The devil is coming

Chapter 326 Breakthrough

Chapter 326 Breakthrough
As the saying goes, soldiers have no constant momentum, and water has no constant shape;
In fact, General Zheng's original idea was indeed for Ming'an City. He was used to doing small business, and his petty style could not be changed for the time being. For General Zheng, fighting had nothing to do with defending his family and country. It's very big, and he doesn't have that kind of integrity, let alone much loyalty to the Yan Kingdom.
Of course, I have a good impression of Yan Guo, that's for sure, but if I insist on saying that I will devote myself to death and die, it's over, it's really over.
Therefore, the purpose of General Zheng's war is to plunder. Military achievements are to expand territory, wealth, food, and population. He is to strengthen his own strength so that he can continue to expand his troops. To expand his troops is to plunder better, and plunder is to Better expansion of troops.
Just like asking a child herding sheep what your dream is, he would answer: herding sheep and having babies, herding more sheep and having more babies.
Ming'an City was a staging ground for plundering by the barbarians. You can imagine the benefits of conquering it with the sole of your feet. If you put it in the hands of the barbarians, it would be called the people's fat stained with the blood and tears of the people of Jin. But when it is captured by you, it is called loot.
However, not long after the army set off, Liang Cheng discovered something was wrong. When the pursuers at the rear clearly had a chance to come up and bite him, they did not bite him and just continued to pretend to be groping and tracking.
In addition, Xue San and others who had been wandering outside the main force of the army sent back news that the barbarian soldiers and horses on the east and west sides seemed to be moving.
Liang Cheng directly concluded that Ming'an City could not be defeated.
The original plan had to be changed, and if we continued to rush forward headstrongly, we would really get hit to the head and bleed.
After all, at this time in this area, Sheng Lejun is considered the weak side. When you are strong, you can naturally make arrangements according to your ideas, but when you are weak, you have to follow the opponent's rhythm.
The other party has a big appetite and wants to devour himself in one breath. What else can he do? Wash himself clean and serve him up.
Jin Shuke and the other two small vanguard armies are actually the shadow of the army. Their mission is to create the trajectory and illusion of the army's march, and induce the savages to complete the strategic encirclement they want.
The main force of Shengle Army jumped out early before the encirclement was formed.
I jumped out and had to do something. I looked at the map and looked around again. A place caught Zheng Fan's attention.
Snow customs!
Taking advantage of the opportunity that the savage army originally stationed at Snow Customs was mobilized to encircle him,
An extremely empty Snow Customs House appeared in front of Zheng Fan and Sheng Lejun.
Zheng Fan washed his face with cold water. His body was greasy and a little uncomfortable. He really wanted to take a hot bath to feel comfortable.
When cavalry goes out on an expedition, it is important to stay still and cause thunder. When Tian Wujing first opened Jin, this was the method. The elite Zhenbei Army and Jingnan Army carefully used the road of Qianguo to enter Nanmen Pass and enter the territory of Jin. After that, he directly came out and fought thousands of miles away to establish victory in one fell swoop.
Zheng Fan has always believed that his Liang Cheng would not be worse than Marquis Jingnan in terms of leading troops. This is indeed the case. This kind of transfer with a large army to successfully "escape" is not the kind of real military use. It is simply a game. The child can't get up.
At least, from Zheng Fan's point of view, if he was the one leading the army this time, he would have entered an environment surrounded by enemies. Then his subordinates would yell for him to leave, and he would die together, and then his subordinates would continue to persuade him. Let's go... Such a cliché drama.
but now,
But I can face the snow customs in the distance,
Unbutton your belt,
Take a pee in a happy mood.
When he came back after finishing his work, Liang Cheng was already waiting for him.
In fact, the soldiers did not have a good rest, and everyone was very tired. However, they were just a shudder away from the goal. I thought it would not be a big problem to get back on their horses and charge.
Xue San is back, but it has been hard on him these days. He has lost weight due to fatigue, and his third leg looks much shorter.
"Lord, it's no problem."
No problem means that you don't even need to think about winning the goal, you can just "Ultimately".
