The devil is coming

Chapter 307 The waves wash away the heroes

Chapter 307 The waves wash away the heroes
The fierce battle of the left army has entered a fierce battle. The battle is like a tug-of-war. If you lose your position at one step, you will be frustrated step by step. The little disadvantages will continue to accumulate, and in the end it will become a mountain that crushes you, and you are unable to recover. .
Deng Jiuru was still waving the general's flag. At this point in the war, there was actually nothing to command. The entire camp was massacred indiscriminately, and he couldn't command even if he wanted to.
When the troops have been disrupted, the general's military orders cannot be passed on at all. Now, there is only a bloody courage to rely on to see if they can drive the savages out of the camp!
All the old general could do was wave this flag so that the soldiers could see it and let them continue to fight with confidence and belief.
As a general, what he dislikes the most is this situation. The development of the war has been completely out of his control. What is the difference between himself at this time and those who are doing great tricks?What difference can there be?It’s not all about leaving things to chance.
The barbarians were attacking like a tide, and their fighting power really shocked the Yan army.
They rushed forward and forward without fear of death. In order to seize the time to open the gap, the archers behind them did not hesitate to shoot arrows at both sides of the fighting.
But those savage warriors who were shot by their own people, instead of being angry, smiled and cut off the arrows that entered their bodies, and continued to fight with blood in their mouths.
Whether the stars would protect them and whether the souls of those who died in battle could really be led there by the stars, they really didn't care.
For hundreds of years, the snow was born out of ignorance due to numbness, so generation after generation they could only immerse themselves in that beautiful dream. It seemed that only in this way could they resist the bitter cold of the snowfield.
But now, the appearance of that person has guided them in the direction. Their lives are no longer just the stars above their heads at night. They have re-recognized the land under their feet and also seen the existence of something called hope.
Wang said,
The future of the Saint Clan is no longer in the sky, but in front of us, right in front of us!
For the sake of the future,
The Savage King has never been interested in the sacrifices in the snowy fields, or the guides of the stars. This can be clearly seen from the fact that he promoted Sang Hu, who likes to kill the guides, to that position.
Because in the heart of the Savage King, he is actually a star.
It’s not that he is great and brilliant,
But like the brilliance of the stars, he can make those snowfield warriors believe in themselves, surrender to themselves, and be willing to dedicate and sacrifice for him.
Zheng Fan and the blind man once analyzed the Savage King together. In the end, both of them came to the conclusion that he not only had a strong strategic vision, but also had a charisma that impressed his tribesmen.
The emperors of other countries are also known as the emperor, but to put it bluntly, the emperor is just a title, a supreme title. It is not so much a priesthood, but the highest "official position" connected with the dragon chair, and the Savage King In the snowfield, it already has the meaning of ****.
The Yan Army's hastily built peripheral camps were completely destroyed, and the barbarians began to squeeze the Yan Army's formation crazily.
Under such circumstances, personal bravery begins to look increasingly pale.
Sometimes, it's not that you want to retreat, but that you have to retreat. This chain reaction starts and the left army begins to retreat uncontrollably.
"You can't retreat, brothers, you can't retreat, you can't retreat!!!!!!!"
Deng Jiuru shouted loudly.
Behind is Dajiang!
"Kill, kill them back! Kill them out, we can still wait for reinforcements, we can still wait for reinforcements!"
Although the old general also knew that reinforcements were actually on the other side, due to the obstruction of the Chu Navy, the river was as wide as a chasm and could not be crossed.
The fighting lasted for a long time, and Deng Jiuru was somewhat fortunate that his troops seemed to have stabilized their position. The bravery of the men and the nature of the Yan people still allowed them to survive the surprise attack.
At least, it seemed that he had managed it.
However, the problem with the Yan army was that the internal command had been completely disrupted. On the other hand, according to the original arrangement, after two hours of fighting, the front army began to withdraw in an orderly manner, and the rear army began to take over. The old and new forces have completely replaced each other, which is why Deng Jiuru seems to have held on.
The ground is already covered with corpses, from both sides. In some places, mountains of corpses have even been piled up. This is a real mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
When the figure in white wolf skin appeared on the battlefield,
The savages were completely excited,
The newly replaced savages fought more fiercely, but the Yan people could not carry out orderly replacement and rotation.
The battlefield area was compressed to this size, and the Yan army at the rear could not come up. The Yan army in the front was exhausted but could not retreat to rest. No matter how brave the soldiers were, they were still human after all.
After facing the second round of the barbarian offensive, the Yan army began to retreat on a large scale. The retreat of the front army squeezed the Pao Ze in the rear and retreated uncontrollably.
At this time, even if the general directly ordered the soldiers to be killed in front of the retreat, it would be of no avail, because the retreat had already formed, just like bombing the camp in the middle of the night, and there was no way to deal with it except waiting until dawn.
Deng Jiuru, who just breathed a sigh of relief, soon saw scenes of Yan soldiers being squeezed into the water behind him. Those soldiers were still wearing armor. Not to mention that there were very few people in the Yan army who were good at water, even if they were really water-based. Okay, if you fall into the water while wearing armor, you will only drown.
Deng Jiuru opened his mouth wide,
There were several bloody cuts on his lips.
His eyes also began to become a little confused.
The barbarians' offensive continued, even becoming more and more fierce, and the collapse of the Yan army was also getting faster and faster.
