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Chapter 171 Reconciliation?What a spring and autumn dream!

Chapter 171 Reconciliation?What a spring and autumn dream!
The video posted by Ye Lin quickly exceeded 100 million views on Douyin, and also attracted a lot of comments and reposts from fans and netizens on Weibo.

On the topic of whether Li Dongyan had sexually assaulted a female student, there was a heated discussion on the entire Internet. Most people still tended to believe Ye Lin. After all, if he was not sure and certain, how could he dare to go to the end with Li Dongyan like this?

Hua Xi hospital.

On the hospital bed, Xu Na kept playing the video of Ye Lin's "Not a Hero" on a loop. She had been listening to this song all day long. In the video, she was so familiar with what each judge said in their comments that she could recite it by heart.

Suddenly, Douyin reminded her that Brother Kang Lang, whom she followed, had released a new work. She opened it immediately and saw a video of Ye Lin collecting evidence of Li Dongyan's crime from the entire Internet.


Xu Na was stunned. By reading the discussions among netizens in the comment area, she understood that Ye Lin had fallen into a more dangerous situation due to lack of evidence.

Openly soliciting evidence from the entire Internet is a last resort and a no-brainer.

She immediately turned off her phone, stared at the void and hesitated for a long time, and finally made up her mind. She turned on her phone, turned to Ye Lin's WeChat, typed, and sent a sentence:
"Senior, I can stand up and help you testify against Li Dongyan!"

Then he added:
"Two years ago I was cowardly and scared...this time, I want to be brave!"

After sending these two sentences, she almost exhausted all her courage and waited nervously for Ye Lin to reply to her.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Lin coldly replied to her with three words:

These three words were like a bucket of cold water poured on the frail Xu Na's head. She fell into an ice cave instantly, and her fingers did not even have the strength to hold the phone.

Her lips were pale and bloodless and trembling. She knew that Ye Lin had not forgiven her yet and refused to even give her a chance to atone.

She suddenly felt that life was so hopeless and she couldn't even see a glimmer of light, so what was the point of living?

After Ye Lin's video was released, he received a lot of private messages on Douyin and Weibo.

A girl claimed to have been a student of Shuchuan Conservatory of Music, and Li Dongyan said very suggestive words to her, which was very insulting to the teacher's ethics.

Some netizens said that although they are boys, they also graduated from Shuchuan Conservatory of Music. They heard that two senior students were having sex with Li Dongyan. Of course, they were just hearsays and there was no definite evidence.

Someone also anonymously chatted with Ye Lin privately, stating that she had been kept by Li Dongyan and had been Li Dongyan's mistress for four years in college for three years. In addition, she also knew that Li Dongyan had improper relationships with other female teachers in the school...

There are many, many other private message revelations that subvert ordinary people's views, some of which are extremely outrageous. It is said that Li Dongyan once wanted to secretly rule a very feminine-looking boy. I don't know whether it is true or false. It is scary.

Ye Lin asked Xu Fengjiao and several operators to check these private messages, ask them if they had any evidence to prove the authenticity of what he said, and then asked Xu Fengjiao to collect and organize the evidence.

At present, the situation is still very impressive. There are many people who broke the news about Li Dongyan's secrets, and they all said it with good intentions. Some people even took out screenshots of the chat.

Of course, there are those who come here to make up stories and rumors to make the show more effective, but Ye Lin believes that many of them are really female students from Shuchuan Conservatory of Music, and the contents of the revelations are also true.

"This Xu Na..."

Ye Lin glanced at the chat message on his phone and quickly threw it aside and ignored it.

At night, he suddenly received a strange phone call.

"Hey, who's there?" Ye Lin asked.

"Hey, classmate Ye Lin, I am Zhang Qiulan, the director of the ethnic vocal music department of Shuchuan Conservatory of Music. Do you still remember me?"

A smiling woman's voice came from the other side.

Hearing this voice, Ye Lin thought of the school leader who dealt with him back then. Even though he was old, he was still dressed up and looked like he was called Qiu or Lan.

Ye Lin asked her coldly, what's the matter?

He now feels disgusted when he sees the teachers and leaders of Shuchuan Conservatory of Music and is not willing to deal with them. From the fact that so many teachers have no brains to endorse Li Dongyan's character, it can be seen that these people are all the same.

Zhang Qiulan had a good attitude, expressed her intention to come, and said she hoped to meet and talk with Ye Lin.

Ye Lin said that you and I have nothing to talk about. If you have any questions, just let it go. Don't do these foolish things. Anyway, they are just weasels paying New Year greetings to chickens - no good intentions.

Zhang Qiulan had no choice but to explain her purpose. She expressed the hope that Ye Lin would delete the video he posted today publicly soliciting evidence of Li Dongyan's sexual assault on female students.

"Because the video you posted now has caused a lot of trouble to Professor Li Dongyan. Let's be honest, you don't have definite evidence in your hand, right? Then it is very inappropriate and illegal for you to do this. Do you understand? Professor Li Dongyan can sue you at any time..."

