The devil is coming

Chapter 277 Lively

Chapter 277 Lively
The blind man tore into the noodles in his hands and focused his attention on the surroundings. On the second floor, several groups of people came out of the guest room. Their steps were very light. It was obvious that they had great qinggong skills. Maybe they still maintained the expression on their faces. Naturally, the body is actually prepared for various stresses.
The blind man sighed,
Looking at the finely shredded noodles he had just torn into the bowl, he hesitated as he wanted the boss to reheat the soup in the bowl.
It seemed that it might be more dangerous to continue sitting like this downstairs at this time, but he was reluctant to part with his "results".
The blind man is not a person who likes to cause trouble, nor does he like to watch the excitement, so he finally picked up the bowl, stood up, walked to the counter, found the waiter, and gave him a piece of broken silver:
"Add soup, sprinkle some more chopped green onion and coriander, and send it to my house."
"Okay, Master, just wait and it will be delivered later."
The blind man clapped his hands with satisfaction and walked up the stairs.
At this time, the man below who had previously called out "bastard" laughed and said after hearing that the swordsman holding the child actually admitted that he was a bastard:
"Brother, you are really wearing that hat. Could it be that the mother-in-law ran away with someone and left someone who is not yours to remember you?"
The swordsman stopped echoing because the cry of the child in his arms was already a little hoarse.
The swordsman said to the waiter beside him:
"Is there goat milk?"
"Hey, sir, the shop doesn't have this. If you go further to the east, you might be able to get it. It's said that a war just broke out over there. Good guy, I don't know how many cattle and sheep were snatched from the snowy field."
The swordsman shook his head helplessly,
And said:
"Is there any rice soup?"
"Please wait a moment, sir. I'll tell the cook to cook it right now."
"Hey, why bother? Why don't you just call a grown-up girl from the red tent to come out and feed the child?" The man shouted again.
Someone at the table next to me said:
"There's no milk in that field."
"It doesn't matter, I will plant the land first, and then I will nurse the child, hahahaha..."
The boy who had just climbed up the stairs to the second floor shook his head slightly. This level of provocation was a bit embarrassing. He was forcing hatred just to attract hatred. It was low-level.
The work of people in the world is still a bit rough.
The blind man couldn't help but focus on the group of people standing by the railing on the second floor as if they were "showing off". This group of people had obviously raised their standards a bit, but how could I put it, they were still a little too deliberate.
But it was the swordsman who was holding the child and looking for food for the child. The blind man inexplicably had some expectations for him.
It doesn't matter to the blind man whether the child is a child or not. The blind man doesn't really care about what it is, he is just a spectator, a blind spectator.
Below, the swordsman is still clumsily coaxing the child. It can be seen that the swordsman has never taken care of a child before, and the way he holds the child is wrong. But it is undeniable that, aside from the "bastard" that the swordsman himself admitted earlier, he I'm quite concerned about this kid.
The blind man yawned. It seemed that because the swordsman stopped talking, the big man who started the trouble could not continue, so the plot below came to a certain stagnation.
But soon, the man at the beginning left his dining table, walked over, and yelled:
"Cry, cry, cry, my forehead hurts from crying, get out of here!"
The man reached out to grab the child.
The blind man shook his head and sighed. It's ruined. It's ruined. Why did you take off your pants and fart earlier if you just started to fight?
At this time, the blind man was clearly aware of the people beside him, and their hands were silently put into his sleeves.
have to,
The blind man turned around, opened his guest room door, and walked in.
Then through the door,
Continue to "watch the show".
The man's hand grabbed the baby and took it directly from the swordsman's hand.
A little rude and a little reckless, but the strange thing is that after the child fell into the hands of the man, he actually stopped crying.
The swordsman was slightly surprised,
Then there was some anger again,
After coaxing him for so long, the child was still distressed, but someone else actually stopped crying?
It's hard to tell whether the child simply doesn't like the swordsman, or whether he simply bullies the weak and fears the strong.
The big man grabbed the baby and peeled off the cotton wrapping the child, as if to check the size of the child.
The big man shouted to the swordsman:
"Hey, you bastard actually kissed me, so be it, you bastard, I will take care of you for you."
After all,
The man turned around and walked back with the child in his arms.
The swordsman was still sitting where he was, not knowing what he was thinking.
The blind man in the guest room on the second floor frowned slightly.
Is this the fucking end?
The sense of anticipation has been building for so long, and you just show me this?
Boring, boring,
If I had known earlier, I might as well have gone to bed early so that I could be on my way.
At this time, the waiter carried the blind man's bowl of "paomo" up to the second floor and knocked on the blind man's door.
"come in."
The waiter walked in very attentively and placed the bowl in front of the blind man. It was sprinkled with chopped green onions and coriander, which looked pleasing to the eye.
Just when the blind man was about to move, the guest room door was pushed open, and an old man led a girl in.
The clothes of the old man and the young man are more smart than the beggars, and more shabby than the merchants.
"My lord, my daughter is hungry, can you..."
The old man pointed to the bowl of steamed buns in front of the blind man.
This is someone who comes to ask for food.
The little girl also put her index finger in her mouth, making a gesture of "I'm cute but also a little hungry."
To be honest, when you meet someone, whether they are really kind-hearted or have evil intentions, you just give them a bowl of steamed buns, and they are not worth much money.
But this bowl of steamed buns contains the blind man's "labor", which he broke off bit by bit with his own hands.
The blind man took out some money from his sleeves, put it on the table, and said:
