Qiang Qin

Chapter 446 Wusun Daxia

The eighth year of Shenwu in the Qin calendar, that is, 195 BC, April.

The north wind from Siberia has gradually weakened. Under the sunshine of Hexi, spring mountain flowers bloom all over the hills in the Qinling Pass, and the rich minerals brought by the thick loess give this land vitality.

Along the road from Chang'an to Dunhuang, groups of people from Guanzhong who spontaneously came to see them off brought their own clay bowls and jars, filled with various dry food.

"Jiu Jiu Lao Qin, restore my country, don't shed blood, don't stop fighting-!"

"There is the Great Qin in the east, rising like the sun, and the hatred of the country for a hundred years, the sea is hard to level—!"

"The world is in turmoil, how can we get Kangning, Qin has sharp men, who will fight for the supremacy." The majestic and powerful battle song shouts, one after another in the middle of the team, no matter what county or place they are from, they all love this song. The majestic battle songs of the army singing and fighting all the way are familiar to everyone.

The uniform weapons, the same battle armor, the same battle song, but the difference is the accent from all over the world.

"Your Majesty has an order that all ministries must arrive at the Gaizang City area before sunset, and those who delay the time will not be pardoned." A cavalry messenger in charge of liaison passed from the front and shouted loudly along the way.

"Jiangdong sons, speed up, don't let us be underestimated." A general of the Qin Army who was about thirty years old and wearing a standard armor yelled hurriedly, urging his soldiers to speed up, if it wasn't for his accent. With the original accent of Chudi, no one would think that they were actually soldiers from the far easternmost Jiangdong area.

Among the huge army to conquer the west, the seven thousand Jiangdong children are only a small part. After many years of war, all the men in the Jiangdong area have been lost, and even the follow-up population reserve has also been greatly reduced. Leading the seven thousand children from Jiangdong, it is all the elite troops that Jiangdong can dispatch.

The Jiangdong Army is located in the middle and rear of the team, and most of Jiangdong's children are good at boating.Few of them are good at riding horses. However, in terms of foot combat and close combat, these Jiangdong children are not afraid of death, and they have a bit of the charm of the invincible teachers under the overlord Xiang Yu.

Time flies, everything is gone.

The vast south of the Yangtze River has once bred countless heroes. The names of Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, and Ying Bu resounded through time and space. Now, the young Huan Chu will take on the heavy responsibility.The new Jiangdong Army will go to the west, and they will use their blood and bravery to win new honor for the land of Jiangdong.

Huanchu's army is not the only one who wants to win dignity and glory in the Western Conquest. The cavalry from Youyan, and soldiers from Lingnan and Bashu also have their own beliefs.


The mighty Qin State's Western Expeditionary Army set out from Chang'an, singing battle songs all the way, and marching with neat and powerful steps.Go to the vast place west of the Western Regions.

Emperor Shenwu Li Yuan led his own troops to conquer, directly under the command of 5 soldiers and horses. Han Xin, the king of Yan, was the deputy commander of the Northern Route Army, and led about [-] soldiers of the Qin Army along the Hannan River, Altai Mountains, and Beihai. First line offense.At the same time, in terms of the Allied Army, Li Zhongxiang, who had been the commander of the Allied Army for nine years, was the deputy commander of the South Route Army, with about [-] troops under his jurisdiction.The countries in the Western Regions no longer hesitated this time, and sent their elite soldiers one after another.

The combined total strength of the various Qin armies.It has reached an astonishing 21. This number is a real number, not a number of millions like the bragging in history.

In the country of Qin.

Prince Li Ye oversees the country, and Prime Minister Chen Ping and Yu Shi Ji An are the right and left assistants. Compared with Chen Ping's scheming and scheming, the appearance of Ji An makes people's eyes shine.

After Li Zheng was dismissed, Ji An, who was once a flash in the pan in Qin State's political arena, was unexpectedly recalled by Li Yuan from Jiangdong. After a short adaptation period, Li Yuan handed over the affairs of Yushitai to Ji An.In addition to these two important officials, a group of more energetic and vigorous young officials have also been promoted. Perhaps in the near future, they will play a more important role in Qin's political map.

