Qiang Qin

Chapter 458 The Roman Republic

The Qin people reached a strategic alliance with the Jews.

On the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, a new force is rapidly rising. The road from Dongyang City (Damascus) to Jerusalem is being built. The cheering Jews are very excited about the free assistance from Qin. Once the road is opened, the road from Beirut Bay The unloaded goods can be directly loaded onto the carriage, and then transported to the east without stopping.

This is a transportation line of wealth.

It was a lifeline that revived the Jewish nation from the adversity of its existence.

Facing the temptation of real interests, the Jewish King David, who led the Qin-Jewish alliance, was pushed to the peak of singing praises by nobles, merchants, and the poor.The fact is so strange, just a month ago, David was almost deprived of the throne by dissident nobles and elders because of his contacts with Qin.

In mid-October, General Li Zhongxiang of the Qin Army, Captain Yang Yu, and Zhou Ping led [-] Qin troops to Haifa Bay on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Their main task here was to help the Jews train a qualified army. Of course, in return The Jewish merchants also spent a lot of money this time. Not only did they have to pay for the board and lodging supplies of the [-] Qin army, they also had to prepay the Qin State for ten years to supply the [-] army.

This money.

According to Li Yuan, it was the Qin army's protection fee to protect the Jews from foreign aggression.

When the Jews were weak, they slaughtered them severely.

Li Yuan did not forget how powerful the army of the later Israel was. In the five Middle East wars, they won more with less each time, almost beating the descendants of Muhammad all over the place.

After hesitating for a while, David and other Jewish nobles finally agreed to this almost imposing condition.Over the years, the Jews have been victimized by the former generals of Alexander the Great. These fierce subordinates not only like to kill, but also frequently fight each other. Even if the Jews can do business again and have the ability to make money.I can't stand the endless demands.


Continents and oceans.

Alternately affecting continental Europe.

The warm oceanic climate gradually weakened in November, replaced by cold currents from Siberia in the northeast and the Arctic Ocean.

The dry season arrived as expected.

The abundant sunshine throughout the summer accelerates the ripening of the olive tree fruits on the Apennine Peninsula, and wisps of fragrance waft through the mountains, forests and fields, exuding an attractive aroma.

The century-long war between Rome and Carthage has drawn an exclamation mark that made the Romans proud and the Carthaginians stunned in the past few months.

Hannibal was defeated.

Nearly [-] Carthaginian soldiers were captured.

More than a dozen important cities on the southern coast of the Mediterranean fell into the hands of the Romans.

Long live the Roman Republic!

Long live General Scipio!

Whether it is Gauls, Germans, Saxons or Macedonians, Thracians, Egyptians.No match for the powerful and invincible Roman hoplites!

Under the strong self-confidence, the Romans began to feel high, especially the dignitaries of the Senate. After seeing Scipio, who was 30 years younger than himself, become a hero, the loss and jealousy in their hearts came like a wave. This made them even more unbalanced.

"Since Scipio is powerful, let him be a hero alone. We old guys should enjoy the rest of our wonderful lives."

Get up early every morning.Beside him is a beautiful female slave wearing only a little strip of cloth, and then, as the master, what do you want.so what?

Such temptation is the deadliest poison for a man.

"It's true that we can't fight wars, but bed wars, who says we can't—!" One batch of slaves followed another.There are many beautiful young women among them. Stimulated by the novelty, the old guys are full of fighting spirit.

Thinking of those beautiful and juicy young women who begged him to step down.Those old men in the senate who were lifeless and exuded an old aura all over their bodies felt majestic and proud between their legs.

The estate of Archon Fabian.

It is located on the Arena Hill outside the city of Rome. On the hills in this area, one after another is dotted with big manors. In the fields around the manors, groups of female slaves with their upper body naked, showing their firm and drooping breasts. Walked across the ridge without shame.

not far away.

A group of Roman soldiers wearing bronze battle helmets, round mirror armor on their chests, and short swords in their hands are marching rapidly. At the forefront of the team, there is a pure white tall war horse, the most outstanding general in the Roman army, Scipio the Great, who defeated the Carthaginian commander Hannibal, stared at the front with a serious face.

"Look, that's General Scipio, he's looking at me, wow, he's so handsome, so charming? If only I could hug him for a whole night, how great it would be—!"

"Is it really General Scipio? I heard that the Senate has decided to hand over the command of the army to this young and handsome hero?"

