The devil is coming

Chapter 223 Advanced!

Chapter 223 Advanced!
"Are you trying to kill me?"
"My subordinates dare not."
"You must be scolding me for being pretentious and pushy."
"My lord is wise."
"Ha, but I'm curious, what color is the dragon robe that Si Niang embroidered herself?"
"The golden color suits our aesthetics."
The dragon robes of the Yan State were still black, paying more attention to the emperor's prowess; the dragon robes of the Qian State were Taoist and mysterious, setting off the mystery of the emperor; the dragon robes of the Chu State were heavily decorated, and every piece of them had a story to follow.
Jin Dynasty dragon robe...
The Jin Dynasty is gone, and it doesn’t matter what style it is. Even for an auspicious gift, future generations will not imitate the Jin Dynasty dragon robe.
"It's better to hide it."
"My subordinate understands."
Zheng Fan knew that if he had a moment of pleasure today and put on the dragon robe, he would have a good relationship. Marquis Jingnan might just come and behead him in three days without caring about his injuries.
To be honest, so far, Zheng Fan has no confidence whether he is facing Emperor Yan or the two princes from the north and the south. Not only himself, but also these demon kings have no confidence.
After putting on his armor, Zheng Fan walked out of the yard. Outside, someone had already prepared a horse.
Zheng Fan got on his horse,
Looking back at Xiong Lie and Bald Hair Chengcheng,
Casually, like going out to call your two dogs.
It’s not that they deliberately mistreat others. Many people naively think that showing kindness to others all day long, bathing, eating and sleeping together, etc., can win people’s hearts back. That is simply too naive.
There are many people in this world. The more rude you are to them, the more they will surrender to you, and the more warm and genial you are to them, they will be able to sell you.
As a conqueror coming to a new land, the first thing to do is to establish authority, not virtue.
Bald-haired Chengjie took the lead and blocked Xiong Lie behind him, holding Zheng Fan's reins in his hands.
Although he has become a Gesheha inexplicably,
But anyway, my head is already on the ground, so it would be a bit stupid to twist it halfway.
Xiong Lie was grinning angrily from behind. He didn't think anything was valuable at first, but when he saw someone snatching it, hey, it smelled so good in an instant.
However, there was no reason for two people to hold the reins together. Xiong Lie could only follow behind the horse, step by step. His already dark and plump face became even more gloomy.
The blind man also rode a horse, keeping a certain distance from Zheng Fan. The supporting actor knew Qu'er and was not allowed to steal the show.
On the outside, there were savage guards under Xiong Lie and a group of soldiers from the Bald-haired clan waiting. The Bald-haired Successor came to the door alone, but his clan soldiers did not go home. At this moment, he saw that his family Having been leading horses for the nobleman of the Yan Kingdom, some of the bald warriors had something wrong in their eyes, but they didn't dare to make any mistakes.
Zheng Fan also saw the Bald Hair Element. If this woman could be more beautiful, then he wouldn't be able to sacrifice a marriage or something to win over the Bald Haired people.
But then I thought about it, what is the ability of a manly man relying on marriage?
A lot of people gathered here. Shengle City was not big, but the people inside were very mixed, especially after the war, people mixed in.
At this moment, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this place. They have no decision-making power and no ability to influence the pattern, but they are still instinctively curious about what he will be like in the sky above his head in the future.
Is it due to exposure to the scorching sun or frequent rain leaks?
Finally, the ground began to tremble slightly.
Everyone turned their attention to the street ahead, where the trembling came from.
It can be said that Yan Jun's entry into the city was quite easy this time. Bald Hair inherited the knife and stabbed him in the back. He also attacked other companies and opened the city gate on his own. Liang Cheng could be said to have entered without firing an arrow, but he broke through the city. Entering is not a difficult task at all, the next work is the focus.
The reputation of the Dayan Iron Cavalry makes the powerful men in Shengle City timid before fighting, but they have to see something real with their own eyes before they can completely obey.
This is publicity, this is a show of muscles, this is also a show, how to show off your style, how to show off so that they can cut off their hearts that may still be a little restless, all the demon kings know in their minds.
The ones who entered the city at the front were the Jingnan Army.
The size of the Jingnan Army has always been small. After entering the Jin Dynasty, they fought for ten consecutive days, and the losses were naturally impossible to be small. Fortunately, the original rear camp troops have officially entered the establishment, and the size of the main force of the Jingnan Army is also constantly increasing. According to the Yan State According to the wishes of the imperial court, the main force of the Jingnan Army must be expanded to [-], and at the same time, it must be matched with the rear camp of the Jingnan Army of [-].
According to the original tradition of [-] regular troops and [-] rear camps, this is equivalent to doubling the number in the next two years.
The expansion in a short period of time will naturally cause the quality of the army to decline. Even if Tian Wujing trains troops again, it is impossible to offset this process. He can only shorten this process as much as possible.
But the Jingnan Army with thousands of cavalry that Zheng Fan borrowed from Ren Juan is actually an old team with no trace of moisture. They are all part of the original [-]-strong army trained by Tian Wujing. At the same time, they have also experienced The real elites who were trained in the first battle of Jin Dynasty.
