Chapter 440
Maybe it was because the sudden appearance of this nightmare-like man brought too much impact on me.
Maybe it was this syllable that made Zhao Cheng stand up
Or maybe Zhao Cheng seems a little too sensitive;
Zhao Cheng,
Xiao Chengzi,
Eunuch Zhao,
The crotch suddenly became wet.
He was scared to pee.
That day,
Sunny weather,
He took his girl to drink mutton soup and feel the little taste of winter.
Then I met the man in front of me.
Since then, my life has undergone subversive changes.
During these days and nights, he tossed and turned, and the man's face kept reappearing in his mind, which was equivalent to deepening the psychological shadow of this man again and again.
And when the shadow shone into reality, Zhao Cheng found that he couldn't bear it at all.
As he got to know her over the past few days, Zhao Cheng knew that she was terrifying and noble, and that her will could determine the life and death of many people and the fate of many families;
But even so, the princess had to take the initiative to deliver it to him
Urine returns to urine,
Fortunately, the amount is not large, it has become a small amount many times;
Zhao Cheng really didn’t scream,
Even after the facial expression experienced countless changes in a short period of time, it finally switched to a flattering smile.
It was clear that this was a royal palace, there were tens of thousands of soldiers and horses on the outside, and there were many worshipers of the Qu family in the inner courtyard, but Zhao Cheng did not dare to shout or scream.
Because once he shouted out, the man in front of him might kill him directly.
The princess might kill herself,
Mr. Qu might kill himself,
The regent might kill himself.
Because you are insignificant, and when you find that the end result of "doing your duty faithfully" is to be suffocated to death together, it is difficult for you to bring up the idea of ​​"responsibility".
he came,
he came,
What does he come to do?
Zhao Cheng's brain, which was almost shut down, began to think, and then he thought of a possibility, a possibility that a fool could think of as long as he could count.
Came to see the princess.
He is not Qu Peiluo,
Qu Peiluo and Zhao Cheng have met,
He is not the future prince-in-law,
He is not the princess’s husband,
But before the princess got married, he came to see her.
He really dared to come, he really came!
In the past, when he was wandering among the people, Zhao Cheng had seen a lot of people who pulled up the walls of their young wives. Generally, widows stole most of them. It was also common for married women to recruit men. Young girls who had not left the palace were raped by men. There are only a few people who get scammed, but it's not impossible.
However, the princess is getting married soon,
You're still here!
by accident,
Zhao Cheng shouted:
"Come here and have a few people lift up these two jade cabbages for me and take them to the inner courtyard. Let the Zajia use their hands and feet more quickly."
Zhao Cheng got off the carriage,
for a while,
He saw three more people coming up outside.
Then four people, two holding each other, came down, including the man.
"Walk, follow me."
Zhao Cheng waved his whisk and issued the order
that's it,
Eunuch Zhao walked in front, and behind him, four men carefully carried the jade cabbage.
When they were about to enter the outer courtyard, several worshipers of the Qu family came forward to investigate.
The people who can come in and out of the inner courtyard are all familiar faces. Because the princess has been in trouble before, no effort has been spared in terms of security details this time.
"Eunuch Zhao, call the people inside to take it over." A Qu family member holding a sword suggested.
Eunuch Zhao smiled slightly and said, "Sure."
Later, Eunuch Zhao stood here and called out four eunuchs to come over and help move the cabbage.
Then, Eunuch Zhao pointed at the man and said: "I have to bring him in. The second shopkeeper of Dongzhu Shop in Fan Mansion, the princess ordered that the Dongzhu Chuaner on the wedding day must be changed again, so let the Zajia family Call him in, the princess also knows this person, please don’t delay the princess’s affairs.”
Several worshipers of the Qu family looked at each other. Since the princess knew her, they would not investigate too much. After all, the princess had a distinguished status and would become their mistress in the future. They did not want to make the princess angry.
But the sword-wielding priest followed Zhao Cheng and others into the inner courtyard.
Favors are favors, rules are rules, stand aside with a sword in hand and wait.
Zhao Cheng understood, stepped forward, faced the door of the palace and announced inside:
"Your Highness, the two emerald cabbage slaves who paid tribute to Fan Mansion have moved here. At the same time, according to your instructions, the second shopkeeper of Fan Mansion's Dongzhu Shop was called to discuss changing the bead strings."
There was no reply for a while in the bedroom.
And then,
The worshiper of the Qu family who was holding the sword silently put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and the worshipers on the periphery slowly stood at the door. Their Qi was connected, and sometimes they could understand each other's meaning without speaking at all.
Uncle Zheng, who had just changed his career to jewelry design, stood there,
A calm demeanor.
to be honest,
Walking through strong winds and waves,
It's prudent to be cautious beforehand.
When an incident occurs, you can still remain absolutely calm.
at last,
The princess's voice came from the palace:
"Come in, the bead string from last time was too ugly."
