The devil is coming

Chapter 232 Raiders of the Lost Ark

Chapter 232 Raiders of the Lost Ark
Everyone changed tents together.
Xue San stared in disbelief at Fan Li, who was squatting alone in the distance and drawing circles on the ground.
"Why am I born in the same comic studio as this idiot?"
The ruthlessness of the magic pill, the eccentricity of A Ming, the gloominess of Liang Cheng, the blind man's palace, the charm of Si Niang, and the handsomeness of Xue San,
Why does Mao need to add a Fan Li?
"My lord, if you could tolerate your subordinates to create comics with Fan Li as the protagonist, it's natural that your studio cannot continue to operate."
Zheng Fan smiled and said:
"Your sales volume is tied with his at the bottom."
"..." Xue San.
Everyone sat on the floor,
this time,
The savage captives and the treasures plundered from the savage stronghold are somewhat insignificant.
All everyone can think about is the Helian family’s treasure trove!
The capital of Jin State is already very rich in wealth, but in fact, the Jin royal family has been without power for several generations, and it is still possible to leave so much wealth.
How much wealth must the Helian family, the overlord of the Three Jin Dynasties, save in order to make a comeback in the future?
The process of working hard step by step to achieve success is actually very valuable;
But if you could get everything you want with a steel ball and reach the sky in one step, eliminating the struggle,
I believe many people are actually willing.
If you really take control of this treasure house, you really won't need to worry about money for a long time to come.
It is equivalent to playing the game at the beginning, earning a large amount of gold coins by cheating, and then you can directly click on the building to upgrade.
"The problem is, Lord, when you captured this child, the guards around her did not leave any survivors." The blind man rubbed his temples, looking very distressed.
How old is this child? How much information can she know?
Xue Sanze said: "Those people are all dead soldiers. I checked and found that they have poison embedded in their tooth sockets. Unless we personally take action from the beginning, it will be difficult to catch them alive."
A Ming opened his water bag, took a sip, and said:
"This Helian Orb is probably being protected and hidden in this village by the dead men of the family."
Zheng Fan pursed his lips and said while thinking: "The Helian family and the Wen family, Dayan's attitude towards them is very simple, it is to exterminate the clan.
Because it was these two families who took the initiative to attack Dayan first, the two culprits, whether they were the Marquis of Zhenbei or the Marquis of Jingnan, did not hold back.
The Helian clan and the Wenren clan can kill them as soon as they catch them. It seems that this Helian orb must have cost a lot of money to be protected by these dead soldiers and come here. "
Because counting the time, from the moment when the Yan Kingdom defeated the Helian family and Wenren family, to when Zheng Fan made a long circle and finally arrived at Shengle City to guard the city, it took nearly two months.
This is enough to show how difficult it was for them to avoid being hunted by the Yan army in Quhe City, and how much they paid.
"The treasure house, the treasure house, since it was pre-buried by Helian Xiongbi, it should not be left in the same way as the Manchu treasures in the movies. It is very likely that there is also a team of people guarding the treasure house, waiting. The young master of the Helian family is here to get the Helian Pearl." Liang Cheng said.
"Although the Helian family has been claiming to be a Jin people for hundreds of years, his predecessor was indeed a savage, so it is reasonable to place the reserved escape route in the Tianduan Mountains.
And it should be done extremely covertly. According to the habits of those big families, they either don't do it, or they have to do their best. So I think there should be a special savage tribe there responsible for guarding the treasure house. At least, it seems It looks like the existence of a savage tribe. "Zheng Fan said.
"Then it will be difficult to find. In the Tianduan Mountains, there are only a few familiar savages, and there are countless settlements of raw savages, and it is even harder to deal with raw savages." The blind man said.
Zheng Fan nodded, looked around and said:
"But no matter what, we have to try to find it. Take the Helian Orb and look for it."
It is impossible not to look for it. Now that we have this clue, even if we are looking for a needle in a haystack, even if it is in vain in the end, we must try.
There will be no loss if it is not found, but as long as it is found and retrieved, the treasure trove reserved by the Helian family for a comeback will be the real capital for Zheng Fan's rise!
Massive wealth can be exchanged for massive amounts of food, armor, war horses, and ordnance.
It can open up many, many relationships.
It is true that money does not solve all problems, but the root cause of 99 problems is still lack of money.
"There should be others." Xue San said, "Since they are staying in the village, they are obviously waiting for someone to take over. Maybe they themselves don't know about this group of dead soldiers who escorted Helian Baozhu here. As for the specific location of the treasure house, we should have sent people to contact that place, but they happened to intercept us just in time to attack these savages."
Liang Cheng immediately stood up and said:
"I'm going to interrogate the savages captured in that village. You guys wait a moment."
