasing. Siege warfare can become extremely difficult. (To be continued..)

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