At this time, the sword master came to Zheng Fan's side and wanted to fight against the snow customs. As the sword master of the Jin Kingdom, he must take the lead.
Because Xuehaiguan is of great significance to the land of Sanjin and the people of Jin.
Don't care whether you want to dominate the world later, that's all a matter later. The Marquis of Jin was granted the title of Jin by the Emperor of Great Xia, and his purpose was to drive out the barbarians and glorify the Xia.
Snow Customs is a symbol of the Jin people expelling the barbarians. It is a door. Inside the door is a paradise, and outside the door is the bitter cold snowfield.
To use a more sensational approach, this pass is a monument built by generations of Jin people.
Therefore, it is normal for the Juggernaut to take the initiative and want to be a member of the trapped camp, and it is in line with the character of the Juggernaut.
"Is there really no problem?" Zheng Fan asked, purely out of guilt and wanting to confirm again. After all, he was in front of the Snow Customs.
"My lord, there is really no problem. You can even give a pre-war speech at this time." Xue San said, patting his short chest.
The implication is that,
It's not a big problem,
You can first prepare a speech to gain your own capital in front of the reporter's camera.
Liang Cheng also said: "Yes, my lord."
Since even Liang Cheng was sure that there would be no problem in this battle, Zheng Fan was relieved.
As for the speech, it is a kind of torture for people in later generations who are used to listening to long and nonsense lectures, but in this era, it is still extremely effective.
The most important thing is that it can help Zheng Fan brush up his prestige in the military and at the same time consolidate his sense of presence.
General Zheng has been shaped by the devil under his command and has become a spiritual totem in the hearts of Shengle soldiers and civilians. They have done 99 things for you, so don't be tired of doing the last step.
Zheng Fan got on his horse and took the initiative to ride towards the military formation.
After seeing General Zheng's figure, the sergeants' faces showed excitement.
Just because the military order was to sit down and rest, no one dared to stand up or move rashly.
The sword master looked at Xue San curiously and said:
"What is this for?"
"Pre-battle training to boost morale."
The sword master said "oh" to indicate that he understood.
However, the sword master still turned around and looked to the north. The Snow Customs House was right there. Would there be any mistakes or accidents if he was giving the pre-war training now?Aren't you afraid of having a long dream all night?
But the Sword Master is indeed no longer the Sword Master before. In the past, he participated in politics and military affairs. After the collapse of his participation, he calmed down and recognized the reality clearly, that is, besides the thing in his hand, A sword, there's really nothing else he's good at.
Zheng Fan opened his mouth and shouted:
"Soldiers of Shengle, I think you all know what the pass is called in front of you!"
Half of the barbarian soldiers who went on this expedition were sent out as vanguards and have not yet returned to their ranks. Therefore, most of the soldiers and horses here at this time are descended from Jin.
"It is the Snow Pass, the pass used by the Jin people to defend against the savages, the pride of the three Jin lands, and the nightmare of the savages for hundreds of years!
I, Zheng Fan, am not from Jin, but I have been to the snowy plains, and I have fought with savages. Those uncivilized bastards, they have no sense of shame or etiquette. They are actually a group of beasts that look like humans. ! "
Regional discrimination is wrong.
But in this era, facing such a group of Qiu Ba, Xia Yi must argue strictly and preserve their righteousness in the Spring and Autumn Period.This is really playing tricks on a cow. Only by using the most primitive stick of regional discrimination can Qiu Ba, a group of Jin people, feel the same way.
"But right now, they have conquered Xueguan, they are sleeping with your Jin people's women, they are plundering your Jin people's food, and they are plundering your Jin people's children!
This general is from Yan, but this general makes me angry just looking at him!
After all, 800 years ago, we were all one family!
The Yan people are fighting against the barbarians, and the Jin people are chasing wild people. Our own families are fighting. It is a matter of brothers behind closed doors to divide the land and property. What does it have to do with the barbarians? The barbarians also want to reach in and get a hand, straight mother thief, he Is it worthy? "
When the sword master heard this, he subconsciously sighed:
"Makes sense."
Xue San smiled "hehe", this is called the united front against the opposition.
