Qiang Qin

Chapter 439

(Keep everyone waiting for a long time, my mother is recovering well after surgery in Changzheng Hospital! Update again from today)

Time flies, more than [-] years ago, a caravan of Hu merchants traveling on the Silk Road traveled to and from the vast desert wilderness of Congling, Tianshan and Hexi at the risk of being robbed and killed.

For Western merchants who traveled thousands of miles to the East to seek wealth, the mysterious East is the most attractive place for them. The rich Qin State not only represents incomparable power, but also represents endless rare treasures that make them covet. After being resold layer by layer along the Silk Road, the oriental treasures are hard to find in Rome and other Western countries.

It is against such a background that Western caravans flocked continuously along the Silk Road starting from Chang’an, passing through Hexi, the Western Regions, the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, Congling, and then to Wusun, Anxi, Sasan, and Rome. Among them, there are not only businessmen from small countries in the Western Regions, but also Caucasians from as far away as Anxi, and even from Rome.

The yellow sand is rolling.

The sound of hujia is bleak.

Traveling westward on this road, the places we saw became more and more desolate. Even if there were one or two oases dotted in the desert, they were just temporary camps with a few walls and dozens of tents.This situation did not gradually improve until after passing Congling Ridge and reaching the Alahai River Basin.

Walking through the desolate desert desert and oasis is an adventure in life for Zhong Xingshuo, who is just over [-] years old. There are always many differences between Eastern and Western civilizations, and a foreigner wants to One can imagine the difficulty of integrating into another civilization.

Bank of China said that this time they fled to the west, it can be said that they were extremely panicked. The defeat of the Huns made Bank of China say that they had the most clear understanding of the strength of Qin. I think there is no tribe that can compete with Qiang Qin.

The 36 city-states on the Western Region Road.Obviously not the goal of the Bank of China.If he wants to escape or take revenge, he must flee farther, and travel far to a foreign country to find another powerful and vast country.

rest in peace.

In world history, it was called Parthia, but in ancient Chinese literature, it was mostly called Anxi.The Bank of China said that the group of Hu merchants following it was exactly the caravan from Anxi.The Anxi people are also called "White Huns", this is because the Central Plains area is not familiar with the Hu people from all over the Western Regions, but in fact.The Parthians and the Huns are two different ethnic groups and have no connection with each other.

The Anxi people came all the way to Qin, and the main materials they traded were blankets and Western utensils. Due to the decline of the Persian Dynasty, Anxi, which gradually became stronger, has become an important country on the Silk Road in the Western Regions. The materials transported from the area have to go through Anxi before being transferred to Daqin.

The Silk Road that exists in ancient texts.In fact, it was formed by successive layers of caravans. There were almost no real merchants who took risks from Europe to Qin. They usually transported goods to the Mesopotamia area, and then transferred them to Anxi by the Persians.Then it was transported to the East by the Parthians.

Fandou City, the resting king's capital, is located on the Caspian Sea. The yellow earthen walls, the dung of cows and horses can be seen everywhere on the streets, and the scary foreigners with golden curly hair and pale skin make Bank of China feel lonely and helpless. Sense of loss.

but.This very different exotic style, as well as the tall and savage Parthian soldiers, also made the Bank of China from the East feel a little excitement.Just like when it was in the Huns, the Bank of China said that it secretly swore an oath.You must rely on your own words to win the trust of Parthian King Friapatius.


ten years.

With a flick of a finger.

For the people who were looking forward to peace with great difficulty, tranquility was hard-won. Although small-scale wars still occurred from time to time on the border between the south and the north, it was no longer a worry for the entire Qin State.

Qin Xinli 11 years, August.

Annan area.

The small-scale turmoil caused by the rebel general Lu Tai of the South Yue Kingdom was finally quelled. Thousands of Lu Tai's troops gradually exhausted their vitality in the confrontation with the Annan tribe. Among the rebellious army, the last remnant of the Nanyue Kingdom disappeared.

In September, Feng Xuanjun continued to attack southward. King Annan and Annan Princess Anmeizhu were all captured. The Annan royal family was escorted to Chang'an as hostages. The Qin army's southward momentum finally stopped when it reached the mouth of the Mekong River.

in the north.

Small-scale battles continued for several years between the Sujiao cavalry army and the Helian tribe in the Hanhai area. In the end, under the pressure of the comprehensive strength of the Qin army, the Helian tribe had to abandon the Hannan River Basin and retreat to the North Sea. In the vast virgin coniferous forest to the north.

After ten years of fighting, the new Qin forces under the leadership of Li Yuan not only unified the original 36 counties of the first emperor, but also expanded their sphere of influence to the Indo-China Peninsula in the south, Mobei in the extreme north, the Liaodong Koryo Peninsula in the east, and the Western Regions. Along the way, Qin has truly become an iconic power in the east of the Eurasian continent.


The plateau meadows around Leyouyuan no longer exist. Instead, new towns have sprung up one after another. These small cities attached to the capital, like the morning stars protecting the satellites, continuously provide Chang'an City With fresh blood.

Among these small towns, Fufeng is a very important one.

Its importance is not only because it is located at the west end of the Zhengguo Canal, but also because there is Taibai Mountain, the highest peak in the Qinling Mountains in the south of it. This high mountain is covered with snow all the year round. The deep valley has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, and is loved by some hermits.

On this day, Li Yuan, who had been firmly seated as the new Emperor of the Qin Kingdom for three years, left Chang'an and headed for the depths of Fufeng Taibai Mountain.

With the unification of the Qin State, the Qinling Mountains, the barrier in the pass, also became the holy mountain of the Qin State, and Taibai Mountain became the place for the new Qin Tianji because of its precipitous and majestic main peak.

Accompanying Li Yuan to sacrifice to heaven, there are also several important officials in the court. It is unbelievable that among them are not only the old relatives who followed Li Yuan to fight together, but also former relatives like Xiao He and Zhou Yin. The descendants of Han and former Chu.

It has been five years since Xiao He returned to Qin Dynasty. In the first three years, his official position was merely promoted from a county magistrate to a county magistrate. In the last two years, because of his outstanding political achievements, Xiao He was recommended to Chang'an. Now he He has become the chief farmer in charge of the grain and millet supply and farming affairs of the entire Qin State.

The situation of Zhou Yin is not too different. This former Great Sima of the Western Chu Kingdom has now left the military and entered the court as an official assisting the Prime Minister Chen Ping. This time Li Yuan sacrificed to heaven, and Chen Ping, as the Prime Minister, was unable to come. Now, Zhou Yin's task is to manage along the way and arrange the daily affairs of Li Yuan's driver. (to be continued..)

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