Chapter 262
After winning a battle, each general seems to have his own way of coping.
Zhenbeihou likes to have barbecues on the spot.
Li Fusheng likes to eat human blood steamed buns in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.
Tian Wujing just sat on Pixiu, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.
Also, compared with leading an army of 20 to fight thousands of miles and defeating half of the Jin Kingdom, what we have just experienced can only be regarded as a small fight.
The savage was defeated, completely defeated, and defeated without any temper. He couldn't beat him, he just couldn't beat him.
At the foot of Que Mu, there were many corpses lying, including those of the Yan people, and some of the savage warriors who had sworn to protect themselves even to the death.
Onda is dead, having kept his oath;
Que Mu didn't run away either. Even though the Nanhou of the Yan people didn't seem to have much urgency or eagerness to kill his savage general, he still didn't run away.
Reason told him that if he could leave at this time, it would be beneficial to the overall situation, and then he could go back and tell the king that the Yan people are indeed as powerful and terrifying as you said.
As a general who commanded the army, he showed off his bravery and died here like this. It was undoubtedly the king's loss.
Que Mu believed that Wang hoped that he could survive and go back, because Wang always seemed to maintain a terrifying calmness at all times.
But Que Mu didn't want to run away, nor was he willing to escape.
At first, Onda persuaded himself to run away with his five thousand warriors, but he refused and insisted on summoning the savage warriors from nearby tribes to help in the battle.
This is the result of his own insistence. He has to stay here and bear this responsibility.
The overall situation is too big and too tiring. He doesn't want to care about it anymore. He just wants to die now and fight to death...
Everyone is in the sky, waiting for you. We want to return to the embrace of the stars together.
However, the surrounding Yan cavalry were just swimming around him, as if they had regarded him as a fish in a net, waiting for orders from their superiors to decide how to cook themselves.
"Come on! Come on! Come on!"
Que Mu staggered around and kept looking around, shouting loudly. He had run out of gas and the lamp was dry. The injuries on his body made it impossible for him to even run at this time, and he could only barely maintain his balance while standing.
Come up,
kill me!
There was a bit of teasing in the eyes of the Yan troops around him. From time to time, someone would shoot an arrow with a bow, but they deliberately did not hit Que Mu, but shot in front of him or on his side.
People often hear a story about how an enemy treats a respectable opponent seriously, but the chance of such a story happening is very small, or maybe a big shot wants to show off a political maneuver at this time.
A group of Qiu Ba who have just experienced a fight and are already red-eyed, do you want them to learn and respect their opponents?
Que Mu was very ashamed and angry. He wanted to die, but no one came up to give him the last blow. At this time, he was like a prey surrounded.
Liang Cheng's rear army had already transformed into the front army to pursue the escape. The rest of the troops were resting on the spot, cleaning the battlefield, finishing their last blows, and treating Pao Ze's healing. From time to time, everyone would raise their heads and look at that person. Que Mu, who was still angry, seemed to be watching an impromptu performance.
The Yan army won, but it could not be without casualties. This performance was not so much for the entertainment of the living, but rather as a memorial to Pao Ze who had just died in the battle.
Zheng Fan took out his water bag and drank several sips. At this time, Tian Wujing had already dismounted and came to the circle.
"Come on, come on, come on..."
Que Mu is still shouting, he may know a little bit of Xia dialect, and his voice is already very hoarse.
Tian Wujing stood there, just looking at it without saying a word.
The surrounding knights of the Yan Army saw that their Marquis was silent and thought that the Marquis did not care about this, so they continued to tease the savage warrior.
Zheng Fan took off a coil of rope from his horse, walked over, and shouted to the cavalrymen beside him who were riding their horses in circles:
"Shoot him in the leg!"
The words of the celebrities around Mr. Hou still work.
At that moment, several knights opened their bows and shot arrows. Que Mu had lost the ability to dodge and move around, and both of his legs were struck by arrows and fell to the ground.
Zheng Fan threw the rope to a knight beside him and said:
"Tie him up, drag him behind the horse, and go for a swim with the nearby tribes!"
"As ordered."
Like a horse being lassoed, a rope was tied around Que Mu who was kneeling on the ground just now, and then he was dragged to the ground by the war horse. Hundreds of knights roared up, dragging Que Mu away who was struggling and howling on the ground.
Tian Wujing did not comment on Zheng Fan's measures, walked to Pixiu and sat down.
Zheng Fan also came over and asked:
"Master Marquis, do we want to camp?"
You can wait for the [-] cavalry behind, which is the left and right armies.
"No, let the soldiers rest for a while, we will continue eastward."
"What about these tribes nearby?"
"Leave it to the left and right armies behind to clean up."
When Zheng Fan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as these tribes could be wiped out, a large number of savage slaves, as well as a large number of cattle, sheep, and horses would become the spoils of war for the Yan people.
Tian Wujing seemed to have already seen through Zheng Fan's thoughts.
"What, are you afraid of losing money?"