But A Ming said: "This speech style seems familiar."
Xue San nodded and said: "The Lord is imitating the mustache's speech in Chaplin's movie."
"Oh I got it."
"Most of the people here are from Jin people. I want to say that in this battle, we, the Yan people, are not fighting the savages, but we, the Yan people, are helping you Jin people to fight the savages!
Snow Customs was lost by you Jin people!
The savages were let in by you Jin people!
In the battle at Wangjiang, tens of thousands of our Yan people died, their bodies lying on the river!
But we Yan people refuse to admit defeat. If we lose, the worst we can do is make a comeback and continue to fight again!
What about you Jin people? Is this your Jin people’s home? Are the ancestral temples and temples on this land dedicated to your ancestors?
A hundred years from now, how will you tell your ancestors under the Nine Springs that you failed to save your own land and let it become a pasture for savages?
Take up your swords and sit on your horses,
snow customs,
take it,
To prove that Jin people are still passionate, Jin people are still brave, and Jin people still have Luan Zi on their crotch! "
The heat is almost done,
The faces of the Jin soldiers began to twist with anger.
Even the sword master's breathing became much thicker.
General Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his skill in beating chicken blood was improving well.
Zheng Fan drew out his knife,
"Sheng Lejun!"
"Fight to the death with me!"
"Fight to the death!"
"Fight to the death!"
"Fight to the death!"
it has started.
Suddenly, thousands of horses galloped out, full of murderous intent.
If the Savage King were here at this time and listened to Zheng Fan's pre-war mobilization, he would probably quickly regard Zheng Fan as a confidant, because everyone knows the secrets of "speech" and "chicken blood" and how to mobilize soldiers. Emotions make them regard death as home.
After cherishing each other,
He will probably pull out a knife and stab the other person to death soon.
Because they both know clearly in their hearts,
How terrifying is such an opponent?
Since ancient times, there have been countless capable people who are good at using magic, but what the real masters are good at is playing with people's hearts.
In short, Sheng Lejun's momentum was completely ignited by Zheng Fan. Even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of them, these people dared to rush forward with their eyes open.
The sword master is also riding a horse, and the sword master is also holding a sword,
this moment,
The Sword Master suddenly wanted to relive that night's fight below the tower in Fengxin City.
This is destined to disappoint the sword master.
Because of the army,
He rushed directly into the snow customs!
Yes, that's right, rushed directly into the snow customs.
Xue San came back from his previous inspection and said with certainty that there was no problem.
Liang Cheng also gave a guarantee and felt that there was no suspense in winning this city.
In fact, it is.
Snow Customs, on its west side, takes over the branch extending eastward from the Tianduan Mountain Range, and on its east side, there is the vast ocean.
The Xueguan Pass that people in Jin often refer to does refer to this majestic pass, but in fact, what everyone values ​​​​in the real military is relying on the Xueguan Pass as the center, plus the fire forts stretching for dozens of miles on the east and west sides. group.
It was it that, for hundreds of years, locked the desire of the savages to go south.
What Sheng Lejun wants to attack at this time is Xue Customs itself.
Roughly speaking, it presents a "hui" shaped structure.
To the north is an extremely long "one", a bit like the Great Wall, connected with a system of military fortresses.
Of course, Xuehaiguan is not just a "one", but three sides are added to the south side of this "one", forming the shape of a square city.
In order to enhance its defensive properties, when the ancestors of the Jin people built it, in the square city layout, there was a separate expansion to the north, a bit like a "convex".
For the sake of symmetry, there is also an expansion on the south side, showing the same posture.
But in the final analysis, the solidity of Snow Customs refers to its defensive nature built on the entire fire fort defense chain when faced with attacks from the snowfields from the north.
At the same time, we must also understand that when the ancestors of the Jin people built this pass, they had already driven the barbarians out of the three Jin lands and caught up with the snowy fields, so it only needed to bear the attack from the north. As for the could the south be attacked? Is there an attack?
When Zheng Fan's Sheng Le Army launched the offensive, it faced the south, attacking from south to north. There were city walls and fortifications, but they were all done perfunctorily, and they were not like the north side of Xuehaiguan. More three-dimensional and solid.
