Chapter 292
"Sir, this is this month's revenue." Siniang handed a thick account book to Zheng Fan. There was also a piece of white paper on the account book, with several main revenue items and some expenditure items written on it.
Because generally speaking, Zheng Fan is too lazy to read the thick account books below. It is impossible to understand them anyway, so he can just look at the revenue.
As for whether the demon kings under his command would be greedy for his own money, Zheng Fan really wasn't worried about that.
Together with the eight of them, this relationship of almost a community of destiny is, to a certain extent, much more real than the so-called family members.
After taking a quick glance, Zheng Fan rubbed his eyebrows.
Compared with the huge expenditure, the so-called income really seems too small.
The entire Shengle City was like a gold-swallowing monster, no longer sucking away at Zheng Fan's treasury.
"Sir, the main reason is that the workshop is not fully operational yet. When it is fully operational, our revenue will be much better."
It can only be said that it looks much better. When will we be able to be self-sufficient, even Si Niang has a hard time predicting.
It can even be said that if there are no major changes or if there is no war, this kind of loss will continue until Zheng Fan's money is burned out.
Soldiers, raised too much.
"Don't be afraid, there should be a battle soon."
If nothing else, the imperial envoys of the Yan State should have been on the way with the Emperor Yan's will. Once the contact with the Cheng State is successful and a legal affiliation is formed, it will be almost inevitable for the Yan State to send troops to expel the barbarians.
The only variable now is probably what choice Emperor Yan will make, whether to leave Chengguo there and accumulate strength to prepare for the next attack, or to completely capture the land of the Three Jins first.
Even Zheng Fan knew that if Qian Guo was given too long a "development" and "cultivation" period, it would be really difficult to handle it in the future based on the level of Qian Guo's manpower and material resources.
But from Zheng Fan's own point of view, it is definitely better to send troops to fight against the barbarians. Without fighting, the soldiers and horses under his command will only be wasting money and food every day.
"My lord, Tian Wujing's child is really different. He is only a few months old, but he looks as lively as other children who are seven or eight months old."
"His father has strong genes, but his mother is not an ordinary person either."
This child has good physical fitness, which is really not surprising at all. In later generations, the parents of many athletes were themselves athletes.
"The Lord also has a way, and actually let Mo Wan see the child, haha."
"It's normal for children to look after children. Don't worry, Magic Pill may get angry..."
Zheng Fan still didn't say the words "kill me".
Turned to:
"But the magic pill can't attack other babies."
He hates everything in the world, but precisely because he is a child himself, he naturally has completely different feelings towards his "kind".
Of course, if the child is a child whose parents are both happy, Magic Pill might take action out of jealousy, but the little Marquis’ biological mother disappeared when he was born, and his biological father has not shown up yet, as if he has no son at all. .
In this situation, it is easy for Mowan to feel the same way.
The most important and main reason is that it would be fun to let Mowan watch the child, no matter what he thinks, hahahahaha! ! !
"The slave family has gone first. Lord, I will let the blind man in."
"it is good."
This is a bimonthly briefing.
Siniang is in charge of money and food, that is to say economic development work, while Blind Man is in charge of the ideological and political work of officials and the army.
The blind man came in and delivered a list first.
This is the shooting list of this batch.
"There are so many people." Zheng Fan said helplessly.
The blind man replied:
"It's impossible to kill them all, Lord."
"I know. Huh? There are two other people named Wen here?"
Because of Wen Sutong, the Wen family joined Zheng Fan's team relatively early, so they occupied a large seat in Shengle City's system.
"Will killing these two affect your relationship as husband and wife?"
The blind man shook his head and said: "How can we establish authority without killing our two uncles? To be honest, my subordinates have been keeping an eye on the Wen family for a long time, but maybe it's because Wen Sutong's tutor is really good and they haven't been able to find the problem. Now that I finally caught it, I must not miss it.
The power of the Wen family is a bit too great in our city, so we need to prune the branches and leaves in advance. "
"Okay, just do as you say."
"Yes, my lord."
After sending the blind man away, Zheng Fan stood up, picked up some side dishes that Siniang had prepared in advance, walked out of the house, and came to the end of the back house.
There is a separate room there, and servants are not allowed to come here for cleaning on weekdays.
Zheng Fan opened the door and walked in. There was a coffin placed in the room.
Every once in a while, Zheng Fan would come to Shatuo Queshi for a drink and a chat.
Put the side dishes on the table,
Zheng Fan sat cross-legged in front of the coffin and started pouring wine.
While drinking some wine and eating some side dishes, we talked about some recent events.
At the end of the story,
Zheng Fan drank all the wine in his hand.
With emotion:
"Lao Sha, tell me, it would be great if nothing happened to you and you were like a normal person."
Liang Cheng knew how to fight, but Shatuo Queshi was able to take the position of King Zuo Guli of the barbarians, and he was obviously a master with great strategies.
