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Chapter 204: Reba is stupid to begin with, but you still tease her

Chapter 204: Reba is stupid to begin with, but you still tease her
"What? Did you make a mistake and you just drove this crappy car to pick me up?"

Ye Lin led Reba to the car and asked her to get in. When she saw the car, Reba was immediately dumbfounded and disgusted. She had never heard of the make of this old car.


Xiaopang looked embarrassed next to him. This was the first time someone had disliked his car like this in person. Why did he spend more than 20 to buy it? Is it really so lacking in respect?

"What do you mean, you look down on BYD?"

Ye Lin looked back at Reba and raised his eyebrows, "How dare you offend my distinguished BYD owner?"
"Idiot, what's my identity? You should at least drive a million-dollar car to pick me up at the airport, right? If my fans see me riding in your shabby car, I don't know how they will mock me!"

Reba leaned sideways, crossed her arms, and refused to get in the car. She had to ask Ye Lin to get a million-dollar luxury car to pick her up.

"Okay, it turns out you are such a Reba, I want to take a photo of you and expose it online!"

"You...what are you doing? What are you doing..."

Ye Lin took out his cell phone on the spot and started filming Reba. Reba was so angry that she rushed over to grab Ye Lin's cell phone and hugged him.

When she heard Ye Lin calling her name, Fat Brother next to her was dumbfounded and exclaimed: "F*ck, are you Reba?!"

Looking at it this way, holy crap, it seems that she is really the top star Dilraba!
"What the hell, you, the driver, don't even know who I am?"

Reba paused her fight with Ye Lin, took off her sunglasses and glanced at Fat Brother.

The moment he took off his sunglasses, Fatty almost exploded in shock, and his heart was filled with 1 fucks, he didn't expect it was really Dilraba!
"He is not a driver, he is my good brother and a partner of my company, Wang Junjie, you can call him Fat Brother."

Ye Lin introduced from the side that although it was right for Fat Brother to be his driver sometimes, he did not want others to treat Fat Brother as a driver.

After hearing his introduction, Reba looked at Fat Brother again with a slightly more serious look, but she still said frivolously: "What Fat Brother, I call him Little Fatty is more like it, I am older than you all, right? "

She was born in 1992, and Ye Lin and Pang Ge were born in 1993. Although they are only one year older, she still likes to think of herself as an older sister.

"No, you can't call him Xiaopang, because there is another person named Xiaopang in our company..."

Ye Lin smiled and said, he was afraid that Reba would not be able to tell the difference between Fat Brother and Little Fatty.

Reba curled her lips and said to herself, "I'm not interested in your company at all. Do you think I will go to your company?"
"Okay, let's get in the car and take you to eat something delicious. Are you hungry after taking such a long flight?"

Ye Lin waved to Reba to stop making trouble. He also opened the car door for Reba himself and invited her to sit in.

"You're so awesome Ye Lin, I'll remember you. You were the first one to pick me up in a car like this!"

Reba pointed at Ye Lin and scolded her. Then she put on sunglasses and a mask and sat at the back of the carriage, fearing that others would see that she was Dilraba.

Ye Lin smiled and shook his head, sat in the passenger seat, and asked Fat Brother to set off.

Fat Brother didn't dare to say anything along the way, and he did his job as a driver honestly. Even his hands holding the steering wheel were shaking a little, and his palms were sweating a lot.

Listening to Ye Lin and Reba bickering and laughing in the car, the relationship between the two seemed to be very good. The fat brother became more and more frightened. He admired Ye Lin for being able to have a passionate fight with a big star like Reba, and admired him. Love arises spontaneously.

"Ye Zi, are you going to eat later? Where should I send you?"

Fat Brother said that he would not go for a while. He was very self-aware and left some space for Ye Lin and Reba to be alone. He believed that Reba, who was doing nothing but eating, would not want him to be there.

Ye Lin understood Fat Brother's thoughts, nodded, and asked Fat Brother to drive him and Reba to Chunxi Road.

Reba didn't say anything, she just asked if there was any good food near Chunxi Road.


Chun Xi Road.

"That's it. Fat brother, please go back first. I'll find you when I come back at night!"

Ye Lin patted Fat Brother on the shoulder and told him to put him and Reba down right here.

"Well, okay, I'll pull over and you guys can get off. Ah, that... Re... Reba, I hope you have a good time in Chengdu!"

Xiaopang stopped the car and turned around to say hello to Reba. He was so nervous that he didn't even dare to look at Reba's face.

"OK, thank you little fat guy!"

Reba gestured to Fat Brother, covered her face tightly with sunglasses and a mask, and then opened the door and got out of the car.

There are still a lot of people on Chunxi Road at the moment, but who would have thought that top star Dilraba would get out of a broken BYD car, so not many people noticed here.

Ye Lin also wore a mask. He is now very famous online and can be easily recognized offline. Seeing this, Reba mocked: "Hey, you still need to wear a mask? What, are you very popular?"

She looked down on Ye Lin, trying her best to humiliate him and take revenge on him to vent her hatred. Who told him not to go to Kyoto, so she had to fly all the way to Chengdu.

