The devil is coming

Chapter 269 Bad news!

Chapter 269 Bad news!
Zheng Fan did not persuade Tian Wujing to leave the army and go back first. Although Pixiu could run much better than the best war horses in terms of endurance and speed, since Tian Wujing led the army, it was naturally impossible for him to leave alone first, even if his My wife is about to give birth.
To make this suggestion to him is, first of all, an insult to Marquis Jingnan, and secondly, to risk your own life to flatter someone who may really kill you.
After marching in the Tianduan Mountains for more than 20 days, the army finally came out and returned to Shengle City.
Siniang and the blind man mobilized the soldiers and civilians in the city to organize a big banquet to reward the soldiers on the expedition, which was actually a flowing water banquet.
Moreover, there were very few meat dishes on the flowing banquet, and most of them were vegetarian dishes. However, those soldiers of Yan Army, who had experienced eating meat for the first time and were tired of eating it, felt like hungry tigers coming out of their cages when they saw these vegetarian dishes, and they ate so deliciously.
Tian Wujing also entered Shengle City. Although he might want to leave here immediately and rush back to Litian City, he had to start and finish things.
Today was a banquet for the whole army. Although the imperial reward had not yet come down, it was still an early celebration. As the commander of the expeditionary force, he naturally could not leave on this day.
After today, the army can be left to a few general soldiers to take it back, and he can drive back in a light vehicle.
Originally, this table in Shengle City was cooked by Siniang herself to entertain Tian Wujing and a group of Jingnan Army generals.
Who would have thought, what Zheng Fan didn't expect was that Yao Zizhan hadn't left yet.
At the beginning, according to the agreement he made with himself, this literary sage from the Qian Kingdom should have left long ago when his teaching term was over.
When Zheng Fan set off, he specifically told the blind man that this old man was a bit unusual, but he was quite interesting. It would be boring to kill him, so he should be released.
After all, you still have to let others go back and brag for you as agreed.
But the old man didn't leave, and even shamelessly waited for Tian Wujing and Zheng Fan in the hall.
After Yao Zizhan reported his identity,
Several chief officers of the Jingnan Army very wisely complained to Tian Wujing and Zheng Fan, their hosts, saying that they felt more comfortable going down to eat and drink with the soldiers, so they left without serving the table.
This actually made Zheng Fan re-examine Yao Zizhan's influence. It may be because he experienced the infiltration of "Three Hundred Tang Poems" in later generations.
Zheng Fan didn't feel much about the poets and saints in this world, but Yao Zizhan's name actually made these general officers feel that they should avoid the table, which was much more interesting.
Maybe this old man often boasted that Emperor Yan was willing to give [-] cavalry in exchange for Yao Zizhan's old bones, but he was really not lying.
Therefore, there were only three people left at the banquet table that was originally full.
Tian Wujing sat in the first seat, Yao Zizhan sat in the second seat, and Zheng Fan accompanied him in the last seat.
Yao Zizhan picked up a glass of water and wine first.
Respect Jingnanhou:
"Yao Zizhan, a survivor of the Great Xia, came back to congratulate the Marquis of Jingnan on his victory!"
Tian Wujing picked up the wine glass and responded blankly.
In the final analysis, three of the four major countries are the legacy of Daxia with strong roots.
The Prince of Great Xia originally created the title of Marquis of Yan, Marquis of Jin, and Marquis of Chu to deal with the barbarians, savages, and Shanyue respectively. All three families succeeded. Not only did they open up the territory for Da Xia and clear out the foreign tribes, but they have also passed it on to this day.
On the contrary, it was the Qian Kingdom. Emperor Taizu of the Qian Kingdom had nothing to do with Daxia. After the fall of Daxia, the area of ​​Qian Kingdom had been divided and ruled for several generations.
But the Zhao Guan family of the Qian Kingdom would not say that. They would forcefully make up history and tell who their ancestors were under the Great Xia Emperor, what great achievements they had made, and so on.
