The devil is coming

Chapter 319 Drinking Blood

Chapter 319 Drinking Blood
There is a tent next to Sheng Lejun's tent. The people living in that tent don't go out to patrol, let alone other errands. Every day, they just sit outside the tent with a wine gourd and drink wine.
The Sheng Le Army continued the tradition of the Zhenbei Army. When they were out on an expedition, they were not allowed to drink in private unless they had a special permission. But this person obviously got permission from General Zheng.
Every day when General Zheng was having dinner, he would call that person in to join him.
Tonight is no exception.
The food on the dinner table is not very rich, but in this military camp, it is considered exquisite.
Zheng Fan served rice to the Sword Master, and the Sword Master helped Zheng Fan fill the pot with soup.
The two sat down facing each other and began to use chopsticks.
Halfway through the meal, the sword master spoke first: "Is there going to be a war?"
The Sword Master was not involved in any military matters, and he himself knew that the reason why his tent was arranged next to Commander Zheng Fan's tent was actually to use him as a bodyguard.
"Yes, we will cross the river tomorrow night."
The sword master nodded, lowered his head, and took two more mouthfuls of rice. He thought he should say something again, so he stopped his chopsticks and said:
"Finally the battle is about to begin."
"There's something I need to tell you in advance."
"Our army is crossing the river this time to cut off the Chu army's food routes and foreign aid in Yupan City on the other side."
"What are you telling me about this?"
"We still have to rely on the enemy for food."
The sword master narrowed his eyes slightly, but still said:
"I understand fighting."
In war, no one is immortal. In fact, ordinary people have always been the biggest consumables in war.
The so-called supply of food to the enemy is nothing more than robbing the people of the enemy-occupied areas of food, leaving the Chu army with no food to rob.
Zheng Fan nodded. The Sword Master's attitude was much better than he imagined.
After all, after watching the city gate for several months, he was no longer as naive as before.
"I just hope that the barbarians and Chu people can be driven away as soon as possible so that the people can recuperate and recuperate as soon as possible. Over the past year or so, the people of Jin have been living too hard."
"I know, don't worry, this battle won't take too long."
This is the characteristic of Jingnanhou's wars. He is accustomed to quickly defeating his opponents to achieve his strategic goals.
Even though his department's mission this time was to isolate the Chu army in Yupan City from the contacts behind it, Zheng Fan did not think that the war would continue to be a stalemate. Tian Wujing could always find a way to quickly break the situation.
According to Liang Cheng's opinion after communicating with Liang Cheng, it seems that this time he is just attacking the Chu people, but the real target is actually the savages.
"If you need me to do anything, just say it directly." The sword master said without any politeness.
Zheng Fan nodded and said seriously:
"There is something very important that you need to do."
"Protect me."
"..." Sword Master.
To be able to say such shameless words so openly, how... shameless?
"You know my position in this army. If you protect me, you can maintain the morale of this army of [-] people."
The sword master's eyes twitched, but he still sighed and said:
"I see."
"Well, then I'm relieved."
In fact, Zheng Fan had the magic pill with him, and it was in the groove on the chest of his armor.
That place was specially reserved by Xue San when he was building the armor for himself, specifically for placing magic pills for his master.
Well, it's a bit like Iron Man's armor, with an energy block in the middle.
The child's growth and education are very important, but Zheng Fan feels that his life as a godfather is also very important. If he dies, what will happen to the child?
Therefore, Zheng Fan ignored the reluctance of the young marquis and took the magic pill with him to the expedition and left Shengle.
However, there is no need to worry about the safety of the young Marquis. The blind man and Siniang will protect him. Moreover, before leaving, Zheng Fan specially opened a basement under his bedroom and moved the sand stone that was originally lying in the back house. The coffin was moved below the bedroom.
It's like sleeping in a cradle on the ground.
In the coffin under the ground lies the Sha Tuo Que Stone.
Before Zheng Fan left, he had a long talk with Shatuo Queshi over wine and food, and talked about the importance of this child to him. He felt that Shatuo Queshi should have listened.
There is Shatuo Queshi, the "godfather", "watching" the child below.
I think it would be quite safe.
"I'm very curious as to why you Yan people didn't use that Nanhou earlier."
"I'm not very sure, but the main reason is probably that I underestimated the enemy."
"Tian Wujing's aura has changed a lot since he came out this time."
"Have you met him?"
"He sensed me, and I sensed him, but I didn't take action."
"So, you just released your breath on purpose and said hello?"
The sword master hesitated for a moment and nodded:
Is this the interaction between big guys?
As soon as the breath is released,
The breath over there is also released,
There was no need to make eye contact, everything was said without saying a word.
"I heard from the sword maid that your cultivation has improved again? I think Marquis Jingnan is no longer your opponent now."