"Don't be unhappy. Believe it or not, I took off your sunglasses and mask in front of so many people, hugged you and kissed you forcefully. See what the headlines will be tomorrow?"

Ye Lin stared at Reba and sneered, so scared that Reba couldn't help but take two steps back.

" lunatic..."

Reba was a little scared. She felt that the guy in front of her was not a normal person and seemed to be capable of such ridiculous things.

It's best not to provoke him too much, otherwise God knows when he will go crazy.

Others knew she was Dilraba, and treated her like a goddess, kneeling and licking her in various ways. But this guy was good, he didn't even regard her as a star, in his eyes she was just an ordinary person.

"This is the one." Soon, Ye Lin took Reba to a high-end private restaurant and ordered a few special dishes for more than 1 yuan.

Reba felt that this was about the same. At least Ye Lin didn't treat her badly when it came to food. If he took her to eat a hot pot worth three to five hundred yuan, she would really go berserk.

“Wearing a mask is suffocating me!”

Sitting in the box, Reba couldn't wait to take off her sunglasses and mask, so she could finally breathe in the fresh air.

When he came out of the airport just now, either the lighting was bad or Reba was wearing a mask. Ye Lin never saw her true face clearly. Now, sitting face to face with Reba at close range under the light, he suddenly felt a sense of surprise. The feeling of being a deity.

"Wow, you...are even more beautiful in real life than you usually look on TV."

Ye Lin praised her from the bottom of his heart. No wonder Reba has so many fans. Who wouldn't like Reba when she is so beautiful?
"Thank you, you too, you are much more handsome than I thought!"

Reba smiled slightly. She was very happy when she heard Ye Lin praise her like this. She was telling the truth. Ye Lin's figure and appearance were really impressive, far beyond her expectations. Even in the entertainment industry, he was very capable. The kind of fight.

"By the way, what did you take at the Giant Panda Breeding Base today? Where are the giant pandas you took, let me take a look!"

After arriving in Chengdu, Reba was very interested in giant pandas and reached out to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin opened the photo album on his mobile phone and handed it to Reba to let her see the photos of giant pandas in it.

"Wow, it's so cute. What's the name of this panda? Wow, it's so cute! I really want to raise one!"

Reba's heart almost melted when she looked at these photos. She liked these little guys so much.

But as she looked at it, she suddenly realized something was wrong. She looked at Ye Lin: "Why does this photo have a Weibo watermark?"

"Oh, because these are all pictures I found online."

Ye Lin laughed, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Reba. He was really shocked.

Just now Reba was looking at a bunch of online pictures happily like a fool, as if she had never been online.

Reminds me of a saying on the Internet: People are stupid to begin with, but you still want to tease her.

" picture?"

Reba was stunned. She stared at the giant panda photos on her phone again, and gradually realized what was going on.

"Are you...are you a devil? I wanted to see your photos of giant pandas, but you showed me a lot of online photos?"

Reba looked confused, how could there be such an outrageous person? Hey, what, I don’t know how to surf the Internet or something, and I want you to find pictures online for me?
Hahaha, Ye Lin held his stomach and laughed for a while, then explained: "We went to take a video today. It's all in the camera, not on the phone!"

As he spoke, he took the phone back from Reba's hand, fearing that Reba would throw the phone away from him in anger.

"You are such a showman!"

Reba rolled her eyes at him and was completely speechless. She had never seen such a top-notch man.

Soon, the dishes were served one after another.

Ye Lin pointed to a dish and started to explain it to her. First, he told her the name of the dish, the origin of the name, and then how to make the dish.

"Wait a minute! Let me search the Internet to see if you are seriously talking nonsense!"

Now Reba became wiser and suspected that Ye Lin was lying and wanted to lie to her again.

After searching, it turned out that this dish was not called that name at all, it was all made up by Ye Lin.Ye Lin shut up knowingly and whistled twice to relieve the embarrassment.

"What, do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Reba pointed at the content on her phone and sneered at Ye Lin. She saw that Ye Lin had something else to say now.

"Ahem, I'm just joking with you. Look at you, you don't have any humor at all. Hmm, can you act well like this?"

Ye Lin put on a serious expression, slapped her down, and instead accused Reba of not knowing humor.

Reba: “???????”

"Has anyone ever told you that you deserve a beating?"

Reba looked at Ye Lin and asked seriously. She really wanted to beat him up and vent her anger on him.

After about half an hour, the two got back to business.

"Let's start recording "Poetry from Fire" tomorrow. You should have a professional recording studio here, right?"

Reba said.

Ye Lin shook his head: "Not tomorrow. I have to be busy filling in some scenes for the promotional video of "Chengdu" tomorrow."

Reba frowned. She didn't know what the "Chengdu" promotional video that Ye Lin was talking about was, and she wasn't interested in knowing. She asked, "What about the day after tomorrow? Can you record a song with me the day after tomorrow?"

"I'm going to participate in the The Voice competition the day after tomorrow. Didn't I tell you earlier?"

Ye Lin said, the day after tomorrow is June 6th, the first day of the official start of the national competition of The Voice.


Reba rolled her eyes. She was going crazy. What do you mean, sister, I flew all the way to Chengdu and you actually said you didn't have time?
(End of this chapter)

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