Qiang Qin

Chapter 442 The Third Western Expedition

"The soul of Great Qin, what is it?"

"It's the arrogance of whoever is better than me, the invincible invincibility that the soldiers point at, and the deterrence that makes all those who dare to despise him disappear. There is nothing else other than that."

"Therefore, this king has decided to recruit brave men from the state of Qin and form a large army to conquer the west to conquer unknown lands far away, so as to wipe out the threat of alien races for our descendants—— Tianshi said, if you want If you want to become the state religion of Daqin, then please ask the celestial master to think about how it can be used by our army to march west."

Li Yuan's words were earth-shattering.

While Zhang Liang was stunned, he also felt Li Yuan's extraordinary mind and courage.In comparison, Xiang Yu's vision is just to emulate the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, Liu Bang's ambition is to replace Shi Huang as the emperor of the 36 counties, while Li Yuan's vision has already surpassed the existing territory of Qin State. Looking far into an unknown place, this may be the reason why Li Yuan was able to defeat Liu Bang and Xiang Yu in the end and win the world.

"Before my army marches westward, the way of heavenly masters must go one step ahead, go to the Western Regions, Wusun, Anxi and even more distant places to spread the teachings of my oriental civilization and develop believers who believe in my Yanhuang sacred lineage. On this point, then there is no need for the Tao of Heavenly Masters to exist.”

"Isn't it too cruel to do this?" Zhang Liangqiang swallowed, and said in a difficult voice. Li Yuan followed the guidance and showed Zhang Liang a magnificent scene of the Qin State's army marching westward. In a wave of eastern civilization expanding westward, the Tao of Heavenly Masters is like an appendage tied to a chariot, with no other choice.

"The prosperity and decline of civilization is a historical necessity, and the war between nations for the right to survival has always been bloody and ruthless. If we don't do this today, then someday in the future. In turn, the strong aliens occupy our land and enslave our descendants. When the time comes, those of us who have missed the opportunity will be mentioned in disgrace again and again by future generations, and more importantly, today we stand still , do not think about making progress, and are only satisfied with the land in front of us, then our descendants will learn to walk in Handan. We only see these things under our noses, instead of imagining what is at the end of the west and at the other end of the sea. What's on the other end?"

"So, what I, Li Yuan, want to do is not for myself, but for our children and grandchildren, so that after a few years, our descendants will no longer be deceived by heresies, and innocent people will no longer be deceived by aliens. The horrific assassination and bleeding to death, my Daqin's iron-blooded army will cross the desert of the Western Regions next. Through the vast mountains, all the way to the west, all the way, all countries and tribes that are enemies of our Daqin army will be killed Ruthlessly wiped out, only those who obey and believe in my oriental civilization will have the possibility of survival. And the person who gave them the belief of these foreign believers is you, the Celestial Master."

Li Yuan's words were full of murderous intent.

In the history of later generations, although China treated the ethnic minorities in the frontier with generosity and support, the effect was not ideal. Some aliens with different intentions took advantage of the country's preferential policies to carry out acts of terrorism and secession.

"I——Your Majesty, if you act like this, aren't you afraid that the massacre will cause me to be inhumane and unrighteous?" Zhang Liang's chest fluctuated for a while. Some of Li Yuan's opinions have surpassed this era. Seeing the general trend of world civilization and national development, this was too shocking for Zhang Liang.

"What is inhumane, what is injustice, natural selection, the law of the jungle, this is the law of nature. If one day in the future, my Great Qin falls, those foreign barbarians will let us go. Therefore, this era is not based on persuasion and great power. The real method of conquest is to use bloody killings to let them remember that they should never be enemies with my Great Qin. Only by using butcher knives and blood to prove it, only let those foreign barbarians know how powerful my Great Qin is. , they will be afraid, and will be willing to submit. Can you think about these words carefully?"

In the cold wind of Zhongnan Mountain, Li Yuan's words were like a bolt of lightning, splitting the gloomy night sky.Only someone as smart as Zhang Liang can exchange ideas with Li Yuan at this level. If it were Xiao He and the others, they would have fallen to the ground long ago, at a loss for what to do.

"Tianshi Dao, can you take on this important task?" Looking at Zhang Liang in silence, Li Yuan asked with hope in his eyes.

In this era of ignorance and civilization intertwined, it is really not easy to find a like-minded person who can understand his own words and deeds.It is conceivable that once Li Yuan ordered the mobilization order to start the Western Expedition, it would not only cause a big controversy among the countries in the Western Regions, but also within Qin.

Five years is enough to make people forget many things.After the four seas calmed down, the luxury trend in Qin State gradually rose, and the trend of not thinking about making progress has affected all aspects of the country.And once Li Yuan's decision is announced, those with vested interests who are content with the status quo are bound to be shocked.

