The devil is coming

Chapter 295 Support

Chapter 295 Support
"Well, from Chengguo? Haha, you guys are quite interesting. There's still a war there, and you actually come out to do business."
Jin Shuke looked at the other party's documents and asked with some surprise.
"See what the military master said, if you're fighting a war, you don't have to eat, and you don't have to do business?"
The leader of the caravan calmly handed over a small bag of silver.
Jin Shu avoided it and did not accept the silver, but said:
"Is this what you often say about wanting money over life?"
"Of course life is precious, but if you don't have money, you won't be able to survive."
Jin Shuke nodded and said, "That makes sense. Let's go in and we'll do the counting and registration later."
"Hey, thank you very much, Master. Please accept these little things and give them to your brothers for tea."
"Put it away, or you will be charged with bribery."
"Don't dare, don't dare."
The caravan leader immediately put away the money and bowed several times before signaling his team to enter the city.
Big oil and water cannot be obtained on the city gate card side, but small oil and water are often available, but because of the "heavy ceremony" in Shengle City now, no one dares to reach out.
It's not worth it to lose your future and life for this little money.
Jin Shuke waved his hand to one of his subordinates and whispered to him:
"Go and inform Third Master's men that a caravan from Chengguo has entered the city."
"As ordered."
After giving the instructions, Jin Shuke stretched and walked to Yu Huaping's side.
Sheng Lejun pays attention to the military posture. The picture shows General Zheng looking good when he is reviewing the troops.
Every month, each department will gather together to go through the exercise and evaluate the top three and the bottom three.
Therefore, many generals have extremely high requirements for the posture of their subordinates when they are on duty on weekdays. What's more, after they are off duty, they will gather their subordinates to practice goose steps and so on.
This point has greatly improved the "city appearance" of Shengle City.
Of course, standing in a military posture is really not difficult for Yu Huaping. He can stand in the same posture from morning to night.
Jin Shuke took out a small bottle, poured a little Fengyou essence from it onto his fingertips, and then rubbed it under his nose.
This is a product just released from the Chengxi Workshop - Fengyoujing.
It has a good refreshing effect, so Jinshu bought some for himself.
Looking at the Chengguo caravan entering the city, Jin Shuke whispered: "There might be spies from over here."
Yu Huaping turned his face and looked at Jin Shuke.
"I have already notified the other side." Jin Shuke continued.
Yu Huaping nodded.
In the past few months, Yu Huaping has been working conscientiously as a city guard and a swordsman. He can really endure loneliness.
In fact, even General Zheng, who at first wished he could visit the East Gate seven or eight times a day, has gradually lost the novelty and stopped coming, but Jin Shuke has always been very concerned about this "subordinate".
It seems that he has determined that this person is not an ordinary person. He will often tell him some of his experiences and the purpose of what he does, and will also share it with him.
Therefore, in this world, some people really deserve to stand out, and not everyone can have this kind of vision.
"Let's go have a drink together after we get off duty?" Jin Shuke asked.
Yu Huaping shook his head and said, "No, you go ahead."
Jin Shu was not angry at all. In fact, he was used to this kind of rejection. Except for the time when his own woman gave birth to a child, Yu Huaping had not been to any other brothers' gatherings since then.
"Okay." Jin Shuke reached out and patted Yu Huaping's shoulder, imitating the expression when his master Zheng Fan patted his shoulder.
After lowering the value,
Yu Huaping put away his knife and started walking back.
While walking on the road, he saw his apprentice waiting for him at the street corner on time every day.
The little sword boy stood upright with a wooden sword slung around his waist.
When Yu Huaping came over, she followed naturally.
The master and apprentice walked into an alley in the city. It was a small courtyard that looked a little dilapidated, but it was very clean.
After the sword master came in, he picked up the bucket and turned around to leave.
The little sword boy took out a handful of candied fruits from his arms and teased the little boy who ran out of the house.
The two masters and apprentices seemed to have become accustomed to this division of labor, and they both blended in naturally.
The sword master fetched water twice and filled the water tank.
The little boy was a little full after eating the candied fruits and touched his belly.
An old woman watched this scene happily. When the sword master came back, she enthusiastically pulled the sword master over, measured his shoe boards, and said she would make him two pairs of cloth shoes.
"For those of you who are soldiers, the boots you wear are good, but your feet are stuffy and smelly. The old lady's shoes are better because they are loose and easy to wear."
Hearing this, the Sword Master nodded and said:
"That is."
When it was getting late, the woman who came down from the perfume workshop returned home.
At this time, the sword master and the little sword boy were preparing to go out.
The woman pursed her lips and shouted:
"I'm going to cook and let's eat together tonight."
The sword master waved his hand and said: "Next time, next time."
After all,
He left this home with the little sword boy.
When we returned to the post house, the steward of the post station brought us two bowls of noodles.
The sword master and the little sword boy each had a bowl of noodles, and both the master and the apprentice ate in an awkward manner.
"Master, why don't you stay there for dinner?"
