The devil is coming

Chapter 250 The Prince

Chapter 250 The Prince
Xue San is very embarrassed now, because he knows that Mowan must be in a very unhappy mood at this time.
It is equivalent to a child who went downstairs to buy candies happily with the money given by his father. When he came back happily, he found that the door was locked.
"Wanzi, I said I went to the wrong roof, do you believe it?"
the next morning,
Zheng Chengshou, who felt refreshed, was practicing swordplay in the yard.
Half an hour later, after putting away the knife, Siniang came over with breakfast and handed over a wet and hot towel.
"My lord, don't be too impatient. We have just advanced not long ago. You have to take it slow and take a rest."
"This is not like the comics I used to draw. I deliberately suppressed the pace and did not upgrade it in order to make the plot longer and more space."
"That's what I say, but it's not like you have to work hard these days. Just combine work and rest. Besides, my lord, your physique has been seen by several people. You are already considered to be extremely talented in martial arts in this world. .”
"I get used to it, but one day my body doesn't sweat, and I don't get used to it anymore."
"Siniang, I want to use this money to buy equipment. Please approve it for me."
Zheng Fan, who was wiping his sweat, heard this voice and turned around with some doubts, and saw Xue San standing there with a bruised nose and swollen face.
"San'er, what did you do last night?"
Xue San smiled and said, "I had a fight with A Ming."
"Why are you fighting with him now?"
How can you fight with someone who has one more level of recovery than you?
"He said I was short, which was unbearable, so he beat me."
"Oh, that has to be beaten."
Zheng Fan sat down, picked up the porridge bowl, and said:
"What you eat?"
"Have eaten, my lord."
"Okay, the approval is ready." Siniang handed over the approval slip. The extra money expenditures required by the master required approval slips from Siniang or the blind man, even if a few demon kings wanted to use it.
"My lord, you eat slowly. I'll go and get started first. The brothers under my command are all waiting for their equipment."
"Well, you go."
Xue San turned around and left. He selected fifty people under his command to accept his training. They could become spies on the battlefield in the future, so they needed to buy some new equipment, such as hidden weapons, flying claws and even light leather armor. All need to be re-provisioned.
"San'er actually left like that."
Siniang held her chin up curiously and said while watching Zheng Fan drink the porridge.
"He seems to be in a bad mood."
"Isn't it because of you, my lord? Ali has already advanced, but San'er hasn't yet."
"Aren't there also blind people?"
"The blind man, no matter how anxious he is, will not show it. The three are different."
"Haha, but A Ming was quite ruthless last night."
"No, San'er's words are all leaking now. By the way, Lord, there are already caravans gradually coming to our place."
"Well, you just have to take control of the business of attracting investment."
"Yes, there happens to be a lot of wealth in the house, and there are also a lot of good things in the three savage strongholds you conquered last time, my lord. These can be traded."
Although Shengle City is not a densely populated place, it is extremely suitable as a transit point on trade routes.
Now that the Three Kingdoms War is over, the merchants have already lost their patience and have begun a new wave of trade journeys.
"By the way, how is Gao Yi's situation going?"
Gao Yi was the staff general of the 1000-man Jingnan Army. When the Marquis of Jingnan allocated this army to himself, he was the highest-ranking general among them.
If you want to swallow these thousand Jingnan Army cavalry, you must deal with him first.
"Those captains of the Jingnan Army are relatively easy to talk to. They are relieved after receiving the reward of gold, silver and wealth. Besides, they are also aware of the relationship between Your Majesty and the Marquis of Jingnan, and they all think that Your Majesty has a bright future.
It's just that Gao Yi seems to be a bit unscrupulous. "
"The middle-level cadres promoted by Marquis Jingnan over the years are all loyal to Marquis Jingnan."
"Are you saying that it's useless no matter how I try to win him over, he only obeys Tian Wujing's orders?"
"Yes, my lord."
"This is going to be difficult. I originally wanted to eat this group of people and create a certain reality, and then go and mess around with Tian Wujing, so I guess Tian Wujing agreed.
Now Gao Yi can't surrender. If he doesn't nod, this army still can't bite him off. "
"My lord, the original commander of this army was Ren Juan, the commander-in-chief of Xinsu City."
"Oh, my own soldiers and horses are just meat in the palm of my hand, how can I be willing to give them to others? Ren Juan is also determined to have no way. When he went to Tian Wujing to pull out these thousand horses, in my opinion, he was already It has the intention of beating Ren Juan.
Besides, you can pat your chest and say you are one of your own when you drink, but when it comes to settling accounts, Ren Juan and those old Jingnan Army generals will not really regard me as one of their own.
