The devil is coming

Chapter 245: Kill me

Chapter 245: Kill me
Telling the truth is a praiseworthy thing, and having the courage to tell the truth is also a good character;
Zheng Fan closed his eyes, took a breath, and silently thought that it was not worth getting angry with this idiot.
Fan Li was still scratching his head, like a primary school student who answered correctly, waiting for the teacher's reward, with a shy and proud smile on his face.
Because this time, the other demon kings around him didn't react as fast as he did!
Soon, Zheng Fan opened his eyes, ignored Fan Li's expectant eyes, lowered his head and said to Mowan:
"Go, open the door."
Magic Pill walked to the bronze door. Now he felt like dry ice was being released on the stage, but his energy was black.
His figure was melting, and under his feet, wisps of black energy flowed along the gaps, enveloping the blood flowing out of Miss Su's palm, and began to seep out of the bronze door.
The magic pill does not know how to show mercy to women. Under its stimulation, the blood flow rate in Miss Su's palm suddenly accelerated several times. This made Master Chen a little confused. Miss Su was already in a coma. If she continued to lose blood like this, she would not be able to keep her health. …
Yao Zizhan narrowed his eyes but said nothing. The old man was a refined egoist.
A Ming drank the last bit of wine in the water bag and forced himself to recover quickly from his injuries;
The blind man closed his eyes and adjusted his mental state;
Xue San took out the two daggers, squatted on the ground with three legs, drew circles, stuck out his tongue from time to time, and licked his lips.
at last,
The traction of the magic pill has achieved results,
Miss Su's blood was introduced to the bronze mirror outside again, and the bronze door was reopened!
The magic pill came back immediately and merged into the stone in Zheng Fan's hand.
And the next moment,
All the demon kings rushed out of the bronze door together,
It's like releasing a pack of impatient wolf dogs!
"Miss Su, I'll take care of her while you go and kill her," Zheng Fan said.
Upon hearing this, Master Chen also rushed out.
After Zheng Fan took Miss Su out, Yao Zizhan said:
"Brother Zheng, I will take care of this man. Go up and help. Don't let Gesang escape."
"People, who?"
Yao Zizhan pointed at Miss Su who was being held by Zheng Fan and said:
"Aren't I being held by you?"
"Isn't this the key?"
With that said, Zheng Fan squeezed Miss Su's wound himself, poured some blood on the bronze mirror, and closed the door of the treasure house again.
"Hey, this place is definitely suitable to be used as a paternity testing center." Zheng Fan said with emotion.
"Brother Zheng, what is a paternity testing center?"
"A place of human tragedy."
Kelsang's left arm had been bandaged and he was walking in the mountains and forests. At this time, he really wanted to imitate those real savages and sing to his heart's content.
After going around and around, not only did he get rid of Godashan's control on him, but he also got rid of the Situ family's men.
Now, he is truly as high as the sky and allows birds to fly, and has gained real freedom!
Next, he only needs to lie dormant for a period of time, secretly recruit the confidants who had been sent out before, and wait almost half a year before opening the treasure house, taking the treasures from the treasure house, and developing his own power in the Tianduan Mountains. .
Back then, my ancestors were able to make a fortune with only thirteen warriors. What I have now is countless times better than that of my ancestors. If my ancestors could do it, he, Helian Gesang, can do the same.
To put it bluntly, even if the great cause is not established, being a mountain king in the Tianduan Mountains and controlling seven or eight savage settlements is still considered a prince.
"Oh, by the way, I have to collect the body for those people next time I come back. It's your blessing that it can be buried in my Helian family's treasure house."
"Who will collect the body?"
A voice suddenly came from the front.
"It's vulgar, it's vulgar, it's fallen out of the cliché. You should say 'thank you', which makes it look fresher and more refined."
"Blind man, you must be sick. I can say whatever I like. It's all under your control!"
"Aesthetic, stylish, you are so out of class."
Gesang looked surprised. How did they come out, and how did they run in front of him?
The blind man walked out of the woods in front of him and tidied up his somewhat messy clothes, trying his best to look "light and breezy".
Xue San appeared from behind and was very disdainful of the blind man's "pretending".
In fact, it is not about how fast the demon kings are, but because Gesang may be too happy. Once people are over-excited, they will easily drift away.
If Gesang had cherished every minute and every second since he closed the bronze door and left here, relying on his ability and familiarity with the surrounding terrain, it would be almost impossible for the blind men and the others to catch up with him. .
But people are in high spirits when happy events happen. Kelsang was on the road before, and even the wild flowers on the road felt a little beautiful. He couldn't help but admire the beautiful scenery for a while, thinking about the future while walking. Naturally, he couldn't walk too fast. At the same time, he did not bother to cover up the traces left behind, allowing Xue San to easily discover his walking path.
