Chapter 221
Zheng Fan sat down on the chair. He really liked the style of Savage chair. It was very wide, large, and very strong. Although it didn't pay attention to details, it was comfortable to sit on and lean on.
The blind man peeled the orange silently, while facing Xiong Lie, he said:
"Eat oranges?"
"No, no, please eat, Mr. Bei."
"Oh, why are you standing here if you don't want to eat?"
"Yes, yes, I'm resigning, I'm resigning."
Xiong Lie saluted and went down.
After he left, the blind man peeled the orange and handed it to Zheng Fan.
Zheng Fan shook his head and said, "I'm more used to Si Niang feeding me."
"Well, my subordinates can't do this job for me."
"Well, don't force it."
"Haha, Lord, tomorrow night, this city will belong to you."
"I'm not too worried about that."
Zheng Chengshou is a group of opponents who seem to be united but have their own agenda. Zheng Chengshou can be regarded as a man who has seen the world. If he can't deal with them, it will be in vain.
Don't look at the bald man or the various trading companies. They are all paper tigers in front of the regular army.
"What are you thinking about, Lord?"
"Blind man, I feel that my realm has become a little loose."
When the blind man heard this, his dark eyes seemed to have a bright light flashing.
Zheng Fan's improvement in strength affects the hearts of all demon kings, just like parents watching their children go from kindergarten to elementary school and then from elementary school to junior high school.
You really want him to skip a grade to college and get out of the house,
But I couldn't rush him yet.
"Maybe it lacks a little heat."
"Thank you, Lord."
"You're welcome again. By the way, look here. There are many monsters. It feels like visiting the pet market before."
"Yes, Lord, the profit here is huge."
In the pet industry in later generations, the profits can be said to be quite terrifying, especially pet hospitals, which are more expensive than human medical treatment.
"Just pay attention."
"My lord, my subordinates feel that it is not very cost-effective to develop agriculture here in Shengle City, and the climate here is not suitable. However, we can put more effort into the business aspect.
At present, the Yan State is recuperating and it is unlikely to start a war with the Situ family in a short time. The Qian State is also at peace and is gathering strength to make reforms.
The business and layout of other commercial banks have been disrupted and wasted a lot due to the war that affected the Three Kingdoms. We have Shengle City as our support, which is a good opportunity for us to get started in this industry.
The most important thing is that although the Sixth Prince's property was handed over to the Ministry of Household Affairs of Yan State, industry is industry and talent is talent. His subordinates do not believe that the Sixth Prince does not have a group of useful shopkeepers.
Moreover, it is impossible for the Ministry of Household Affairs to keep all the people from the Sixth Prince and not replace them. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and not taking over? "
"You are more cruel than me."
It's like knocking Xiao Liuzi's bones and sucking out his marrow.
"It's not in vain. Anyway, I already owe the Sixth Prince a lot of favors. Besides, if we don't continue to ask for anything from him, the Sixth Prince may feel uneasy in his heart, and the cornbread won't taste as good as it tastes."
"Yeah, so we're thinking about him."
"Yes, my lord."
"When you say that, I feel much better."
"My lord, my subordinates will go down first to handle the arrangements for entering the city."
"Okay, go get busy."
After the blind man got out, Zheng Fan walked to the cage again and opened the cage. The green eagle had been trained by Xiong Lie to become intelligent. It obediently stood on Zheng Fan's shoulders, raising its head and chest.
"Oh, it's kind of interesting."
Zheng Chengshou immediately pictured himself in full armor sitting on a war horse with a sea turtle standing on his shoulder.
It's a pity that Qingying is too expensive and difficult to maintain. It can indeed be used to convey military information, but it cannot be promoted on a large scale, which is a bit useless.
At this moment, there was shouting in the yard outside.
Zheng Fan returned Qingying to the cage and walked out of the small courtyard.
On the field, there was a foreign caravan, headed by a woman who looked to be in her early 30s.
Few women in Yanjin can learn to be as graceful as women from Qiandi. It's not that they don't want to, but they are forced by life and environment. The woman in front of them is also like this. She holds a long knife in her hand and leads a dozen people and others. The people on Xiong Lie's side were confronting each other.
