Qiang Qin

Chapter 424

There are always many surprises in life.

When the war in the north was raging, Zhao Tuo was surrounded by the most elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, but like a bystander, he hid in the south of the Lingnan corner like a tortoise.

If Li Yuan were to choose for Zhao Tuo in his place, he would immediately swear to the Northern Expedition, and lead the soldiers of the Southern Expedition to return to the Guandong with indomitable momentum, and fight against the anti-Qin princes to win or lose. , the result is irrelevant, and there is no need to think about it.

The hesitation of worrying about gains and losses will bring nothing.

Berkshire in June.

Heat and torrential rain started to hit.

On Wuchi Road.

The torrential rain in summer washes away the soft soil on the hillside, and the road is tightly blocked by the rolling stones. A small team of soldiers responsible for road repairs are struggling to push the stones down to the bottom of the ditch, but look at their little manpower, I'm afraid that even if it is dark, the road will not be smooth.

This newly opened passage leading to Lingnan, Yelang, and Dian Kingdoms has gradually become an important part of the Southern Silk Road after its completion the year before last.

In the congested place, in less than two hours, several caravans had to stop. They all came to the Lingnan area to barter with goods purchased from Guanzhong, and this one came back and forth. , The profit earned by these caravans and caravans is more than ten times that of doing business on the ground.

Of course, if there is a huge profit, it is natural to take risks. For example, if the mudslides rolling down the road happen by chance, it may directly submerge a caravan.

The merchants were extremely anxious. They complained about the damn weather and the difficult road, but they didn't realize that if it wasn't for the limitation of natural conditions, there would be no chance for them to make a fortune.


A team under the banner of the Qin Army arrived at the blockage site. At the forefront of the team, the school lieutenant Yang Yu had a serious face.After carefully looking at the situation of the road blockage, hundreds of soldiers of the Qin Army, under the command of their respective generals and schools, began to assist the heavy soldiers to move the rocks with an order.

"You guys, get all the goods off the horses, don't block the road." Yang Yu said coldly to the merchants who were watching the show in a daze.

"Who are you, why do you ask us, this is my goods, I have paid taxes. With Daqin's decree, no one can touch it." Among the merchants, a fat guy with big ears stuck his neck and snorted.

"Don't move. There is another rule of the Great Qin Dynasty, that is, when the military situation is critical, all supplies can be requisitioned." Yang Yu smiled coldly, waved his hand, and the soldiers under his command rushed forward, throwing the goods in the fat man's caravan up the cliff.

"Oh. My goods, my lifeblood, this is really killing me." The fat man cried and howled, but he never expected it.How could he be treated so roughly for his momentary quick talk.

Didn't it mean that the new Qin Dynasty re-emphasized business?

Didn't it mean that Li Yuan, the martial king of Qin State, valued merchants very much?In the court of Chang'an, officials such as Zhisu Neishi were also appointed to Hu Shang.Are these facts implausible?The fat merchant Jia from Qidi slumped his chest. If the sea route was not too risky, or the spiritual channel was not blocked by the Manyue people.He will not walk this extremely difficult five-foot road.

In the constant remorse, the fat merchant's eyes suddenly widened a lot, and his gaze swept to the middle of the Qin army team that had just arrived, where the curtain of the carriage compartment was raised at a corner, and there appeared The fat merchant almost cried out in shock.

"Lu Jia, Doctor Lu!"

Who is Lu Jia?

In New Qin, almost everyone knows that this lobbyist who has repeatedly traveled to foreign countries and brought reliable allies to Qin has become a positive model of propaganda.

More importantly, Lu Jia is from the Kanto region. His elevated status in the Qin State has made the new Qin people in the Kanto region proud and proud, and it has also made their sense of belonging to the Qin State stronger and stronger.

Lu Jia and Yang Yu went to Lingnan as envoys.

Accompanying them were [-] elite generals from Li Yuan's personal barracks. Although this number was small, every soldier of the Qin Army was selected from various places. The South Yue Qin people showed a different bearing and appearance of the new Qin, and their arrival will also reawaken the nostalgia of the South Qin people for their homeland.

There are two passages from Qin State to Nanyue State.

One is from Nanjun to Changsha County, and then cross the traditional Chidao of Wuling, and the other is from the Wuchi Road in the south of Bajun, through Yelang Kingdom, and then along the Xijiang River to Guilin County in South Vietnam.Lu Jia took the second road to Lingnan.

inside the carriage.

Lu Jia, the senior doctor of the State of Qin, was resting his eyes with his eyes closed. The soldiers protecting him used up their physical strength on this journey southward, while Lu Jia needed to consume more mental power.

The inactivity of the Nanyue Kingdom in sending troops to crusade against the Meiyue tribe gave Lu Jia a vague premonition. The last time he was on a mission to Lingnan, Zhao Tuo also agreed that when the Qin army marched south, he would lead the stranded The generals and soldiers of the Qin Army in the south of the Lingnan responded with troops, striving to attack from both sides, breaking the blockade of the Wuling Road by the Meiyue people in one fell swoop.

