Chapter 317
The Yan people have a very long tradition of raising Pixiu. It is said that the ancestors of the Ji family rode that Pixiu when they were ordered to go north by the Emperor of Great Xia Dynasty.
Therefore, Pixiu has always been a spiritual totem of the Yan people. It is known as the sacred beast that protects the country. Owning a Pixiu is also a symbol of status.
Note, it’s the Pixiu beast, not Pixiu.
The Pixiu beast is a subtype with some Pixiu blood. When Zheng Fan just woke up from this world, he saw Xu Pangpang passing by him sitting on the Pixiu beast. This opened a new door for him to understand the world.
Xu Pangpang's brave beast looks very similar to a war horse, but it has more scales and horns, and its endurance has been upgraded to a higher level. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to hump, right? Xu Pangpang?
Even this kind of wild beast is extremely rare and difficult to raise.
Only truly high-ranking officials, such as military generals and generals, and civil servants who recruit high-ranking officials from the envoys, are eligible to receive the beast.
The value of the real Pixiu is even higher than that of the Pixiu beast.
As far as Zheng Fan knows, there are only a few Pixiu owners in Dayan, one for each of the Northern and Southern Marquises, and one for the First Prince. There may be a few others, but the number is definitely very small.
Even Li Fusheng's mount, to be honest, is not considered a Pixiu, but a Pixiu beast.
If the Pixiu bloodline was so easy to raise, the Yan cavalry would simply switch to the Pixiu beast to charge, and that battle would really not have to be fought.
In fact, the Yan State still does not have a single, even a small-scale cavalry that specializes in brave beasts as mounts, which is enough to show how precious they are.
However, with the current reputation of Jingnan Marquis, it is not difficult to ask the court to help him come over. The premise is that as long as there are still people in the court, he will definitely give it to him. No matter who is booked, it will not be worth it at this time. A word from Nanhou.
This is a great courtesy and a great grace, especially in the eyes of real bosses and caring people, they all know who is raising the little Marquis of Jingnan Marquis Mansion.
This Pixiu head goes down,
It was tantamount to completely ruining the relationship between Zheng Fan and Jingnan Houfu.
There is no possibility of turning things around.
In fact, there is still a huge gap between the so-called Pixiu and the mythical beast in myths and legends that can control wind and rain at every turn. It can even be said that they are two species at all.
However, these are secondary. For Zheng Fan, even if he only has a brave beast as a mount, he is already satisfied. Getting a brave beast is a real surprise.
The most important thing is that the demon kings under his command also have rich bloodlines. If you give Pixiu to them to raise, who knows if you can further improve their bloodlines?
Dreams are always necessary, what if they come true?
When he saw this brave animal, Zheng Fan was slightly shocked at first. This brave animal was not very big and was about the same size as a war horse.
When he was pulled out, there was very clear impatience in his eyes.
This emotion is extremely anthropomorphic.
The hair is silver, with a single horn. The leather under the hair is extremely tough, and the soles of the feet are broad.
When Zheng Fan reached out to touch it, it tried to open its mouth and bite Zheng Fan's hand, but Zheng Fan did not stop and continued to put it down.
Seeing that Zheng Fan was not frightened, the Pixiu closed its eyes silently and allowed Zheng Fan to touch it.
The brave beasts were initially tamed before they were released from the cage. The eldest prince had already told Zheng Fan about this on the way.
Therefore, if you don't deliberately stimulate it, it will not take the initiative to hurt people.
It would be really fun if the Pixiu given by the royal family of the Yan Kingdom was so fierce and fierce that it directly gnawed the person who was given the gift.
However, the eldest prince also reminded Zheng Fan that Pi Xiu has an arrogant character and if he wants to be his master, he must not show fear in front of him.
The hair is not soft, and it feels different from touching a pet dog or cat. It is a bit irritating, so it is probably impossible to stroke it when you have nothing to do.
The eldest prince took a chain from the prisoner, put it around his neck, and then helped Zheng Fan lead him outside.
Zheng Fan rode a horse, and the eldest prince rode his Pixiu, holding the other end belonging to Zheng Fan from behind. The two of them rode back to the location of Shengle Army's stronghold at dawn.
Fan Li was waiting at the gate of the military camp. He was responsible for the night patrol last night. After seeing Zheng Fan returning with the eldest prince,
He shouted loudly toward the inside:
"The Lord is back, and he's brought two heads with him."
"..." The eldest prince.
Zheng Fan had to turn his head and apologize to the eldest prince:
"This is a tiger general under my command. He is very tiger in fighting, but because his brain was burned out when he was a child, he is also a bit tiger in life. Your Highness does not need to mind."
"General Zheng's words are serious. This strong man is tall and tall, and he really looks like a tiger general. May I ask what his name is?"