Zheng Fan leaned against the fence, reached out and took out a handful of fried beans from his pocket, and put them into his mouth one by one.
Xiong Lie was shocked when he saw Zheng Fan coming out.
You must know that Shengle City is still "behind enemy lines" at this moment. How can Zheng Fan show his face? What should he do if something unexpected happens?
Zheng Fan saw Xiong Lie coming over on his own initiative and asked with a smile:
"what's up?"
"Sir, this woman is from the Bald Hair family and has been responsible for transporting goods. In the past six months, the trade routes have been cut off and it is difficult to travel. She brought people here to ask for money from the slaves."
Businessmen, you owe me and she owes him. This is normal. In later generations, basically at the end of every year, it is the day of debt collection. Zhang San asked Li Si to ask for the debt. Li Si said that he would have to wait until Wang Wu repaid his debt. Give the money to Zhang San.
"You didn't give it?" Zheng Fan looked at Xiong Lie and asked.
"I gave it to you." Xiong Lie immediately replied, "Sir, now, how can I cause trouble?"
Anyway, I gave it today, but I might have to get the money back tomorrow.
Zheng Fan clapped his hands and asked, "How much did you give?"
"It's all cleared."
As soon as Xiong Lie finished his answer, he was stunned. He knew he was on to something.
If I keep delaying my payment, everyone will become accustomed to it.
At this time, he actually took the initiative to pay off the debt, and it was at a time when the Yan people might be coming and everyone was panicking and not knowing what the future would be like.
How could it not make people suspicious?
"The debt has been paid off, so why did she cause trouble?" Zheng Fan asked.
"She said that we were planning to retreat to the mountains and were no longer planning to do business with her gang. She asked me to give her an explanation. After all, her gang of brothers are still relying on this line to eat."
"Huh, that's far-fetched."
"Sir, I'll deal with it now."
"Don't mention it. Since she noticed and came to the door, let's entertain her and bring her in."
"Yes, sir." After speaking, Xiong Lie licked his lips again and said, "This slave is guilty."
"Next time you do something, use your brain more."
"It's a waste of time."
"Well, go ahead and bring people in."
After Zheng Fan finished speaking, he calmly turned around and returned to the yard.
Xiong Lie looked at Zheng Fan's back and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. A person who can be valued and supported by his master is indeed extraordinary. This kind of courage and courage cannot be compared to ordinary people.
What he didn't see was that Zheng Fan, who was walking back to the yard, shouted directly in his heart:
"Blind man, blind man!"
The blind man was in a room in the courtyard, not far away.
Soon, the blind man responded in his heart:
"My lord, what's the matter?"
"The people from the Baldy family may have seen something."
"My lord, don't panic. You can tell by looking at it. How many people are they coming?"
The blind man has always been able to keep his composure.
"More than a dozen, one woman took the lead and came to look for trouble."
"Then will you see me, Lord?"
"I asked Xiong Lie to bring the people later."
"My lord is wise."
"Let's meet first, and then we'll talk."
"It should be so."
Zheng Fan actually didn't have much panic as a worker behind enemy lines. This was Xiong Lie's old home in Shengle City, and there were hundreds of savage guards inside and outside. Even if other forces in Shengle City wanted to break in, they would have to spend a lot of effort.
At the same time, I only need "a cloud-piercing arrow" on my side.
A Ming and others who were ambushed on the outskirts of the city would immediately send troops to attack the city.
The reason why I came in first with a little bit of risk was because I wanted to arrange things a little more properly, so that when things happen, they can be a little smoother.
Attacking hard is not Zheng Chengshou's style during this period. Unless he has a family background similar to that of Zhenbei Houfu, then he can really learn from Li Fusheng: In war, the most important thing is to have strong troops and strong horses!
for a while,
The woman was led in by Xiong Lie.
Zheng Fan was leaning on a chair, covered with an animal skin blanket, and the blind man stood behind Zheng Fan.
The woman looked at Xiong Lie and then at Zheng Fan.
She knelt down to Zheng Fan,
"Meet your lord, the daughter of the common people!"
"You know who I am?"
Zheng Fan asked.
"Your Excellency must be a nobleman from Yan Kingdom."
"Are you from the bald family?"
"To my lord, my name is Tufa Su."
