The devil is coming

Chapter 290 Your home is gone

Chapter 290 Your home is gone
When he came to Litian City, Zheng Fan brought one of his subordinates with him, and the subordinate was lost on the way. Who knows where he went;
But when he left Litian City, Zheng Fan brought five thousand troops with him.
Because these five thousand Jin troops were selected by the Jingnan Army from the surrendered Jin troops, they were truly sufficient, and even if they wanted to water them down, they would not have the time to do so.
Of course, the phenomenon of empty pay for the Yan State’s army is not unheard of. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. No matter how talented the Yan Emperor is and he can step on the throne, it is impossible to eradicate this stubborn disease that has existed and will definitely exist regardless of ancient and modern times. .
But the Zhenbei Army is hard to find. Many barbarians and other tribesmen in the entire northern Yan Kingdom and the desert are proud to wear that black armor;
As for the Jingnan Army, because the scale was relatively small at the beginning, and Tian Wujing was a marquis who couldn't get rid of the dirt in his eyes, this phenomenon was very rare.
The two major frontier armies of the Yan State have done a good job at this point. The other soldiers and horses can eat a little and drink a little, but it will not affect them too much. In the actual battle, they will not be counted on in the first place anyway.
For example, when the war between Yan and Qian began, half of the hundreds of thousands of troops on the three sides were on the military rolls. This made the Qian country naturally passive as soon as the war started.
As the Jin army marched eastward under the banner of the Black Dragon of Yan State, the people of Jin along the way had mixed feelings.
Fortunately, the imperial court of Yan State has already mobilized troops and horses to the east to resist the barbarians who may come to kill them;
Worryingly, it seems that the situation over there is really serious.
It was less than a year after the Yan Kingdom was included in the territory. It would be a lie to say how much the local people support the Yan Kingdom and the Yan Emperor. However, there is one thing that the people of Jin have to admit, that is, the Yan people are better at fighting.
I remember that my own Knights of the Third Jin Dynasty were praised to the heavens, but in the end they were defeated by the Yan people with less than half the number.
The Yan people can fight, and they can probably succeed in resisting the savages.
Therefore, the mentality of many people in Jin is extremely complicated right now. They hate the black dragon flag, but instinctively feel that this flag can bring them a sense of security.
When they camped every night during the march, Li Yiyong would come to the big tent to report the situation to Zheng Fan. Zheng Fan was very solemn at first, discussing with him, and even talked about the art of war.
After all, General Zheng is a master who has seen the world, and he has always followed the generals and marquises who are capable of fighting to observe them at close range. Even a Garfield cat can give pointers in the military after being nurtured in this way.
But after a few days, Zheng Fan got bored and just said, "You can make up your own mind, that's all." Li Yiyong thought this was Zheng Fan's test for him. Regardless of whether Zheng Fan saw him or not, He came to the tent on time every night to say hello.
In fact, Li Yiyong really thinks too much. As for the military, Zheng Fan has always been the hands-off boss. Liang Cheng is responsible for military training, the blind man is responsible for political and ideological education, and Zheng Fan is only responsible for enjoying the neat rows of soldiers on the school field during the military parade. That loud slogan.
In this way, at an unhurried speed, the army finally returned to Shengle City.
On the top of Shengle City, the blind man and Siniang stood side by side.
"The Lord has been promoted and became a general." The blind man said.
"I don't understand Yan State's military system very well." Siniang said.
"I guess the Yan people don't understand it very well." The blind man replied, "But he should be bigger than the city guard. He can be regarded as the person in charge of a small combat area."
"Who is responsible?" Siniang asked.
"It's still Shengle City."
"What's the difference?"
"Sounds better."
"That's it."
"Didn't we get another five thousand Jin soldiers?"
"Another five thousand soldiers and horses will eat horse chews and have a headache."
"We are not short of food now, are we?"
"Okay, you can eat beef and mutton every day, and then you can't live with it for the second half of the year? The Yan army has just ruled here not long ago, and the foundation of its rule is still very weak. It is impossible for the Yan State to support much food and materials here, and they can be used locally. With our current situation in Shengle City, Given the scale and the conditions in the nearby area, how much can be squeezed out?”
The blind man rubbed his eyebrows and sighed:
"There's nothing we can do about it. Who told us to be too violent?"
In fact, at the beginning, everyone unanimously determined the general direction of taking Gou as the main spirit and farming as the basic operation.
But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Due to various chances and coincidences, your military population continued to increase sharply, and related to this, the relative weakness in other aspects was even more obvious.
Thanks to the wealth obtained from several raids and the seizure from the last attack on the snowfield, the "wealth" of Shengle City is still very high, but it is losing money every day and every month, and it is still far away from the green profit.
In addition, the Lord has brought back five thousand soldiers and horses this time, it is no wonder that Si Niang feels a headache.
"I guess there will be a war soon. Once the war starts, all the problems will be solved."
War is the quickest way to make money.
"I hope so. Let's go down and greet the Lord."
After entering the city, Zheng Fan first asked Liang Cheng to take one of the local Shengle generals to have a meal with the generals under Li Yiyong's command, and seize the time to connect with each other.
Zheng Fan himself took A Ming back to the city guard's mansion first, oh no,
When Zheng Fan arrived at the door of his house, he deliberately took a few steps back.
"The General's Mansion?"
so fast?