After saying that, Liang Cheng went to personally greet Zuo Jiqian, Ding Hao, Xu Youcheng and others and began to give these instructions. The soldiers who were resting just now were mobilized and began to interrogate the prisoners.
Fortunately, this is a savage settlement and there are many people who can speak Xia Yan. It is very easy to find an interpreter to help with questions.
If there are savages, it will really be a big deal. Even if you look at them, they are called savages, but sometimes between two savage settlements, their respective languages ​​cannot understand each other.
This seems to be a very strange thing, but it is not uncommon. Zheng Fan remembers that there was a city called Nantong in later generations. In one city, if people from two districts spoke dialects, they might not be able to understand each other.
While Liang Cheng went to lead people for questioning, Zheng Fan continued:
"If it is what San'er said, then we can't take Helian Baozhu back to Shengle City now, and we can't even go back to Shengle City ourselves, because the people we contacted are likely to come in the near future."
"But the stronghold has been breached by us." San'er said helplessly.
When the people at the joint come back and see that the village has been destroyed, they will definitely be alert.
The blind man waved his hands and said:
"This is not difficult. It should be due to the thorough implementation of the Yan Army's genocide policy against the Helian family. Otherwise, the remaining members of the Helian family would not be able to push this girl to the position of young master.
Therefore, the Helian Pearl is an existence that they will never give up easily. Also, this is a world with a bit of fantasy. I even think that there should be some mechanism in that treasure house, such as the blood of the Helian family. People cannot turn on this type.
If they come back and find that the stronghold has been breached, they won't turn around and leave, and most likely won't give up easily. "
A Ming wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand and said:
"This is easy to do. If the village is broken, it will be broken. We can take the girl and hide it in the mountains near the village, and then carve some Helian family emblems on the nearby trees. Isn't the girl still wearing it? Are you wearing that needle armor? The needles I pulled out before are still there and have not been lost. We can sprinkle some near where we are hiding when the time comes;
Or simply keep the girl's hairpin or pieces of clothing to ensure that the other party can come to us. Then we will take action and capture him alive. "
"This is the only way, and it should be done sooner rather than later." Zheng Fan said.
At this time, Liang Cheng came back and said directly:
"I was lucky. I asked directly. The people in the village said that the girl was a distinguished guest of their leader. There were nine guards around the girl at the beginning."
"Nine guards, is that accurate?" the blind man asked.
"The savage woman works in the kitchen and is responsible for delivering food to them. There are nine of them."
Xue San immediately said: "A total of eight guards were killed in the village, which proves that one of the guards went to deliver a message and was waiting for someone to come and pick him up."
"Arrange manpower." Zheng Fan ordered, and then looked at the blind man.
"Lord, I have to stay. If you really find any news about the treasure house, if you have me here when you search, you won't have to dig holes everywhere. I can also act as a detector."
The blind man said it very truthfully. When looking for something, having him there can often get twice the result with half the effort.
"I have to be here too. I'm good at tracking in the jungle valley, whether it's for information gathering or assassination. It should be useful this time." Xue San said.
A Ming continued to drink "wine", he didn't care, since he had been promoted, he could naturally be more reserved.This time he had enough drinks and he didn't really want to go.
Liang Cheng took the initiative and said: "I will lead the troops back. Siniang can temporarily take over your work, blind man, but we can't let Siniang go to train the troops. I will lead the troops and horses, and at the same time be prepared to go into the mountains again to meet you." "
At this time, it is already a huge sacrifice to not shout to go together.
Zheng Fan pointed at A Ming and said:
"A Ming, come with me. It's so lonely without you by my side."
A Ming turned his head,
I took another sip of "wine", which made me feel sad;
Of course he knew why the Lord asked him to follow him,
The Lord is not reluctant to part with himself as a person, but rather with his own body.
At this time, Xue San reached out and pointed at Fan Li, who was still squatting far away.
"Take him with you?"
The blind man looked at Zheng Fan and said, "My lord, you'd better take him with you. If you need to dig a hole or something, he will be needed. The most important thing is that instead of letting him stay in Shengle City and something happens, it's better to take him with you." Around ourselves.”
"Okay, that's it. It's been decided. A Cheng will lead his troops back and Siniang and Siniang will control the situation in Shengle City first. We, the rest of us, will take the Helian Orb and find a place on the hill near the village to wait for the contact person to come back."
Zheng Fan made the final decision,
get up,
He also sighed:
"Don't mention it, it seems like we have been fighting all the time. It has been a long time since we have acted together like this. I am really looking forward to it."
(End of this chapter)

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