At the military level, the generals staying in the country are mainly older and prudent generals. Although Zhong Limei, Wang Shang, Su Jiao and others are not aggressive, they have rich experience. Conflicts in small border areas like Yizhou and Yizhou should not be a big problem. As for who will guard Qin's future border after the death of Su Jiao and others, Li Yuan has not yet thought about it.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation replaces the old.

After completing the great cause of unification, Li Yuan felt that more than half of the mission of his time-traveling trip had been completed, and the rest was to fight wildly according to his own will.


Onion Ridge West.

The Aral Sea Basin, within the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom.

The smoke is everywhere, and the peaceful life for many years was broken because of the sudden invasion of the Huns. The Daxia people belonging to the Serbs have always been low-key. They have lived between the leaf water and the medicine-killing water of the Aral Sea since ancient times. , living a primitive life of farming and grazing. This kind of slash-and-burn farming is extremely difficult, and it is impossible to accumulate any wealth.

Everything changed after the prosperity of the Silk Road.

The caravans traveling on the Silk Road not only brought advanced production technology and rich products to the Daxia people, but also brought a steady stream of wealth. As long as the Silk Road continues, the Daxia people can never stop from here Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, the Daxia people do not want wars, especially do not want wars to happen within their own borders.

However, all this did not change with the wish of the Daxia people.Helianbi, who had long seen the fat of Bactria in his eyes, invaded massively, and chose Bactria as a breakthrough point to enter Central Asia. It has to be said that Helianbi's strategic vision is not bad. As long as he can occupy Bactria, the Xiongnu tribe Not only can it gain a foothold in Central Asia, but it can also cut off the Silk Road and make Li Yuan feel disgusted once.

For the powerful opponent of Qin State, He Lianbi did not dare to confront on the one hand, but on the other hand he harbored resentment. With such a distorted mentality, He Lianbi burned, killed and looted in the territory of Great Xia Kingdom, almost committing all kinds of crimes.

The arrival of the Huns suddenly broke the peaceful life of this small country by the Aral Sea. King Daxia was in a panic and hurriedly asked for help from the ally Wusun.

In the southeast of Daxia, it is the territory of Wusun Kingdom. The capital of Wusun is located in the Ili Valley, where there are lush vegetation and flocks of cattle and sheep, which is very suitable for grazing. It can be said to be the most valuable strategic resource in the Western Regions.And more importantly, after Wusun King Lie Jiaomi united with the Qin State to defeat the Dayue Clan, his prestige reached its peak in the west, and the Wusun State, which was in danger of genocide, was stabilized because of this victory down.

The sixth day of May.

The Wusun and Daxia coalition forces fought a decisive battle with the Xiongnu army in Helianbi in the Yeshui area in the south of Xianhai. It was an evenly matched contest, and moreover, the battle took place in Daxia territory, so the Uxia allied forces had the advantage of a favorable location and harmonious people.

However, the outcome of the war was surprising.

He Lianbi used a group of surprise soldiers as a bait to introduce Lie Jiaomi, who had lost his vigilance, into the ambush circle preset by the Huns. It collapsed within an hour, and King Da Xia was beheaded by He Lianbi's personal soldiers.

Encumbered by the Great Xia Army, the morale of the arrogant Wusun Army plummeted, and they had to deal with the Huns' attack independently. After struggling for four days, the Wusun Army finally retreated.

On the road of more than 6000 miles from the capital of Daxia King to Yili Valley, Wusun soldiers buried their corpses all the way. Of the nearly [-] Wusun troops who went out to fight, less than [-] escaped in the end, and the more serious ones were Wusun soldiers. Wang Liejiaomi was seriously injured in this battle, and died of his injuries shortly after he returned to the Ili Valley with difficulty.

In the area around the Aral Sea, Wusun and Daxia are in an alliance, and Wusun is regarded as the suzerain state. Looking at the entire Western Regions, Wusun is just a follower in front of Qin.

Lie Jiaomi finally came to his senses before he was about to die. On the one hand, he ordered the state affairs to be entrusted to the Prime Minister and the young prince.

No matter how tough the Huns are.

It's just a mullet in the mudflat. As long as there is a giant dragon like Qin, there will be no big waves. (To be continued..)

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