The devil is coming

Chapter 243 Current edition

Chapter 243 Current edition
When things go wrong, there must be a monster, and Miss Su is the most unusual one in this trio.
At first, Zheng Fan only thought that he was a silver-armored guard on the surface, and it was understandable that his quality was not that high;
Just like the Jin Yiwei in the history of the world that I am familiar with, not all of them fly over the walls to spy on ministers' homes and act as moles. There are also those who wear flying fish uniforms and carry embroidered spring knives to patrol the streets like the urban management team every day. protection fee.
But gradually, Zheng Fan discovered that this girl Su's Chiono's personality and behavioral reactions had already fallen below the lower limit of Zheng Fan's imagination.
To be honest, if Daxia Chen didn't seem to have such a good impression of this stupid girl, Zheng Fan or these demon kings would have given her a break long ago.
From a creator's point of view, when creating comics in a previous life, every character's appearance had a role. Some gave the protagonist a slap in the face, and some gave the protagonist treasures. Even if they were surrounded by a group of sidekicks for the phantom, they also Can we collectively shout "666"?
What is the role of Miss Su?
Yao Zizhan, a great literary giant, is different from Su Shi, whom Zheng Fan compared to before. Su Dongpo has first-class literary talent, but in terms of politics and emotional intelligence, he is completely a younger brother.
This Yao Zizhan is an anomaly, he will not do meaningless things, and he and Helian Xiongbi once entered the treasure house at one point, and he knows that the blood of the Helian family can open the door to the treasure house.
and so……
Zheng Fan knew that the blind man had actually figured this out earlier than he did, but the blind man was smart and didn't rush to tell him when he knew it. He reserved the opportunity to be Conan for himself.
At the moment, Yao Zizhan has admitted it.
However, this can also show the meticulousness and fear of the Silver Armored Guards of Qian Kingdom. A woman of the Helian family's blood was actually brainwashed into her own yamen, and she was also extremely loyal to Qian Kingdom and the official family.
This Yao Zizhan is also okay. It is impossible to say that when he came this time, he had no intention of going to the village in Goda Mountain. Instead, he passed by Goda Mountain as a signpost and then came here.
It was just that he was intercepted by Gesang on the way, so there were so many episodes;
Originally, Yao Wensheng, the master of Yao, could "make enough food and clothing by himself".
A Ming scratched Miss Su's palm with his nails, caught some blood, and then sprinkled it on the bronze mirror.
Different from the blood of Helian Baozhu last time, Miss Su's blood was quickly absorbed by the bronze mirror. Then, there was a friction sound from the bronze door.
The door opened slowly, but only a meter wide, but it was enough for people to pass.
Zheng Fan clapped his hands, stood up, and said to Yao Zizhan:
"Master Yao, is this your attitude when discussing cooperation with me?"
It’s both breastfeeding and the future,
In fact, they are all smoke bombs.
People just want to fool themselves away. At worst, if they come here again in the future, they will still be able to empty the treasure house.
Yao Zizhan was also very shameless. He did not feel embarrassed at all if he wanted to eat alone and was found out. Instead, he said:
"Brother Zheng, didn't you take it to heart?"
"No, I have really considered it. Maybe Master Yao doesn't know, but I have met the officials of your Qian Kingdom."
Yao Zizhan paused after hearing this.
Qianguo Guanjia is indeed a character, and his political skills can be said to be full. His only shortcoming may be that he does not know how to fight. In other words, compared with the iron triangle of Yan State, he is indeed somewhat dwarfed.
After all, Emperor Yan grew up fighting for chicken legs with the Marquis of Zhenbei when he was a child. He should have experienced the cruelty of the desert personally. The current eldest prince is actually carrying out the tradition of the Ji family and transforming a The prince left Beifeng County for training.
But no matter what, the Qianguo official has similar courage and ambition to Yan Huang. If that official personally extends an olive branch to him, Zheng Fan will really consider the possibility of cooperation.
But Yao Zizhan obviously does not have the qualifications, and he does not have the sincerity.
Yao Zizhan said apologetically: "I've overstepped my bounds."
