Qiang Qin

Chapter 492 Spartan Warriors

Competition between nations is everywhere.

The abnormal changes of the nationalities on the northern border did not alert Scipio. To the civilized Romans, the tribes in the north, whether they were Gauls, Saxons, or Germans, were all barbarians. The purpose of conquering them is just to get more slaves.

The battle for hegemony on land has just begun its magnificent prelude.The battle at sea has shown signs of intensification. Crassus, who had been taught a lesson, eagerly led the main force of the fleet to seek battle at sea. However, wars at sea are not comparable to land battles. The vast ocean is full of passages, and it cannot be like land battles. Also stick to the pass, forcing the enemy to fight.

The Roman fleet went back and forth along the Aegean Sea several times. Apart from disturbing the fishing boats along the coast, they did not even notice the shadow of the Qin fleet. However, once the fleet's supplies are insufficient, no matter how powerful the Roman fleet is, it can only become a prisoner of the opponent.


Time flies.

At the end of the scorching summer in the Mediterranean, the powder keg of the Balkans finally exploded.

The Thracian general Spartacus led 7000 warriors, crossed the Alps with great courage, and appeared on the plateau in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula. If it was just such a raid, the Romans would not take it seriously. The team can't afford any big waves.

But soon something unexpected happened. In Milan, an important town in the north, Spartacus rescued the slaves of dozens of manors, and sent slaves of various nationalities, including the Thracians, into these manors. Organized, almost in an instant, a slave army with a number of up to [-] appeared in the territory of the Roman Republic.

In August, the slave troops besieged Milan for several days. Spartacus decided to abandon the siege strategy and instead searched for the largest city in Rome in the south of the Apennine Peninsula, the capital Rome.Han Anguo, the staff officer of the Qin Army who accompanied the army, expressed different opinions on his strategic conception.

Take Han Anguo's idea.Although the Thracian slave army has a large number of people, there is a considerable gap with the regular army in terms of equipment and personnel quality. When they started the uprising, they relied on their vigor and the Romans were caught off guard. , only to grow.But after the Romans discovered the destructive power of this slave army, Escipio's military vision would never let Spartacus take advantage of it.

Therefore, the safest strategy should be to return from the original path.Cross the northern mountains again and return to the Balkan Peninsula, where the slave army can be supported by the Qin army without falling into the dilemma of fighting alone.At the same time, the addition of this army can also speed up the unification time of the Balkan Peninsula. At this time, Peterus's Gaul army is being suppressed by Cao Xin's Qin army in the Pella area.

It is a pity that Han Anguo's proposition was not adopted, and the Thracians were dazed in the face of successive news of victory.Under the persuasion of his subordinates, Spartacus got hotheaded and began to think about establishing a great Thracian country on the Apennine Peninsula.In desperation, Han Anguo had to separate from Spartacus and lead the Qin Army's staff team back.

end of august.Scipio, the Roman consul, finally gathered enough troops to deal with the slave uprising. Under the city of Rome, Spartacus' troops were besieged by 15 Roman troops, and more than [-] people died in the battle.Spartacus only broke out with less than ten thousand remnants.

At this time, according to historical inertia, Spartacus would choose to continue marching south.They hoped to cross the sea and return to their hometown with the help of pirate ships, but the later development was due to the mutiny of the pirates, so they had to embark on the difficult road from the land to the north again, and finally the entire slave army was wiped out.

Fortunately, the young Spartacus finally came to his senses at this time. Han Anguo's words of persuasion and Li Yuan's warning before leaving for the expedition echoed in his heart. Return to the north on the way south, and then wait for the opportunity to return from the Alps.

Along the way, despite all the difficulties and the obstacles of the Roman army, as long as the slaves firmly believe in returning to their hometown, they will definitely be able to return alive.


Balkan Peninsula.

Pella, the former capital of the Macedonian Kingdom, was on the verge of collapse under siege from three sides by the Qin army.

Peterus, who was trapped in the city, never imagined that the majestic Roman general, the commander of the Gaul Legion, who once had nearly [-] warriors under his command, would be beaten like a tortoise, and he could only rely on the city walls and barriers to protect himself.What is even more ironic is that these barriers were still the stubborn support of Philip IV a few years ago.

The Gaul Legion used to be strong, but it also depends on the opponent it is facing. If it is only the general of the Qin Army Cao Xin, Peterus can handle it even if he is at a disadvantage. After all, the strong body of the Gauls is not vegetarian , but this time, the Qin army dispatched a total of 10 troops, and the leader of this western expedition to the Qin army turned out to be the famous Shenwu Emperor Li Yuan.


