Qiang Qin

Chapter 462

Yan Feng smiled lightly.

In front of Li Yuan, as before, he was unrestrained.

Her gradually developing body already had the unique curves of a woman. On her oval-shaped pretty face, a pair of bright eyes stared at her so unscrupulously, which made Li Yuan feel more stressed.

"Big brother, Feng Erxiang!" Just as the guilt in Li Yuan's heart was intensifying, Yan Feng suddenly approached Li Yuan again, exhaling softly.

As it got closer, a girl's body fragrance hit him, and Li Yuan, who had been busy with affairs for many days and almost forgot what it was like to be a woman, couldn't help but feel his heart sway.

Big brother!

This title was only called by Yan Feng, who was only five or six years old when we first met in Wugong County. After these years passed, especially after being adopted as a daughter by Gu Yunniang, Yan Feng never treated Li Yuan like this again. She used to call her before, but today, she suddenly mentioned this past name again.

"Nonsense, I am your father, be careful one day, I will marry you off. At that time, you will cry." Li Yuan reprimanded with a straight face.

"Father, that's for others to hear. In my heart, from the moment I saved me, the big brother is the big brother. Besides, I don't like those ignorant children!" Yan Feng Turning around, puffing out her cheeks, she replied angrily.

"Boy, you can't look down on those noble children in Chang'an. There are tens of thousands of athletes in the Great Qin Army, and there are many heroes among them. This time, take a good look and see which one looks suitable. Father will help you." Propose marriage." Li Yuan waved his hand and said carelessly.

Different from Li Ye, who is usually serious and serious, Yan Feng has a lively and sensitive personality. When she was in Chang'an, she was the pistachio of the entire harem, and Li Yuan never regarded Yan Feng as an outsider. In private, about this eldest princess The discussion about which hero to marry in the future has never stopped.Even Li Ye, who is four years younger than her, was taken out to make fun of it, but obviously, the relationship between Yan Feng and Li Ye was more limited to the relationship between siblings and had nothing to do with love.

"Big brother, do you remember what I said, if you want to marry someone like you, I have to marry someone like you, and I don't like anyone else!" Yan Feng's firm eyes and tone made Li Yuan almost jump from the door. Fall off the couch.

Yan Feng really said such a sentence.

But then.She is just a girl less than ten years old, Li Yuan didn't take what she said seriously, little girl, sometimes she said it out of her mouth, and she would forget it after a while, but obviously , Yan Feng didn't just say it casually at the time, but she had already planned.

Taboo Electra complex.

Think here.Li Yuan couldn't help feeling a headache.An assassination encounter in Yan Feng's childhood obviously left a deep impression on her young mind. Unfortunately and fortunately, Li Yuan represented Yan Le.Became the hero in Xiao Xiaoya's heart, and this impression has become more and more profound with Li Yuan's battles in the South and North over the years.

Yan Feng's naked confession made Li Yuan, who had passed his thirties, feel shocked and lost his position.After a verbal confrontation, Li Yuan, who was very contagious in the face of a group of soldiers, faced the coquettishness of a young girl in Yan Feng.Helpless and defeated.

"Remember, in front of outsiders, I will call my father, and when there is no one, I will be the big brother!" Yan Feng returned victorious, excited like a happy bird.

Being able to stay by Li Yuan's side is the happiest and happiest thing for a girl who likes novelty and is eager to see different scenery. More importantly, Li Yuan is a man who needs someone to take care of him, and this person, It was her, Yan Feng.

It was rare for Li Yuan to return home in a big defeat.

Gu Yunniang and the others have to take care of the children and maintain the stability of the country, so they can't get away for a while, but in their hearts, Li Yuan will be away for a long time, and they probably won't feel relieved, but Yan Feng's intention to come west saves them a lot of time. From this point of view, Yan Feng has a clear understanding of the minds of the elders.

However, with the little girl Yan Feng by her side, listening to the young and energetic voice every day, and seeing the young girl's smiling face, Li Yuan's heavy heart also relaxed.

Except the same.

With such a young and beautiful girl by his side, Li Yuan, who is not a saint, really endured the sadness when he looked at the young and powerful ** every day.

Of course, this is still a trouble of happiness.


The Council of Chillon ends.

For the brainwashed generals and officials of the Qin army, this was a mobilization meeting that made them both excited and stressed. The future of Qin and the future of the nation are in their hands.

This winter will be a busy season. New orders have been issued. What the Qin army departments have to do is not only to maintain the stability of the place, but also to let the occupied natives gradually have a sense of recognition for Qin, but also to spare energy , to accommodate waves of new immigrants in the coming spring.