"It's not yet time." The sword master replied.
According to the rules of Jin, if both men and women do not have a spouse, then if they sit at the same table and have a serious meal, they are living together.
The woman had already spoken, but the sword master never responded.
"Master, are you shy?" the little sword boy asked.
The sword master hesitated and nodded.
"I think that Master's Wife is pretty good and she is a down-to-earth person." said the little sword boy.
"How old are you before you can read people?"
"Master, I can see what some people are thinking. It's not like you don't know."
The sword master suddenly realized, lowered his head and continued eating noodles.
The master and the disciple just finished eating.
The little sword boy started practicing his sword.
The sword master took Long Yuan and started carving.
He wanted to make a rattle for the boy named "Tiantian" by Zheng Fan himself. After all, he peed in his arms six times.
He also wanted to make a small wooden sword for her son, named Liu Dahu.
The world-famous sword Longyuan was in the hands of the sword master, but now it was used to make toys for children. I wonder if the Chu sword maker would be so angry that he would vomit blood if he knew about it.
The blind man once asked himself, should I continue to be a city guard?
If you want to continue working, then continue working, and ask if you want to be promoted. If you don't want to continue working, then everyone can discuss other arrangements. Even if you want to leave, you have to have a farewell banquet.
But he decided to continue his current job, and continued to change his sword into a knife every morning and go to the city gate to watch the crowds coming in and out.
The sword master himself did not expect that this city guard could serve as such for so long.
What he didn't expect was that,
The ceiling realm that he had been stagnant for a long time and seemed to have touched, actually showed signs of loosening.
The Sword Master remembered that the blind man once answered one of his questions, that is, what kind of Qi is his sword? The blind man said, it is the Qi of the earth.
Carving and carving,
The sword master couldn't help but reveal a smile.
The little sword boy who was practicing his sword keenly captured this detail.
But he didn't stop practicing his sword.
I just snorted disdainfully in my heart:
"Oh, man."
"Where's the Pioneer Officer?" Zheng Fan asked.
"My lord, he is waiting in the front hall."
"Ha ha."
Zheng Fan smiled and threw the military order from the eldest prince on the table.
Several demon kings all put down their original work and gathered in the mansion for a meeting, because the eldest prince's army had arrived at the border and was about to enter the country.
Xue San said: "My lord, this eldest prince is so majestic. He wants ten thousand civilians and wants us to be responsible for the supply and transportation of food and grass for his army on the left. What the hell is this?"
A Ming nodded and said, "He thinks of himself as Tian Wujing."
When Tian Wujing entered the snowfield, Shengle City was responsible for raising and arranging food and grass supplies, and did a perfect job in logistical support. Of course, in terms of profit distribution after the war, Shengle City also made a fortune.
The eldest prince obviously valued Sheng Lecheng's ability to serve as a "logistics soldier".
Zheng Fan picked up the tea cup and took a sip without speaking in a hurry.
Siniang said: "We Shengle are still in a huge loss now. Thanks to our strong foundation, we can still afford to lose money for the time being. If we simply support the supply of materials for a large army, this will really be a loss-making business." , even if the lord’s official title is changed again during the war, what’s the point?”
Only supplies of materials and food will be provided. This will definitely not be a problem for you in the future distribution of battle results. After all, you did not actually send troops to participate in the war.
Liang Cheng said:
"You can't be taken advantage of."
Zheng Fan asked at this time: "How did Chen Yang deal with it?"
Chen Yang is the chief military officer of Xinsu City, with [-] Jingnan troops under his command.
The blind man replied: "Your Majesty, Chen Yang can't hold on, and the eldest prince's headquarters didn't come out to greet him when he passed by."
Tian Wujing didn't say anything. No one in the Jingnan Army dared to say hello.
Of course, you can also say hello, which means that it’s up to you to jump out of the Jingnan Army system and jump into the arms of the eldest prince for a hug.
But from Zheng Fan's perspective,
He was so confused that he left Tian Wujing and threw himself into the arms of the eldest prince to become a licking dog again.
Rentian Wujing's son is still being raised at his own home.
"Tell that pioneer officer that we, Shengle, are poor and have been unable to make ends meet for a long time. We really have no spare capacity to support the army."
That's for sure, because the Yan army in Jin, Litian City, and Quhe City, which were the original bases of the Wenren family and the Helian family, were okay, with dense populations and developed economies and trade, while the Yan State defenders in other places, the court only Half of the salary is paid, and the remaining half is raised by oneself.
This can be regarded as an unspoken rule. The court also knows that if you have the ability to get money and food, your life will not be too bad. This is similar to some yamen in later generations who only had a small salary but still had countless people trying to get in. Reason.
Zheng Fan added:
"In addition, we will make a list of the military pay, food, grass, etc. that the imperial court owes us in the past year, and send someone to the eldest prince to ask for his mercy, saying that we are really too poor to survive, and hope that the eldest prince will support us. "
(End of this chapter)

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