Qiang Qin

Chapter 499 Relentless pursuit

The Roman fleet sets sail.

The hot weather could not stop Krasu and others from their determination to fight Qin.

Time is running out.Crassus had been waiting for too long. In order to know the movement of the Qin fleet, he had to pay a lot of money to buy off the aboriginal fishermen near the Dardanelles, and now the reward came.It was no wonder that Crassus, the War Supervisors from Rome came one after another. Facing the Qin Alliance forces that were pressing on the land battlefield, Scipio was even more eager to open up the situation at sea.

Compared with the rugged and mountainous continents where roads are difficult to pass, although the journey by sea is hindered by storms and hurricanes, it is better than being able to surprise the enemy and inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

If the Roman fleet can defeat the potential Qin fleet, even if Scipio is beaten to the corner of the Apennine Peninsula, he can still turn around by relying on the fleet's long-range launch capability. It is impossible for Qin to fortify every step of the way. Every port is protected by heavy troops. The Romans can use the fleet to send a surprise soldier to the rear of Qin, and then attack the supply line, capture important towns, and kill the soldiers at the post station.


Kitti Island.

After 2000, its name was Cyprus. This large island located in the middle of the Anatolian Peninsula and the Greek Peninsula is the hub of the Jewish Haifa Port, the Greek island of Crete, and the Bosbrus Strait.The Roman fleet marched eastward from Athens, and its destination was the waters of Kititi Island.

According to the news from the scouts, after leaving the Port of Troy, the Qin fleet sailed along the coastline of the Anatolian Peninsula to the Gulf of Beirut and the Bay of Haifa on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. From this route, Crassus judged that this It was because the Qin fleet was going out to sea to exercise its long-distance navigation capabilities, and at the same time, it was afraid of encountering the interception of the Roman fleet, so.Choose the route as close to the coast as possible, and never go deep into the sea.

How to do?

Was he just watching his old opponent slip away from under his nose?Of course, Crassus did not agree. Being familiar with the conditions in the Mediterranean Sea, he quickly judged the best interception location—Kiti Island.This big island located in the middle of the sea and not far from the east coast is the place where the Qin fleet must pass. Crassus is going to set up a battlefield in the waters around Kititi Island, and he wants to let the Qin fleet sink into the sea forever. .

Is the destination of the Qin fleet really Haifa Bay?Gan Yong's behavior of avoiding war by sailing along the coastline, did he really fear the Romans?

Of course not.

Kititi Island is just a trap left by Gan Yong for Crassus.That's right.The sea here is vast, the wind is high and the waves are rough. For the Romans who have experienced naval battles, they have the advantage of the right location and the right time, but Crassus ignored one point. It is too far away from the mainland of Rome. The supplies of the departing Roman fleet were seriously insufficient, which meant that the drinking water and food of the Roman warships were in a state of tension.

Sadie, the dark room of Daqin.He successfully used his status as the tavern owner to gain the trust of Crassus. Since several wooden barrels filled with seawater were placed in the innermost part of the cabin, nearly one-third of the drinking water and food could not be used.This was beyond the imagination of the Romans.

Of course, if the Qin army only used small tricks, it would be useless even if the Qin army won. The pirate leader Greer was lured into the port of Crete by a Greek caravan.The Romans generally believed that it was not that the pirate fleet was inferior in combat power, but because the Orientals were a despicable and shameless nation.

this time.With the assistance of new weapons and new tactics, the Daqin Fleet led by Gan Yong has high morale. They eagerly hope to have a sea cavalry confrontation with the Romans.


Lei Bei's left fleet has five warships in total, including one trireme, three sloops, and one supply ship. Hu Zhe's right-hand fleet of small and medium-sized warships, and the left-hand fleet of the Qin State Navy are a little weak.

Lei Bei didn't care about this.The advantages of having few warships are that Lei Bei's fleet is the fastest among the three Qin armies in terms of turning and speeding up, so his ship was also the first to arrive at Kititi Island.

The sun scorched the sea.

The olive oil on the deck has been sunburned to the point where a thick layer of oily juice has formed. Walking on it with bare feet feels like tearing off the skin.In the observation cabin under the mast, Lei was sweating profusely. The thin armor on his body was wet and dry, and it was extremely uncomfortable to stick to his back and chest.

"General Lei, about fifteen nautical miles in front of the left, the enemy fleet is found!" The scout of the Qin Army who was in charge of scouting the enemy shouted from the mast. Good soldiers climb to the tall masts and look down from afar.

fifteen nautical miles.

At this distance, if the wind is favorable, the enemy fleet can catch up with Lei Bei's fleet in about an hour. If the wind is against the wind, the time is uncertain. It mainly depends on which of the paddlers on both sides is stronger.

