The devil is coming

Chapter 322 Ancient 1 Emperor

Chapter 322
When the Shengle cavalry successfully entered the city, the battle was actually settled to a certain extent.
How could these messy rebel troops organize a counterattack under such circumstances as Xincheng, the nominal capital of the new dynasty, was actually a bandit den?
As for street fighting, just think about it. The cruelty of street fighting is not only for the attacker. First of all, you have to consider whether the defender has the courage to fight to the death and "sacrifice one's life for justice."
Furthermore, with the double insurance of long-distance attack and night attack, they faced an unsuspecting mob of rebels. If this could be "repeated", it would be in vain. This elite soldier!
The fighting in the city has not ended yet. The two military strongholds outside the city have actually been cleared. Some of the rebels who abandoned their weapons and surrendered have been gathered up. Most of them actually fled when the Yan army attacked. For these deserters, Zheng Fan was not interested in dividing his troops to pursue the escape.
These deserters might form small groups on the hills nearby and act like bandits. They would certainly poison the place, but what would they have to do with General Zheng?
General Zheng only needs to be responsible for fighting the war and making military exploits. To hell with the long-term peace and stability of the place, unless the court first demarcates this area before the war and then puts it under its own jurisdiction, but it is impossible to think about it. It is really far away from Shengle City. It's too far away.
After riding his horse to the suspension bridge, Zheng Fan got off his horse and walked to the Sword Master first.
The Sword Master is sitting cross-legged and meditating. When he captured the gate earlier, the Sword Master had no reservations. It can be said that without him, there is a high probability that the city gate would not be captured. In order to support the situation, he even used his own weapons. origin.
"You have worked hard."
Zheng Fan said with concern.
The sword master opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked in the direction of the city.
The meaning is very clear,
this thing,
It's not over yet.
"Don't worry, there are always surprises."
Some people are good at coaxing children,
There are also people who are good at coaxing big guys.
In A Ming's opinion, his master should belong to the latter group.
Because A Ming knew that brothers Situ Yi and Situ Jiong, their master had no intention of arresting them alive. The value of a has-been pseudo-emperor has actually been greatly reduced.
Haven't you seen that the barbarians and Chu people have treated him as a spittoon and thrown it far away?
Is it possible that his own Emperor Yan will treat him as a treasure?
If a large army pushed here, then fine, if you capture the pseudo-emperor and all the civil and military officials of the pseudo-dynasty, and then offer them as prisoners to Shangjing, you will definitely win a big prize, but now you are going in alone. You don't even bother to capture prisoners, so you still have to drag the oil bottles with you on the road with this big gang?
Besides, this battle is not over yet.
Therefore, people are meant to be killed. When it comes to killing decisively and "preventing the slightest," A Ming knows that he can do it much more smoothly than others.
But his master still "cheated" the Sword Master, taking advantage of the established thinking that capturing the emperor must be a great achievement, and then pretended that for the sake of the Sword Master's face, he would rather lose the great achievement than kill him first.
This is actually the routine, and it’s not too dirty. After all, the person being coaxed should be quite satisfied and happy.
After comforting the Sword Master, Zheng Fan looked at the eldest prince again. The eldest prince was seriously injured, but it was good that he was not dead.
In fact, if something happened to the eldest prince under his command, it would be a big trouble for General Zheng.
In the future, people started to comment, saying that Jingnanhou was the harvester of the prince's mother clan, so Zheng Fan was the prince's spray.
But Zheng Fan also knows the mentality of the eldest prince. This guy is eager to go to the most dangerous place to perform the most dangerous mission. If he dies, it doesn't matter. If he doesn't die, he can wash away the shame on himself, no matter what others do. Look, as long as he can feel better.
Therefore, Zheng Fan did not stop Xue San from taking the eldest prince with him to seize the door.
"You have worked hard."
Zheng Fan reached out and patted the eldest prince on the shoulder.
"..." The eldest prince.
To be honest, the eldest prince is really not used to the shoulder-tapping etiquette in the Sheng Le Army.
But it seems that every general in the Sheng Le Army likes to do this action, including his own nominal Shangfeng Jinshu Ke,
Jin Shuke was obsessed with this action and would pat his subordinates on the shoulders several times a day.
"Let's enter the city."