"You are naive."
"I can make progress, but Tian Wujing can only stay where he is?"
"what do you mean?"
Marquis Jingnan’s hair turned white and he became stronger?
Zheng Fan suddenly felt a little frustrated,
I was already complacent when I reached the seventh level of martial arts, but as a result, this real genius could continue to improve.
It seems that it is time to feel the "murderous aura" on the battlefield and try to see if I can find an opportunity to break through to the sixth level.
It is always the best way to practice.
"I'm actually looking forward to it."
"What did you expect?"
"Looking forward to how Tian Wujing will deal with the barbarians after he takes command this time. Tian Wujing's methods have always been very ruthless. This time, he will be even more ruthless. He has resentment in his heart."
"The topics at our dinner table seem to be getting more and more profound."
"I saw that little man has been teaching craftsmen how to build siege equipment. You won't get a chance this time."
"A lot of people will die if we attack the city. I can't bear to do it. My family's financial resources are still too low."
"Is there anything else? I've eaten."
Zheng Fan took out the map and spread it on the ground next to the small table. He pointed to a section of Wangjiang River on the map and said:
"This is the point where we will cross the river tomorrow. We will go more than eighty miles deep."
"Do you need to tell me these things?"
After experiencing two failed attacks, the Juggernaut has understood his limitations. Whether it is politically or militarily, he is a little naive, so he no longer touches such things.
"Here is Yupan City, where the Chu State's Qingluan Army is stationed. It is also an important town where the barbarians and the Chu State's allied forces contain Wangjiang."
"I know."
"But here, less than a hundred miles away from Yupan City, Fengxin City, have you heard of it?"
"Fengxin is a small town that is rich in paper materials."
"That's Situ Yi's new capital."
Upon hearing this, the sword master's eyes suddenly froze.
Zheng Fan continued:
"The Marquis of Jingnan has just arrived, and the Jingnan Army has just arrived. I believe that even if there are spies in Yingdu City, no, there must be spies, but even if they want to pass the information back, it will take time. Our army will start from tomorrow I cross the river secretly downstream, and then run a long distance, all the way east. I think I can make a time difference.
You know what time difference means, right? "
"I can guess it."
Zheng Fan nodded and poked heavily at the newly marked Fengxin City. The meaning was very clear.
The Sword Master said:
"You just said that your department's mission is to isolate the rear of Yupan City."
"Isn't Fengxin City just behind Yupan City? No matter what I do, I never forget to reap benefits. I think the head of this false emperor is a very good military achievement.
Moreover, I am not afraid of your ridicule. This kind of long-distance raiding is actually what I am good at. When I first started my career and had hundreds of barbarians under my command, I dared to play like this. I even captured a city of Ganren and killed them. When the prefect of Qianren returned home, he was already familiar with the road. "
"What do you need me to do?"
"We have no time to attack the city, and it is impossible to attack the city. Therefore, the only feasible way is to... seize the gate."
"I understand."
"There will be people who will cooperate with you, but the key to whether we can attack and defeat them all depends on you."
In the past, when he first started his career, Zheng Fan had played with the demon kings in beheading and seizing the door.
Right now, with a sword master by his side, it would be a waste not to use special tactics!
The most important thing is that Zheng Fan has already understood the Sword Master's temper and outlook.
The Master Sword Master hates the savages the most. Secondly, he hates these "puppet soldiers" and has extremely righteous views.
"However, we have to wait to see some specific situations after we cross the river."
"I have one condition."
"You say."
"Brothers Situ Yi and Situ Jiong, can they die?"
"It's better to capture them alive. After all, they have ascended to the throne."
"Caught alive?"
"But you also know that swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and any accident can happen."
"very good."
"I still have some wine here. You can drink it too. Starting tomorrow, drinking is not allowed. The army has its own rules. Drinking can easily cause trouble."
The sword master took the drink.
When he stood up and was about to leave, he stopped again and said:
"I think you could use a little wine tonight."
"I don't like drinking."
"Drinking wine makes it easier to fall asleep, so you don't have to toss and turn at night."
"You peeping at me?"
"It's hard for me not to hear your movements in the tent next door. After all, you are still a young man and very angry."
"Oh, I don't know who is going to go back and get married after this battle."
"You check me?"
"You live in my city. It's hard for me not to know. After all, you're not young anymore. It's time to start a family. Otherwise, in a few years, the fire will be extinguished."
The sword master looked at Zheng Fan,
Zheng Fan also looked at the Sword Master,
The two looked at each other and laughed.
a long time,
The sword master asked with some disbelief:
"Is this really all the wine left?"
"You have to keep your belly."
"What to keep it for?"
"Drink blood tomorrow."
(End of this chapter)

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