Li Yuan personally conscripted.

After Peterus paid a full price of [-] soldiers, this news was finally confirmed from the mouths of several Gaul soldiers who returned in blood.

After careful preparations, Li Yuan deceived the Romans, who were busy suppressing the chaos in the country, by means of deception. On the one hand, Qin declared that Emperor Shenwu received envoys from various places in Xin'an City, and on the other hand, he secretly dispatched troops to form a new conquest of Europe. This elite division is composed of cavalry from Luo Jia's army, heavy infantry from Cao Xin's army, and some machine crossbowmen and sky thunder soldiers. The generals in the army are also star-studded.

Luo Jia and Cao Xin are Li Yuan's right-hand men, Li Zuoche is his staff officer, Yang Yu, Zhou Ping, and Ji Xin are the elite generals of the younger generation. All the way, from the distant Guanzhong and Kanto to Eastern Europe.

The battle of Guan Jian, the Great Qin's unification of Eurasia, is about to begin.

As an old soldier, there is nothing more proud of than seeing the juniors win on the battlefield. Zhong Limei and Ji Bu now only hope that they can remind these young people with their experience from time to time by Li Yuan's side, so that They are not proud of small victories, and they will never forget themselves until the last moment.

In front of such a lineup, Peterus fought alone, unable to support himself. His Gallic Legion was beaten from 3 people to less than 5000 people, and after pleading with Scipio to send reinforcements to no avail , Peterus finally despaired.

"Grand Consul Scipio, I, Peterus, have fought to the end. I'm sorry for you. Now, it's time to find a way out for the Gauls."

On September [-], under the persuasion of the Gauls to surrender, Peterus decided to sacrifice the city and surrender. The remaining [-] Gaul soldiers in the city all put down their weapons, took off their armor and helmet tassels that symbolized Roman soldiers, and neatly He walked out of the barrier in Pella City and surrendered to the Qin army outside the city.

It was his old opponent Cao Xin who accepted Peterus' surrender letter.This time, Cao Xin did not mean to make fun of this old friend of Constantinople negotiating.Now that Peterus has surrendered, he will no longer be an enemy, but a comrade-in-arms who can fight side by side. The Gauls can also become another possible ally of Qin on the French Peninsula, and once they are organized , can form a containment force that cannot be ignored in the northwest of Rome.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Peterus must be sensible. If he is determined to serve the Romans, Li Yuan doesn't mind killing a general.


Balkan Wars.

Ended with the fall of the Gallic Legions.

Under the order of Scipio, the Crassus fleet, which came to the Adria Bay for reinforcement, circled the outer bay of Pella for a full seven days, and did not see a single Gaul escaped by sea.

"Petus, a bastard, actually betrayed us. It is really unforgivable." After finally finding out the news of the surrender of the Gaul Legion, Crassus couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Although he cursed at Peterus' words, But in my heart I was very happy.

The relationship between Crassus and Peterus has never been harmonious. It is natural for a country to have conflicts between the navy and the army, because resources and supplies are quantitative, and if one party is satisfied, the other party can only starve. Over the years, Crassus' fleet has developed rapidly, while Peterus's Gaul Legion has been repeatedly excluded and suppressed in the Roman army because of its relationship with foreigners.

The pressure of not being able to rescue the Gaul Legion, because of the surrender of Peterus, ceased to exist, and Crassus' fleet sailed eastward. For the Roman Navy, it is most important for them to find the Qin fleet that defeated Greer As for the other things, it doesn't matter.

The southern foothills of the Alps.

In the city of Milan.

Scipio, the Roman consul, was lying in the arms of his mistress Cleopatra with a tired face, and his eyes were bloodshot. These days, the fierce battle with the Spartacus slave team exhausted this man. The consul has too much energy, which makes it difficult for him to have the energy and physical strength to meet the needs of the wolf-like woman.

"Kara, tell me, people from Qin really look like monkeys. Can they not only climb trees, but also scream like monkeys?" Scipio asked slowly.

For everything about Qin, Scipio was never so interested that he had to learn about it. The only change in the process was Qin’s constant aggressiveness. , because he is a fanatical supporter of racism.

Scipio believed that in this world, only the white race is the most superior race, as for the yellow race and the black race, they are all inferior races, and they are born to be enslaved. (To be continued..)

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