Qiang Qin

Chapter 55

Updated: 2010-06-20

The setting sun shines on the sparkling water surface, dyeing the water surface blood red.A light boat was speeding quickly on the water, and it could be seen that the person who operated the boat had lived in the water for many years.I saw that the penny in his hand lightly touches the water surface, and the boat rushes forward a few feet, and then touches the water surface again, and the boat avoids a protruding stone in front of it. In the hands of the press it seems to be his legs.

"Qing Ming, is that person awake?" A pleasant voice came from the cabin in the middle of the boat.

"Little...Young Master, that person has been in a coma for more than ten days, and he hasn't woken up yet." A person replied loudly in another warehouse, and it could be heard from this person's voice that he was very impatient.

"I said I could take care of this person, but you insisted on snatching him away. Don't you want to take care of him now?" the person in front said to the person named Qing Ming in a teasing tone.

"Small...Young master is precious, how can you do these things. Besides, he has a wound on his chest and he has to take off his clothes to wrap it up, which is always inconvenient." Qing Ming got out of the cabin as he spoke, There was also a basin in his hand, and inside it was a white cloth that was already stained with blood and half a basin of bloody water.He was dressed in the clothes of a boy servant, he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he looked really cute.

A tall man came out from behind him, and he came to the young master's door and said, "Young master Yu, this man's life is not in serious danger, and he will wake up within two days."

"Then thank you, Doctor Wang. Old Chen, please give this doctor five hundred Wen." The latter sentence was addressed to the punter.

"Excellent!" The punter bent down to pick up the rope on the bow of the boat, and with a flick of his hand, he threw it out, and it just caught a tree by the river, and then the boat stopped.The man clapped his hands and took out five hundred copper coins from his pocket and handed them to Doctor Wang. The doctor thanked him repeatedly, took the money and went back ashore.

"My lord, we not only rescued this man, but also gave him money. Is this appropriate?" Old Chen also asked when he saw that Doctor Wang had left.

A person came out from the cabin, but it was a young man dressed in white with picturesque features.He looked at the sun sinking in the west and said, "To save someone, you have to save him to the end. If you don't find a doctor for him, he will die. It's better not to rescue him from the water. And I don't think he is Ordinary people, maybe they will bring a good helper to Uncle."

"Miss, can you still read his face? Just by looking at him, you can tell that he is not an ordinary person?" Seeing that there were no outsiders on the boat, Qing Ming stopped calling him a young master awkwardly.

"How dare you say that you almost called me wrong after calling me several times. What's the use of you?" Nayu "Master" gave him a charming look.

"Isn't the servant not used to it, and the man didn't hear anything." Qing Ming laughed.

Miss Yu didn't go to argue with her, but turned to ask the boatman, "Uncle Chen, how long will it take before we reach Jiujiang County?" Since there were no outsiders on the boat, she also respected the boatman.

Uncle Chen lowered his head and calculated, "This place is still five days away from Jiujiang. Miss, you can relax and treat it as if you are here to visit the scenery on the river."

"I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I went to uncle's this time. I might not be able to go out and have a good time again." The young lady spoke in a low tone.Lao Chen and Qing Ming heard that she was unhappy and didn't say anything more, and the boat fell into a brief silence.

Miss Yu found that both of them were speechless by what she said, so she hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, since we're by such a beautiful riverside, I'll sing a song to make you happy too."

When Qing Ming heard this, he shouted happily: "Okay, okay, I haven't listened to Miss playing the piano for several days." Then he quickly got into the cabin and took out a qin.

Sitting upright on the boat, Miss Yu took the piano, stroked the strings with both hands casually, and then began to play the music.The sound of the music is ethereal and elegant, spreading on the surface of the river has a feeling of independence from the world. It seems that the river is stagnant because of this music, and the red clouds all over the sky are also nostalgic for the sound of the piano and no longer flutter with the wind. .

After the song was played, Qing Ming and the two listened so fascinatedly that they forgot to say hello for a while, but at this time there was a low voice of applause from the wounded man's warehouse: "Good song!" There was another low "Ah yo!"

"I didn't expect Miss's qin music to have the effect of reviving the soul." Qing Ming smiled mischievously, then lifted the curtain and walked in.

The sun shines gently through the open door, which just gives people a warm feeling. The sun not only shines on the cabin, but also on Fusu who is lying on a couch.It seemed that the sunlight gave Fusu strength, he slowly opened his eyes, and found that he was in a small space, and he still smelled a nice fragrance. "Where am I?" Fusu looked around strangely, and then he felt the space gently swinging back and forth.Out of curiosity, he was about to get up, but saw that he was tied with a thick silk bandage.At this time, he remembered that he was assassinated by Mo Jiuxing and fell into Fenshui. He remembered that he had received a powerful sword in his chest before he passed out, so why is he here now.

