Hong Kong: When the Wind Rises Again

Chapter 387 The local community is so rude


One o'clock in the morning.

Two cars stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Minna and others got out of the cars and entered the hospital one after another.

Following the signs hanging on the wall of the hospital, Minna led people quickly towards the underground morgue.

in the corridor.

The pale light illuminated them, stretching their silhouettes to infinite length.

"This is it."

Minna raised her head, the mask she wore covered her face and only exposed her eyes: "Quick victory."

The two guards walked quickly inside.

In the duty room outside the morgue.

The two plainclothes men sat on their seats and yawned, and drew together: "Do you think there is something wrong up there? Why are we guarding a corpse?"

"It's just, it's so spooky here. It's really scary to stay here at night."

The guy immediately started to complain and stood up: "You watch from here, I'll go to the fire escape to smoke a cigarette."

"Fuck, let's do it together."

Another person quickly stood up: "There are only a few corpses in there that I need to look after. I'm scared to be here alone."

The two of them walked outside as they talked. As soon as they came to the corridor, they looked up and saw Minna and her group coming towards them.


The guy immediately shouted and was held down by the guy next to him: "What the hell, it's a human!"

He put his fingers on the point 38 on his waist, looked at the group of people and asked, "What are you doing?!"

Suddenly, four or five people quietly appeared in the morgue at one or two o'clock in the morning, which seemed very abnormal.

There was no reply from the other party.

What responded to them was the Aka rifle hidden in their coats. When the long barrel appeared in their hands, the two plainclothes' eyes twitched and they were scared out of their wits.


At 0.38, he fired two shots at random in front of him, and the two of them retreated immediately.

"Da da da"

The raging bullets swept across, leaving bullet holes in the wall where the two people originally stood.

"Street boy!"

The plainclothes man hid in the room and cursed in a low voice: "Bring Aka and come here to snatch the body. This is the first time I've seen him on horseback!"

"Go in and look for it!"

Minna gave the command, and the bodyguards under her command rushed inside with guns in hand. Two plainclothes men hid in the room inside, not daring to show their faces at all, and let them pass.

Minna and her party didn't bother with them, and started rummaging in the morgue. After opening several cold storage rooms for morgues, they finally found Mincha.

The frozen Miancha was wrapped in a body bag, with several bruises on his body. The bright red scar on his neck was conspicuous, which was the fatal injury.

"elder brother!"

Minna stretched out her hand and touched Miancha's face, feeling the cold chill. She called the bodyguards to lift the person out, simply wrapped him in a quilt, and walked out with him.

Passing by the duty room where plainclothes were hiding, Minna grabbed the Aka rifle with her backhand and fired directly into it: "You deserve to die for locking my brother in such a cold place."

"Da da da"

The Aka rifle sprayed for a while, then suddenly stopped and got stuck. Minna was a little unhappy.

"Let's go."

The bodyguard signaled Minna to stop playing: "The police will come over soon after they hear the gunshots."


Minna thought for a moment, then threw Aka to the bodyguard, and everyone went out along the stairs. Outside, a parked car had been waiting for a long time, and they were waiting outside to meet her.

Just came out of the underground morgue stairs.

Minna signaled the bodyguard to send the person to the car: "Be careful!"

Suddenly the siren sounded loudly.

not far away.

Flashing red and blue lights illuminate the night sky.

"Da da da"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of MP5 micro-shooting was heard, and several guns suddenly appeared around the originally quiet hospital building, shooting at them.

A barrage of bullets swept over, knocking down two people.


When Minna saw this, she yelled and cursed. The bodyguards met one by one to hide and began to fire back. The two sides began to exchange fire.


They greatly underestimated the coming group.

Each of them was equipped with the most sophisticated equipment. Only two eyes were exposed under the black hoods they wore. MP5s in their hands fired rapidly, and teammates holding bulletproof shields in front of them cooperated to advance.

This is the Flying Tigers, the ace team of the police force.

They were well-trained and began to advance toward the center in an orderly manner, quickly firing firepower from both sides.

"Fuck you, there's something wrong with the gun!"

"My gun jammed again!"

"The bullet exploded!"

Compared with the huge pressure brought by the Flying Tigers, Mena and the others also faced another huge problem, that is, the Aka rifles in their hands began to have problems one after another.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Minna was furious and gave the order without hesitation. She got into the car and told the bodyguard to drive. However, the bodyguard couldn't move and was beaten into pieces as soon as he got in.

"Puff puff"

The MP5 swept over this group of people, like paper, quickly exploding blood holes.

Minna rolled and jumped out of the car and got in behind.



The voices of members of the Flying Tigers rang out from time to time in the headset. After a few minutes, the scene returned to silence, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and a faint smell of blood.


The sirens finally stopped.

After the Flying Tigers confirmed that the scene was safe, the police car drove over and arrived at the scene.

Miles, who was wearing a bullet-proof vest and a bullet-proof helmet to protect his entire body, got out of the police car and inspected the scene under the leadership of the leader of the Flying Tigers action team.

"Sir, a total of eight robbers were killed at the scene."