Zheng Fan didn't want to get entangled in this matter anymore, and pointed to the opened bronze door in front of him.
"Please ask Master Yao to lead the way."
Yao Zizhan nodded and walked in first.
Zheng Fan turned around and said:
"Everyone, let's go in together. As a family, we must be neat and tidy."
Everyone, come in.
Behind the bronze door, there are rows of torches with solidified oil next to them.
Xue San ran over and picked up the torch and said with emotion:
"I have fought so many times. This is the first time I have met such a considerate host."
A Mingze said: "This is not someone else's tomb, this is a treasure house. The purpose of building it is to keep it for future generations to come in and use."
Therefore, there is no need to act like a guard against tomb robbers.
After all, not far from here, there is a savage village in Goda Mountain that is responsible for guarding this place.
Even though the village was destroyed by Chengguo's troops, if the Helian family was still there, none of this would actually be a problem.
However, not long after walking inside, A Ming frowned.
Xue Sanze smiled and said:
"Yo yo yo, this slap in the face comes really fast."
In front of everyone, a row of coffins suddenly appeared, with weapons hanging next to each coffin.
"One, two, three, four... twelve, thirteen, thirteen!"
After Xue San finished counting, he took the initiative to get closer and check, and said:
"No mechanism."
Zheng Fan and others then stepped forward. The coffin was sealed, very thick and heavy.
"My lord, would you like to open one to try?" Xue San asked expectantly.
Apparently, he had an old habit.
The blind man said: "A Cheng is not here, I think let's forget it. If a rice dumpling pops out, it will be troublesome."
Although Liang Cheng's strength has not recovered much, his own bloodline is here and he has a deterrent effect on other zombies.
Zheng Fan put his palm on the coffin, touched it, and said:
"Who is lying here? Is there any inscription?"
The blind man searched for a while and said: "My lord, there is no written record. The only difference is probably that the weapons placed next to the thirteen coffins are different."
There are hammers, swords, knives, and crossbows, none of which are the same model.
Zheng Fan turned to look at Yao Zizhan and asked;
"Please ask Master Yao to clarify my doubts."
Yao Zizhan came in with his lover. Zheng Fan felt that based on the relationship between the two of them at that time, Helian Xiongbi would take the initiative to introduce the situation in the treasure house to Yao Zizhan.
Yao Zizhan coughed slightly. He had actually been waiting for this sentence for a long time. He stopped being pretentious and replied:
"Lying in these thirteen coffins are the original thirteen warriors when the ancestors of the Helian family took refuge in the Jin Emperor, also known as the Thirteen Taibao.
Back then, under the orders of the Great Xia Emperor, Marquis Yu led his army to conquer the Three Jin Dynasties. The Helian family was originally a savage aborigine of the Three Jin Dynasties, and was just a small tribe.
But at that time, the ancestor of the Helian family resolutely decided to lead the thirteen warriors in the tribe to join the Marquis of Yu. They would be the pioneers of the Marquis of Yu and fight for a lifetime. This laid the foundation for the Helian family's fortune.
Later, when the Xia Dynasty fell, the Yu family proclaimed themselves emperor and established the Jin State. The Helian family, which had always been loyal and made many military exploits, became a vassal under the Jin State. After hundreds of years of development, the Helian family eventually became three families.
The ancestors of the Helian family have always been buried in the Helian family, but the thirteen warriors who accompanied the ancestors of the Helian family in starting their own business were kept here.
Later, every time I came in, I would burn incense and worship in memory of my ancestors' difficulties in starting a business. "
This is what the young Helian Xiongbi said to the young Yao Zizhan.
"Is the Thirteen Taibao also an official position?" Zheng Fan asked.
"Yes, there has always been the position of Thirteen Taibao in the Helian family's military system. It is different from the sect title of Jianghu people. This is a serious official position, similar to the seven general soldiers under the jurisdiction of Zhenbei Hou Mansion."
"Oh, why haven't you heard of it?"
"In the battle between Yan and Jin, of the thirteen Taibao of this generation, ten died in the battle, two were killed when they broke out to protect the Helian family bloodline, and only one is missing."
