Qiang Qin

Chapter 484 Pirate Fleet

CRRC Mansion Commander Feng Tang, Governor of Hexi County Wei Shang, Yushi Cheng Zuo Ji, Chariot General Lei Bei and other newcomers were promoted one by one, which broke the original official system of Qin State at once, and this brand-new structure also made More young people who want to prove themselves have seen the strength of Qin's meticulous appointment of talents.

While renovating the domestic political situation, Li Yuan also accelerated his control over the newly occupied regions of the West. In addition to Xin'an City, Dongyang City, Xiyong City and other seven-star cities, the two new places of Egypt and Siberia, with the province's The method was formally established, and Li Zhongxiang and Han Xin, as the first officers, became the princes who led the party alone.

Divide the kings.

This was the main method used by the Western Zhou Dynasty to rule the world during the Spring and Autumn Period.After the establishment of the Qin State, the main promotion was the system of prefectures and counties under the direct jurisdiction of the central government.However, with the expansion of the territory, the defects of this directly governed system have also begun to be exposed, that is, because the territory is too vast, some affairs, especially the handling of emergencies, will cause problems for a long time due to the long transmission time on the road. can not be resolved.

From this point of view, it is feasible and reasonable to grant autonomy to remote border areas, and as the central court, what it needs to do is to grasp this degree.In other words, you can't let it go, and you can't tighten it too tightly.

The vast and vast empire will one day fall apart. This is the inevitable development of history, and what Li Yuan needs to do now is to infuse the foundations of oriental civilization into the pieces of land under his jurisdiction, so that no matter how many years it has gone through, How many generations, still enduring.


The 16th year of the Great Qin calendar, spring.

After a winter of dormancy, and spending a rare holiday with his family in Chang'an City, Li Yuan not only felt the deep warmth, but also began to miss his old brothers who were fighting abroad.

"The battlefield that belongs to men is in the west, not in the gentle village."

"The man of Great Qin should carry his sword and go westward. Slay the general and capture the flag to show the power of our great country."

In January, Li Yuan once again promulgated the mobilization order for the Western Expedition in Chang'an. The vast and endless Central Asia, the Middle East, eastern Europe, and northern Africa needed more soldiers and more new immigrants to join.

This is the third time that Li Yuan has called on the people in Qin State to support the Western war. The first time, only the most loyal subordinates accompanied him; the second time, it was the speculators who benefited from the Western Conquest Join in, and this time.Those who responded to the call were groups of vested interests of the new immigrants, as well as their relatives and friends.

Longxi County, Didao.

The Li family is holding a clan meeting. The Li family has become more and more prosperous with the strength of the Qin State over the years. Although Li Yuan's Li family name is not Di Dao Li, but Shang Cai Li, this cannot cover up the fact that the Li family has the same surname. Human pride, not to mention.Today, Li Zhongxiang, a well-known general in the Western Conquest War, came from Didao Li's surname.

The old man with white beard and hair, in terms of seniority, is still Li Zhongxiang's grandfather, sitting on the ancestral hall.Facing the crowd of juniors, the old man looked excited. A Li Zhongxiang can only guarantee the status of the Li surname for a period of time.Just like Li Xin back then.He only made Li Shi famous for more than ten years.Therefore, in order to become a real wealthy family, the Li family needs more young people to come forward.

More than a dozen young people surnamed Li in the hall are about to follow in the footsteps of Xizheng.Among them, some may never come back, and some may bury their bones elsewhere, but as long as one or two succeed, then the Li family will have a chance to become a wealthy family in Longxi.

While the clan meeting of the Li family in Longxi was held, in other places in Guanzhong, in Guandong, Shuzhong, Hedong and other places, those famous clans were also discussing nervously whether to join the conquest or stay conservative. Those who do not participate, in order to avoid the loss of the entire clan's elite summoning destruction.

The Li family chose to follow. The Sima family of Hedong, who is also a rich family, chose another direction in this choice. It is regrettable that Sima Yin, a master craftsman of the Great Qin Dynasty, died of illness a year ago. After his early death, the real power of the Sima family changed hands, and the succeeding patriarch Sima Tan was more focused on the affairs of Hedong Yanchi and was not very interested in expanding his power.

