The devil is coming

Chapter 257 Rhododendron Blooms

Chapter 257 Rhododendron Blooms
"After the Secret Service discovered the appearance and characteristics of the Savage King, he corroborated this matter and roughly determined the original whereabouts of the Savage King."
Zheng Fan nodded, thinking in his heart:
Therefore, if the princess had been more willful, more domineering, and more arrogant, instead of whipping her, but directly beheading her, would there not be the current savage chaos?
Of course, you can also say that without this Savage King, there will be a next one, which may even be more powerful;
There is no way to assume this kind of thing.
"Master Marquis, will you dispose of these corpses first?"
"No, it's better to make them more alert, so they don't have to huddle together."
Tian Wujing got on his horse and said, "We'll go back after a little walk to the east."
How could Zheng Fan have any room for doubt?He could only get on his horse and continue deeper into the snowfield to the east with Tian Wujing.
The snowfield is very vast. To a certain extent, the snowfield is no smaller than the desert. But like the desert, most of the area is unviable for human survival.
The two rode their horses eastward for a few more days, meeting several tribesmen on the way and even being chased by a group of wild sentry riders. However, Tian Wujing did not take action this time and chose to throw them away.
Afterwards, the two began their return journey.
A few days later, Zheng Fan and Tian Wujing returned to the Tianduan Mountains.
The army will definitely not move that fast, because Zheng Fan and Tian Wujing set out with one person and two horses, and they even snatched the horses from the barbarians to replace them on the snowy field. When the army marched, it would take more time than if they were two people. More than three times more.
Calculating the time, maybe by the time the army comes to set foot in the snowfield, the ice and snow in the snowfield should have melted, and it will be the time when the snowfield is the most "full of life" in the year.
"What are you thinking about?"
Tian Wujing asked.
"Master Marquis, I am thinking that the timing of sending troops this time has been chosen very cleverly. When our troops enter the snowfield, it happens to be the most important production season for the savages in the snowfield."
This was also the case during the previous attack on Qian Kingdom. A battle started in winter and ended in spring. Compared with the real casualties, the biggest impact was the destruction of spring plowing in the northern territory of Qian Kingdom.
The Marquis of Jingnan heard this and said:
"The Zhenbei Hou Mansion is the most skilled at using this move. In recent years, the number of beheadings may have been much less than a few decades ago, but they always choose to send troops when the barbarians are most miserable.
Soldiers kill people, not just on the battlefield. "
"I will eventually be taught."
This is really Tian Wujing trying to remind himself.
To explain it with more modern thinking, it probably means that war is not a single form of existence. If it rises to the level of national war, the impact will be in all aspects.
Using war to block the other party's production, thereby causing "disaster" within the other party, may not be so eye-catching in terms of intuitive headcount data, but the actual trauma may be more painful than letting them lose a big defeat, and also This is what is called consuming local war potential.
"It's pretty good that you can understand this, but one is momentum and the other is technique. Without the support of technique, momentum is just a castle in the air.
There are many talented people in the court of Qian Kingdom, and even the official is not a common man. However, it is precisely because Qian's army dare not fight in the field, so no matter how good the plan is, it will ultimately be like drawing water from a bamboo basket and cannot pay the price. All in shape.
The reason why the barbarians have endured the reduction and suppression of the Zhenbei Marquis Mansion for decades is because they cannot defeat the Zhenbei Army from the front. Once the Zhenbei Army is unable to form technical suppression and situational feedback, Naturally, there is no way to talk about it. "
Zheng Fan thought about these words and forgot to flatter him for a moment.
Tian Wujing looked at Zheng Fan thinking, and a smile appeared on his lips.
In the next few days, Zheng Fan would ask Tian Wujing some questions, most of which were limited to military matters, and Tian Wujing would also answer them.
As for the quarrel between the parents, Tian Wujing never mentioned it again, and Zheng Fan didn't take the initiative to go there again.
The two finally left the Tianduan Mountains and returned to Shengle City.
It took more than 20 days to get in and out.
The city wall of Shengle City has been built with several more sections than when he left, and a neat military stronghold has been erected outside the city.
The Marquis of Jingnan was strict in running the army, and the Jingnan Army under his command was famous for its strict military discipline. This strictness was not only reflected in not burning, killing, and looting, but also because as an army that specializes in cavalry combat, it was also meticulous when setting up camp. .
"Master Hou, please go back to the city first..."
"I will return to the military stronghold first. Zhengcheng Shou will prepare three thousand soldiers and horses before noon tomorrow to accompany him for the expedition."