"The reason why we haven't filed a lawsuit yet is because you were once a student of our Sichuan Sound. I still hope that you two can reconcile and just treat it as a misunderstanding. How about that?"

Zhang Qiulan put forward a condition. As long as Ye Lin is willing to delete the video and promise not to cause trouble for Li Dongyan in the future, Li Dongyan can spare him for once and not sue him for false accusations and the damage caused to Li Dongyan's person and reputation.

At first glance, Li Dongyan is very magnanimous. This reconciliation will not cause any loss to Ye Lin, which is equivalent to giving Ye Lin an advantage.

But Ye Lin didn't agree. He sneered and said, "Are you guilty?"

If you weren't feeling guilty, how could you make such an unequal negotiation?

Are you afraid that a female student who was sexually assaulted by Li Dongyan will contact Ye Lin?
"You...Ye Lin, I warn you, don't be shameless. We don't want to hold you accountable because you studied at Shuchuan Conservatory of Music. If you think we are afraid, then you You're really too young!" Zhang Qiulan's tone immediately became fierce, and even Ye Lin could hear a hint of lust.

Ye Lin was too lazy to talk to her and said that he would not delete the video. You can do whatever you want and there is no way to reconcile!
Just kidding, how could he reconcile with Li Dongyan when this kind of thing has reached this point?

I don’t know what Zhang Qiulan and Li Dongyan are thinking. Are they children, so naive?

"Yes, since you are stubborn, let's meet in court!"

Zhang Qiulan put down the phone in frustration, and the peace talks ended in failure.


The next day, August 5th.

A piece of news hit Moments and hot searches on major websites - Li Dongyan teamed up with Shuchuan Conservatory of Music to sue Brother Kanglang.

"Damn it, Professor Li Dongyan sued Brother Kanglang. What can I say about this incident? I feel like Brother Kanglang is going to suffer a serious blow?"

"Brother Kanglang just posted the video yesterday. He probably pissed off Li Dongyan and wants to sue him!"

"Let's talk about it. Brother Kanglang, this is really unreasonable. You have no evidence, but you dare to make the matter such a big deal. Is he really sure that Professor Li Dongyan has sexually assaulted female students?"

"It's hard to say. Subjectively, I tend to believe Brother Kanglang, but this kind of thing still requires evidence..."

"Brother Kanglang has indeed caused great damage to the reputation of Shuchuan Conservatory of Music during this period. It is normal for him to be sued!"

"I wonder if Brother Kanglang has had any female student victims contact him since he posted the video?"

Netizens are all talking about how Kang Lang will respond to the prosecution of Li Dongyan and Shuchuan Conservatory of Music.

Today is Saturday. All other employees are on holiday. Only Fat Brother Bin, Xu Fengjiao and Liu Chen came to the company. They all got together to help Ye Lin find a solution.

Ye Lin was not in a hurry and asked Fat Brother to contact a lawyer and deal with Li Dongyan first. He still needed a day or two to collect evidence.


Hua Xi hospital.

It was Saturday off today, so Sister Guozi came to the hospital to visit Xu Na.

As usual, Xu Na asked about Ye Lin's current situation. Sister Guozi flipped her hair and said:
"Ye Lin is still busy. He was sued by Li Dongyan and Shuchuan Conservatory of Music this morning. He is probably very upset at the moment."

Xu Na was stunned for a moment, and quickly turned on her phone to take a look. Sure enough, she saw the news that Li Dongyan and Shuchuan Conservatory of Music were suing Ye Lin, which was released half an hour ago.

"If Ye Lin can't produce any more evidence, he's probably going to jail and his career as a singer will be ruined..."

Sister Guozi folded her arms and leaned against the window wall, saying intentionally or unintentionally.

This sentence directly touched Xu Na's heart, making her stunned for a long time.


5 month 27 number.

Ye Lin sent all the evidence collected in the past two days to Su Peng.

Among them were victims who had graduated a long time ago, and some female students who were sexually suggestive of Li Dongyan while studying in college, and submitted several screenshots of the chats.

He felt that these evidences were sufficient, but Su Peng unexpectedly told him that almost none of them could be used.

"Chat records can be used as evidence, but screenshots of chat records cannot..."

Su Peng told Ye Lin that pictures can be edited. As long as you want, you can edit anyone's chat history with you. This thing is not recognized.

Chat records can be used as evidence, which means that you can find the conversation between you and this person on your mobile phone to prove that it is a real chat record and not a forgery, so that it can be used as evidence.

Su Peng also asked Ye Lin, among these victims, is any one willing to come forward and identify Li Dongyan?

Ye Lin shook his head, no, these victims can only accept anonymous information and are unwilling to come forward, let alone make the information that they are victims public.

"Then you are in a bit of trouble, Brother Ye!"

Su Peng frowned, now even he couldn't help Ye Lin.

Even though there were many victims who contacted Ye Lin, they all hoped that Ye Lin could help them bring Li Dongyan to justice, but when they needed to act as witnesses, none of them dared to come forward. They were all afraid and didn't want to have what they had experienced. Let relatives, classmates and friends around you know about these disgraceful things.

(End of this chapter)

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