"That doesn't seem like anything big." Xue San said, smacking his lips.
Zheng Fan shook his head and said:
"This generation may not be able to do it. After all, the Helian family has not had any major wars in the past hundred years, and we also know the character of the wild people in the mountains.
But this first generation of Thirteen Taibao may be different. Blind man, please check to see if their bodies are well preserved. "
"My lord, I can't do this. This coffin is too thick."
WIFI cannot penetrate walls.
"My lord, this coffin is extremely well-preserved, and its airtightness is unparalleled. Unless it was a mutilated corpse when it was buried, it should be well-preserved." Xue San speculated based on his own experience.
Zheng Fan straightened up, looked around and said:
"Blind man, what do you think of the feng shui here?"
"My lord, this subordinate turns out to be a psychiatrist..."
After entering this world, I tell fortunes and set up stalls just to make ends meet. It really depends on Feng Shui, but I can't do it.
Xue San seized the opportunity and curled his lips and said:
The blind man didn't take it seriously and continued: "It would be much easier if A Cheng were here. Even if he didn't learn Feng Shui, he would know where to lie down more comfortably after being buried many times.
Oh, by the way, A Ming, A Ming, close your eyes and feel it. Does this place make you comfortable? "
A Ming rolled his eyes at the blind man.
"Have you ever heard that vampires in the West ask for a Feng Shui master when they are buried?"
"What happened to Dracula?"
"Then if you ask him, don't ask me. I don't feel any difference between here and outside."
Seeing everyone starting to argue, Yao Zizhan said:
"Brother Zheng, I have said before about the Feng Shui here. The pattern is hidden but completely natural. In short, it is at the junction of Yin and Yang."
Zheng Fan looked at the blind man, who shook his head.
Zheng Fan looked at Yao Zizhan again and said:
"Master Yao."
"Please talk normally."
"Um..." Yao Zizhan was stunned for a moment, then explained with a wry smile: "It means that Yin objects can gather Yin here, and Yin objects can gather Yang here.
According to the Qi Refiner, this place can be said to be the place where heaven and earth were created. When He Lianqing was chasing the Savage King, the Savage King stopped here and was caught because the Savage King wanted to borrow a piece called the Jade Token. The magical weapon summons evil spirits to help. "
Beauty order?
Hear this name,
Zheng Fan and the demon kings' eyes met once in silence.
That thing is now in the hands of someone else.
Oh no,
To be precise, I was sleeping with Shatuo Queshi.
"But how can military and national affairs be pinned on these gods and ghosts? The barbarian king was eventually killed by He Lianqing in Luoaxe Mountain."
"Then what did your hidden master want to do in Yanjing before the war between Yan and Qian began?"
"This..." Yao Zizhan.
Zheng Fan turned around, rubbed his hands, ignored Yao Zizhan, and said:
"These coffins, this, this, this, that, I want them all!"
A Ming nodded, Xue San nodded, the blind man nodded, and Fan Li nodded three times.
According to Yao Zizhan, this is a Feng Shui cave, and these thirteen corpses were accompanied by the Helian family ancestors who went to war. They must have killed many people in their lives. Such people are actually more likely to cause evil after death.
So the reality is so cruel. If you are submissive in life, you will probably not risk anything after death. If you are ruthless in life, there is a high probability that he will be tormented after death. If you live as a hero, you will die as a ghost.
This is what Liang Cheng said.
Now Liang Cheng is not strong enough, but it is really difficult to find such well-preserved corpses that have been fermented for a long time. Under many conditions, thirteen corpses can be found here at once.
Take it back, take it back,
When Liang Cheng recovers to that level in the future, let him "awaken" the Thirteen Taibao.
The blind man suddenly said: "Lord, this is God's will."
Zheng Fan looked at the blind man with a look like I'm watching you take pictures in a fancy way.
"After Liang Cheng summons these thirteen corpses and wakes them up in the future, the Lord will be able to claim to the outside world that he made his fortune with these thirteen sets of armor."
Xue San opened his mouth and said in disbelief:
"You're so good at flattering me."