The sword-holding worshiper loosened his hand on the hilt and slowly exited the inner courtyard. All the worshipers outside also took back their guard.
Zhao Cheng's body swayed slightly. He was actually the most nervous before, because no matter what kind of conflict ended, he, Zhao Cheng, had no way to survive.
The two jade cabbages were sent in, and Zhao Cheng ordered:
"You, you, go down and change the pot of charcoal. This charcoal is not burned properly and can easily incense the princess. You, you, go down and change the incense. The princess doesn't like the smell."
"Yes, Eunuch Zhao."
"Yes, Eunuch Zhao."
No one needs to teach you,
Eunuch Zhao directly transformed into the old bustard when Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian met and began to spontaneously clear the surrounding obstacles and create conditions.
It's really hard for Eunuch Zhao. Not long after he took office, he had to take care of such a big thing.
Everyone in the palace was sent out by Eunuch Zhao, and now only Zheng Fan, the princess and Eunuch Zhao were left.
Eunuch Zhao also instinctively wanted to go out.
But he hesitated,
Still not out.
No matter what,
He must stay here, otherwise it would not be appropriate for the princess to be here alone with a man.
I have actually seen everything I should see and shouldn’t see.
The princess stood there and looked at the man.
A scene appeared that made Eunuch Zhao's heart twitch again.
The man did not salute the princess;
Instead, he leisurely pulled out a stool and sat on it, crossing his legs.
"I'm thirsty, bring me some tea."
This was clearly meant for the princess.
Zhao Cheng hesitated for a moment and did not dare to step forward to help pour tea. He did not dare to compete with the princess for a man.
The princess looked at the man with a half-smile,
Come slowly,
"I really didn't expect that you would actually dare to come here. You are not afraid..."
The man suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the princess's wrist, and then dragged the princess over, letting her sit on his lap and leaning into his arms.
Eunuch Zhao's breathing suddenly shortened!
The man randomly buried his face in the princess's hair,
took a breath,
"I? Haha, I'm so skinny again."
in fact,
Uncle Zheng was wronged.
With Uncle Zheng's character, he really couldn't do such a thing as entering a private meeting in the royal palace in advance.
This is not like a junior high school student falling in love, bringing a guitar to the girl's downstairs to play music, and while courting, he must be careful not to disturb the girl's parents.
Stimulation is stimulation,
Sweetness is sweetness,
Beautiful is beautiful,
But if the girl’s parents really want to kill someone with a knife,
Then I guess no one would dare to run over and try to fix it, no matter how pretty the girl is.
Uncle Zheng really had no intention of coming, and he didn't intend to go "deep into the tiger's den" to exert some influence. He thought he would become the unparalleled hero of Longtan alone or something.
First of all, Uncle Zheng actually has no feelings for this Princess of Chu;
In other words, Uncle Zheng has always been cold and cold when it comes to relationships.
Secondly, you have to toss and toss again and again, and you have to risk yourself in the tossing and tossing, so why bother?
Plans can't keep up with changes.
Originally, Uncle Zheng and his party were riding in the Fan family's carriage. They planned to go to Zhou County and wait until the Lantern Festival to give it a try. At the same time, they asked Xue San or other members of the Fan family to try to contact them with a message or something. Let’s take a look at the princess, and finally weigh the princess’s reaction before deciding which method of kidnapping the bride will be adopted on the wedding day.
Who knows what a coincidence,
The Fan family team that Zheng Fan was in met with the Qingluan Army of [-] people heading north. This army was recruiting auxiliary soldiers and civilians, and its general actually pulled most of the team away. .
This is a normal thing in Chu State. After all, the Qu family is the master of the Fan family. It is normal and reasonable to take away the Fan family members for their own use.
Therefore, in front of the 80 Qingluan Army, the original Fan Mansion team was selected separately. Seven or eighty people continued to transport the precious wedding utensils. Accompanied by the [-] Qingluan Army, they went to the Imperial Garden, and the remaining The Fan family was asked to go to the front to help transport food.
Because during the march, Uncle Zheng was lazy and took a nap in the carriage loaded with jade cabbage. When something happened, he also leaned out to check, but he happened to be allocated the opportunity to go to the royal family by the Qingluan Army general. Among the batch delivered by Yuan.
That's it,
Zheng Fan separated from A Ming, He Chunlai, and Chen Daole.
A Ming was probably carrying food and grass ahead of him in a dull and unhappy manner, but if nothing else happened, they should be able to escape in the next two days.
As for Uncle Zheng, he entered the Royal Villa just like this.
Fortunately, the manager of the Fan Mansion of this team recognized Zheng Fan. Although Zheng Fan's true identity was unclear, Zheng Fan had privileges in front of Fan Zhengwen's cronies.