Zheng Fan couldn't help but cough.
"Sir, the bald-haired clan is willing to submit to the Yan Kingdom and become loyal subjects of the Yan Kingdom. They will drive eagles and dogs for you and wipe out all those who disobey discipline!"
"I'm curious, what would you have done if I hadn't asked Xiong Lie to bring you in today?"
"Sir, the lady originally planned to find an excuse to come here to take a look during the day, and she might personally come in and take a look at it at night."
"You are sincere."
"In front of your lord, a daughter of the people dare not hide anything. Sir, you only need to say a word, and I, the bald-haired heir of the bald-haired family, will personally come to hold the saddle for you."
"How did you know that I was here?"
"Sir, among all the families in Shengle City, which one has not sent someone to contact Dayan?"
Who inside and outside Shengle City doesn’t understand Yan?
"It's just that Xiong Lie's behavior was a little too abnormal, which made the head of the family certain that Xiong Lie must have connected with the nobles of the Yan Kingdom."
They all wanted to understand Yan, because the Yan people were too scary, and at the same time, the Situ family was very unkind and let go of the dove.
During this period, the Situ family's approach was very similar to that of Zhongzheng, who sent special commissioners all over the continent to package and wholesale letters of appointment for bandits and bandits, but they themselves never counterattacked.
However, if you want to be a young man, you also need connections and a letter of introduction.
Zheng Fan closed his eyes slightly and began to calculate.
In fact, my initial idea was to clean up Shengle City thoroughly, because this was my first base and my home base, so I had to clean the house before treating guests.
But, the allegiance of a local snake like the Bald Hair Family?
Alopecia Elements immediately continued:
"Sir, there are nearly a thousand people in the bald clan who can hold weapons, and they will become your most loyal guards!"
1000 people?
The hands under the fur blanket began to pull apart.
The blind man said nothing. At this time, the Lord himself needs to make a decision.
Tufasu has been kneeling on the ground with a very solemn expression. She is very nervous, and this kind of nervousness is very strange. Sheng Le City is still in her own hands, at least half of it belongs to her family.
However, despite this, he was still trembling under the feet of this man from the Yan Kingdom.
This is the so-called country's power. If you are strong, you can dominate everything.
After a great battle, the Yan State singled out the two eastern countries. On the one hand, it defeated the Qian State under the capital city, and on the other hand, it annexed half of the Jin State. In the west, it still had enough power to defend against the barbarians, so that they did not dare to go east. further.
If the Situ family wants to take advantage of the Yan people's unsteady foothold to wrestle with the Yan people, wealthy families like them don't mind taking advantage of the fire. After all, the Situ family is recognized as the most powerful among the three major families, and they also fight with the Yan people all year round. When savages fight, they can be considered to have strong soldiers and strong horses.
But once the Situ family was no longer prepared to fight, the powerful local snakes like them were instantly drained of all their energy and spirit, and turned into quails in front of the Yan people's iron hooves.
"Well, let's inherit the baldness and come visit me."
Alopecia will kowtow immediately,
"The daughter of the people will go back and report to the head of the family."
"Okay, you can go back, I will wait for him here."
"The girl retire."
Alopecia leaves the yard,
Xiong Lie said anxiously:
"Sir, just in case..."
"Just in case, just in case, unless his Bald Hair family is determined to bring his family to Tiandu Mountain, he will make a wise choice. In the end, even if he hides in Tiandu Mountain, he will really treat me as a big brother Yan Huben, why can’t he do it?”
As Zheng Fan spoke, his eyes fell on Xiong Lie.
"Some words may hurt your feelings. I'd like to apologize to you in advance."
"Sir, just say it, I don't dare to have the slightest complaint."
"Well, that is, to be honest, there is not much comparison between savages and barbarians. Although I heard that there is a king among the savages in the snowy fields in the northeast, I, Dayan, really don't pay much attention to it. .
We have been fighting with the barbarians for hundreds of years. How big a battle the barbarians must have had in their heyday, but when did I, Dayan, ever fall at a disadvantage?
In the past hundred years, the barbarians have been even more frightened and hurt by the beatings. After my Majesty issued an edict, the barbarian king really did not dare to go further eastward.