Zheng Fan showed a shy smile and nodded sincerely.
"It's a little scary."
"War is not a business."
"The last general will understand, but the last general will know better. A loss-making battle, like a loss-making business, will not last long."
"There is something in your words."
"Master Marquis is wise. This idea came to me just now. Master Marquis, the savages in the snowy fields are much stronger than the savages who will be suppressed in the Tianduan Mountains in the end."
"go on."
"The general feels that the Lord Marquis led his troops into the snowy field this time not because he wanted to complete his victory in one battle and completely eradicate the savages in the snowy field, because... they cannot be eradicated at all."
Tian Wujing looked at Zheng Fan.
Zheng Fan continued:
"Just like the desert, the Zhenbei Army can defeat any barbarians who come face to face, but it is still unable to eliminate the barbarians, because the desert is too useless for us, Dayan, and we, Dayan, cannot do what Qian Guo did. , with the city connected to the wall, completely locking and enclosing the desert."
This is just like in another world. The Central Plains dynasties often control the border areas when they are prosperous, but then lose it when they decline, because the cost of controlling them is too great. When the dynasty is strong, it can still Playing for fun in the name of expanding territory will actually become a burden when the dynasty is not so strong.
"The same goes for the Savages of the Snowfield. Our army set out from Shengle City and entered the Snowfield. This is just the borderland for the Savages of the Snowfield. Even with the elite Jingnan Army, it would take more than ten days to cross the Tianduan Mountains and reach here. If we march deeper into the snowfield, it will be really vast, and army supplies, reinforcements, and military information transmission will all be greatly hindered. In fact, to a certain extent, the snowfield is more like another desert."
Tian Wujing pointed at Zheng Fan,
"I understand what you mean. Since the snowy plain is another desert for me, Dayan, then do you, Zheng Chengshou, want to be another Zhenbeihou for Dayan?"
"A soldier who doesn't want to be a marquis is not a good soldier."
"That's interesting."
"Master Marquis, I don't dare to hope for a marquis. It is difficult for me, Dayan, to get a title with a different surname. However, I am willing to take the responsibility of guarding Shengle City and reduce the wild people in the snow field on behalf of Dayan."
This place can be fought, but it cannot be occupied. If you win, you still have to leave. Once you leave, people will come back.
The Jin people had beheaded the barbarians for hundreds of years, and even in the end, the Tianduan Mountains were still densely populated with barbarian settlements. After they cut off a crop, another crop grew, and the swords were blunted, but the barbarians were still numerous.
Therefore, we can only follow the example of the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, greeting these neighbors every now and then, and hammering them, firstly, not to allow them to have a unified political power, and secondly, to prevent their population from growing too fast.
"I can't decide this matter."
Using one city to exercise the responsibility of controlling the Snow Plains is not just as simple as a city guard. It must at least be divided into a military region like the Jingnan Army and the Zhenbei Army.
Zheng Fan lowered his head.
"However, I will make a proposal to His Majesty on your behalf, but Zheng Chengshou."
"The end is here."
"As much as you have a belly, you need to eat as much as you want. I am afraid that you will eat too much at once and become full."
"Master Hou, more than a year ago, Mo Jiang was just the young owner of an inn in Hutou City, surrounded by a few mediocre and stupid guys who had no ability except eating;
But now, the general has been able to build the city. The Marquis said that the general has some merchant habits. The general thinks there is nothing wrong with this. At least the general can run it. "
The implication is, let me do this job, I don’t want the treasury to spend more money.
I can run without eating grass!
Tian Wujing was noncommittal;
Zheng Fan did not dare to speak anymore.
for a while,
Tian Wujing said:
"You're impatient."
"Master Hou, the last general is just..."
Tian Wujing nodded and said:
"I understand why you are anxious."
"Master Hou, it's not..."
"Yu Li, your talents and qualifications are admired by me. Li Liangting also values ​​you very much, even His Majesty does the same;
Yu Qing, you are the godfather of my unborn child.
Therefore, regardless of emotion or reason, I will push you forward. "
"General, thank you for your cultivation, Lord Marquis!"
"You don't need to thank me, Lord."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Marquis and the princess!"
Tian Wujing smiled,
He reached out and pushed away Zheng Fan who was kneeling in front of him.
"You, you, you look like a treacherous sycophant."
Zheng Fan was pushed to the ground, but he still had a smile on his face and said:
"You are not the one who favored me, Lord Marquis."
Tian Wujing sighed,
"It would be a shame if you didn't pick up Wei Zhonghe's class."
"That can't be done, Lord Marquis, I haven't passed on the family line yet. When this war is over, I will work hard when I get back and try to find some playmates for the little Marquis or the little princess.
From now on, who dares to threaten them..."
Tian Wujing lowered his head, looked at Zheng Fan, and asked:
"What about you?"
Zheng Fan put away the smile on his face,
Wada looked at each other without a mirror,
Word by word:
"I'll go tell the Marquis right away and ask him to teach them a lesson!"
(End of this chapter)

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