Chapter 210
Beside him, the hoofs of the horse under the knight's crotch were pawing the ground, and wisps of white air were constantly sprayed out from the mouth and the horse's mouth.
Zheng Fan held the reins with his left hand and held the long knife in his right hand. He closed his eyes slightly, as if he was resting his mind.
No one knew what was going on in the surrounded environment on the southwest side, but everyone was ready to prepare. Maybe at the next moment, they would have to mobilize their horses and the enemy to carry out the most brutal charge.
Finally, there was movement from the Jin army.
Zheng Fan opened his eyes and was about to wave his saber and order a charge, but found that the Jin army in front actually began to retreat. At the same time, the Jin army further away also began to withdraw.
while in front,
Marquis Jingnan rode Pixiu and led two flag-carrying knights in slowly. There were nearly ten thousand Jin troops around, but no one dared to stop him!
When the distance between the two parties was close, Zheng Fan did not dismount, but sat on the horse and saluted:
"I will finally meet the Marquis of Jingnan!"
The knights under his command also shouted:
"See Mr. Jingnan!"
Marquis Jingnan nodded and continued to push the cock under his crotch forward. Zheng Fan immediately turned his horse's head, and after the knights behind him took the initiative to get out of the way, he accompanied Marquis Jingnan into the Wubao.
Immediately, the knights arrayed outside Wubao also followed and returned.
As for the Jin army camp outside, after the soldiers and horses returned, they immediately began to dismantle and leave the army very quickly, taking away only food, grass, ordnance, tents and other items for easy transportation.
Zheng Fan accompanied Marquis Jingnan. Marquis Jingnan dismounted from Pixiu, and Zheng Fan also dismounted.
"It's exhausted. Give it some human food. If you have wine, get some wine."
Marquis Jingnan pointed to his mount and said.
"I will obey your orders, Lord Marquis, please rest assured."
Pixiu is a strange beast. Not to mention compared with war horses, even ordinary captains are far from qualified compared with it. It is natural for special objects to be treated specially.
Tian Wujing rubbed his wrist and said:
"Take me to see the Emperor of Jin."
"Master Hou, this way please."
Fortunately, when Zheng Fan led Tian Wujing to the house, he didn't hear the "conquest" sound from outside.
When he entered, he found that Jin Huang seemed to have received the news in advance and was already waiting.
This immediately made Zheng Chengshou feel a chill in his heart. It seemed that the blind man and Liang Cheng had to seize the time to isolate and digest all the cavalry who had escorted the Jin Emperor in before returning.
Now that Emperor Jin has become a mere plaque, the plaque is still signed by his predecessor.
These cavalrymen themselves accepted this bit of mosquito meat.
Zheng Fan also believed that, except for a few diehards, the rest would no longer be determined to follow an emperor who had lost even the capital and had no territory.
"Yu Ciming, the lord of the lower country, meets the Marquis of Jingnan!"
Emperor Jin knelt down and saluted respectfully, keeping his posture very low.
The excitement caused by taking the drug not long ago seems to have completely dissipated now, and the two granddaughters of Wubao are not here now.
Tian Wujing did not help the kneeling Emperor Jin, but stood calmly on the spot.
After a while, Tian Wujing said:
"You're useless."
Jin Huang's body immediately softened. He was kneeling before, but now he was a little paralyzed.
When Zheng Fan heard these words from the side, he could only lament the "shrimp and pig heart" of Marquis Jingnan.
These words could not be more direct. However, Zheng Fan felt that since the Marquis of Jingnan had arrived, he must have his own opinions on this military rebellion.
After all, he was a veteran in the army, and the Jin Emperor's tricks must not be hidden from him.
"I will send someone to take you back to Yanjing, so you can live there honestly. If you have any other thoughts, please choose one for yourself."
This is equivalent to replacing Emperor Yan and making destiny arrangements for Emperor Jin.
Yu Ciming swayed slightly and remained silent. He didn't know whether he was completely desperate or had already been mentally prepared.
Without saying anything more, Tian Wujing turned and left the room.
Zheng Fan immediately followed him out and said:
"Master Hou, are you hungry?"
"A bit."
"it is good."
Zheng Fan didn't know what kind of relationship he had with Tian Wujing, but one thing he said was that Tian Wujing saved him not once or twice.
Tian Wujing's reputation is very bad now. In the history books after Qianqiu, even if Dayan can really dominate the world, it will be difficult for him to leave any good reputation.
But there is a saying,
Even if millions of people say he is bad, you cannot say he is bad if he is good to you.
There wasn't much room for dinner, and I didn't have time to fix it at the moment. The big steamed buns were freshly made, white and tender, and exuding heat.
Each person received a large bowl of egg drop soup with a little vinegar, plus two plates of side dishes that Siniang had pickled herself when she was at Cuiliu Fort.
"Master Hou, the one with red dots is stuffed with shredded radish, the two dots are with bean paste filling, and the three dots are with pickles."
Before the steamed buns are wrapped and put on the steamer, someone will mark them with a red pen to distinguish different types of steamed buns to suit personal tastes.
After all, after steaming, it is not easy to find the fillings you like. Even if you don't like the steamed buns, you can't waste food and you still have to bite the bullet and eat them.
Tian Wujing asked:
“There are no steamed buns with pure meat filling?”
Obviously, Marquis Jingnan was not used to the steamed buns from Cuiliu Fort.
"It's pure meat stuffing, and you'll get tired of it easily after eating it." Zheng Fan explained.
"Ha ha."
Tian Wujing smiled,
"I have long heard that your family used to open a restaurant and do business, and it was considered a wealthy family. But I didn't expect that your mouth has become so tricky. You will feel tired of eating pure meat. If Li Liangting hears this, he will be shocked. Take a stick and break one of your legs."