Forget it, I won’t treat you to this meal for now. "
"I have to find a chance to meet Tian Wujing again."
Zheng Fan was in awe of Marquis Jingnan at first, then fearful, and then he felt like a big brother taking care of his little brother.
In this world, not many brothers can save their brother's life twice, right?
"The Marquis of Jingnan fought against the Sword Master of Jin last time, and his wounds may not have healed properly. There are many herbs that are abundant in the Tianduan Mountains in the Nu family's warehouse."
"Just giving this gift is not enough. Tian Wujing is a realist."
"How to do it then?"
"Unless we are willing to take our workshop and divide it with Tian Wujing's Jingnan Army."
"For a thousand Jingnan troops... Your Majesty, it may not be worth it. Moreover, our workshop has not been built yet."
"I know, I know."
If you want to get something, you have to pay a certain price equally.
"If it doesn't work, the only way is to support the bandits and respect themselves."
Zheng Fan narrowed his eyes and continued:
"This time in the Tianduan Mountains, the soldiers and horses of the Situ family also appeared. Although their large forces were defending against the barbarians in the northeast, it was obvious that no matter from the original Jin Kingdom's Gyeonggi area to the Goda Mountain, the Situ family who stayed behind The generals are still willing to do something."
"My lord, are you planning to start a border provocation?"
"Good at starting provocations? Haha, don't you think this method is very good? Anyway, the Situ family's large army is not here. We can attack one city after another without suffering any big losses. Maybe we can also take advantage.
Besides, you forgot that we had already done this when we were at Cuiliu Castle. "
"It's just that the Yan State planned to go to war last time, and you, my lord, followed the trend. This time, it is clear that the Yan State does not want to go to war against the Situ family at this time."
"If we don't have momentum, we have to create momentum."
"It's just that fighting in the Tianduan Mountains won't have much impact, but if we start to have friction with the Situ family, the trade route will be blocked."
"Just control the scope. Eat one of his troops or capture one of his cities. The Yan family is strong and the Situ family is weak. As long as we run away after taking a bite, they will not dare to expand the scale of the war.
Counting the days, Liang Chengming will probably be back the day after tomorrow, right? "
"Yes, my lord."
"Okay, we will discuss it after Liang Cheng comes back. Anyway, there are still two months before the three-month return deadline agreed with the Marquis, so there is no rush."
"My lord, how about I keep an eye on Gao Yi?"
Zheng Fan waved his hand and said:
"No need, he is not Hong Chengchou, and I don't want you to be Da Yu'er."
Just then, the blind man came over with a letter in his hand,
"My lord, there is news from Yanjing that the second prince will be canonized as prince on the third day of next month."
Hearing this, Zheng Fan put down the chopsticks in his hand and sighed,
"What is supposed to come will come."
"There is also a letter from the Sixth Prince."
"Which line is on?"
"Oh, what does the letter say?"
If you use the inn, it is obviously impossible to leave any "heartfelt words". This is just like a suspect sending a letter from prison, and it will definitely be checked.
"The sixth prince said not to give away the next batch of cornmeal. Now he and a few eunuchs are the only ones in his mansion, and they can't finish it."
"Haha." Zheng Fan smiled and said, "Prepare a carriage with goods and send someone to the Sixth Prince's Mansion in Yanjing. There is no need to cover up your whereabouts."
"Yes, my subordinate understands."
"No, you have to have someone go there in person. You go..."
Zheng Fan pointed at the blind man,
The blind man looked calm,
But Zheng Fan hesitated, because the blind man hadn't advanced yet, and it seemed a bit inhumane to let him go out to do things now.
"Go and call A Ming and ask him to take the goods to Yanjing and take over all the shopkeepers from the Sixth Prince's hands."
A smile appeared on the corner of the blind man's mouth and he said: "Is it generous?"
"Open and bright."
"My subordinate understands."
Si Niang was a little worried and said: "My lord, is this too blatant?"
Zheng Fan shook his head,
"The emperor doesn't like his son colluding with outside military generals, but he doesn't like it even more when his son shows kindness to others and that person dares to act like a wolf."
Yao Zizhan experienced a different feeling these days;
In the past, he always felt that he was a boater, sailing on the lake;
Now, he suddenly discovered that water can really carry a boat.
"Master Yao really seems to have regained his second youth these days." Zheng Fan said with a smile while holding the tea cup.
Outside, the sound of books was being read, and a large group of children were attending class. To be honest, including the newcomers, Zheng Fan could be said to be the number one in office education in the entire Dayan.