The team leader spoke quickly and made a report: "According to your prior instructions, the woman inside let her go."

He was just following the instructions, Senior Superintendent Miles said, and everyone involved at the scene was shot dead on the spot, except for the female character who took the lead.

They are only responsible for carrying out the instructions of their superiors and will not try to figure out the intentions.

"Ah, very good."

Miles nodded with satisfaction: "I'll leave the rest to you. By the way, prepare a report for me."

After saying that, he immediately got in the car and left, not wanting to stay here for a second longer.

As a senior superintendent, Miles did not need to come to the scene at all, but he still came to the scene "at great risk", mainly because of a good friend of his.

Just at night.

His old friend Liu Ronghua (Liu Yaozu) called him and said that he would provide him with a clue. Miles became excited when he heard it.

Liu Ronghua had not contacted him since the last time he took him to that private party, which made Miles very itchy.

He was extremely looking forward to having contact with Liu Ronghua again and indulge in pleasure, but the other party never contacted him.

"Mr. Miles, didn't you say that you are engaged in administrative work in the police force? I need to ask you for something. For you, it should be considered a credit."

Liu Ronghua organized his speech: "There was a drug dealer from Siam. They asked me to sponsor them, but I refused. They refused to give up and regarded me as a traitor, which made everyone very unhappy." "I heard from the news in the circle, They are preparing for tonight”

Guided by the clues provided by Liu Ronghua, Miles acted quickly.

On-site personnel were arranged in advance and an ambush was carried out on site. As expected, the information was true. The gang was killed here. According to Liu Ronghua's instructions, only the woman in the gang was let go.

"Tsk tsk."

Miles sat in the police car and took off his bulletproof helmet: "Mr. Liu's intelligence is still very reliable. Using a corpse to catch a group of robbers is a big credit to me. , a cross-regional criminal gang."

He had already thought about how to write the report, so he exaggerated the actions of this gang of drug dealers and made the situation at the scene more complicated to demonstrate his ability and ability.

Maybe, it would be good if the superiors asked me to transfer my job and change my work direction. It would be boring to deal with these community members.

Well, this Liu Ronghua didn't ask him to help him, it was more like giving him more information.
It's about three o'clock in the morning.

In the sewer outside the hospital, the manhole cover was pushed open, and Minna got out of it with a disgraced face. Her whole body was covered with dirt and the stench was extremely bad.

The situation of the bodyguards around her was not much better. Except for the two of them, the rest of the ten-man team was wiped out. The body of Mian Cha was not snatched out, and all the people were killed.

"Find a place!"

Minna still had a mysophobia, so the two of them finally found a small hotel to wash themselves off. It was already five o'clock in the morning when they sat down again.

"damn it!"

Minna gritted her teeth viciously, lit up a lady's cigarette and started puffing: "Damn Lin Huaile, he took our money and betrayed us!"

No matter how stupid she was, she could still see that she had been betrayed by Lin Huaile.

The gun introduced to him by Laojia sold to him by Lin Huaile was defective, and the scene was full of conditions. When they came out, they were shot at by the Flying Tigers outside, and their heads were badly bruised. It was obvious that they had prepared an ambush in advance.

If he hadn't had an idea and got into the sewer manhole cover nearby, he would have been wiped out by them all.

"Miss Mena."

The only remaining bodyguard covered his swollen face: "What should we do now? Things are not done well, the money is gone and the people are gone."

"We'd better go back quickly. The local community here in Xiangjiang is too rude. They took money and betrayed us."

"Let's go back first and ask more brothers to come over and take care of them. The two of us will definitely not be able to get into trouble now, so as not to cause any other accidents."

"go back?"

Minna's eyes widened and her face was filled with frost: "When I came out, I promised my father that I would take my brother back. Now you ask me to go back? Where do I get the face?"

She is a very strong person. If she can't handle this matter, how can she take over her father's business of the Eight-faced Buddha in the future? He will definitely not be at ease.

Minna frowned and smoked a cigarette. After thinking for a while, she had an idea in her mind. She took out her phone and called the Eight-faced Buddha directly.

She briefly reported her situation and concealed the matter. Everything was normal except that she didn't have enough money, so she asked him to arrange for someone to remit some funds to do the work for her.

"Let me think."

Minna recalculated in her mind. Lin Huaile had cheated her out of such a huge sum of money, and she must get it back.

However, she could only think of other ways now. The people with Lian Sheng must be unreliable. She had been in Xiangjiang for several days, and she had not neglected to understand Wu Zhihui's situation.

Wu Zhihui fought fiercely with Hong Xing, and in the end Wu Zhihui won. Jiang Tiansheng was obviously unconvinced.

Within Hongxing, there were also reports of several civil strife.

"Have it!"

Mian Na's eyes lit up and she thought of Hong Xing's Liangkun: "Let's go find Liangkun. Liangkun will definitely be interested. He will definitely not accept being squeezed out and suppressed by Jiang Tiansheng."

She consolidated her information in her mind, and then recalled that when she was in contact with Lin Huaile, he had revealed to her that Liangkun and Wu Zhihui had not won the fight, so Jiang Tiansheng was ignored.