Zheng Fan made a gesture of invitation.
The eldest prince shook his head and said: "The general still needs to return to camp."
This is a more serious prince. He knows his current position and responsibilities, and does not want to be in the limelight. He has experienced ups and downs in life, and he can indeed see a lot.
In this regard, Zheng Fan did not force it, but waited for the Sword Master to stand up slowly and walked into the city with the Sword Master.
The killings in the city are still continuing.
Because the number of Shengle's troops was not large enough, and they were also pursuing a surprise, in order to avoid alerting the enemy, no blocking troops were deployed at the other three city gates in advance.
However, the first batch of Shengle cavalry who entered the city did not spread out at will. Instead, they went directly to the "Imperial Palace" in the city under the leadership of Liang Cheng.
It is said to be a royal palace, but it was just the former residence of the largest paper manufacturer in the city. It has undergone some renovations and added some carvings and utensils that can only be used by the royal family.
Now that Fengxin City has been broken into, the two brothers Situ Yi and Situ Jiong must not be allowed to take advantage of the chaos to escape, otherwise this victory will not be good.
The cavalry that subsequently entered the city began to divide into groups to kill the organized rebels in the city. They did not seek to completely eliminate them, as long as they did not allow the rebels to huddle up and form a large scale.
At the same time, the other city gates have not been closed. If you should run away, run away quickly and don't cause trouble to us.
Under such circumstances, there were naturally very few rebels who could continue to resist with gritted teeth, and most of them began to flee towards the other three city gates.
The "capital" garrisoned by [-] rebels was actually very easy to capture. After all, everyone knew that Situ Yi's new dynasty really had nothing to pursue.
The reason why we gather here is not because we are loyal to Situ Yi, but because we all find a place to squeeze in and have fun together. We are so-called fair-weather friends, so we should be like this. When disaster strikes, fly away quickly, your own life is at stake.
To take a step back, you have seen martyrs who sacrificed their lives for righteousness, but have you ever seen the Japanese Japs who died generously?
"Are you a little tired?" Zheng Fan asked the sword master walking beside him in a low voice.
The sword master nodded and said: "A little bit."
When he was trying to seize the door, on the suspension bridge, the sword master Kazuo was trying to block the way, but no one could open it. It was normal for him to be a little tired and out of strength.
Especially those two swords, one sword killed fifty knights inside the city gate, and the other sword flew past, piercing armor and killing dozens of people in a row. They were all terrifying outbreaks in a short period of time, and the burden and damage to the body was naturally extremely heavy.
When Shatuo Queshi faced the hordes of Zhenbei Army cavalry outside the Zhenbei Hou Mansion, he only defeated them with one punch after another, rather than directly killing many with one punch. Of course, , The swordsman has strong attack power, but it is indeed not as durable as the martial artist, and can "bathe" in the sea of ​​soldiers.
"Thank you for your hard work."
The sword master smiled "haha",
The "Royal Palace" is right in front of you.
On the outside, they were already surrounded by soldiers led by Liang Cheng. With their bows and arrows drawn, they could rush in at any time.
However, the main dish on a table must be unveiled by the person with the highest status, so everyone kept waiting for Zheng Fan to enter the city.
Liang Cheng rode his horse to Zheng Fan and reported:
"My lord, Situ Yi and Situ Jiong are inside, and there are hundreds of guards inside."
Zheng Fan nodded, very satisfied that the two brothers did not run away;
Then he waved his hand and ordered:
"Let's attack it."
Catching the turtle in the urn is actually very simple. Even if the other party wants to defeat the enemy, it will be very difficult.
After several rounds of shots from the surrounding archers, bursts of screams immediately came from the house. Then, Fan Li, who looked like a big iron can, ran and used himself as a battering ram, directly hitting...
Didn't break down the door,
Instead, it hit the house wall.
A big hole was made in the wall, and Fan Li rolled in, knocking down several guards who had been standing against the wall to avoid bows and arrows.
Immediately, a group of soldiers rushed in through the opened hole and cleaned up the interior.
Not long after, the soldiers inside opened the door.
Zheng Fan made a "please" gesture to the sword master.
The sword master raised his eyebrows slightly and said:
"Why are you so attentive now?"
"This is your moment and you have to enjoy it."