"The Marquis is laughing at you. We have only achieved this little in our lives. We just want to treat ourselves better when it comes to 'eating' here."
"What you said is untrue. From the first time I met you, I knew that you were ambitious. It's just that others keep their ambitions in their hearts and don't show them easily. Your ambition is written on your face."
Hearing this, Zheng Fan touched his face and said with a smile:
"That's because I haven't mastered acting yet. I need to practice more in the future."
"It's not a bad thing for a man to be ambitious."
"Yes, Lord Marquis, you are right."
Tian Wujing reached out and took out a steamed bun stuffed with shredded radish and took a bite. In the first bite, he could only eat white noodles, but in the second bite, he could only get the stuffing.
The stuffing is salted and should be eaten with white flour, just like eating white flour steamed buns with vegetables.
"This steamed bun is indeed delicious."
"I still have a lot of them over there. These steamed buns are not easy to spoil after being steamed in the winter. They can be stored for a long time. When making porridge in the morning, add a small drawer on the stove, heat a few and put the porridge on it. "
Tian Wujing nodded and continued eating the steamed buns.
Zheng Fan also ate with Marquis Jingnan.
After each person had eaten three steamed buns,
The two of them stopped tacitly and wiped their hands on the wet towel next to them.
"You're quite quiet today."
"The Marquis is joking. I have owed the Marquis too many times. If I say anything more to say thank you, it will seem awkward."
"You are from Yan, and you were once a subordinate of me. If something happens to you, it is impossible for me to ignore you."
"That is, we will always be the soldiers of the Marquis. Those Jin people think that we Yan people are just like them and like to use these despicable tricks."
A smile appeared on Tian Wujing's lips,
"Zhao Jiulang, this is indeed the arrangement. I have also received the documents from the center and been informed of this matter."
"..." Zheng Fan.
This means that Marquis Jingnan came here to resist the decree?
After all, Zaifu adheres to the emperor's will most of the time, especially when communicating with a commander at the level of Jingnanhou. Even Zhao Jiulang is not qualified to direct Jingnanhou what to do.
"Master Hou..."
"It's not just for you, even if it were other soldiers and horses, I would come to rescue you. In the final analysis, since the founding of the country of Yan, what I have relied on is nothing more than the mutual support of the descendants of Yan.
Taking advantage of your assassination, I took you to the capital to depose the third child. It was not purely to vent my anger, but because I was really angry.
The days of peace have been long, and many people have forgotten their roots.
Da Yan is not rich, and Da Yan is not big either. The court can play the tricks of the court. In the past, when the noble families were there, they could play the tricks of the noble families;
Traffickers and pawns, common people all have their own ways;
But the soldiers and horses cannot be touched, nor can they be touched arbitrarily. The country of Qian is rich, has a vast land, abundant resources, and a gathering of people, but as long as the soldiers and horses are not good enough, the country is destined to be weak.
This is my belief and my bottom line. "
"The young man will definitely remember the Marquis's teachings."
"The art of war written by you is also pretty good."
"It's hard to be elegant and makes the Marquis laugh."
"A mere thousand words can't match the myriad changes on the battlefield, but it can still be regarded as the seed of a famous general."
"Master Hou is absurd."
"Right now, the Situ family is just an empty shell. Most of his troops are stationed on the side of the Tianduan Mountains.
Although I did not bring troops this time, the generals of the Jin army on the opposite side just thought that the Yan people did not want to reach that kind of tacit understanding with them, and they knew very well that the Situ family's army was not in the west at this time. If a war started at this time, they would be defeated. undoubtedly.
So, they withdrew. "
Zheng Fan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood the meaning. At the same time, he suddenly understood why Jingnan Marquis came alone but was able to make the Jin army withdraw directly.
Therefore, our own Shengle City can be fought back!
"It is said that the savage settlement in the north of the Tianduan Mountains has been a little restless these days, and it seems that a new king has been elected. Do you know why I, Dayan, stopped my expedition against the Situ family at this time?"
Zheng Fan sat upright and replied:
"Master Marquis, the last general has heard that when the Great Xia Dynasty was established, the Ji family, the ancestor of the Yan royal family, was sealed in the north to suppress the barbarians;
The Xiong family of Chu State was sealed to the southeast and suppressed Shanyue; the Yu family of Jin State was sealed to the northeast and suppressed the barbarians.
Compared with barbarians, savages, and Shanyue, the four major kingdoms are more like brothers fighting against each other outside the wall.
A hundred years ago, Emperor Taizong of the Qian Kingdom took advantage of the fact that our country, Yan, was fighting a decisive battle with the barbarians in the desert to launch the Northern Expedition. They were unjust.
Nowadays, the barbarians are showing signs of restless resurgence. Although the Situ family is a vassal of the Yu family, they have been responsible for suppressing the barbarians for hundreds of years. Now, since the Situ family is dealing with the barbarians, I, Dayan, am not a great official after all. I, the Emperor of Dayan, His majesty's magnanimity is not comparable to that of officials from the state of Qian.
As long as the savages are in trouble, and as long as the Situ family is still fighting to the death against the savages, our Dayan cavalry will not march eastward to Dacheng.
This fully reflects the broad mind and high-mindedness of His Majesty the Emperor of Dayan. I will be so impressed that I wish I could shout my Emperor’s Holy Ming ten times before falling asleep and waking up every day. "
After hearing these words, Marquis Jingnan said,
He just said calmly:
"speak English."
Zheng Fan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.
"But His Majesty's dragon body is ill?"
(End of this chapter)

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