To a certain extent, he is really not much worse than Tian Wujing.
Think about it, I already have a sword master who watches the city gate, plus a sand tower stone from the heyday, tsk tsk, the picture is simply unbearable.
After finishing speaking, Zheng Fan packed up his things, reached out and patted the coffin lid again, saying hello to Lao Sha, and then walked out of the room.
With a slight drunkenness, Zheng Fan walked back to the yard where he lived, opened the door and walked in. He found that the young Marquis was lying in the cradle and fast asleep. When he came in, the cradle was still shaking, and the head under the cradle was still shaking. , there is a stone.
As if seeing himself coming, Mowan stopped rocking his brother's cradle.
Zheng Fan walked to the cradle and looked down at the child. The child was really cute. Zheng Fan basically took time to play with him every day.
Squeeze your face, pat your butt, etc.
Then what he imagined in his mind was Tian Wujing's figure, and his bad taste was greatly satisfied.
After looking at the child for a while, Zheng Fan walked to the bed, lay on his side, closed his eyes, and prepared to take a nap.
Everyone in the city was extremely busy, but the real person in charge was able to have a leisurely time every day.
And Zheng Fan just lay down here,
In three other places,
But three people had to sit up from the bed.
One is Situ Lei who is bedridden in the Yingdu Palace.
After hearing the news that the defender of Shaye City in the east surrendered to his two brothers at the city gate,
His Majesty the Chengguo Emperor forcibly pushed aside his chamberlain and imperial doctor and sat up.
Shaye City can be regarded as a barrier to defend Yingdu. Now that the barrier is lost, it means that the rebels led by his two brothers and the savage troops will have nothing to lose if they want to come to Yingdu.
"Come here, give me your armor!"
The other was in Quhe City. Because his son got married last night, Li Bao, who was very drunk, was forcibly shouted from the bed by his men.
Li Bao has a temper like a leopard. Ever since he broke an arm, his anger has become even more intense. After being woken up with a hangover, he was about to curse someone. When he saw an father-in-law standing in front of him, he was still holding a copy. The name of the scroll was yellow, and the horse urine in his mind immediately disappeared. After the people around him set up the incense table, Li Bao knelt down to receive the order.
According to the imperial edict, Li Bao was ordered to lead his troops to the old capital of Jin.
The third person who was called out of bed was doing some unspeakable exercises.
When the news came that the eunuch carrying the order had entered the house, the woman in his arms looked very flustered.
"Don't worry, my father already knew that I had secretly brought you back to Beijing."
The woman beneath him is the Barbarian King's youngest daughter, and has now been taken in by the eldest prince as his wife.
The woman stood up and said nervously while helping the eldest prince get dressed:
"Will it implicate His Highness?"
"What are you involved in? No matter what, you are just a princess, a princess. You dare to follow me back to the capital without a title. My father knows about it and it is too late to praise me. How can you blame me?"
"But the ancestors of Dayan once said that the descendants of future generations are not allowed to make peace with foreign countries and tribes."
"It's not allowed to marry your daughter out, but I didn't say you're not allowed to marry someone else's daughter. I'm really wronging you."
"I am not aggrieved. I am satisfied to be with His Highness."
"Please bear with it a little longer, or we can work harder and get rid of the stomach problems as soon as possible, so that I can enter the palace to announce the good news to my father. In this way, your status will be restored."
"If you have a child, you can..."
"That's inevitable. My father and your father have been fighting for a lifetime. Now his son has kidnapped his old enemy's daughter and made her belly bigger. This must be a very happy thing for my father. Things will definitely be announced to the world, and the betrothal gift will be made up at the same time.
How can I put it this way? This is a way for my Highness to show off the prestige of our country and greatly boost my ambition! "
"Then our barbarian tribe and Dayan can stop fighting in the future. Can the desert tribes and the people of Dayan coexist peacefully?"
There was a look of hope on the girl's face.
The eldest prince reached out and touched the side of the person in the room,
Smiling and nodding,
"Yes, it will."
"That's great. If the two countries stop fighting, a lot of people will die every year."
"Yes, everyone can live their own lives in peace and contentment, how wonderful.
You rest for a while, and I will go ahead to receive the order. I should be asked to lead the army to Jin. "
The neatly dressed eldest prince walked out of the room,
turn around,
His face immediately sank.
He really liked the girl in the room.
The Barbarian King was right, she was indeed as pure as the spring water in the desert, which made people's hearts flutter.
But there was something the eldest prince didn't tell her.
That is his father,
It seems that he particularly likes to cut off the maternal clan and wife clan of the princes.
My second brother and sixth brother understand this most deeply.
The eldest prince sighed, shook his head, and began to focus on the matter in front of him.
It is clear that the Marquis of Jingnan is in the Jin region, why should he be allowed to lead the expedition?
(End of this chapter)

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