In the past, under the education system of aristocratic families, not everyone could study.
Yao Zizhan nodded, smacked his lips, and said:
"Don't have a different flavor, don't have a different flavor."
"As long as Master Yao likes it."
"Brother Zheng, why did you come to see me?"
"Look at what you said. Master Yao, you are teaching here. As a landlord, I have to come and greet you every now and then."
"Let's talk, we two won't have to play charades."
"Our country, Yan, will enthrone the crown prince on the third day of next month."
When Yao Zizhan heard this, he counted with his fingers and said:
"Judging from the time it took for the news to be delivered to Brother Zheng, the Situ family's envoys should not have time to go for this canonization, and our Qianguo envoys would not have time to go. Jingnanhou is in Litian City, not far from the Horseshoe Mountains. There is enough time to go back. But the Marquis of Zhenbei probably won’t go, so the Marquis of Jingnan probably won’t go back either.”
"Yes, it hasn't been long since Zhenbei Hou returned to Beifeng County."
"Yes, although you, the second prince of the Yan Kingdom, are Tian Wujing's nephew, if the Marquis of Zhenbei doesn't come, it will be inconvenient for the Marquis of Jingnan to go back to attend the canonization ceremony."
This is due to a political consideration. The prince is the foundation of the country and the continuation of the interests and policies of the political group. At present, the two princes, one in the south and one in the north, are obviously polar opposites.
During the canonization ceremony, if the Marquis of Zhenbei is not there, then the Marquis of Jingnan must not be there either, otherwise the other party will be regarded as a target of suppression.
"Although this conferment ceremony is a little hasty, there should have been a sign that the second prince of Yan Kingdom would enter the East Palace. He is not a prince but has been better than a prince for several years. Brother Zheng, why do you specifically ask me about this matter? ?”
"Really? There are six adult princes of Emperor Yan. The eldest prince Ji Wujiang is in Beifeng County. The second prince succeeded as prince. The third prince was deposed by you, Brother Zheng. The fourth prince has a military background of the Deng family. The fifth prince is ordinary. The sixth prince was the least favored by Emperor Yan.
I dare to ask Brother Zheng, is it possible that you also have a position in this fight for the right? "
"I'm not going to hide it from Master Yao, it really does exist."
"Oh? Can you tell me?"
"First Prince, Ji Wujiang is my benefactor."
"This... When I first read Brother Zheng's "Zheng Zi's Art of War", I also specifically inquired about Brother Zheng's life and found out that Brother Zheng had saved the Sixth Prince?"
"Well, the sixth prince introduced me to the eldest prince."
"It's true."
Yao Zizhan laughed and said:
"It's rare for Brother Zheng to be so candid, which even surprised me."
"I am a person who likes to settle accounts. I receive money with one hand and spend it with the other. I feel at ease when the accounts are clear. But some accounts are really difficult to settle, and that is the favor account."
"I understand, I want to add a favor to Brother Zheng, but to be honest, this is your Yan country's family matter after all. Even if I have some information, it is nothing more than the information passed back to me by the Silver Armored Guards. Just do some things that everyone in the government and the public knows.
However, there is one third prince who was deposed by you personally, Brother Zheng, who is indeed quite interested in culture and education. "
"Is this gone?"
Why the hell are you telling me now that the Third Prince has been infiltrated by your culture and has become a capable person? Is that any use?
"Then I can make up some more for you?"
Zheng Fan shook his head and said:
"I want Master Yao to help me analyze it."
"Huh? Brother Zheng, with all due respect, the second prince has entered the East Palace and will become the future master of Yan. You are the Marquis of Jingnan, and the Marquis of Jingnan is the uncle of the second prince. You don't have to do anything. In the future, My career is actually unfolding right in front of you."
"Master Yao is not sincere."
Yao Zizhan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and took a sip of tea.
"There is no mirror in the field, and there is no happy ending."
Zheng Fan fell silent, tapping his fingertips lightly on the coffee table.
"Unless Tian Wujing becomes emperor, he will never end well, but he is the least likely to rebel, so..."
"What happens next, who knows?"
"Haha, brother, do you know that the former Jin Emperor and my family officials both lamented the same thing in their hearts. Do you know what it was?"
Zheng Fan said nothing.
Yao Zizhan asked himself and answered:
"Why don't I have Tian Wujing by my side?"
"What a coincidence, I often dream about why I don't have a hundred thousand cavalry by my side."
"Brother Zheng, do you still remember that I asked you before in the Tianduan Mountains whether Emperor Yan was feeling well?"