The 15th year of the Great Qin calendar, January 27th.

On the Bosbrus Strait, the cold current from the Arctic Ocean is like a sharp knife, scraping fiercely across the rocky reefs by the sea. If you don't pay attention, there is a danger of overturning.

Military preparations to aid Macedonia are in order.After a month and a half of arduous training, the second batch of main infantry from Qin has gradually adapted to the cold weather in the Anatolian Peninsula.

"Uh--fucking weather, it's really crazy. And the fucking Thracians, if they don't surrender sooner or later, why are they surrendering to the Romans at this time?" Cao Cao, the general of the Qin Army, was angry in confidence. scold.This time, even if he hid in the cabin shamelessly, he couldn't resist the five flavors in his stomach.

Cao Xin's first group was the second batch of Qin troops to cross the sea and reach Europe.

Before him, Ji Xin's first group of about [-] people had already reached the lower reaches of the Danube at the end of November. After more than [-] days of adaptation, the vanguard of the Qin army was less than [-] miles away from the area controlled by the Roman army.


For northern men who are used to riding and fighting, it is the most fearful place. If he really wants to make a contribution on the battlefield, Cao Xin will never take the first place in leading troops to fight across the sea.The Qin army's main force of [-] people chose to fight across the sea at this time of high winds and rough waves, but it was actually forced.

According to the original agreement, the Qin State sent troops to help each other. The Qin army had the initiative in terms of how much troops to send, when to send troops, and how to act after crossing the sea. There was no need to inform the Macedonian side in advance.On the contrary, as the party being assisted, Macedonia needs to provide the Qin army with guides who are familiar with the terrain, food and fodder for the army, and a camp for rest.

In addition, if the Romans were repelled, Qin would benefit even more. Philip V had promised to open up the Greek peninsula and allow Qin merchants to do business freely in the Greek city-states.

This free trade agreement is a very important agreement for Qin. Greece is the birthplace of ancient Western civilization. There are many ancient mythical heroes born in that place. It has an admirable culture. Coveted handicrafts and commodities.

During December, Macedonian and Roman wars went back and forth.

As the fighting between Fabian and Scipio intensified in Rome, the offensive momentum of the Roman army also slowed down. After King Philip V of Macedonia recovered a little, he regretted inviting the Qin army to enter.

At this time, he had already realized that he had made a bad move out of desperation.As the saying goes, it is easy to ask God to send God, but before the Qin army crossed the sea, the Macedonian army could set up a tight seal line around the strait to prevent the Qin army from setting foot on the Balkan Peninsula. But now, the invited Qin army has come, and in case If Qin Jun is too lazy to leave, then the Macedonians will be really tragic.

At the beginning of January, there was a new change in the ongoing war on the Macedonian side. Originally, as the war dragged on, the internal friction between the two factions within the Roman Republic gradually affected the morale of the soldiers in front. The upper hand, but seeing that a quick victory was impossible, at this time, the Thracian suddenly jumped out.

This nation, which has been enslaved by the Macedonians for more than [-] years, has a large number of people. They mainly live in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, in present-day Bulgaria. They fought bravely and were very popular mercenaries. During the war between Greece and Persia, Thra The Sri Lankans were successively employed by both sides, and they often became the decisive point of victory or defeat in the battle.

After the conquest of Alexander the Great, Thracian soldiers became the main combat force of the Macedonian Kingdom, but as the saying goes, success is Xiao He, and defeat is Xiao He. When Macedonia fell, the capricious Thracians abandoned them and defected to the Romans. side.

This change suddenly disrupted the pace of the Qin army's westward march. If you continue to prepare step by step, it is obviously impossible. The Thracian garrison is on the verge of the Black Sea and the Bosbrus Strait. Once they come to their senses and block the sea, not only Qin If the army can't get through, even Ji Xin's vanguard troops who crossed the sea first will be in crisis.

After an emergency meeting, Luo Jia decided to take advantage of the high winds and rough seas to send the fierce general Cao Xin to lead [-] Qin troops across the sea to try to get in touch with Ji Xin. Man.


This city is located at the junction of the European continent and the Asian continent. Its geographical location is extremely important. It is a bridge between Asia and Europe and an important node for the blending of Eastern and Western cultures. In history, as the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, the three Byzantines Words can be described as thunderous.In the 21st century, Istanbul is also the largest city and port in Turkey, and once existed as the capital of this Turkic nation.

Therefore, as long as the Qin army occupies this place, it means opening the door to victory in Europe. (To be continued..)

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