Qiang Qin

Chapter 450 Battle of Tianchi

Xiongnu, Daqin.

The two armies confronted each other, and in the middle was a group of slaves from weak countries who were used as cannon fodder.At this time, no one would have imagined that it was this group of humble cannon fodder who would determine the final outcome of this war.

Such a situation did not only happen between the Xiongnu and the Luojia army. On the southern battlefield, Helianbi invested even more captive soldiers and slaves.Similarly, the celestial masters and Taoist disciples of the celestial masters are also constantly striving for greater power among the slaves, and decide to launch a riot before the battle.


Due to the twilight, the Qin army couldn't see how many Huns there were. In their eyes, what they saw was the dark enemy army approaching step by step.

"Crossbowmen, prepare!"

"Pikemen, get ready!"

Cao Xin stared coldly at the "enemies" slowly approaching. As long as he gave an order, ten thousand crossbows would be fired, leaving no place for the enemy to survive.

He is as fast as a fire, eager to win, and eager to win. Several years have passed, and Cao Xin's temperament has not changed. He is the vanguard and breaks the sharpest edge of the enemy. Then, the whole army rises and kills him. One of Cao Xin's favorite things to do.

This time, Cao Xin managed to get to the battlefield before the big battle started, and without waiting for a rest, he asked Ling to take up the command of the front of the Qin army.

"General Cao, the general has an order. The crossbow cavalry retreat and the heavy cavalry attack!" Just as Cao Xin was about to order to shoot, the scouts from the Luo Jiazhong Army sent the latest news.

Among the Qin army, the cavalry is mainly divided into three arms, one of which is the crossbow cavalry in the traditional sense. These crossbowmen mainly rely on the flat end of the bronze crossbow to shoot and kill the enemy as a means of combat. Its strength lies in the medium and long-distance shooting. It is not good at close range hand-to-hand combat.

The second is the armored heavy cavalry that Li Yuan gradually equipped after occupying Monan and Mobei. This "tank" unit would store the armored spears when they usually marched.And dressed neatly before the battle, their main function is to inflict heavy damage on the enemy when the two armies line up to confront.

The third is mainly scouts and light cavalry. These light cavalry are mainly responsible for the task of transmitting information and inquiring about the enemy's situation. In real large army operations, their role is not very obvious.

Compared with the varied and different types of cavalry of the Qin Army, the Xiongnu side is the traditional string-controlling light cavalry. The warriors of every tribe have the ability to shoot and kill immediately.In case of close combat, they mainly rely on relatively primitive bronze spears or even bone spears and bone knives to fight.

In the case of a large gap in technical strength and training level, the Qin army drew the heavy cavalry to the front line, with the purpose of defeating the Huns in one fell swoop in close combat.The premise of such a mobilization is naturally that the Qin army learned from Tianshidao that the approaching enemies at this time were not real Huns cavalry, but groups of slaves.

The slaves are just human shields, and they don't have the ability to shoot the Qin army from a long distance, so.The heavy cavalry of the Qin army don't have to worry, they will be harassed by the Huns' guerrilla wolf pack tactics. What they have to do is to recharge their batteries.Waiting for the moment when the order for the whole army to attack is issued.


Two hundred steps.

150 steps——.

A tense atmosphere spread among the prisoners.

Finally, the most exciting time for the captives came. It was the Celestial Masters and Taoists who took the lead in launching the action of removing the Huns' nails, and they rushed forward.Using the stones picked up from the ground and the advantage of crowding people, one after another the Xiongnu nails were smashed to death among the crowd.

Riots and shouts.Suddenly, there was an explosion in the dark crowd.

The helpless cries of the Huns nails only lasted for a while, and then they declared a silent death. Compared with the slaves who were several times more than them, the individual bravery of the Huns was like small waves, which were instantly overwhelmed by the ocean. engulf.

"Quickly disperse the two sides—!" Among the crowd, some celestial masters and disciples shouted from time to time, trying to command the group of slaves who lost order.Under the shouts of the celestial masters, the slaves at the forefront and in the middle began to disperse consciously, and fled towards places where they could hide in the darkness.

However, the slaves at the back of the line, who were close to the Huns army, did not have this luck. After witnessing the abnormal situation in the slave group, the Huns cavalry behind the slaves also began to come to their senses. They began to raise their spears high, Urging the horses to rush towards the crowd of slaves.

For a time, the sound of howls rang out.

The eyes of the slaves who lost their loved ones turned red in an instant. Impulsively, the young people among them fought hand-to-hand with the Huns behind them. They only hoped that before they died, they could pull the Huns off their horses and beat them to death. .

"Da Qin, attack!" Cao Xin, who had been waiting for a long time, roared, and took the lead, rushing to the enemy's formation.The heavy cavalry following Cao Xin were like dark clouds sweeping across the night, and charged towards the chaotic Huns.

Re-riding horse hooves.