The Jingnan Army was in front. From armor to horses to men, all the knights controlled the speed of their horses. The horses weighed their hooves and trotted, but this organic murderous aura was already pouring out.
The savages and bald-haired tribesmen present, including the people of Shengle City who are staring at this place, have naturally seen blood and experienced battles since they were born here. They are different from the people of Qian Kingdom who only pursue gorgeous and shiny armor. They can tell whether a troop can fight, whether it can kill, and even how many people it has killed.
Otherwise, how did you get this evil aura?
The bald soldiers who were still dissatisfied before lowered their heads subconsciously at this time. They knew very well that if the cavalry in front of them were to fight one thousand against one thousand, they would have no chance of winning.
When the knights of the Jingnan Army came to Zheng Fan, the general named Gao Yi was the leader.
He looked at Zheng Fan, and Zheng Fan was also looking at him.
Zheng Fan was calm on the surface, but he was murmuring in his heart. He didn't know whether Liang Cheng and the others had succeeded in convincing the other party along the way. At least, they had to be willing to put down their airs and cooperate with him to perform this play perfectly and thoroughly. .
at last,
Gao Yi dismounted,
Kneel down on one knee towards Zheng Fan in front of you.
"General Gao Yi, please see the city guard!"
A thousand Jingnan Army knights behind them simultaneously raised their sabers and shouted in unison:
"See Lord Castle Guard! See Lord Castle Guard!"
Zheng Fan felt agitated in his heart. It seemed that Liang Cheng and the others had done a good job in persuading him.
To be honest, Zheng Chengshou made his fortune by relying on barbarians. Barbarians are brave and good at fighting. They are natural cavalry and have high fighting qualities. At the same time, they are also easy to brainwash to a certain extent.
But the barbarian soldiers couldn't cooperate in their postures and were a bit stupid, unable to give Zheng Chengshou the enjoyment he wanted.
Back in the prince's residence, Zheng Fan led Tian Wujing's personal guards and pretended to be powerful. Hey, that was comfortable and that was refreshing, I kept thinking about it.
The prison soldiers are sensible, but there are not many of them, and a wave of barbarians came later, alas...
Therefore, at this time, when Zheng Fan looked at the thousands of Jingnan troops, he had already made up his mind. No matter what, these thousands of troops could never be returned!
Even if the time comes to play a trick of raising the bandits' self-respect, they still have to keep this Jingnan Army in their hands and make them their main camp.
Zheng Fan doesn't care whether Ren Juan will be angry or not. Marquis Jingnan will be angry. Anyway, Marquis Jingnan is not willing to chop off his own head.
After the Jingnan Army, there are the barbarian cavalry and the prison soldiers. They are all fierce soldiers who have witnessed the war, and have been trained in the pace. They may not be as sharp as the Jingnan Army that fought half of the Jin Kingdom in ten days, but The neat military formation still gives people a strong visual shock.
The last ones were two thousand Jin puppet troops, and Xu Youcheng was also among them.
Yes, Xu Youcheng did not die. After hearing that his family was destroyed, he entered the capital in a daze. After the capital was destroyed, he was captured and handed over to Zheng Fan.
He has always been a little confused, and he knows that this confusion will continue.
Because a few nights ago, the blind man next to the nobleman of the Yan Kingdom told them that any family members among them who served as maids would be redeemed by the city guard himself.
There are still some problems with the morale of the two thousand Jin troops, but they are Jin troops after all. Their appearance makes the people of Shengle City subconsciously feel a lot more friendly. After all, they are their own family, and there is no such thing as a disciple soldier. But in the end, they are is the accent of a place.
Liang Cheng rode out and came to Zheng Fan. He dismounted and knelt down to salute.
"See your lord!"
Bald Hair inherited his position and knelt down, Xiong Lie knelt down, the savages and the Bald Hair Clan soldiers also knelt down, and many people around him also knelt down.
This is very disrespectful and out of bounds.
However, Yan State has a very good atmosphere at the moment, and these taboos are not popular. Back then, in front of Nanwang City, the battle array created by the two marquises was much wider than this.
Zheng Fan didn't do anything to help him get off his horse. With his armor on his back, he sat lazily on the horse and looked around.
This is his city,
This is his territory,
This is his future home,
It will also be his place of fortune!
Traveling through this world for a year,
I have been a civilian husband, been hacked by others, and hacked by others. I have been working hard in the wind and rain. This is the same as the people of later generations who work hard and empty their six wallets to pay a down payment.
I finally have a family!
A wave of heroism rose up from Zheng Fan's heart, and instantly hit his limbs and bones.
at the same time,
The energy and blood in the body seemed to be pulled,
It was as if the magma that had been accumulated for a long time was finally released at this time.
A soft black light flowed from Zheng Fan's body,
Zheng Fan felt so comfortable that he almost wanted to roar,
at this moment,
He has advanced!
At the same moment,
Liang Cheng in front of him, the blind man beside him, A Ming, Fan Li, and Xue San nearby, all of them had a ray of light in their eyes!
Si Niang in the distance,
Licking her seductive red lips.
(End of this chapter)

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