"This--of course." Zhang Liang pondered for a while, and finally met Li Yuan's fiery gaze.The situation forced him to decide, and Li Yuan could not understand what he meant. If Zhang Liang did not agree, then there would be no need for the Tao of Heavenly Masters to exist, and Li Yuan would also find another faction, and look for other spiritual religions. Replace the Tao of Heavenly Master.

"In this way, the king will welcome the Celestial Master in Chang'an. At that time, there will be envoys from the Western Regions, 36 counties, and various tribes in the border areas. I hope that the Celestial Master will make good preparations during this time and show some real skills. Let those barbarians see how capable the wise men of Great Qin are?" Li Yuan said with a laugh.

Zhang Liang agreed, this is the most ideal result. Between secularism and religion, Li Yuan needs to find a partner, and Zhang Liang is undoubtedly the most suitable one.


The spring breeze in February is like scissors.

The land in Guanzhong is gradually warming up from the frost, and the number of caravans and pedestrians on the east-west road has also increased. Judging from the clothes of these pedestrians, there are many Hu merchants from the Western Regions and even Anxi. He stared at the camel beside him with excitement, just like looking at his beloved woman.

The Silk Road starts from Chang'an in the east, goes west through the Hexi Corridor, 36 countries in the Western Regions, Wusun, Daxia, and Anxi, and then goes west to Xiqin (Rome).If a trip to Chang'an goes well in Daxia and Anxi, the safety of the east end will be guaranteed by the Qin army, and the benefits that Hu merchants can obtain will be extremely rich, allowing them to make a lot of money. It should be attributed to the man in front of the Great Qin King's car.

Coming down from Mount Zhongnan, Li Yuan began to implement the "West Expedition" plan non-stop, and the first step to realize this grand strategy was to win the support of the generals in the army.

The seventh year of Qin Xinli, the ninth day of February.

Emperor Shenwu Li Yuan issued an edict in Chang'an, and at the request of Wusun King Lie Jiaomi, the Qin Army formed a Western Expedition Army to fight the rebellion in the area west of Congling to protect the safety of business groups traveling on the Silk Road.In the edict, Li Yuan made it clear that the soldiers of the Zhengxi Army will be selected from the army of the whole country. The first requirement is to be willing to endure hardships, dedication, and willing to sacrifice for honor and ideals.

In just one month, the edicts were issued successively by various counties, and the news spread.

Five years of recuperation.

The knives and guns are stored, and the horses are released to Nanshan.

Some generals who made great achievements during the Unification War gradually lost themselves in the gentle village. Their bodies have grown fat, and they have begun to get used to traveling in cars instead of riding on horses. Among these people, there are not only older ones Zhong Limei, Zhang Pingping, and even the backbone of the Qin army like Wang Shang.

After Wang Shang served as the governor of Nanhai County and Xiang County for three years, please resign and return to Chen County to serve as the governor of Chen County and Dang County. He bid farewell to the miserable north and returned to his hometown. After accepting many concubines and owning a lot of fertile land, Wang Shang, who just turned [-], is a land rich man. Not only his figure and waistline are like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in October, but his appearance has also changed.

Such a Wang Shang can no longer bear the long yellow sand on the road to the West Expedition. Of course, not all soldiers are as depraved as Wang Shang.In stark contrast is Yan Wang Han Xin.

Guarding the bitterly cold land of Liaodong Yan, and the remnants of the Huns' Qiuli tribe and the harassment of the peninsula's Goguryeo tribe, this gave Han Xin a chance to try his skills in his spare time. Facing this famous general, the Goguryeo stick was beaten terribly .After they lost their territory in the Changbai Mountain area, they were beaten back to the Yalu River and the Han River Valley one after another. In the end, only by begging for mercy and surrendering did they gain a small piece of living land at the southernmost tip of the peninsula.

At the same time as sending troops to Goguryeo, the Qin State Navy under the command of Han Xin also began to conquer the Fusang Islands across the sea. Kyushu Island, the easternmost island, was the first to be occupied. , was almost slaughtered, and only a few hundred people fled to Honshu Island on rafts.

Relying on its strong strength, the Qin army conquered the east in a devastating manner. For the soldiers of the Qin army, the challenge of this kind of conquest is almost negligible. place of fear.

When everyone was discussing, Han Xin, King of Yan, was the first to respond in Ji County. Within three days, under the instigation of generals at all levels, the Qin Army in Yandi had more than a thousand generals who signed up to join the Western Expedition Army. In the petition sent to Chang'an by the Express Horse Post, Han Xin's name was listed first. (To be continued..)

ps: The codeword status is being retrieved little by little, so everyone has been waiting for a long time.Thank you for your continued support.

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