"Oh, his name is Fan Li."
"Fan Li? It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance."
"It is said that General Zheng has a talented counselor named Fan Li. When I saw him today, his demeanor was indeed extraordinary."
"..." Zheng Fan.
Shengle Army made extremely appropriate arrangements for the two animals brought back by General Zheng.
First of all,
The eldest prince was directly assigned to Jin Shuke's side by Zheng Fan. In name, he was a lieutenant under Jin Shuke.
There are two reasons for this. It is impossible to let the eldest prince hang around him all the time. After all, this person's identity is extraordinary. It is safer to stay away from the commander's tent. The army he has worked so hard to build must listen to him. As a human being, it is impossible to allow others to interfere.
Secondly, Jinshu had the experience of licking the successful sword master. Zheng Fan felt that by entrusting the eldest prince to him, he should also be able to make the guests feel "at home".
As for the Pixiu, the sergeants circled a separate place, built a small fence, and placed it inside.
After all, the soldiers of Jin had seen the world. Because there were a lot of monsters in the Tianduan Mountains, they were a little bit used to it. They only thought that what General Zheng brought back was a unique monster of Yan State, and because Zheng Fan This Pixiu has just grown up, and it seems that the bones have not fully grown yet, so compared with Zhenbei Marquis Jingnanhou's, and even compared with the eldest prince's, it looks a little "smaller".
On the other hand, Zheng Fan and several demon kings present gathered around the fence excitedly, looking at Pai Yao who was resting inside.
"My lord, let's make it clear first that we won't allow random names this time." Xue San immediately reminded.
You name Marquis Jingnan’s son Tiantian. Are you so casual?
What a good thing you have in front of you. Wouldn’t it be a waste to give it a random name?
"Okay, you take it." Zheng Fan didn't care about this.
"What should I call it?" Xue San began to think.
At this moment, the Pixiu seemed to be bored by everyone staring at it like a "pet dog". He stood up on his own initiative, raised his neck, and roared directly at Liang Cheng who was closest to him:
Liang Cheng's expression remained unchanged.
open mouth,
Two fangs appeared, and the eyes turned blue:
"…………"brave troops.
Pixiu blinked,
Then he took a few steps back, as if he was frightened.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, little baby, you have to be good." A Ming said as if teasing a dog.
Pixiu has good wisdom. It could sense the contempt in A Ming's tone, and immediately turned its head, opened its mouth, and roared at A Ming:
A smile appeared at the corner of A Ming's mouth, his face began to turn pale, his whole person became demonic, and the blood in his eyes began to overflow.
open mouth,
There was a loud roar!
"…………"brave troops.
This is a Pixiu that has just been raised to adulthood. It has never been on the battlefield or had its first owner. In other words, it has not seen the world yet.
But just now, it was frightened twice in a row.
It suddenly felt that this place was so dangerous, which made it extremely uneasy.
It slowly retreated and retreated in front of Xue San. Xue San immediately squatted down with three legs on the ground, tilted his head and observed:
"How to tell whether Pixiu is male or female?"
Pixiu suddenly felt a chill under his body and fluttered his hooves away from Xue San.
Just when he was about to retreat to Fan Li,
Fan Li was rubbing his face vigorously.
It seems that he is preparing his actions,
Then I saw him open his mouth,
Pounding his chest with both fists,
Let out a series of low growls:
"Ho! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!!!!"
The roar was like a barrage of cannons.
You must know that Fan Li has "barbarian" blood. The barbarian blood here does not refer to the barbarians in this world, but the racial settings in previous games.
In the game setting, the "barbarians" are those who eat the flesh and blood of strange beasts.
Pixiu was frightened again and began to run away and circle around the fence like crazy.
You can feel that it is very desperate. Why has this world suddenly become so terrible?
After all, I am just a newcomer who has just "graduated" and entered the society. How can I encounter "severe beatings" from many demon kings as soon as I debut.
"Okay, don't scare it, just let it behave. It's a war now, and we will set off in three days. We won't take this Pixiu with us for the time being. We will leave a team of people here to watch.
After this battle is over, you can study it carefully and see if you can find any way to improve his bloodline.
By the way, San'er, don't feed it blood blindly. If you feed it to death, I'll take it from you!You too, don’t give away your blood to others. "
Zheng Fan spoke.
Pixiu finally noticed this "master",
It suddenly felt that among all the people present, only this person seemed to have the most normal aura, and in this environment, normal people made him feel friendly.
It took the initiative to walk up to Zheng Fan,
There was an aggrieved sound of "wuwuwu" in his throat.
He also rubbed Zheng Fan's chest with his nose.
Zheng Fan was very satisfied with Pixiu's move.
He reached out and patted its head:
"Well, good."
(End of this chapter)

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