The blind man said calmly: "This is technology."
"Keep looking inside."
Zheng Fan gestured to continue walking in. After not walking far, he saw wooden boxes appearing in front of him under the light of torches. The wooden boxes were exaggerated and neatly stacked, almost filling most of the cave. space.
Xue San opened his mouth wide.
Shaking his head,
"I've been given out, I've been given out, there's so much gold, silver and jewels, now I'm not going to be a reconnaissance company, I'm going to be a detective division."
Yao Zizhan looked at these boxes with a heavy look on his face. He did not hope that these wealth would fall into the hands of the Yan people, because these wealth would become the horses under the Yan people's crotches, the armor on their bodies, and the swords in their hands.
The blind man "circled the field" with some confusion.
Then he said in his heart:
"My lord, more than [-]% of these boxes are empty."
"Yes, Lord, but even if it is only [-]%, it is almost as good as the wealth we have distributed in the capital. This time, it is not in vain."
"No, how could it be..."
Zheng Fan took the initiative to walk to the box. The box was unlocked. Zheng Fan opened it directly and found that it was indeed empty. He opened six boxes in a row, but they were all empty. Only when he opened the seventh box, there was a silver ingot inside.
Yao Zizhan immediately followed over to check the conditions of the boxes, and even helped unpack them together.
Most of the boxes that were opened were empty. Of course, there were also solid ones, but compared to the "full" shock at the beginning, it suddenly felt like a roller coaster.
"Master Yao, why are so many of these boxes empty?"
Yao Zizhan felt much better. From this point of view, even if the wealth was given to the Yan army leader, the impact would not be too big. He patted his hands that were covered with dust from unpacking.
"The plan of our ancestors is good, but future generations have to enjoy peace and prosperity, while military expenditures are needed in troubled times. When Helian Xiongbi first brought me here, more than half of the boxes here were actually occupied.
He once told me that he would fill this place up during his lifetime to provide future generations with a stronger family background. "
"He made a mistake." Zheng Fan said.
"Yes, he made a mistake. When he was young, he was still majestic and heroic. Although he was a little fond of literature and ink, he still had a sincere ambition, but you can see that there is less than [-]% left here.
Being prepared for danger in times of peace, he had actually forgotten that he deserved to lose. "
"What a prodigal son." Zheng Fan said with emotion.
Yao Zizhan looked at Zheng Fan and said: "Brother Zheng, it has nothing to do with you no matter how much Helian Xiongbi is ruined. If you think about it from Helian Xiongbi's position, it would be better if he used it, otherwise he would have worked so hard to survive." The family fortune that I have lived for most of my life has fallen into your hands. This is really aggrieved.
Besides, it’s just money that you picked up. It’s just fate that you pick up more or less. It’s all good luck. "
"Thank you Master Yao for your comfort."
"You're welcome, you're welcome."
I am a little disappointed, but I am not too lonely. Even if the blind man detects one-tenth of the stock, it is still a considerable fortune.
"Fortunately, it's not the worst outcome." Zheng Fan said with emotion.
"I dare to ask Brother Zheng, what is the worst result?"
"A chair, a cup of tea, a straw mat, a painting, and one more sentence: My home is where my heart is."
Yao Zizhan pondered this sentence.
Zheng Fan explained directly:
"The Helian family only left a mat for future generations, and directly said that they would make trouble again and live a peaceful life as ordinary people. This is the worst outcome I expected."
It is also a result that often appears in many film and television literary and artistic works.
Zheng Fan is not the kind of male protagonist who has a profound understanding of a painting at the end of the plot. He only knows that the soldiers and horses under his command are consuming the money in his hands every day.
"Master Yao, follow me back to Shengle City after you get out."
"It's natural. I'll wait for Brother Zheng to send troops and horses to transport the things here back, and then I'll start back from Shengle."
"Aren't you afraid that I will hand you over to His Majesty, Emperor Yan? It is very possible that my Majesty will be happy and reward me with thousands of war horses."