"Stop wishful thinking, don't look at your identity, work quickly, the supervisor's whip will not forgive you if you are late." Several female slaves stared intently at the groups of majestic and powerful figures, and their hearts were rippling.


Two years ago, this name was still unknown, at best it was just one of the many generals in Rome.And a year ago, when the news of victory in the Second Punic War came back to the city of Rome, Scipio's reputation immediately soared several times, not only the upper senate and nobles in Rome, but even the lowest slaves. Talk about his name.

The heart of the female slave who was stared at by Scipio was beating wildly, but she didn't know that Scipio, a great Roman hero, was furious at the moment. If the arena was nearby, Scipio would not mind fighting with the consul Let's have a one-on-one hand-to-hand fight.

A hero is always alone.

Two of the most famous men of the Roman Republic during this era.

Facing the great threat of Carthage, the young Scipio and the old Fabian reached a short-lived alliance of unity, but after Hannibal, the opponent, was crushed, the conflict between Scipio and Fabian began to intensify stand up.

Different ideas.

Let the two Roman heroes have a serious disagreement.

Fabian is most famous for his delaying tactics when dealing with Hannibal's army. In terms of governance, Fabian's ideas are the same as his military performance, very conservative.

In contrast, the young Scipio was full of vigor. While the Qin army was attacking the Middle East and the east coast of the Mediterranean, the Roman army, under the command of Scipio, not only occupied all the important towns in Carthage except the capital, And in the east, he competed with King Philip V of Macedon for control of the Greek Peninsula.


The territory of Rome will span the entire Mediterranean Sea, turning this vast and boundless inland sea of ​​the European and African continents into an inner lake of the Roman Republic.With such an ambitious goal, Scipio tried his best to lobby the elders and nobles in the Senate to increase their investment in the army, but the result was not optimistic.

After defeating its rival Carthage, Rome had no rivals in Europe and Africa.The aristocrats of the Roman Senate, who were relieved from the danger of extermination of the country, were thinking about indulging in joy, buying more slaves, cultivating more land, and then enjoying the beauty in their own manor comfortably. Life.

"Rome, before we can rest easy, a powerful and terrifying enemy is appearing on our eastern border—the Qin people from the far east—!"

Scipio's hoarse shout only won him a few scattered applause. In the Roman Senate, there are really not many people who support this kind of initiative to start a war and forge ahead.

The elders who can represent one side of power are all very old and conservative old guys. It is precisely because of this that the Roman Senate has another name: nursing home.

Scipio's description of Qin's power made the elders laugh.

Qin people.

That distant oriental nation.A country thousands of kilometers away actually wants to come to the Mediterranean area to fight for hegemony. Could it be that they flew here with wings?

It is undeniable that the silk they produce is indeed a good thing. In the hot and sweltering summer, it has a cool and refreshing feeling when worn on the body. Even a woman's delicate skin makes him unable to put it down.

Finally, in order to appease Scipio, a rising star in the army, the Senate decided to appoint Scipio as the commander of the Roman Expeditionary Legion, and mobilized [-] troops from various places to launch a campaign against the Macedonian Antigonian Kingdom and the Thracians. war.

A Greek peninsula.

Should it be able to satisfy Scipio's young ambition to make a living?Fabian and the other old guys were thinking about their little thoughts, but the little kindness they released was simply a humiliation to the ambitious Scipio.

Scipio's "friendly" act of contacting Fabian this time did not bring him much benefit. Although the old and treacherous Fabian received the rising star in the army with a smile on his face, However, he is really not interested in Scipio's request to increase military investment, introduce skilled craftsmen, and create new weapons.

Roman army.

It's strong enough.

On the European continent, who can still be an enemy of Rome? Under such circumstances, Scipio also asked for the expansion of the army. What is this for? Does Scipio want to establish a military dictatorship?

Dictatorship and democracy.

The current development of the Roman Republic has gradually entered a bottleneck stage. The current Rome is still a country with a republican system. Even consuls must be elected by the Senate. All forces have the opportunity to express their wishes, but the downside is that no matter what the decision is, the process of making it is extremely painful and long.

For a strong general eager to prove himself on the battlefield, the waiting process was too desperate. The young Scipio complained to his colleagues more than once that if one day he took control of the real power of the army, the Senate He wouldn't obey what these old guys said.

Scipio might just be talking and complaining, but the speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. His remarks, when they reached Fabian, became the position of Scipio's intended consul. He wanted to replace Fabian as the new Roman leader. (To be continued..)

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