Then I can take advantage of this opportunity to secretly unite with Liangkun and cooperate with him.

Even if he, Liangkun, can't handle Wu Zhihui, it doesn't matter. He can work with Liangkun to pull out the fans first.

They were sworn enemies with Jiang Tiansheng in Siam. If Liangkun was willing, it would be an unexpected bonus to be able to get rid of Jiang Tiansheng's trouble.

When she thought of this, Minna immediately became more energetic, and she still had a brain.

This time it was just an accident, being tricked by Lin Huaile, a local group, and I trusted them too credulously.

"Miss Minna, your idea seems to be okay."

The bodyguard's eyes lit up when he heard this. If he could help Minna get this done, he would be doing a great job for himself.

He quickly got together and started discussing the details with Minna. Based on Liangkun's reputation, as long as he had enough money, he should be easy to get in touch with.

Early the next morning.

In the restaurant, Wu Zhihui and Liu Yaozu had just sat down when their mobile phones rang. It was Miles calling.

He called to express his gratitude to Liu Yaozu. To say how much he was grateful to Liu Yaozu, it was definitely true.

This credit is not too big for him, but it is not too small either. If there are any clues to continue to investigate the big drug lord of the Eight-faced Buddha in Siam, it will be a great achievement.

Another reason why he made this call was that he wanted to get closer to Liu Yaozu. He had to strike while the iron was hot and catch up with this young big benefactor.

and so.

During the conversation, Miles lost his composure and took the initiative to expose his identity. He did not want the administrative vest and revealed his identity as a senior superintendent.

"Everything has been done. According to your wishes, not all of them were done. There are no women among the people who were shot."

Miles talked eloquently, and after describing the situation, he patted his chest and said, "This kind of thing is trivial. If you need it, of course I am willing to help."

"We are all friends. Besides, after all, you got the credit for helping me."

In order to help Liu Ronghua get things done, Miles also directly used the Flying Tigers.

"Wow? Really?!"

Liu Yaozu was indeed shocked when he found out Miles' true identity. Of course, he was just shocked. He did not compliment him, but just thanked him for a few words and then stopped.

During the chat, I found out that this was not the first time that Minna had a collision in Xiangjiang. She had also collided with a man named Wu Zhihui from He Liansheng before. After hearing this, Miles was relieved of his doubts.

No wonder this case sounds familiar.

After a brief chat with Miles, Liu Yaozu said that he would invite Miles out for entertainment next time he had the opportunity, and then hung up the phone directly.

Originally, he wanted to take the initiative to make a private dinner date with Liu Yaozu. Liu Yaozu seemed very busy, but it made Miles depressed.

I am a dignified senior police superintendent, but I am not attractive at all in this kid's eyes? Miles had frequent mental activities and was constantly trying to figure out Liu Yaozu's thoughts, which was a bit internal.

But Miles soon learned to comfort himself, and it was better for Liu Yaozu to act very calmly towards him.

Only his mediocre performance shows that he really has a lot of background, and he must know more people than senior superintendent.

The calmer he behaves, the better. This also shows that it is just fate that he knows him.

Thinking of this, Miles felt comfortable, secretly thinking that he must find an opportunity to interact with Liu Yaozu again.

"The street ghost guy."

Liu Yaozu put the phone aside and looked at Wu Zhihui with a smile: "Boss, I found that you are quite accomplished in controlling ghost guys."

"Based on my feeling, this Miles doesn't look like a senior superintendent in front of us, but more like a foreign dog wagging its tail."

"Aren't all foreign dogs like this?"

Wu Zhihui curled his lips and said disdainfully: "The more you take him seriously, he really thinks he can do it. The less you hold him, the more he will take the initiative to lick it up."


Liu Yaozu laughed and reported the situation: "Gui Lao said that a total of eight people were killed last night, and Mian Na was not among them."

"Namenna is not dead."

Wu Zhihui muttered: "A team of ten people killed eight of them, so it's still barely enough."

He didn't take Mian Na's team seriously either. It would be best if someone could help solve the problem: "What's going on over there in Hongxing? The money passed through the hands of Big B's wife and was given to Big B. Jiang Tiansheng must be very unhappy, right?" ?”

"Is such that."

Liu Yaozu nodded: "Big B is in the same situation as Liangkun now. Both of them have been forcibly separated by Jiang Tiansheng. Conflict will only happen sooner or later."

"Now, there should be only one opportunity, an opportunity for conflict. Once triggered, Hongxing will be in chaos."


Wu Zhihui nodded thoughtfully: "I wonder if this woman Mian Na can fall into the trap we planted for her. If she runs back to Siam in despair, then I will look down on her."

"Not sure, hahaha."

Liu Yaozu followed: "I will arrange for someone to keep an eye on Liangkun. If Minna really goes to find him, she will definitely send back the news."


Wu Zhihui nodded in response: "Keep an eye on it. If you find that she didn't fall into our trap and go to find Liangkun, then do it to her!"

Wu Zhihui didn't mind saving someone who was of no use value to him and was on the opposite side. (End of chapter)

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