"Master Marquis, I have also heard about what happened in Chengguo. Alas, the Yu family has been pioneering for hundreds of years and is now in a state of exhaustion. It is really sad.
It is not easy for our ancestors to start a business. If we, the descendants of the future generations, cannot protect our homeland and territory, how can we have the face to meet our ancestors underground in the future? "
Zheng Fan ate the food in silence. At the same time, he felt that Old Man Yao's words were a bit strange and too sensational.
There is a saying that Emperor Yan dared to rub shoulders with the Situ family and say, "You and I are both survivors of the Xia Dynasty", and we should work together to defend against the enemy. However, it is impossible for Emperor Yan to say such words to the officials of the Qian Kingdom or reveal his feelings. That's what it means.
In fact, the sexy operation of fucking someone a hundred years ago is too memorable for people.
Old man Yao is being sensational right now, what kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd?
Tian Wujing put down his wine glass and said:
"Mr. Yao, please tell me if you have anything to say."
After all, he gave Yao Zizhan some face and didn't directly say: "Speak like a human being."
Yao Zizhan sat down and said:
"Master Hou, the current situation in Chengguo is in crisis. What I want to say is that Chu State cannot be counted on now. I am still far away from Chengguo. I only hope that Master Marquis and His Majesty Emperor Yan can see that everyone is Daxia For the sake of the survivors, help the Situ family.
Anyone can sit in this great river and mountain, but we cannot let savages sit in it. "
"Is this the intention of your official family or your own intention?"
Yao Zizhan stood up,
He took out a yellow roll from his pocket,
Sincerely said:
"His Majesty the Emperor Daqian has a secret plan here!"
Zheng Fan continued to eat.
Siniang's fried lotus root sandwich is fragrant but not greasy, crispy but not burnt, it is really delicious.
Tian Wujing also picked up chopsticks to pick up vegetables.
Yao Zizhan was left feeling embarrassed for a while.
for a while,
Yao Zizhan couldn't hold himself any longer, so he handed over the secret decree and said:
"Master Hou, this is the handwriting of my official family."
Tian Wujing did not reach out to pick it up, but said calmly:
"The Emperor of Qian's secret decree is to give me a marquis of Yan. What can I do?"
Zheng Fan followed suit and said:
"That's right, is it possible that the officials of the Qian Kingdom want to make my Marquis the king of the Qian Kingdom?"
Yao Zizhan smiled and said:
"Why not?"
Zheng Fan continued to tease:
"Okay, bring up the Western Army and let my Lord Marquis dispatch it."
Yao Zizhan actually nodded again and said:
"If the Marquis really wants to go to Daqian to see the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River and the three armies, what's the harm in leaving them all in the hands of the Marquis?
During the Battle of Po Jin, everyone thought that the Marquis of Zhenbei was the real commander, but who among the real disciples didn’t know who actually fought that battle? "
"Hey, that's weird. I said, Master Yao, you weren't that stupid before."
Yao Zizhan ignored Zheng Fan and continued to the Marquis of Jingnan:
"Master Hou, my official family has been friends with Master Hou for a long time."
Tian Wujing nodded and said:
"In the future, I will have the opportunity to go to Beijing to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor of Qian Kingdom. After all, the road has already been explored.
As for Jiangnan Fenghua, just stop by and check it out. "
The implication is obvious.
Yao Zizhan sighed, and his eyes fell on this secret edict. Seeing that Marquis Jingnan refused to accept it, he had to look at Zheng Fan again:
"Brother Zheng, why don't you accept it?"
"Why should I accept it? This is given to the Marquis by your official family, not to me."
"The officials are also deeply impressed by you, Brother Zheng. When we first met in the greenhouse, Brother Zheng's witty conversation has made my officials unforgettable to this day."
Zheng Fan glanced at Tian Wujing and saw that Tian Wujing had no reaction, so he reached out and took the secret order, but did not open it to read it.