This is the same as playing chess. If you keep playing chess with masters, no matter how bad your level is, it won't be much different. You can weigh it yourself. "
"I don't dare to have the slightest dissent. The several settlements I often interact with also don't dare to have the slightest dissent. I can guarantee this with my head."
"Xiong Lie."
"The slave is here."
"I don't think you are a savage. To tell you the truth, I have the most barbarians under my command. There are not many serious Yan people. I am a person who doesn't distinguish between high and low barbarians. As long as they are willing to serve me, I will do it." Treat them as equals.
But I have to say ugly things first. Although I will not go into the mountains to kill savages from time to time like the Jin people did. "
"There are many savage settlements in Nudai Mountain, thank you for your great kindness!"
"Hey, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. I haven't finished speaking yet. If you don't want to be regarded as a thorn in my side, you have to act according to my rules."
"What do you mean, sir?"
"Pay tribute, recruit tribal warriors to serve as my subordinates, and take hostages into Shengle City. None of these three items are acceptable."
"This..." Xiong Lie.
"What's the matter, do you regret it?"
"Slave... I don't dare."
"Okay, tell your people to get ready. Don't let Baldy Successor suddenly go crazy. You have to resist for me for a while."
"I obey!"
Xiong Lie retreated and gathered his men.
Zheng Fan looked at the blind man, pointed at the animal skin blanket he was wearing, and said:
"I think changing this blanket to snow wolf fur will bring out your temperament better."
"What the Lord said is absolutely true. Tiger skin is too rough, fox skin is too girly, and snow wolf skin feels just right. I will pay attention to it in the future."
"Your Majesty, is he planning to conquer the Bald Family?"
"Let's first see if he is on the road. In fact, I still like his clan soldiers. Why do we have so few soldiers? Those thousand Jingnan troops have to be returned.
It’s all thanks to you and A Cheng. "
The men and horses under his command were so diverse, including barbarians, prisoners, defeated soldiers from the Jin Dynasty, and soldiers from local wealthy families. It was foreseeable that there would also be barbarians in the near future.
To be honest, any warlord who engages in such a hodgepodge will die miserably in the end.
Only in those Western heroic fantasy movies can we easily assemble all kinds of troops to achieve victory.
But Zheng Fan trusted Liang Cheng's military training skills and the blind man's brainwashing skills. They were professionals after all.
"Don't worry, Lord, these are not difficult tasks. Once everything is ready, everyone can perform their duties."
"Well, I thought so too."
Zheng Fan crossed his hands in front of his abdomen,
Eyes slightly closed,
"I'll sleep first."
"Then my subordinates will go down and send a message to them to start tonight."
"Well, this is the safest way."
"Whatever the Lord wants to eat tonight, I will ask someone to prepare it."
"There's no rush. The bald successor won't be visiting me for a while."
"It better be this way."
"If he comes early, let him go down early in the future."
"The nobleman of Yan State asked me to visit him?"
"Yes, patriarch."
Abald Hair Element kneeled in front of the bald man to report.
"okay, I get it."
"Chief, are you going now?"
"There's no rush. Since he said he wanted me to visit him, there's no point in visiting him without a face-to-face gift."
The bald-haired successor looked at his three younger brothers, who were all warriors in the clan.
"The south and west city gates are already in our hands. Let's go down and open the city gates tonight and light the torches. Fourth son, you can handle this matter."
"Second child, third child, please order all the tribes."
"Brother, which company should we target?"
"Which family? Except for the savage family, we will attack all the others."
"Brother, does it have to be like this?"
The bald-haired successor glanced at his brothers and cursed angrily:
"They dare to march into the city openly and show off. What does this mean? It means that they are very confident. Even if we plan to fight with them, they are sure to wipe us out.
You have to be lucky, lucky that I discovered something wrong with Xiongye Huo earlier than others.
Otherwise, we will be used as a proxy by other companies!
If you act like a dog when giving gifts, you either don’t give them or don’t lick them;
Now that I have decided to become a
Then give me the biggest gift,
Be the dog that knows how to wag its tail! "
 I recommend a historical novel "Shao Song" by the author of "The Overthrow of Han". The new book is on the shelves today. Those who like history can go and support it.
(End of this chapter)

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