"Flag to the main fleet in the rear. We have discovered the Roman fleet, and now we are going to penetrate the enemy to the northeast waters of the island. If all goes well, the fleets will meet in the southern waters of Kititi Island." Lei was ordered in a deep voice.After the baptism of the sea battle, the young Jianghuai hero Lei Bei is like a fierce tiger, eager to prove himself through victories on the battlefield.

Divide into a joint attack!

Whether it is at sea or on land, the test is the tacit understanding between the friendly forces. The left, middle and right armies of the Qin fleet marched in the shape of a character. The main fleet approached, and then opened their arms in a dignified manner to fight.

Use ingenuity.

It can only be done once in a while, and the final tactics of naval battles still depend on their respective strengths.Daqin's three-way fleet decided to fight the Romans in the northeast of Kititi Island.


"General, the Qin ship has been found. They are fleeing in the northwest?" In the other direction, after searching and waiting for a long time, the Roman fleet finally found the target.

"Catch up, don't let them run away? Bastards, shameless and despicable bastards—" Crassus said with a pale face, holding up his pants, gnashing his teeth.

The lack of water and chapped lips and endless pain in the stomach made the Roman admiral miserable. The fresh water turned into sea water, and the food rotted and spoiled. This series of troubles made him feel extremely bad.

However, for the next confrontation with the enemy fleet, Crassus is still confident of winning. The warriors of Great Rome have been crossing the sea for generations, and the sailors and soldiers on the fleet have their ancestors and parents Born as a sailor, he lived on a ship since he was a child. This kind of innate ability cannot be surpassed by the Qin people after a little practice for a year or two.


Crassus was not the only one who was irritated by the endless tricks of the Qin people. The Roman fleet was devastated by the diversion of drinking water and the contamination of food. Lost his calmness.


August 23, noon.

The skin-burning sun shines directly on the sea, and there is not even a feeding seabird in the low sky. The algae living in the sea huddle tightly together, desperately absorbing the nutrients in the sun through photosynthesis , to speed up the metabolism.

For the lowest creatures in the ocean, every minute and every second of the competition for survival is extremely cruel. Once the new shoots are not born, the old roots will lose their supply and become the ocean. A great meal for microbes and small fish.

"Boom, boom boom!"

The drums of war sounded, as if thunder was struck on a sunny day. On the endless sea, two fleets were chasing and strangling, one behind the other.

"Squeak, boom!" Lei was boarded by the fleet, and a couch crossbow installed at the stern of the ship was full of tendons. Under the firm gestures of the proofreading soldiers, the thick crossbow was like a bullet fired, heading towards Chengge. The Romans chasing in formation flew out.After an hour of pursuit, the distance between the Roman fleet and the Qin fleet had been shortened to more than [-] paces. With just a little more force, the brave Roman soldiers could thrust their javelins into the Qin people's chests.

"what is that?"

"Quick, turn the rudder, dodge!" On the flagship, the Roman soldier in charge of lookout shouted.Hearing the shout of the watchman, the experienced flagship helmsman hurriedly pulled the rudder tip, while directing the oarsmen to coordinate the strength of the oars.

Flagship turns.

Especially when traveling at high speed, this is a very dangerous action. If you are not careful, it will be the result of the ship capsizing. Fortunately, the operators on the Crassus flagship are all veterans. The side of the ship quickly approached the sea level, while the other side raised high——.

Captain's room.

Crassus just lay down, and after standing for a long time, under the blow of his unsatisfactory stomach, he couldn't hold on anymore. The sudden inclination of the ship made Crassus's head come into close contact with the wooden boards of the cabin. The Roman commander Immediately, a big lump swelled up on his forehead, which looked scary.

"Quick, come, the general is injured." Seeing this, the guard immediately shouted in panic.As a great slave owner, the people who serve Crassus are all his private property, and once the master is in a bad mood, these slaves are the most likely to be destroyed.

Shen Hai is a lucky result.

The most unfortunate thing was that the corpse was cut into several pieces, and the bloody corpse was hung on the mast, waiting to be eaten by seabirds every day, until only a white skeleton remained.

After a while, the Roman ambulance in charge of the rescue began to stumble in. The sudden movement of the flagship made the following fleets start to become confused, and the warships eager to avoid collisions struggled to find a gap. The speed of the fleet slowed down.

The chasing distance was widened again.

On the bridge, Crassus, who was clutching his forehead, was burning with anger, but his heart was faintly uneasy. When did the Qin people possess such a powerful long-range weapon? If this kind of giant crossbow can be launched intensively, the entire fleet of Rome Are you going to die in the sea? (To be continued..)

ps: I was in the hospital yesterday, so I couldn’t update it. Today’s chapter makes up for yesterday’s chapter, and I will strive for another chapter in the afternoon or evening.

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