Gradually, some soldiers began to turn around and run towards the river. Some of them began to take off their armor in the hope of swimming across the river. Their morale was directly drained because of this.
Escape, escape, and go back became what most of the soldiers were thinking at this time. They knew that the river was behind them, but the defeated soldiers had lost the courage to continue fighting with the enemy. They would rather face the river being engulfed, but No matter how slim his luck was, he didn't want to go back and fight with the savages.
Deng Jiuru gasped for air. At this moment, he seemed to be completely unable to hear the screams and shouts of death around him, as if he was completely isolated from the battlefield.
Groups of Yan troops either took the initiative on their own or were driven down the river. For a while, the river was full of flapping Yan troops, with many heads and hands. It didn't take long before densely packed bodies began to appear on the river. corpse.
On the Chu warship, the Chu people held crossbows and laughed while shooting the Yan soldiers on the river. For them, this was not like a war, but more like a kind of enjoyment.
The black dragon flag once made the entire East tremble.
And now,
They are just a bunch of ridiculous playthings, pigs in the water.
On the Chu naval warship, they began to sing Chu folk songs. This scene made them jump for joy and couldn't help themselves. Coupled with the wails and screams of the Yan people on the river, it was so beautiful that it made people feel numb in their souls.
Yan people,
But that's all!
Deng Jiuru opened his mouth wide and tried to shout, but his voice was completely hoarse and his throat was full of the smell of blood.
He couldn't believe it,
Those on the river,
They are soldiers of Dayan,
He is the son of Dayan,
He brought them across the river,
But I can no longer take them back.
it's not true
This is not true!
It’s been a hundred years,
Never had the Yan people been so defeated!
Do not,
Even for hundreds of years,
Even if the battle is defeated,
The Yan people were also facing forward. If they were to die, they would fall forward. How could they ever be so embarrassed?
But this time,
In my own hands,
This scene,
Deng Jiuru's eyes were filled with tears,
Sad and angry,
The veteran seemed to be possessed by a demon.
For hundreds of years,
In his own hands, the Yan people lost their pride in their bones,
It's my own fault,
It's my own incompetence,
It’s my own unforgivability!
What family inheritance?
What kind of grandson takes away the legitimate son?
What kind of conflict between the government and the party?
Compared with the scene before me,
What a joke!
"General, we will escort the general to break out!"
The Deng family's personal soldiers, that is, the servants gathered around Deng Jiuru at this time. The river behind them was impassable. , hide, and finally have a chance to escape!
Deng Jiuru pushed away the loyal servant.
At this time, because he had no hair or beard, he was not disheveled, but the hysteria in his eyes was indeed so clear.
"I am the commander-in-chief of the left army, and I will not retreat!!!"
Deng Jiuru continued to raise the battle flag.
"I am a Deng family member and I will not retreat!!!"
The battle flag continued to wave.
"I am the father-in-law of the dynasty, and I will not retreat!!!"
The savages began to break through, and the Deng family's servants began to fight with the surrounding savages.
The old general is already old. An old warrior, his energy and blood are declining. Even when he was young, he was once a good soldier in the army, but at this age, it is difficult to mobilize his energy and blood to fight.
He held a battle flag,
Staring straight ahead,
The servants of the Deng family also fell one by one.
At this time, his old age has become the most frustrating thing for Deng Jiuru.
The commander-in-chief of an army does not need to be a high-level warrior like Tian Wujing, or a high-level warrior like Zhenbei Hou, who can still command an army to attack a city while laughing and talking.
But Deng Jiuruduo hoped that he could be younger. If he were still young, if his energy and blood had not declined to this extent, he would be able to kill a few more savages as a backing!
An arrow hit Deng Jiuru in the chest.
Deng Jiuru knelt down on one knee holding the flag, holding the flagpole with his right hand, and the arrow piercing his chest with his left hand. Blood continued to overflow from his mouth.
A black figure killed several servants of the Deng family in an instant, and appeared in front of Deng Jiuru. It was Sang Hu, the general of the barbarian king's army.
At this time, Sang Hu's body was also full of scars, and in some places, his bones were deeply visible, but he had the last laugh, and the victory was determined!
He took the lead and came to the Yan people's general. Like a sacrifice, he chanted:
"The stars are above, if you are willing to surrender, they will give you a warm light."
This is to persuade you to surrender.
A kind of superior persuasion to surrender,
A way to persuade the surrender that vividly interprets the posture of a winner,
Rather than trying to persuade him to surrender,
It would be better to say that he is taking advantage of this opportunity to satisfy his spiritual needs.
The high-ranking Yan generals,
He is kneeling at my feet,
He will beg for my mercy, he will beg for my forgiveness!
Deng Jiuru grinned,
At this time he,
Use all your body strength,
He opened his mouth and said:
"One day, I, the Great Yan Iron Cavalry, will sweep across the snowfield..."
Sang Hu's eyes darkened.
"Savages will surely exterminate their clan!"
The last three words were shouted by Deng Jiuru,
at the same time,
Before Sang Hu could take action,
Deng Jiuru directly grasped the arrow in his chest and pierced it deeper into his body.
Before the palm that Sang Hu had just raised had time to fall, the veteran had already committed suicide in front of him.
Even if he died, his body would still be able to kneel down with the flag.
"Ha ha."
Sang Hu kicked over the veteran's body.
He squatted down, put his mouth to the ear of the veteran's corpse, and whispered:
"On the snowy plains, only tribes that have been exterminated will issue such pale and useless curses in despair."
After finishing speaking, he seemed to still have something to say and added:
"The holy clan will prosper."
at the moment,
on the river,
The songs of Chu people float in the wind;
River surface,
The bodies of the Yan people flowed down the river.
(End of this chapter)

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