Just when he was full of doubts, there was a burst of qin music outside, Fusu was immediately attracted by it, intoxicated by it, he forgot the doubts in his heart.After the song was played, Fusu couldn't help but hit the bulkhead with his hands and cheered loudly: "Good song!" Unexpectedly, the excessive force caused the injury in his chest, so he uttered "Ouch!" under the severe pain. .

The door curtain was lifted, and a petite figure walked in from the outside. After entering, he didn't come to Fusu's side, but lifted the door curtain with his hands, and then another person leaned in. Su asked with a smile in front of him: "Do you also know the piano?"

What caught Fusu's eyes was a happy and angry smiling face, which reminded him unconsciously of his maid Xiaotao, but he saw a playfulness that Xiaotao didn't have in this woman.Then his eyes fell on the last person who entered the cabin, seeing this person made his heart beat violently uncontrollably, he could tell at a glance that she was a woman disguised as a man, but the woman's The demeanor made Fusu's eyes shine, and he actually forgot to answer the other party's question.

"Hey, why are you here to stare at my young master? You haven't answered my question yet?" Qing Ming was clearly displeased.

When she asked this question, Fusu woke up like a dream and said: "Just now I heard the song played by the young master is high mountains and flowing water. I have heard many people play this song, but it is the one who can feel independent like the young master. I only heard about it today, I just called it out on a whim, I hope it didn't disturb the young master's elegant mood." Fusu saw that they were dressed in men's clothes and called themselves young masters, so he didn't mention it.As for Fusu's ability to understand this song, it depends on his previous life's memory.When he was a soldier of the armed police, he was a person who was more interested in the country's history and culture. The computer at home was full of traditional ancient songs, such as Liang Zhu, House of Flying Daggers, etc. He was familiar with the mountains and rivers.But comparing the electronic sound effect with today's real person's performance, it is obviously inferior.

As soon as she heard that Fusu really knew how to play the qin, Miss Yu hurriedly cupped her hands and said, "Young master is also a bosom friend. I don't know what you have to say about my qin music?" his answer.

"This song should only exist in the sky, how many times can you hear it in the world. If you want to judge this song next time, it would be rude to this young master." Fu Su blurted out.

"It's a good sentence that this song should only exist in the sky, how often do you hear it in the world. Just this sentence is the greatest compliment to the next piano song." Miss Yu said with a joyful smile on her face.

Seeing that the two parties got in touch because of the music, Fu Su asked directly: "I was injured and fell into the water, but did this young master save my life?"

Before Ms. Yu could answer, Qing Ming on the side replied first: "The other day when our boat passed Fenshui, we saw you floating on the water, so my little... son rescued you. A doctor has been called to treat your injuries."

Miss Yu glared at Qingming and said, "Talky." Then she said to Fusu, "It is indeed as my book boy said, we found you floating on the water more than ten days ago, so we rescued you on board."

"What? Have you been in a coma for more than ten days?" Fusu asked in surprise.

"No, if my son hadn't found a doctor, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to wake up." Qing Ming said again, obviously she couldn't control her mouth very much.

"Then I would like to thank this young master for his life-saving grace." Fusu said, standing up and bowing to Miss Na Yu, "Next Zhou Wei, I don't know what this young master's name is." Before knowing the other party's identity , Fusu didn't dare to reveal his identity, so he took out his name before time travel.

"My son's surname is Yu, you can call him Mr. Yu from now on." It was Qing Ming who answered first again.

Fusu wasn't very interested in the identity of Young Master Yu, so he didn't ask. What he really wanted to know at this moment was where he was.So he said: "Young Master Yu saved my life, I should remember it in my heart, but I don't say thank you for the so-called great kindness, and I dare not say that I can repay you for saving my life. Forgive me for asking, this place has Where did you go, and how far is it from Fenshui?"

"We just passed Yingchuan County, which is right above the Ru River. I don't know why Mr. Zhou was so seriously injured and fell into the water?" Miss Yu asked a little strangely.

"What? I was unconscious for such a long distance? What should I do now? If the upper county city can't wait for me, they will be worried to death." His pale face turned even paler, and for a moment he forgot to answer Miss Na Yu's question.

ps: A new volume, a new start, please support~~~~

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