"Actually, brother Zheng, you are wrong. Maybe in your opinion, if something goes wrong with Emperor Yan's body, it will be beneficial to me. But in fact, what I am afraid of is that something goes wrong with Emperor Yan's body! "
As a minister of an enemy country, he is actually afraid that the opponent's king has physical problems. Generally speaking, this must be because the king is a fool.
But on the contrary, whether Emperor Yan looked at him horizontally or vertically, he could not relate to Hunjun.
You say he was a bit militaristic, but he already conquered half of the Jin Kingdom. This is the same as the comparison between Emperor Sui Yang and Emperor Wu and Emperor Yongle of the Han Dynasty. They were both a bit militaristic, but only if the former lost, his reputation would be bad. .
"You, the second prince of the Yan Kingdom, are a conservative king, not a pioneering hero."
"Does the Silver Armored Guard even know this?"
"What books the second prince has read, what articles he has written, and what things he has done, as long as they can be investigated, will be collected and sent back to the capital. The Silver Armor Guards have a dedicated person to analyze and summarize for the officials, and I am also among them."
"I say that if you Chinese people could focus on reorganizing your armaments instead of operating spies, you wouldn't have been beaten so badly last time."
Yao Zizhan didn't pay attention to Zheng Fan's sarcasm, but continued:
"Emperor Yan wants to finish the work of three generations in one generation."
As he spoke, Yao Zizhan stretched out his fingers and began to count slowly:
“It stands to reason that reducing the number of clans and centralizing power is only a matter for one generation of emperors;
The next generation of emperors can strengthen their troops and go to war with foreign countries;
The next generation of emperors will carry on the past and open up the future, and the East will dominate.
Ji Runhao wanted to finish it all in one go and leave a unified East and a new Great Xia to his descendants. At the very least, he wanted to completely defeat the two countries and make Yan the real largest country in the East. .
Originally, there should be at least five more years of cultivation and rest, and even ten years is not an exaggeration.
The Yan State can completely digest the new land. You must know that the three Jin knights were really not weak at the time. If the Yan State can also pull out a field army in the Jin land, and go out in the future, and the three lines of cavalry come out, who will fight with them? Competing?
Of course, I can take a breather while I work hard. I can use the wealth of Jiangnan to reorganize the troops and manage the defense line. The civil strife in Chu State should also be over. When the time comes to join the Chu Alliance and fight against Yan State, the outcome will be real. unpredictable. "
"So, if there is something really wrong with Emperor Yan's health, then a new round of war may begin within a year. He wants to see his Yan Kingdom's cavalry truly defeat me while he is still healthy. If Da Qian goes to Beijing, at least he will defeat our Qian country to the same level as the Jin country, leaving only half of it.
This is the emperor's obsession, this is the emperor's inner demon.
I don't know much about military matters, but I am good at reading people's hearts. "
Zheng Fan yawned,
"Master Yao, you are off topic."
"I have already answered."
"Tsk, where is it?"
"If Emperor Yan is in good health and has no problems, then it will be enough for him to be the emperor. It should be a certainty that the prince will inherit the throne in the future.
If something goes wrong with Emperor Yan's health and he forces another army..."
Having said this, Yao Zizhan closed his eyes.
"Are you still showing off at this moment?"
"I'm not trying to show off, but... Haha, if Emperor Yan forcibly raises his troops again, and it goes as smoothly as last time, and finally destroys my Dagan, it's easy to say, but it means that my Dagan is really stuck in the mud and can't hold up the wall. You, Yan people, are truly your destiny.
If our country can survive..."
Speaking of which,
Yao Zizhan slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were a little red, and he began to breathe heavily.
Slowly said:
"Then Emperor Yan will replace him with a prince who is most like him to take over this mess, gamble on the fate of the country, and continue to fight until one side completely collapses;
Because in the battle for national destiny, there is no retreat. "
"The prince who looks most like him?" Zheng Fan reached out and rubbed his chin, his mind spinning a thousand times.
Yao Zizhan drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.
"With all due respect, among the six adult princes, based on the available information and my analysis, the one who looks most like Emperor Yan should be..."
Yao Zizhan gave Zheng Fan a thumbs up,
Zheng Fan quietly retracted his little finger when he raised his hand, leaving only a thumb;
Two thumbs gave a false response,
Yao Zizhan stood up,
He reached out and patted Zheng Fan on the shoulder, and said sincerely:
"So, brother Zheng, the relationship between you and the eldest prince must not be broken, and you must move around more."
Zheng Fan's face showed a look of enlightenment.
get up,
He cupped his hands to Yao Zizhan and said:
"Thank you Master Yao for your teaching."
(End of this chapter)

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