Breaking through all the obstacles in the way at once, a thick-bodied Hun Qianlong just pulled the copper spear out of the captive's chest. Before he could react, he felt a gust of wind blowing by his ears.

"Who?" The sharp pain on one side of his head made the general of the Xiongnu furious. Qianchang, who had few rivals among the tribe, tried to turn his head to see who was attacking him.


The dull sound covered all his thoughts.

The spears of the cavalrymen of the Qin Army were longer than the two men, pierced straight into the abdominal cavity of the Huns, and then pierced through the back with force. His chest was twisting like a knife, which made him feel so painful.

"Uh, Qin Barbarian, damn it!" The wide-eyed Hun Commander spat out a mouthful of blood, gathered the last bit of strength in his right hand, and threw the copper spear at the opponent who knocked him over.

"Clang!" The copper spear collided with the iron armor, and after a clear and weak crisp sound, the tip of the Huns' copper spear broke and fell to the ground.

On the contrary, the Qin cavalry soldiers who were hit just paused for a while, as if nothing had happened, and continued to charge the bloody enemy on their spears.Seeing this scene, the unwilling Hun general could only close his eyes in pain.

Heavy riding is like a broken bamboo.

Unobstructed, the scattered Xiongnu cavalry were picked off one by one. In the confrontation between order and disorder, the Qin army once again had the last laugh, and the personal bravery of the Huns was completely lost in the confrontation with the collective force. played a role.

On the side of Luo Jia's army, the Qin army is progressing smoothly, while at the southern foot of Tianchi Lake, the Western Region coalition led by Li Zhongxiang is using another method to harvest and tighten the Huns' front step by step.

Warriors from 36 countries.

They all came from the desert oasis with long yellow sand, and they were much more adaptable to the climate and terrain of Central Asia than the Huns who had just arrived.

During many years of tacit battles, the cooperation between the various arms of the coalition forces in the Western Regions has become more and more tacit, and, more importantly, the organizational discipline of these soldiers has been greatly improved. Under the command, crossbowmen, archers, heavy armored soldiers, and strong barbarians took turns attacking the single and weak line of defense of the Huns.

Offensive guerrilla.

It is the strength of the Huns.

And defense.

Obviously, these warriors under Helianbi are not good at it. They can neither build barriers like the people in the Central Plains, nor can they form a phalanx like the Romans in the West. The so-called defense of the Huns is more It's just a little bit of synergy in the number of people.What's more, from the very beginning, the Huns didn't think about how to defend.


Generals at all levels of the Allied Forces of the Western Regions raised their swords high and shouted loudly one by one.Thousands of soldiers rushed into the enemy's formation with fearless courage, and rushed the stunned Huns to pieces.


"What? What did you say? The people of Qin broke through the formation of the Second Army, how could this be possible—!" He Lianbi was inexplicably horrified.

In just one hour, the Xiongnu army's fronts in the south and east were shaken at the same time. How is this possible?In these two directions, he sent [-] elite soldiers and generals respectively. Even if the Qin army could kill them, it would be impossible to defeat the Xiongnu tribe all at once.

What's more, there are tens of thousands of slaves from Wusun and Daxia in the hands of the Huns. Even if these meat shields are cut one by one in a queue, it will take more than an hour.

"Da Chanyu, yes, it was a slave riot. We were caught off guard. General Zuo's tribe has already suffered more than 6000 casualties. If we don't retreat, we will all be ruined."

"Report to Shanyu, the Qin army on the right is approaching the camp of the Chinese army, let's retreat!"

He Lianbi was stunned by one defeat after another. Not long ago, he was immersed in the joy of Lien Chan and Lian Jie, but he never imagined that he suffered a big loss as soon as he fought Qin Jun.

"Hey, let's go! Order the generals on the left and right, don't take a step back if you haven't received an order to retreat—" He Lianbi's face was livid, and he ordered bitterly.

The strong man broke his wrist.

The cries and killing sounds of the Qin army were getting closer and closer, and He Lianbi couldn't guarantee whether he would be blocked by the enemy again when he retreated westward. Under such an unfavorable situation, He Lianbi decided to be ruthless, Let the subordinates of the left and right generals who usually have a bad relationship block it for a while.

"The Great Shanyu is gone!"

"The Great Chanyu has escaped!"

"Bullshit, what Helian Da Shanyu is a coward, a sinister villain, we were fooled." After Helianbi and his cronies escaped, the rest of the Huns who were waiting for reinforcements finally found that they were in front of them. Desperately working hard, but their big Shanyu slipped away early.

"Stop fighting, just surrender to the Qin people." At midnight, in despair, the Huns who had lost their will to fight began to put down their weapons one after another.

Sporadic battles could not change anything. After a brief discussion before the battle, Li Zhongxiang's South Route Army stayed to clean up the mess, while Luo Jia led the Central Route Army to continue chasing the remnants of the enemy. (To be continued..)

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