"I'm sorry, I'm very hungry. You can take this little girl to the store to find some more food. With the remaining money, we can rent a room to rest."
At this moment, the person who appeared here was by no means an ordinary person. The blind man knew this very well, so he had to be polite when he should be polite.
Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head and said:
"No, no, I won't be able to have a peaceful meal down there later."
The old man sat down, took out a broken bowl from his arms, put it on the table, and looked at the blind man expectantly.
"My lord, please take pity on me, a lonely young and old man. Alas, life is not easy."
The blind man raised his hat and looked directly at the old man.
"I also ask the old man to take pity on me, a disabled person."
"..." The old man.
"Ah, he is actually a blind man." The girl exclaimed, then climbed up on the chair and said to the blind man: "I saw you going upstairs before, but I didn't even notice that you couldn't see."
The girl's voice is very nice, with agility and crispness.
The blind man sighed, took some of the sea bowl in front of him and poured it into the broken bowl in front of the old man.
"Thank you sir, thank you sir."
The old man immediately thanked her, moved the bowl in front of the girl, and took out a pair of chopsticks from his sleeves and handed them to the girl.
The girl was not polite and started eating, which showed that she was indeed hungry.
The old man took out another wine gourd from his arms, pulled out the stopper, picked up the teacup that was upside down on the table in the guest room, poured two glasses of wine, and brought one glass to the blind man.
"My lord, you treat my granddaughter to a meal, and I'll treat you to a drink."
It's a pity that the blind man is not a heroic person. In terms of cherishing life, the blind man has always been on par with his master Zheng Fan.
"Thank you, husband, but I have to rest later and have to travel, so I won't drink."
"Afraid of poison?" the old man asked with a smile.
"That's right, you really have to be careful when going out."
With that said, the old man started drinking alone.
The blind man began to eat.
And during this period,
The situation downstairs also became quiet.
The child that the swordsman brought in was taken away by the man. The swordsman didn't ask for it back. Instead, he asked for a piece of food and sat there and started eating and drinking.
When the store brought the rice porridge, the swordsman pointed to the man with his chopsticks, and the store brought the rice porridge over.
After the old man drank two glasses of wine alone,
A faint blush appeared on the cheeks,
Looking askance at the blind man,
"My lord, you know that things are not peaceful here today."
The blind man shook his head and said:
"not my business."
"Well, you didn't drink my wine. After all, I still owe you a favor. Let's do this. If something happens later, I can keep you safe."
It's worth buying half a bowl of steamed buns in exchange for a life, but the blind man said:
"Old man, just sit here and don't go anywhere. I still have some oranges here. You can peel them and eat them slowly. I can keep you safe even if you don't leave the guest room."
The old man frowned slightly, and for a moment he couldn't decide whether the "blind man" in front of him was joking or really meant something.
In the rivers and lakes, there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons. There are the kind of heretics who make a name for themselves by talking nonsense, and there are also the kind of ruthless people lurking in the white dragon fish suit.
On the contrary, the girl, who had just eaten, became energetic and shouted to the blind man:
"Hey, blind man, do you know who my grandfather is?"
The blind man was already lying on the bed and replied:
The girl was choked.
Originally, introducing his grandfather's identity was his favorite thing to do, and it was so pleasant to watch the other person's eyes turn surprised and flattering, but the blind man in front of him didn't help him build the ladder at all and climbed up first!
The old man sighed,
"Noble sir, I am also a person who can't help himself in the world."
The blind man stopped talking and was too lazy to say anything. He turned to one side and prepared to sleep. He didn't care that the young and old had not left his guest room yet.
Also at this time,
The calm below was broken,
The man held the child in his arms, and several companions around him got up together. They didn't even plan to feed him rice porridge, and were about to leave the inn.
Unexpectedly, a tall woman suddenly stood up, patted her chest and said:
"I have milk. After all, I have to let the baby eat a little before he can go on the road. If such a small baby is hungry, big trouble will happen."
The man holding the doll scolded directly:
"Go back and breastfeed your man!"
Saying that, he wanted to leave.
in an instant,
The people around the woman drew their weapons and immediately surrounded her.
The man held the child in his arms and looked around. He was not afraid. Instead, he snorted coldly and said:
"Oh, no, don't fight. Come on, grandpa is not scared!"
In the guest room on the second floor, the girl shouted to the blind man who seemed to have fallen asleep;
"Hey, blind man, it's starting to get lively down there, don't you listen?"
The blind man waved his hand, indicating that he was too lazy to listen, but in fact he had been "looking" all the time.
But the girl didn't want to give up and said:
"Do you know who the man who shouted is? A heroic knight from Jin, Ding Heng with a guillotine, a fifth-grade martial artist, and an expert at wielding a broadsword."
The blind man rolled his eyes in his mind, what the hell name.
"Did you know that the woman who wanted to help breastfeed the child earlier? Her name is Cui Linfeng. She is the second head of Xishui Village. She is good at using flying knives and giving birth to children. It is said that she already has eight children."
"Did you know..."
The blind man is tired of it.
"Then do you know who the person below was who came in holding the child earlier?"
With this remark,
It wasn’t just the girl’s eyes that widened;
Even the old man immediately looked at the blind man, with surprise and doubt in his eyes;
In the guest room, you could hear a pin drop for a while.
"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you."
The old man couldn't help but swallow;
The girl clenched her pink fists tightly;
The blind man said again calmly:
"I do not know either."
"..." Old man.
And at night
(End of this chapter)

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