"What's the point of enjoying this? These beasts let savages enter the border. The people of Jin are being tortured and everything is in a mess. I..."
"We will have time to care about the people's affairs in the future. Today, let's take care of ourselves first. In fact, it is not contradictory. Only when we are happy and relaxed can we do better things for the people."
If Zheng Fan had greeted the Sword Master before, it was because he wanted this real master to help him, which is equivalent to seeing a blue chip stock and investing heavily in it without hesitation.
So now, after seeing the true strength of the Sword Master, it has become such a big thick leg, you are sick and barbaric if you don't care!
The Shatuo Que Stone is inconvenient to carry due to its own limitations, but the Sword Master does not have this problem.
I am setting up a stage for you today. As far as I am concerned, it is just a little less limelight, but what I gain is probably the friendship with the sword master.
Sometimes, friendship is very worthless;
But sometimes, it's so fucking precious.
The most important thing is that the Sword Master belongs to the Jianghu, and Zheng Fan follows the system. What happened today will add another dimension to the Juggernaut in the Jianghu;
The sword master opened the city gate with one sword and captured the false emperor!
This section will definitely become the favorite story told by teahouse storytellers and listened to by Young Hero listeners in the future.
Before the case of Marquis Jingnan and in the court hall, it would only be said that it was him, Zheng Fan, who went deep alone, attacked day and night, and destroyed the puppet government in one battle.
You are washing swords in your rivers and lakes, and I am watching the tide at my seaside.
Take what you need.
The Royal Garden of the "Imperial Palace" was actually the courtyard outside the hall. There were corpses lying on the ground. Most of them were guards who were willing to follow and protect Situ Yi at the last moment.
However, these are the only ones left.
Zheng Fan and the Sword Master came together and stood at the door.
inside the door,
Situ Yi, wearing a dragon robe, is sitting on the Grand Master's chair holding a sword in his left hand.
Sitting next to him was another man wearing a python robe. If nothing else happened, he should be Situ Yi's younger brother, Situ Jiong.
Situ Yi's eyes were a little cold. This man didn't look like he had been drained by wine and sex, but rather looked somewhat heroic. His younger brother, Situ Jiong, was much inferior in comparison. It was obvious that He was shivering.
Situ Yi's eyes first fell on Zheng Fan and said:
"Who is coming, sign up to come!"
Zheng Fan smiled slightly, just looking at him like a monkey, and didn't answer him.
Situ Yi pointed at Zheng Fan and scolded him.
Situ Yi looked at the Sword Master standing next to Zheng Fan. He knew the Sword Master and said angrily:
"Okay, okay, you, as a Jin person, actually hooked up with the Yan people to plot rebellion and usurp my country!
Yu Huaping, you, you are so brave, you are from Jin in vain!
I want to destroy your entire clan. Even if you are a sword master, I will definitely send an army to capture you. I will definitely not spare you! "
Situ Yi and the Sword Master have a big feud.
During the political struggle, Situ Yi and Situ Jiong, the two elder brothers, were squeezed by their younger brother Situ Lei and had to go to defend the city outside Xuehaiguan. In fact, it was a disguised form of exile and distribution.
At that time, they had already colluded with the savages, especially when the Yanren company destroyed the Helian family and the Wenren family, their father, the old Situ family leader, was in a panic, and the two brothers took the opportunity to come up with ways to borrow troops from the savages. Resist the Yan people.
It turned out that the old patriarch was interested.
The two brothers can take this opportunity to return to Yingdu City from Xuehaiguan again, and start the next round of struggle with their brother. As the saying goes, life will never stop fighting for the right.
But who knew that Situ Lei actually borrowed the Sword Master's sword and killed his own father.
Are Situ Yi and Situ Jiong determined to join the savages?
They were not stupid, but at that time, they really had no choice. Their father was the arbiter of the rules of the game. When their father was killed by his younger brother, it was like directly declaring the game over, and they continued All the qualifications to participate were gone, so he became cruel and got together with the savages.
Now, in this situation, even if the Yan people didn't attack today, Situ Yi was still very dissatisfied with his current situation.
Maybe, in Situ Yi's opinion, if the Sword Master hadn't helped Situ Lei kill his father, he would have had many more trump cards in front of "Little Coyote" than he does now, and he would never have been able to defeat Yupan City. Even when his "capital" was taken away, at least he could still maintain his basic dignity as an "emperor".