"Brother Zheng smiled and captured me in the battle formation. I feel that His Majesty Yan is willing to pay the price of three thousand cavalry. Daqian has boasted of being the leader of Wenhua for many years, but he used three thousand cavalry to destroy the pride of the people of Daqian. value;
But I came here alone, with only one or two followers around me. Even if Brother Zheng sends me to Yanjing, His Majesty the Emperor of Yan will only think that the food is tasteless, and may even think that Brother Zheng is meddling in other people's business.
To put it bluntly, the windows of the emperor's house can never leak air. What they want is just to look good. "
"Been taught a lesson."
"Don't dare."
"Okay, everyone, go home now."
Zheng Fan gave the order.
A Ming took the few water bags he had left, stood up from a coffin, and said to himself:
"It's so ordinary."
"Isn't it good to be plain?" The blind man faced A Ming.
"I just feel like there are fewer twists and turns than expected, and it doesn't seem dramatic enough."
"Drama? Do you think you are Shakespeare?" Xue San mocked.
San'er's jealousy of A Ming is very obvious, and it was he who gave A Ming the advanced assist, which made San'er even more unhappy.
"Okay, it's good to be able to go back safely. I have to find a village on the way and get some wine, otherwise the injuries on my body will be a bit slow to heal."
"Shut your mouth, my dear, why are you breastfeeding me?" the blind man said.
"I'm not A Cheng, what are you afraid of?"
"Heh, A Cheng is ominous, but you are not considered a mascot, right?"
Xue San reached out and poked the blind man's knee.
Reminder: "Don't speak so bluntly, it can easily make people sad."
Everyone started walking back,
Zheng Fan and Yao Zizhan are side by side,
"Master Yao, how should I close this bronze door?"
"Go out and drop some blood on the bronze mirror so that the mechanism can react and it will be closed."
"The descendants of the Helian family are probably prone to anemia."
"What is anemia? Is it a disease? Oh, ischemia?"
"That's it."
"Haha, the Helian family has a very large population, and the branches on the side of the main pole are densely packed."
"now what?"
at this time,
The bronze door in front suddenly made a sound and started to close!
Xue San immediately rushed forward, A Ming also galloped forward, Chen Daxia jumped out, and even Zheng Fan took out the magic pill in his arms and threw it towards the gate.
The bronze door was only opened one meter, so when it was triggered to close, it was very fast. The fastest was Chen Daxia's sword, but he only had time to pierce the end of the sword into the crack of the door, and accompanied by The bronze door was completely closed, but the sword was still stuck inside.
The others were a step slower,
The magic pill hit the bronze door hard and flew back, falling back into Zheng Fan's hand.
The blind man looked at A Ming in front of him and said:
"Here's the drama you wanted."
Zheng Fan shook his head and said: "Generally, drama is full of blood."
With that said, Zheng Fan said to Fan Li:
"Ali, use your loud voice to call out who is outside the door."
Fan Li nodded,
First, he beat the bronze door three times with his fist.
Then shouted:
"Who's outside the door?"
"It's me, Gesang!"
A response came from outside the bronze door,
"Helian Gesang!"
Then, Gesang outside should have said a lot more, but because of the obstruction of the bronze door, I could only hear a few words in one sentence, so it was difficult to make out what he was saying.
Yao Zizhan put his ear against the bronze door and listened hard, but he still couldn't understand the meaning of the words clearly.
Zheng Fan patted Yao Zizhan on the shoulder and said:
"Master Yao, do you need me to translate it for you? What he said is that he is an illegitimate son of the Helian family, but he has to stay as a savage in the Geda Mountain. He is not allowed to enter the Jin Kingdom or the Central Plains. He is obviously very talented but... If he is not favored by his family, he will have no future and no future, and will have to be a savage for generations. His betrayal was forced by his family, and he is unjust if his family is unkind. He will definitely make a comeback in the future and recreate the former glory of the Helian family ancestors. "
"Brother Zheng's hearing is so scary?"
Zheng Fan shook his head,
"I made it up now."
 I recommend a book, "I'm Really Not the Second Generation Immortal" by Mingyue Dishuang. Friends who are interested can collect it.
(End of this chapter)

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