As for Zheng Fan, he had issued a killing order, so the demon kings did not dare to neglect him. They hurriedly caught up with him and even surrounded Gesang directly.
It's like two armies fighting, one is calculating and the other is naive.
But Kelsang is a ruthless character after all. His previous relaxation was indeed due to his carelessness, but when things came to pass, he could quickly return to his previous state, and at the next moment, he flashed and did not attack the blind man or Xue San. He rushed over there, but started sprinting to the right. He didn't even want to fight, he was just trying to escape!
However, a sword light struck directly, and Daxia Chen's sword was already waiting in that direction.
Gesang let out an angry roar. He was well aware of the sharpness of the sword and quickly began to retreat. In the time it took to advance and retreat, Fan Li and A Ming had already taken positions in the other two directions, forming an encirclement. It’s done.
Daxia Chen stood with his sword in hand, staring at Gesang. He promised to conceal his identity before, which was considered as returning a favor. If he kills Gesang this time, the only thing he owes that person will be his head.
"Gesang, my master said earlier when we were at the door that you were a tyrant. In fact, I didn't agree with you at all, but as subordinates, we can't just deny honor to our master.
How could there be so many heroes in this world? Don’t the radishes in the east and the sweet potatoes in the west all become heroes?
It's like there is no shortage of geniuses in the world, but there are very few geniuses who can truly grow up and have the last laugh.
The one who survives to the end is the hero, otherwise he will end up like a gangster. "
The blind man was talking incomprehensible nonsense, and Gesang began to look around. After the blind man finished speaking, Gesang said:
"Aren't you from Jin?"
"Oh, look, it seems that he is really not a hero but a little bear. Only now did he realize that we are not from the Helian family?"
Along with the words, the blind man's mental power began to slowly penetrate. If he could successfully affect the target's mood before the actual fight, it would create more favorable conditions for the subsequent killing.
The other demon kings also understood this, so they allowed the blind man to beep.
Master Chen doesn't know this trick, but he is an honest man. If the blind man is willing to beep, let him beep to his heart's content first.
No matter who wants to show off, he, Chen Daxia, will be happy to help support the scene.
"You...are you nobles from Yandi?"
Gesang asked.
In fact, there are only a few waves of forces, and Zheng Fan and others are not in the same group as Yao Zizhan from Qianguo, so it is easy to guess.
The blind man suddenly sighed and said:
"Oh, why does the word noble make me so flustered?"
The blind man raised his hand,
"No, you must not, don't..."
Gesang suddenly knelt down.
"Gesang is ignorant of Mount Tai and has offended the nobles of Yan State. I have offended many times before, so please forgive me!
Jin and Zuo are over, and Dayan will be established;
Helian Gesang is willing to surrender to the noble man, collect the wild people in the mountains for the noble man, and become a loyal dog under the noble man's feet! "
"Tsk, tsk, I was wrong. It seems that the master is right. He is actually a master who can afford to take things and let them go."
Gesang said sincerely again:
"Please give me a chance, noble man!"
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, my general is the first general in command of Jingnan Marquis of Dayan;
You have chosen the right door.
However, my master has a distinguished status, and you almost buried him alive just now. It is impossible to let go of this debt. Otherwise, how will your master manage the army in the future?
I allow you to stay in the army and serve in the army after you cut off your arm, and you will have a future in the future.
Let's do it. "
The corner of Gesang's mouth twitched, and he slowly cast his gaze on his arm. A sharp look flashed in his eyes. It was impossible to cut off his arm by himself. Although he had not been educated by the Helian family, But his growing up experience in the mountains also taught him that wolves can bow their heads, but they must not pull out their claws, otherwise they will end up like the pigs raised in the savage settlements.
At this moment, the blind man said again:
"That's all, there's no point in taking a cripple back. I'm really afraid that my master will blame me. Let's do this. I'll beg you for mercy in front of my master later, and I'll just make a few dozen comments about it. , after all, I have to keep you useful to help with things in the future.
I just hope that you will remember this kindness today, and at the same time, when you become successful and famous in the future, don’t forget this little favor from me. "
When Gesang heard this, his face showed joy.
But at this time,
The blind man's mental power suddenly activated, and the mental power that had spread around Gesang was suddenly closed like a fishing net!
Gesang felt his brain buzzing and his vision suddenly blurred. Suddenly, a warning sign appeared in his heart!
The blind man shouted:
There is something wrong with my schedule recently. The update is in the evening. You can refresh your bookshelf during the day and don’t wait at night.
Don't panic, hold on tight to the dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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