Now, the Qin army has already moved, but the South Vietnamese army is standing still. Why?This time, Lu Jia's mission is not only to persuade Zhao Tuo to move closer to Qin State again, but also a more important hidden task, that is, if Zhao Tuo wants to be a separatist prince, Qin State will change its attitude towards Qin. The strategy of Nanyue State turned to find an alternative within it. Who is this candidate? Lu Jia, who is most familiar with the situation of Nanyue State, undoubtedly has the most say.

Xiangguo Lu Jia, Cangwu King Zhao Guang, or others.In Lu Jia's mind, he rotated the important and powerful officials of Nanyue Kingdom one by one.


South Vietnam.


This ancient city on the edge of the Pearl River is located on the slope of Yuexiu Mountain, and its area is much smaller than that of the later Guangzhou city.

However, as far as Qin Dynasty was concerned, Panyu was the largest among the cities in the south of the Five Ridges. In this city, dignitaries, generals and others from the three counties of Nanyue Kingdom also gathered.

Zhao Tuo, the king of Nanyue, has been feeling very irritable recently. He is approaching fifty, his hair is gradually graying, and his energy is not as good as when he was the county magistrate of Longchuan a few years ago.

The news that the Qin army had to retreat to the banks of the river after being stubbornly resisted by the Baiyue tribe and the Chu army in Nanzun City had reached Panyu, which made Zhao Tuo both grateful and regretful.

Fortunately, he listened to the advice of Prime Minister Lu Jia and chose to take a wait-and-see attitude during the Battle of Qin and Yue. When Lu Jia was in Chang'an, he was implicated in Chen Ping's bribery incident, although Qin State did not bribe Lu Jia However, the negligence and contempt of the officials in words and attitudes still caused subtle changes in Lu Jia's heart.

This change in a short period of time is naturally impossible to shake the fundamentals, but the fault lies in that beside Lu Jia, there is another person with the same surname Lu who hates Qin Guo to the bone.

Lu Tai.

After being rescued by Lu Jia, this fish that slipped through the net of Liu Bang and Lu Zhi's forces lurked in the mission of Nanyue Kingdom. His identity was just a groom, and Lu Tai was very careful to protect himself. Never going out without something to do, so, unobtrusive.

When he was in Chang'an, Lu Tai originally deliberately set up a trap for Liu Ying to carry poison and wait for an opportunity to poison Zhao Tuo's son Zhao Zhongshi, but because of Liu Ying's cowardly personality, he repeatedly refused to do it. Try every means to gain Lu Jia's trust, from a coachman to a personal servant.

This change in identity made it possible for Lu Tai to get closer to the core of Nanyue's political life. After all, Lu Jia's status as a prime minister was there.

"Guo Xiang, do you want to be a loyal minister or a rebellious minister? If you want to be a loyal minister, please persuade King Zhao to stand on his own and not surrender to Qin. The country has surrendered, and since then, the three counties in Lingnan have been owned by Daqin——!"

After gaining Lu Jia's trust, Lu Tai finally said what he had planned for a long time one night.

After arriving in Nanyue Kingdom, there was no need to hide Lu Tai's true identity anymore, and after getting along with Lu Jia these days, he already regarded Lu Tai as a junior, and he would never be escorted to Qin to surrender.

When Lu Tai said this, Lu Jia was wrong, and in the next answer, Lu Tai was right in his words, bluntly saying that anyone can surrender Qin, but Zhao Tuo cannot, why?The reason is that as long as Zhao Tuo returns to Qin, it is impossible to stay in Lingnan anymore. For the stability of the three counties in Lingnan, Li Yuan will definitely force Zhao Tuo to go to Chang'an to recuperate, and once Zhao Tuo When he left, it was as if he was under house arrest. Of course, this was the result of thinking in the best way. If it was in the worst way, whether Zhao Tuo's life could be saved was another matter.

Lu Jia has a very close personal relationship with Zhao Tuo, otherwise he would not have been appointed as the Prime Minister of the Nanyue Kingdom at the beginning of its establishment. Hearing Lu Tai's analysis, Lu Jia immediately broke into a cold sweat

Zhao Tuo naturally refused to be a false prince without real power.

At the beginning, the condition he decided to negotiate with Qin was to treat each other as equals on the basis of the alliance, and if it was not good enough, they must maintain a semi-independent state.

And once the Qin army successfully defeated the rebel forces such as Meiyue and Minyue, Zhao Tuo had no confidence in whether those soldiers under Zhao Tuo who had nostalgia for Qin would still obey his orders.Therefore, for South Vietnam, the best result is to maintain the current state of ambiguity.

Lu Jia's trip to South Vietnam this time is destined to be a restless mission, and it is still unknown whether he can break through the many doubts in the South Vietnam and help Qin find a new spokesperson in South Vietnam. (To be continued..)

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