Zheng Fan wanted to swear, but he still held back.
In the end, he could only accept the order.
Tian Wujing went straight to the military stronghold, while Zheng Fan returned to Shengle City.
The construction of the city wall has stopped, and a large number of slaves have been transferred to the logistics area to assist in the logistics support work of the [-] Jingnan Army cavalry who have just arrived.
When Zheng Fan returned to the mansion, he found that everyone in the mansion was busy. Since the army set out from here, the preparation work required was naturally extremely huge, and most of the work fell on Shengle City. On the one hand, He said, this is the organization's trust in you, and Marquis Jingnan's trust in you. On the other hand, this is also a disaster for you, and you cannot escape it.
As soon as he entered the back house, Zheng Fan seemed to be racing against time and lay down in the soup pool before the water was put in it.
Si Niang also stopped what she was doing and rushed to wait for her master to take a bath.
"My lord, in order to support the army this time, we have lost too much of our family resources. Together with the part of the wealth that Marquis Jingnan gave us in the capital last time, we have to basically support it this time."
Zheng Fan wiped his face with a towel and said:
"It's impossible."
Since you still carry the banner of "Yan people" on your head, you have to pay the price and fulfill your obligations.
It was also thanks to the fact that Siniang had done a lot of ink in the capital area, and later the Helian family's treasure trove was replenished. Moreover, the goods in the tomb of Prince Fu in Chuzhou would soon be smuggled over by caravans. With this "dirty silver", Shengle City would not go bankrupt due to such a large-scale construction.
Therefore, Zheng Fan suddenly understood the "fire and money wasted" of corrupt officials in ancient times.
This time the army went on an expedition, the [-] Jingnan troops really came here "lightly". They didn't bring any baggage, supplies, or civilians.
Everything has to be supported from Shengle City.
"I just don't know if I can make a fortune from this war." Siniang thought in her mind.
"Call Liang Cheng to come in." Zheng Fan said.
Liang Cheng led his army back a few days ago, much earlier than Zheng Fan and Tian Wujing.
After hearing this, Siniang got dressed, went out and called Liang Cheng to come in.
After Liang Cheng came in, he squatted down by the soup pool.
Si Niang went to make tea. It was not appropriate to do anything intimate in front of outsiders.
"What the Marquis of Jingnan means this time is that if we send three thousand troops from Shengle City, we will take the one thousand Jingnan troops with us."
"Give it back to us?"
"If you provide money and food to the people, how dare the Marquis of Jingnan take back these thousand Jingnan troops?"
Liang Cheng nodded, "That's indeed the truth."
"You can make up for the remaining 2000 troops at your own discretion. In addition, if the army goes well in this expedition to the snowfield, I believe there will be a lot of gains, including war horses, slaves, cattle and sheep. You can organize the remaining troops and horses to let the blind man and Si Niang takes charge.
By the way, Si Niang..."
"Master, I'm here." Siniang came over with tea.
"You and the blind man do a good job of cooperating. This time we are going to help the Situ family fight the wild people, so there is no need to worry about what the Situ family garrison will do nearby. It doesn't matter if the defense is lax."
"What about the Wubao and powerful people nearby? Lord, they have been plundered and exploited by us these days."
Tian Wujing's banner was really useful. In order to avoid being exterminated, the fortress owners and local powerful people reluctantly donated craftsmen, grain and grass, and even forcibly recruited many civilians.
The pressure is so severe that there will be no guarantee that there will be no trouble. Now that there are [-] Jingnan troops on the side, these fortress owners are naturally as docile as good babies. But when the army goes out and Shengle City is empty, Bao Le City will be empty. No one is allowed to take risks.
"Tell them that we will make a fortune with them this time. Someone needs to receive the spoils after the army goes out. This plate is too big for us to eat. Let's all share it together.
Call on them to help, let them maintain the line from our Shengle to the snowy field, and then everyone will eat the spoils that come down from the front. "
When Liang Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said:
"My lord, this is a great move. In this way, you can win over the powerful forts with a radius of hundreds of miles around Shengle. Secondly, you can ensure the retreat of the army. Once the front is lost..."
"To shut up!!!"
I will go out with the army this time!
Liang Cheng shut up.
"According to my speculation, this expedition should be based on long-distance raids and blitzes. A large number of seizures cannot be transported back slowly, so they need to be transported."
"The slave family knows, please rest assured, Lord."
Zheng Fan was used to being stingy, and after losing the spare tire of Xiao Liuzi and having a blood transfusion, he began to earn his own living and realized that life was not easy.
Liang Cheng went down after receiving the instructions.