Siniang covered her mouth and said with a smile: "My lord, San'er did it all night. I started working immediately after receiving the news about your promotion, my lord."
"This is the General's Mansion. Will it violate the rules?" Zheng Fan looked at the blind man with some worry.
"The Yan people themselves don't even understand their own military system. It's not a big problem, my lord."
"Oh, okay, let's do this for now."
After entering the house, everyone gathered together for a small reunion dinner according to custom.
Except for Liang Cheng who was going to greet the people in the army, the other demon kings all participated.
On the return trip, Zheng Fan had already sent a letter to Shengle City through a messenger, so both parties had some understanding of what happened to them.
As soon as he sat down, Zheng Fan hugged a baby. This was a boy. He was pink and plump. You could see Tian Wujing's shadow from his eyebrows.
"Little thing, call me godfather, call me godfather."
"My lord, the child is still young." Siniang said.
"I know, I know."
Immediately, Zheng Fan's eyes wandered around, and he said curiously:
"Blind man, where is the Sword Master?"
Siniang couldn't help but joked: "My Lord must have been a Pokémon player in his previous life."
Pokémon players mean collectors.
"He is temporarily staying in an inn on Front Street."
"Okay, take me to see him after dinner. Tian Wujing gave Long Yuan to me. It's really a coincidence this time. I can get such a master by my side. No, even if it's just in the city , no matter how much you spend, it’s worth it.”
On the surface, there is Baili Sword in Shangjing City, and on the surface, there is Wei Zhonghe in Yanjing City. To put it bluntly, although the strong men in this world do not have the ability to move mountains and fill seas, if they are determined to play beheading Regarding tactics, if you don't have guards of the same level around you, you will really be very passive.
If the Sword Master can stay in Shengle City, Zheng Fan will be able to sleep more peacefully in the future.
After a simple meal, Zheng Fan and the blind man took the Long Yuan Sword and prepared to go to the inn. Unexpectedly, as soon as they left the house, they saw Xiao Yibo sending an urgent letter of eight hundred miles.
Outside the only separate small courtyard room of the inn, the little sword boy was standing there practicing his sword, and the sword master was sitting on a small bench, holding a pot of tea in his hand and drinking.
Fan Li squatted aside, stupidly watching the little sword boy practice his sword. It was the little sword boy who forced him to do it.
After two weeks of practice, the sword master signaled the little swordsman to stop. She was born with a sword embryo and had excellent aptitude, so there was no need to try to cultivate it. When she was ten years old, her body bones had grown a little more, and then she could practice more specifically. suitable.
What Yuan Zhenxing can understand, it is impossible for the sword master not to understand.
"Huh, I'm exhausted."
The little sword boy sat on the ground and panted.
"Ha ha."
The sword master smiled when he saw this. He really liked this apprentice, so he was kind to her.
"Master, do you think that if the savages don't come, will you still stay here?"
"If the barbarians don't come, I will take you to Chengguo. In this world, Chengguo is the only one left for me, and I can still have a little sense of belonging for you."
"But I'm a fucking person."
"When you grow up and finish your studies, you can go wherever you want, including returning to Qian Country."
"That's what I think too, but that's not what they think anymore."
"Which one of them?"
"That blind man, he said he doesn't know if there will be a Qian Kingdom in the future."
The sword master shook his head and sighed:
"Who knows, just like I don't know yet whether I will become a country in the future."
In the land of the Three Jins, the only remaining political power established by the Jin people was Chengguo.
The little sword boy looked at Fan Li again and said:
"You idiot, will you accompany me to Chengguo in the future?"
Fan Li smiled innocently, neither nodding nor shaking his head.
At this time, the sword master shouted:
"come in."
Zheng Fan came in, holding the Long Yuan Sword in his hand, and the blind man followed behind.
The sword master stretched his hand forward,
The Long Yuan in Zheng Fan's hand trembled, and he took the initiative to take it out of its sheath and flew into the hands of the sword master.
"Ha ha."
The sword master stroked the blade of the sword,
With emotion:
"Tian Wujing, he's pretty good at it."
"Master Sword Master, junior Zheng Fan..."
"Oh, don't say anything. Send me a set of armor tomorrow and I'll go to the east gate to help you guard the city gate."
"No, Lord Sword Master misunderstood. I just think that the sword Long Yuan must remain in your hand to avoid being buried. It's not because I want to make this bet with you."
"Am I a sore loser?"
"Of course not."
"That's it."
"but still………"
"Nothing can be done. What is agreed is settled. I will guard the east gate for you for three months. Within three months, if the savages come, no savages will come in from the east gate before Longyuan is broken. .
Within three months, if the savages don’t come, I will take her to Chengguo. Are you willing? "
Zheng Fan nodded and said:
"So simple?"
The sword master was a little surprised because he didn't believe that Zheng Fan would be so willing to let him go.
At the same time, I don’t believe that Zheng Fan doesn’t know the value of this little sword boy.
This little sword boy has extraordinary qualifications and has a complete inheritance from Yuan Zhenxing. In 20 years, not to mention reaching his own level, but becoming half a sword master, there will still be no problem.
Zheng Fan agreed, which was so refreshing.
Zheng Fan sighed and said:
"So that Lord Sword Master will know that just now, this junior received a military information document, which said..."
"say what?"
"It is said that Chengguo Emperor Situ Lei has issued a letter of credence to Yanjing and requested that Chengguo be annexed to my Majesty, Emperor Yan. Sir, you want to return to Chengguo. This junior can understand, but if nothing unexpected happens, Chengguo will be established soon. It will also become the territory of Yan State.
So, it makes no difference whether you stay here or go to Chengdu. "
this time,
Fan Li, who had been squatting there silently, suddenly said:
"Sword Master, your family is in trouble."
(End of this chapter)

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