Some people follow, some people lag behind.

Amidst the ups and downs, the time has come to the early spring season in a blink of an eye, and the day when Li Yuan decides to set off is not far away, and [-] soldiers from all over the Qin Dynasty are also ready to go.Batch after batch of soldiers of the Western Expedition are like fresh blood injected into the blood, which can give the greatest comfort to the soldiers who are fighting ahead.


Spring is warm and cold.

Thick snow was laid out on the road, like layers of blankets, and the third batch of Qin expeditionary troops walked along the snow road and began to move towards the unknown front.

In the position of the Chinese army, school lieutenant Lei Bei and Li Shang are ranked next to Li Yuan, and it is like a dream for them to be able to get the opportunity to serve in Li Yuan's personal guard battalion among the many applicants.



The westerly wind of the Mediterranean Sea in February blows this long-quiet harbor. In the harbor, dozens of warships with three-layer oars have been painted with bright olive oil. The gaps are not soaked by sea water, and the rams equipped with iron ship guards are even more daunting.

Gan Yong stood steadily on a tall Mengchong ship, the skin on his face was purplish red, but his figure was thinner. Compared with half a year ago when he had to support himself while standing, Gan Yong It seems to have adapted to the environment at sea.

Around Gan Yong's flagship are two generals, Hu Zhe and Luan Bu. Difficulties are nothing?

Drill and form a combat-capable navy.

This is the current top priority of the Qin army. Unlike land warfare, the formation of the navy is much more complicated. It not only requires experienced sailors, excellent fleet commanders, but also the commanding generals of each ship. In addition to these, It is also necessary to have a solid warship that can suppress the opponent in multiple functions.

This fleet of the Qin Army currently has eleven naval ships, 26 auxiliary supply ships, and 57 small paddle boats. Except for the newly built naval ships, the rest of the ships were provided by the Greeks, Jews, and Egyptians. , and in the process of building the ship, the Greek Gemetheus and the students of Lyceum College played an important role. Their precise knowledge of mathematics made the craftsmen of Qin State feel the advanced nature of Western civilization for the first time.

The fusion of technology is mutual, and the building technology from the Eastern craftsmen also surprised the Westerners, especially the gangsters brought out by the giant Nozawa under the hands of Luan Bu. For them, shipbuilding was originally a In my job, this kind of technical activity is now back into battle, so it is naturally handy.

Since the beginning of winter, the situation in the Mediterranean Sea has become more complicated. Affected by the increasingly clear political situation in Rome, Crassus' fleet became active. They attacked the Jews and Greeks between the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea under the banner of the skull. The merchant ships, robbed their supplies, killed the sailors on board, and turned themselves into a frightened pirate fleet.

"If Daqin can't protect us, then talking about alliances and cooperation is empty talk?" The businessmen who lost all their money cried bitterly.

The Jewish king David and the Greek merchant leader Dikal have put pressure on the Qin army one after another these days, demanding that Qin send troops to severely punish the pirate murderers, even though they already knew that it was not pirates who robbed them in the Mediterranean, but Romans fleet.

"As the suzerain country, we have an obligation to protect us." This is the idea of ​​the Jews and Greeks. For the profit-seeking Westerners, this is a matter of course, but they don't think about it. How much benefit has been gained from protection.

In the face of interests, human nature is ugly.

But no matter how selfish the Jews and Greeks are, there is nothing wrong with it. If Qin wants to open up the complicated situation in the Mediterranean, it is crucial to break the Romans' maritime blockade.

Therefore, during this period of time, Gan Yong was under a lot of pressure.

Whether to go to sea in the near future, whether to find Crassus's skeleton fleet and fight a battle, this makes Gan Yong feel the difficulty of choosing, and as the commander of the fleet, what he can do now is to train hard and strive to make the fleet The combat effectiveness is adjusted to the best condition. (To be continued..)

ps: My stomach hurts badly today, I don't know why, so I can only update it.

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