"You alone have the nerve to question me?"
The sword master almost laughed out of anger.
"I am the Emperor of Dacheng Kingdom, I am the Son of Heaven, and I am destined by destiny. If you dare to offend me, you are disobeying destiny!"
Situ Yi continued to roar loudly.
He looked like a fool, performing a one-man show by himself.
"We've come to this point, and we're still dreaming!" the Sword Master scolded.
Zheng Fan reached out and patted the Sword Master on the shoulder and said:
"I'm not stupid, I'm very smart."
After signaling the sword master to stay calm,
Zheng Fan crossed his arms and looked at Situ Yi leisurely,
"What's going on, do you really think of yourself as an emperor? Do you want to imitate the Jin emperor, move to Yanjing, and get a Jin Duke, so that you can guarantee your prosperity for the rest of your life?
Let me tell you the truth, don't think about such beautiful things. I, Dayan, only recognize the Dacheng Kingdom in Yingdu, but I don't recognize you, a bastard who comes out of nowhere.
With such strength, I advise you to save your money. Dayan already has Prince Cheng, so it is impossible to get another Duke Cheng.
Luring barbarians into the pass and destroying the foundation of Great Xia, do you think that the losing side in the struggle for royal power can still retain some dignity? "
hear this,
Situ Yi's eyes froze. Apparently, Zheng Fan's words pierced his heart like a knife.
Why did he wear a dragon robe at this time?Why did he specially let his brother wear a python robe?
Why are you still opening your mouth and saying "I" and "the destiny is my destiny" as if you have lost your mind?
All he wants is to be caught in an "emperor" manner.
In this way, even if he is escorted to Yanjing, according to everyone's tradition, he can at least get a title and be treated like a rich man.
Zheng Fan's words were tantamount to exposing his fantasy.
"I, I am the Son of Heaven. Even if I lose, I was still the Supreme One. I can go to Yanjing and submit my credentials to His Majesty the Emperor of Yan State. I can..."
"No need, it's not easy to walk this far away, so we won't bother you. Besides, I promised others that you can have some surprises today."
"Yes, for example, you died inexplicably. I wanted to capture you alive, but I couldn't."
When the sword master heard this, he looked at Zheng Fan from the corner of his eye.
Zheng Fan caught this action and smiled slightly in his heart.
"Brother, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"
Situ Jiong couldn't hold himself any longer and immediately knelt down, kowtowing to Zheng Fan and then to Situ Yi.
Situ Jiong looked at his brother in a daze. He actually knew his own worth and looked down upon Situ Lei's status as a concubine, so for a long time, he had stood by his brother's side to deal with Situ Lei.
But now, he knew that his brother could no longer protect him.
Situ Yi stretched forward and said to Situ Jiong:
"Don't cry and cry. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. At this time, don't embarrass me."
Situ Yi looked at Zheng Fan again,
"After all, I have sat on the dragon's throne, and I have been called long live by the mountains. It doesn't matter if this general of the Yan Kingdom can give me some dignity, including white silk and poisonous wine."
"You still want dignity. When you let the barbarians enter, did you ever think about the dignity of my people in Sanjin!"
When the sword master was about to draw his sword, Zheng Fan pressed his wrist.
"Dignity is what you should have. After all, you are an emperor in the world. After all, you have to wear a yellow robe. What the emperor pursues is nothing but the only one in the ages..."
"Yes, if current events hadn't misled me, I would have been an emperor for eternity!"
Situ Yi looked very confident in himself.
Of course, it's already this time. Since there are no descendants holding a knife to the historian's neck to speak well of themselves, I can only shout a few more words for myself at this time.
Zheng Fan smiled and nodded, saying:
"I'll help you, help you become an emperor for eternity."
Zheng Fan said to the soldiers beside him:
"Go collect a tank of excrement water."
Situ Yi was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily:
"What are you going to do, what are you going to do!"
He is anxious, can he not be anxious?
Zheng Fan used his little finger to pick out his ears, then put them in front of his lips and blew on them.
"I'll help you realize your dream. If you don't want to be an emperor for eternity, then be the first emperor to die by being drowned in feces."
(End of this chapter)

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