Siniang started to rub Zheng Fan’s back.
When I was about to play with the needle according to the established procedure,
Zheng Fan shook his head,
He said something that old couples often say:
"Wash up and go to bed."
When your boss is a loser waiting to die, you will be very depressed;
And when your boss is an out-and-out workaholic, you will also be in pain.
Zheng Fan, who rarely had a good sleep in bed, put on his armor with the help of Siniang early in the morning, and then immediately mounted his horse to join the three thousand Shengle City soldiers and horses prepared by Liang Cheng outside Shengle City.
Of these 3000 troops, one thousand were from the Jingnan Army, and the rest were composed of soldiers from the Tufa family and Jin soldiers. Zheng Fan's old base was left at home.
Of course, from Zheng Fan's point of view, this is to preserve his strength, but from the point of view of Jin Bing and Tufa Clan, this is simply Zheng Chengshou showing mercy and giving himself credit.
Especially Jin soldiers,
Facing the Jingnan Army that had defeated them,
Now that he was about to go on an expedition with the Jingnan Army again, it could be said that he was quite excited, and he was extremely confident in the war.
This principle is the same as when you were taught by a master while playing a game, and then the master invited you to form a team to play black games and let you hug you.
A Ming hadn't come back from Yanjing yet, and Zheng Chengshou, who was on the expedition, felt a little panicked in his absence.
Xue San and Fan Li went out with the army, while Blind Man and Siniang stayed behind. After all, compared with the war situation, the follow-up operations of their hometown were the most critical.
In the morning, Shengle City's soldiers and horses had already moved to station outside the Jingnan Army Camp. They all dismounted and sat cross-legged to rest.
Although the armor is still a little uneven, with a thousand Jingnan troops at the head, these 3000 troops really have an elite aura, which is enough to show that Liang Cheng's war training during these days has indeed achieved good results.
Zheng Fan was also sitting there waiting. Beside him, Liang Cheng and Gao Yi were sitting, while Bald Hair Succession and Bald Hair Su were sitting behind him.
At one o'clock before noon, the gate of the military stronghold opened wide, and the Jingnan Army cavalry began to leave the stronghold. When the huge figure of the brave beast and the gilded armor appeared, Zheng Fan, who was sitting in his army's square formation, I felt the enthusiasm and excitement coming from all around.
The common people may be very disgusted and afraid of Tian Wujing,
The powerful people from all sides will be very suspicious of Tian Wujing.
But the thoughts of the soldiers at the bottom are very simple. They only know that Tian Wujing can fight, and if they follow him, they can win the battle and have a greater chance of surviving.
No matter what kind of killer you are, Qiu Ba and others don't care at all.
What surprised Zheng Fan was that the Jin soldiers under his command actually showed "looks of admiration". Did they feel good about being beaten?
Zheng Fan silently remembered it in his heart. After returning from this expedition, he still had to let the blind man further strengthen his ideological construction. How could he worship others when he spent money to raise soldiers and horses?
It was almost time. Zheng Fan glanced at Liang Cheng. Liang Cheng raised his knife and shouted:
"Get on the horse!"
Three thousand knights mounted their horses.
At this time, a Jingnan Military Academy captain came on horseback and his eyes fell directly on Zheng Fan.
"Your Majesty ordered, Zheng Chengshou will accompany the central army."
"The last general takes orders!"
Zheng Fan rode out, said goodbye to his soldiers and horses, and went to Tian Wujing's place.
To be honest, Zheng Chengshou is used to this kind of treatment. No matter who is the commander, they all like to have him around. Maybe it's really because he speaks well?
"Zheng Chengshou, where is the people's baggage?" Tian Wujing asked.
Obviously the number of civilians and baggage was too small.
"Back to the Marquis, when General Mo sent his men into the mountains to clear the way for the army, he hid food in advance along the path of the army, which was enough for the army to cross the mountains."
Tian Wujing nodded when he heard this.
"Well done, I'll give you a credit."
"Thank you, Lord."
Under the noon sun,
With the Shengle City Department as the vanguard,
More than 3 troops set off.
And this day,
In the Marquis Mansion of Litian City,
Du Juan is following Siniang's stitches and starting to try her own needlework.
But no matter how much I embroider, I am still not satisfied. I just feel that the things I embroider are not worthy of being on the stage.
for a while,
She put down her needle and thread,
The midday sun shone through the window on her pretty face,
And her hand was placed on her already obviously bulging belly,
outside the window,
The azaleas planted by that man himself,
The garden is full of flowers.
(End of this chapter)

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