At the same time, the funniest thing is that Xue San feels that this battle is the least challenging.
He actually broke several holes south of Xueguan.
In other words, there is no need for a battering ram, no artillery carriage, or even a ladder. You can just lead your troops to forcefully rush in through the breach and that's it.
There are two reasons why such a bizarre scene occurred.
One is because of hatred. The savages really hate this level. For hundreds of years, they have been locked by this level and cannot look south.
This is just like Zhao Laoer in that period of history that Zheng Fan is familiar with. He finally conquered Taiyuan after finally losing his strength. Because he suffered too much under Taiyuan City, he simply destroyed this majestic city. Ruined.
The same goes for the savages. They get angry just looking at the snowy customs. If they don't destroy it, they find it hard to calm down.
The second reason is that it is too troublesome to get in and out through one opening, so we might as well open a few more doors, because there are too many slaves, goods, and food to be transported to the snowfield.
It is these two strange reasons that have caused the current embarrassing situation at Xue Customs.
In fact, if the Savage King hadn't heard the news later and knew that these subsequent tribes dared to do this, and quickly sent envoys to scold and stop them, the Snow Customs might have been dismantled by the Savages.
But even so, these holes are enough for Sheng Lejun to rush in directly.
The group of savage soldiers originally stationed at Snow Customs were mobilized to participate in the "encirclement". At this time, there were less than [-] savage warriors in the pass, and they were scattered everywhere, because a large tribe happened to be transporting them. A huge number of slaves left the seclusion and entered the snowy fields, and they needed enough savage warriors to help maintain order and prevent the slaves from escaping.
Therefore, there were only a few hundred savage warriors standing guard on the city wall.
No matter how wise the king is, he cannot guarantee that there will be no pig teammates underneath him.
This city is simply easier to capture than the Mianzhou city that General Zheng fought when he debuted. At that time, General Zheng only had [-] barbarians under his command, but at this time, there were nearly [-] elite cavalry!
The savages had no time to stop them. Sheng Lejun rushed into the city and began to kill the savages when they saw them. However, there were too many monks and too little food. This group of soldiers, who had been excited by General Zheng's speech just now, rushed in and found that there was not enough at all. The savages came to let them vent their anger.
It was the Sword Master who managed to snatch three heads by relying on his sword to fly out. To be honest, it was far worse than the night in Fengxin City.
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!"
The soldiers of the Shengle Army began to search for the savages to kill them, like a group of strong men who could not be satisfied. If Liang Cheng had not led a force to warn and stop them, these soldiers who were so red-eyed even captured the savages to look at the prisoners there. The slaves must also be chopped down together. You must know that these slaves are all Jin people.
This was the shortcoming of the soldiers' passion, but fortunately, it was controlled in time and no tragedy of cannibalism occurred.
General Zheng was a free man and took A Ming up the city wall early.
A Ming held a bottle of wine in his hand and drank sip after sip.
Zheng Fan held sunflower seeds in his hand and nibbled them one by one.
Both of them are good at pretending to be cool and cool in stressful and exciting situations.
"A Ming, there are two roads before me now."
"Lord, you say."
"One, hit and run."
Zheng Fan pointed at his feet,
"Because if we don't run, at least tens of thousands of savages will come over soon. As long as they block this place, we won't be able to escape even if we want to.
Because to the north of Snow Pass is the snowfield, which is the home of the savages.
"What about the other one that just doesn't run?"
"Yes, don't run away, stay here."
Zheng Fan turned his head and looked behind him. There were many crying slaves who had just been rescued, and many soldiers who were still searching for the hiding savages to kill.
"As long as we can hold on here, none of the savage troops that invaded south this time will be able to escape back to the snowfield."
"Lord, actually we have no choice." A Ming said.
"Because although Marquis Jingnan has not given us a specific mission, he only uses us as a surprise force, but in the future if he knows that we have captured the Snow Customs and then walked away after the victory;
Marquis Jingnan will kill you. "
(End of this chapter)

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