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Chapter 20 Ready to Live Stream!

Chapter 20 Ready to Live Stream!

"Yi Zi, we have traffic and our account is up. Should we consider monetizing it next?"

In the afternoon, Fat Brother pulled up a chair and sat next to Ye Lin, wanting to chat with Ye Lin.

Brother Bin stopped what he was doing when he saw this, raised his ears and looked towards the two of them.

"Cash in?" Ye Lin took off his headphones and looked at Fat Brother.

"Yeah, the traffic and fans are on the rise. Can't we... think about how to monetize it? Of course, I listen to you. If you think it's not the time to monetize it yet, then let's not..."

Fat Brother said while secretly observing Ye Lin's reaction.

He was afraid that his ideas were inconsistent with Ye Lin's, so he lowered his attitude and said that he was just proposing, and if Ye Lin didn't agree, forget it.

Ye Lin pondered for a while. He felt that he was a little too impatient now and that the correct approach was to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish.

However, when he saw Fat Brother rubbing his hands and looking slightly embarrassed, he immediately understood what Fat Brother was thinking.

In order to build this company, Fat Brother invested more than 10,000 yuan successively. To this day, he has not even seen a penny in return. Of course he will be impatient.

Besides, the ultimate goal of making short videos is to monetize.

Now that we have traffic and fans, normal people would think that we should consider monetizing this step. There is nothing wrong with Fat Brother’s idea.

"Can you tell me what you think?"

Ye Lin did not refuse, nor did he agree immediately. Instead, he asked Fat Brother to talk about his thoughts on monetization first.

"Is such that……"

When the fat brother saw the drama, he immediately smiled and pulled the chair closer to Ye Lin.

He said that in the morning, he posted a message on Moments, and then many bosses on WeChat took the initiative to contact him, wanting to discuss cooperation with him.

Some bosses expressed that they want to invest in their company, and they can invest 500 million in the first round.

Some bosses were in the catering business and wanted to invite Ye Lin to their store to shoot a video for Douyin. The price was easy to negotiate.

There is a boss who also makes short videos and has more than [-] employees. He wants to hire three of them to teach employees how to make Douyin.

There is also a boss who is engaged in live broadcasting and is willing to spend a lot of money to sign Ye Lin, who is an entertainment anchor on a certain fish platform.

There is also a boss who owns a shopping mall and wants to invite Ye Lin to sing "Dinosaurs Against the Wolf" in the mall. The appearance fee is easy to negotiate.

There are also those who run factories and KTVs, and they all want to invite Ye Lin to sing "Dinosaurs Against Wolves", and others...

Ye Lin listened patiently one by one and said, "Is there more?"

The fat brother shook his head: "No, there are probably just these or twenty of them. The other cooperations were more outrageous, so I filtered them out directly!"

"If you don't want to, or don't think you like it, I will refuse them all. It's up to you..."

Fat Brother added that although he wanted to make some money, the first thing he had to do was respect Ye Lin's wishes.

Next to him, Brother Bin listened silently without interrupting. It was not easy for him to make decisions on such matters.

"Well, I understand everything. Among these dozen cooperations, only KTV and shopping malls are allowed. Let's reject all the others."

Ye Lin quickly made a decision.

Due to various considerations, his decision was a compromise, as it could make some money without deviating from their general direction.He will never allow outsiders to invest in shares, or cooperation such as visiting stores and teaching others how to do Douyin is in his follow-up plan and will not be accepted for the time being.

Fat Brother was very happy when he saw that Ye Lin didn't refuse everything, and quickly confirmed: "Zi Zi, what I'm saying is, do you accept going to KTV and shopping malls to perform "Dinosaurs Against the Wolf"?"

"Accept it, why not accept it if you can make money? Go and discuss it with them in detail!" Ye Lin said with a smile.

Starting a business is not his business alone. At this stage, he really needs to make some money to give Brother Fat and Brother Bin something to look forward to.

In addition, in addition to accepting commercial performances, he also decided to start a live broadcast tonight!

"Will the live broadcast start tonight?"

Brother Fat and Brother Bin looked at each other, not expecting Ye Lin to make such a decision suddenly.

"Yes, now is the time when there is traffic. If you don't start a live broadcast now to make some money, if you start a live broadcast after the traffic has passed, will anyone still watch you?"

Ye Lin said that since the commercial and performance cooperation has been accepted, he should implement the money-making route to the end.

Their company is extremely poor, so they cannot miss the opportunity to make money from the live broadcast of "Dinosaurs Against Wolves".

Hearing what he said, Brother Fat and Brother Bin were so happy that they burst out laughing. After working hard for more than half a year, will Ye Zi finally lead them to make a fortune?

"Yi Zi, what are you doing during the live broadcast? Just sing "Dinosaurs Fighting Wolves"?"

After calming down, Brother Bin was still a little worried. After all, live broadcasting was a new attempt for them and they had no previous live broadcast experience.

"I can sing "Dinosaurs Fight Wolves" or other songs. Have you forgotten the "Wukong" I sang on the Good Voice stage? Any song I sing sounds good, right?"

Ye Lin said calmly that with his current strength, it would be worthwhile to start a live broadcast. He can satisfy the netizens whatever they want to hear.

As for the venue for the live broadcast, there are two options, one is in this office, and the other is New South Bridge where the video was taken yesterday.

Ye Lin thought for a while and decided to go live to the Xinnan Bridge where the video was taken yesterday.

Because this office is too small to be used, and the interior decoration is not very good-looking. The sundries are placed in a mess. Live broadcasting here will give people a very bad impression.

In addition, when broadcast live on Xinnanqiao, the picture will be exactly the same as in the "Dinosaurs Fight Wolves" video, which can give netizens a sense of familiarity.

Listening to Ye Lin's explanation, Brother Fat and Brother Bin nodded frequently and couldn't agree more.

"Yi Zi, whatever you need me to do, just arrange it!"

The fat brother patted his chest and said, the live broadcast will start tonight. The time is a bit tight and there are a lot of things that need to be prepared, but he will try his best to find a way to complete it.

Brother Bin also listened carefully and even took out a small notebook to record the key points.

"Well, first let me talk about the props. The outfit I wore for the video shoot yesterday was hip-hop and rock. Brother Fatty will borrow it again, and then borrow a speaker and microphone... Don't borrow the one from yesterday. The sound quality of yesterday's speaker is It’s a bit bad. You can borrow a higher-end one this time. Also, for outdoor live broadcasting at night, our company’s two fill lights are definitely not enough. We need at least two more fill lights..."

This is about props. They must be prepared in advance before the broadcast. If anything is missing, the live broadcast may be messed up.

The fat brother nodded heavily and said that he had remembered everything and must have all these things ready before six o'clock in the afternoon.

"Then, let me tell you the time. Our broadcast time is from about [-]pm to [-]pm. If the effect is very good, it may be extended to [-]pm. So, you two, please communicate with your family in advance. No matter what happens along the way, you can’t walk away.”

Ye Lin stared at Brother Fat and Brother Bin seriously, these words were a vaccination for them.

(End of this chapter)

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