It was just discussed that when another wave of people from the Fan Mansion comes to take over tomorrow, Zheng Fan can take the opportunity to be arranged to leave and go to Zhou County.
After all, most of the preparations for the wedding require the Fan family to work back and forth, but there is a lot of room for control.
Uncle Zheng thought it was nothing, just waiting for a day.
At the same time, Uncle Zheng had no intention of going to see the girl he was going to snatch on the Lantern Festival;
The reason is simple: cowardice.
Don't look at the fact that before the princess left, she treated her fourth mother like a sister and treated herself like a concubine. That was because the current situation forced her and she had to think about Uncle Zheng putting her back;
Now she is a princess and her status has changed.
Don't make random guesses about a woman's thoughts, especially this woman can make you lose your head at this time.
Uncle Zheng planned to come quietly and then leave quietly without disturbing the clouds of Chu State.
but who knows,
I actually met Zhao Cheng!
Many times, a big shot doesn't realize that his words or even his eyes can completely change the world of another ordinary person.
Just like Zhao Cheng,
Just because I looked at Zheng Fan one more time while drinking mutton soup,
Now he has become Eunuch Zhao.
What kind of mental journey Eunuch Zhao has gone through, whether it was darkness, anger, joy, regret, or a strong desire for power, etc., Uncle Zheng has no time to care about and analyze;
Uncle Zheng only knows this guy in front of him.
He recognizes himself!
This is very embarrassing.
He knows himself,
Then it is equivalent to what I am doing here,
The princess will definitely find out.
Because of the eunuch in front of him, he had no reason to hide this from the princess.
The princess must know she is coming;
If she knew she was coming but hadn't thought of going in to see her yet, the princess would most likely be very angry.
No matter what the princess's thoughts are, whether she has changed her mind, whether she is willing to follow the previously set script, yes, even if she did not order the massacre of the Fan family, who knows what she is thinking?
But one big thing is unmistakable, that is, there must be one thing: Am I not delicious?
No matter how I feel about you, no matter whether I am willing to give you a chance, no matter whether I really want to go with you,
How dare you think that I don’t smell good?
Well, this is actually the same for men and women. After all, they are individuals and they all have possessiveness and an inherent element of feeling good about themselves.
Uncle Zheng used to lead troops in wars and also liked to take eccentric directions. Although the tactics were formulated by Liang Cheng, the plan and route were decided by Uncle Zheng himself. Uncle Zheng's brain was always very good at emergencies.
See, must see!
The Eunuch Zhao in front of him cannot kill him now, after all, he is in full view of everyone;
So the princess will definitely know that she is in the royal villa!
The change of environment leads to the reversal of status,
If you avoid seeing them, your favorability will decrease;
Take the initiative to see you, pretend that I am just here to see you, I just miss you, I will not hesitate to risk my life to see you, and act like a domineering president, your favorability will definitely increase.
After all, as long as you lick a dog well, you can gain a good impression.
Of course, Uncle Zheng no longer wants to be a licking dog, but for his own life.
If he didn't go to see the princess, Zheng Fan could wave his hand when Zhao Cheng found him, and Zhao Cheng would most likely not say anything. He would get off the carriage and move away, but he would definitely tell the princess.
Uncle Zheng is here.
The princess's expression is constantly changing slightly;
Zheng Fan could even feel the woman sitting on his lap
She seemed to be weighing, as if hesitating;
Uncle Zheng never felt that he was Pan An, and women would be attracted to him when they saw him, and they would be unable to walk.
In fact, since the world woke up, except for Siniang who was special to him, the other women who wanted to get close to him, such as the Hakka family, did not do it for their appearance and personality, but purely for their wealth and status.
Eunuch Zhao stood there with his eyes closed, hoping that he was like a ball of air, I don't exist, I don't exist, I don't exist.
The scene in front of me is really too hot for the eyes.
And then,
There was a call from outside,
Because Eunuch Zhao was inside, it was another young eunuch who came to communicate:
"Your Royal Highness, General Huwei has come to ask for an audience."
Although privately the eunuchs and maids serving the princess in the inner and outer courtyards had cordially called the prince-in-law in advance, on formal occasions, especially in front of the princess, they did not dare to make a mistake.
Qu Peiluo has not yet inherited his father's status as Zhu Guo. He is now General Huwei conferred by the Regent, and is nominally in charge of Qu's Qingluan Army.
Zheng Fan clearly felt that,
When I heard that Qu Peiluo came to ask for an audience,
woman sitting on legs
Eunuch Zhao, on the other hand, was already a little panicked. What's going on? The princess was meeting a wild man here, but the prince-in-law came to visit!
Zheng Fan, on the other hand, looked calm and peaceful.
Without waiting for the princess to speak,
Then he turned his head and looked at Eunuch Zhao,
Pointing to the door,
"Let him go."
(End of this chapter)

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