Qiang Qin

Chapter 522 Great Qin VS Rome Decisive Day


In the developed trade area on the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula, there is Port Bell, the most important port on the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea, where goods transported from various parts of the Atlantic coast through the Strait of Gibraltar are transshipped, collected, subcontracted, resold, and repacked. To the merchant ships dedicated to sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, sent eastward to various places on the east coast.

The location of Port Bell is equivalent to Barcelona in later generations. It was the first settlement established by the Carthaginians. However, after the Romans defeated Hannibal, Port Bell, together with the entire peninsula, was designated as a Roman province. .

This era of ignorance has just begun.

The sea route is the cradle of civilization transfer. As for the land route, it is much more difficult. The continuous mountains between Gaul and Iberia not only block the blending of airflow, but also make it difficult to transfer materials, technology and manpower. The primary mission of the coalition forces of Iberia, Daqin and Carthage is to retake Port Belle.

Only by occupying this important port can the coalition forces ensure a smooth supply line, and at the same time, successfully cut off the sea connection between the Roman army in the Iberian province and the mainland.

The sea breeze in Gibraltar could not stop the coalition forces from marching northward. When Li Zhongxiang and Hannibal set foot on the land of Iberia, a war between Qin and Rome kicked off in the Balkans of Eastern Europe.


The line of sight returns to the east.

Sinker Fortress in the eastern Balkans.

It is the pass where Philip IV fought with the Roman army in the past, and now it has become the place where the Qin army and the Roman army fought.The 15 soldiers of Scipio and Pompey covered the roads along the Milan Plateau and the Alps, and on the opposite side of them was the 20 Qin Army personally commanded by Qin Emperor Li Yuan.

In terms of the number of troops, the Qin State, which has always been dominated by elite soldiers, overwhelmed the opponent for the first time. However, the Romans were not completely helpless. After a year of counterattack, they finally occupied Xinke from the Qin army. The strategic pass made Scipio save a lot in dispatching troops.

As long as the fort exists.Qin Jun never thought about stepping over the Alps.With a stable rear support, Scipio firmly believed that he and his partners could win the final victory.

Pera city.

In the military conference hall, several generals of the Qin army gathered on the eastern front.Whether it is Luo Jia or Cao Xin.Or Spartacus.There was a look of excitement and anticipation on their faces.

on the sand table.

The mountains, rivers and valleys are fully displayed. This is the result of several years of hard work by the scouts of the Qin Army, but it is this clearly marked sand table map.However, Emperor Shenwu Li Yuan frowned.The coalition troops on the western front are still far away in Iberia. They can be surprise soldiers, but they cannot rely too much.

The complex and rugged mountainous terrain in the western Balkans once made the tank troops of the later German Third Reich unable to extricate themselves. This area is very suitable for defense and guerrilla tactics, but for the Qin army who is determined to enter the Apennine Peninsula, it is difficult. It is a natural barrier.

To break this barrier, the Qin army needs to fight a hard battle. At this critical moment, any luck is unacceptable.

"Generals, you have all seen that the Romans stationed [-] elite soldiers at the Fortress of Sink. In addition, they also deployed defenses step by step along the road from the Alps to the Milan Plateau. What we have to do now is to remove all these troops. Nails, to insert the flag of Great Qin into the dome of the Colosseum in Rome, for this goal, I need every one of you to put in a hundredfold effort, even including your lives—!"

Hearing Li Yuan's deep and powerful words, the young lieutenants standing a little behind him were excited one by one. Among them were Han Anguo and Skedacus, a pair of young twin stars who had fought in Rome. .

For the inexperienced Han Anguo and others, there is no need to consider the strategic judgment of the big battle. What they have to think about is how to win meritorious service for themselves on the local battlefield.

"Your Majesty, the Thracian, is willing to attack the Sink Fortress as the pioneer, so as to make up for the previous mistake of underestimating the enemy." Spartacus stepped forward and was the first to ask for an order.

"Your Majesty, An Guo is willing to lead his troops to take the Xinke Pass together with the Thracian warriors, paving the way for our army to march west." Seeing his old friend asking for a fight, Han Anguo immediately followed up.

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty! I will recharge my batteries for a long time, and I wish—"

The generals of the Qin army were enthusiastic and their morale was high. At this moment, the fortress of the Xinke fortress was officially decided. The so-called combination of righteousness and strangeness is mainly based on righteousness. This time, Li Yuan did not think about strange soldiers. In fact, the special topography in the north of Rome also determines that the best strategy is to push the front line straight across.



"Boom, boom!"

In mid-air, the sound of various weapons echoed over the fortress of Xinke, and the waves of Qin's attacks were continuous like huge waves hitting the shore.

Sky thunder, couch crossbow, siege engine, repeating crossbow—all kinds of new weapons took turns to test the will of the Roman defenders. The Thracian barbarians led by Skedacus were protected by the new weapons of the Qin army. He stepped down, holding a big ax, like a dwarf warrior from another place in hell, approaching the wooden door of the fortress.

As the defensive side, the Roman army was not completely passive this time. In order to strengthen the guarding force of the pass, Scipio put the newly developed catapult into the pass. Its existence also gave the Roman army Another primitive mechanical ranged weapon besides the javelin.

The fortified battle lasted for ten days.

After paying nearly ten thousand casualties, the Thracians finally smashed open the fortress gate of Sink Pass. Skedacus's bravery was vividly displayed in this battle. He was eager to avenge his shame, and led the Following wave after wave of dead soldiers, they rushed into the Roman army formation like crazy.

Hand to hand combat.

For soldiers on both sides, it was a severe test.

After seeing the breakthrough made by the Thracians, Han Anguo and other generals also followed up immediately. Their joining finally made the Romans gradually unsupported.

In the 18th year of the Great Qin calendar, September [-]th, early morning.

Part of the Roman army guarding the Sinque Pass withdrew from the pass, while the other part continued to hold fast in the dilapidated castle. Although facing increasing pressure, Scipio obviously did not want to give up just yet. His strategy was to follow the The line from the Balkans to the Alps resisted steadily until the Qin army's vigor was exhausted.

The true killer of Rome.

It is a part of Younis who copied the back road of the Qin army from afar. Their position has already moved to the Hungarian plain in the middle reaches of the Danube River. Next, Younis is going to continue to march eastward and attack the important supply behind the Qin army from the north. Place - Constantinople. (To be continued..)

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