Yao Zizhan became honest and began to focus on eating and drinking. He even composed a poem to cheer him up. Then he said that he was too drunk and got off the table first.
After Yao Zizhan left,
Tian Wujing also put down his chopsticks, and Zheng Fan immediately put down his chopsticks.
"Accompany me to the army to see the soldiers."
"Yes, Lord Hou."
Zheng Fan knew what Tian Wujing planned to do, and said:
"Master Marquis, I will ask my wife to pack her things, and we will go back with you later."
"You don't care about Shengle City's affairs?"
"I have a few housekeepers under me. It's okay. I just ask the Marquis not to punish me for leaving my post without permission. The general is a godfather after all, so I have to take a look.
After reading it, my wife stayed behind to take care of my wife during the confinement period, and she would come back at the end of the starry night. "
Tian Wujing nodded, agreeing, and said:
"Go and talk to your wife. I owe you a favor. I will go to the military camp to see the soldiers first."
"Yes, Lord Hou."
Zheng Fan went into the room first to talk to Siniang. After hearing this, Siniang frowned slightly and said:
"My Lord, it stands to reason that Du Juan should have given birth. Why haven't we here in Shengle City received any news about this?"
"What do you mean?"
"My lord, you and the Marquis are marching in the snowy fields and Tianduan Mountains. It is normal for letters to be difficult to deliver. But everyone knows that Jingnan Marquis will inevitably pass through Shengle City when he returns. If the Marquis over there has given birth, Well, why didn’t anyone come in advance to wait for the return of Lord Marquis’s army to report the news?”
"that's true."
Zheng Fan took a breath,
"Let me tell you, if Jingnan Marquis is so anxious, he should have noticed that something is wrong. It's not right. Counting the days, Du Juan may have just given birth not long ago. Litian City is quite far away from us, and the messenger may still be on the way. Maybe."
Siniang knew the relationship between her master and Marquis Jingnan, so she said:
"I hope so, Lord, let's go then?"
"No need to prepare anything?"
"What can the Hou Mansion lack?"
After Zheng Fan exchanged a few words with the blind man, he went to the military camp with Siniang.
The military camp became more lively because of Tian Wujing's arrival, and Marquis Jingnan was walking among the soldiers with a drink in his hand.
This wine was just for show. No one in the Jingnan Army, from the chief officer down to the ordinary soldiers, dared to drink Tian Wujing's wine.
When Zheng Fan and Siniang entered the camp, Tian Wujing looked over and nodded, indicating to Zheng Fan to wait a little longer. He still needed to see the injured and sick soldiers.
at this time,
A fast horse galloped from outside the military camp, followed by more than a dozen Jingnan Army sentries.
Even though there was a banquet going on in the camp, there was no lack of vigilance outside.
And obviously, those sentry riders should know the person coming, so they did not stop or inform them, they just accompanied and escorted them to the Chinese army camp.
The person who came had no left arm. When he rode past Zheng Fan, Zheng Fan thought he looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that the person should be one of Tian Wujing's former personal guards, named Ma Kui. I once went to Beijing in the guard camp of Jingnan Marquis for a while, so I recognized him.
It's just that he was probably seriously injured in the Battle of Jin Dynasty and became half disabled, so he did not stay in the army anymore, but returned to the Hou Mansion as a "housekeeper".
Tian Wujing watched his former bodyguards riding up, his eyes slightly focused.
Ma Kui got off his horse and rolled on the ground several times before running to Tian Wujing.
The soldiers around him wanted to laugh at first, but after seeing the tears and snot on Ma Kui's face, everyone subconsciously kept silent;
Ma Kui climbed to Tian Wujing's feet, reached out and grabbed Tian Wujing's boots.
cried miserably:
"Master Marquis, Master Marquis, this subordinate deserves to die, this subordinate deserves to die, I failed to protect my wife..."
(End of this chapter)

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