Chapter 452
In the past, when Yupan City was not destroyed by war, there was a famous local snack called fried fish.
It uses a small fish that is a specialty of Wangjiang River. It is oiled to remove the earthy smell, but it must not be left for too long, otherwise the fresh flavor will be lost.
Therefore, when local vendors prepare this snack, they often use long chopsticks, quick eyes and quick hands to chop the oil into the bowl.
Uncle Zheng is doing the same thing now.
After all, what he was facing now was a group of nobles and dignitaries from Chu.
Meat eaters are despicable, but meat eaters are never stupid.
All their arrangements must be thrown out in a short period of time and be effective quickly, otherwise they are destined to slow down, and when the time comes, their performance will turn into "catching a turtle in a urn."
No negotiation, no delay,
Ask for it,
It means taking the initiative in a short period of time.
of course,
When the blade of the knife pierced "A Ming's" chest, Uncle Zheng couldn't help but feel a little sad. It would be great if the person standing in front of him and being held hostage was the real regent.
Then in the future, whether he is walking around the world or in military temples, he may rarely be called "Hiraye Bo" again, but will be called a regicide.
To be honest,
This title may be unlucky, but in terms of style, it really has nothing to say.
Right now,
The eyes of Uncle Zheng, A Ming and Siniang met in an instant, exchanging information with each other silently.
Maybe it's because everyone has a high level of tacit understanding, and because the blind man used to be mentally chained when he was here, we can really understand each other's eyes.
A Ming: My lord, why did you just stab your chest?
Zheng Fan: Could it be that he squatted down and stabbed you in the leg?
A Ming: Repairing wounds at this location will consume more blood.
Zheng Fan: I'm going to poke you in the leg because I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to run away later.
Si Niang: Why hasn’t San’er come yet?
at this time,
A loud roar came,
A person flew from above the crowd.
It's the kind of appearance that often appears in martial arts movies, stepping on the shoulders of the crowd and coming directly.
at last,
This person landed.
He was wearing a dark-colored gown, and there was a strong sinister aura between his brows and eyes.
This is a master,
Because after he appeared, the worshipers from other noble houses around him either bowed their heads in greeting or took half a step back.
In fact, in this situation, such a strong individual existence is really troublesome.
Because this is not a confrontation between two armies, but a small local conflict. In addition, Zheng Fan's number of people here is actually a disadvantage.
This is why Zheng Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he knew that the regent would be exhausted and would not attend the wedding, because even if the sword-maker was eliminated, there must still be several real masters around the regent. , they may not be very conspicuous in the face of a duel with thousands of troops, but in such a scene, they can often change the situation.
"Haha, Qu Mingxuan, the Qu family, has met Uncle Da Yanpingye."
This person cupped his hands and cupped his fists,
The steps moved forward again.
Uncle Zheng's eyes immediately narrowed, and he instantly understood that the old dog wanted to get closer to detect the true and false status of the regent.
Uncle Zheng directly pulled out the knife from the Regent's chest.
Then without hesitation, he stabbed the Regent in the shoulder.
"..." A Ming.
Qu Mingxuan's feet stopped.
He is not worshiped by the Qu family. He is a member of the Qu family. He was originally a collateral descendant. However, because he showed extremely high talent in martial arts since childhood, he was trained by the family as a direct descendant. Now, he is a fourth-grade descendant. One of the most respected warriors in the Qu family is Qu Peiluo's father, Qu Tiannan, who also received his guidance during martial arts training. On weekdays, he was also responsible for teaching kung fu to young disciples of the Qu family.
Precisely because he was a member of the Qu family, he hesitated at this time.
He was confident that he could break through the obstruction of the Yan people in front of him and get to the platform without paying a small price and not letting them get entangled.
He even had the confidence to capture the plain man.
Even if the biggest surprise comes up,
He also dared to pat his chest and guarantee that he could at least exchange his life for peace with Ye Bo.
Here, not counting the help of others, it was purely done by himself. This is the pride of a peak warrior.
In fact, it’s natural,
Thinking back then, Shatuo Queshi could have continuously collided with thousands of Zhenbei Army cavalry, and in the end, they died of exhaustion. The physiques of real peak warriors are indeed shocking.
But still,
The horizontal one is afraid of being stunned!
Uncle Zheng's current boldness made this powerful warrior panic.
Zheng Fan looked at him,
"I came from a humble beginning in Guizhou. Fortunately, my Majesty, the Great Yan, appreciated me, promoted me to a high position, and granted me the title of earl. Today, I am here only for the woman I love;
But if I am really pushed into a hurry, the worst I can do is kill the king here and die in love with my beloved woman here.
Below, I will live up to the princess's deep love for me; above, I will live up to the kindness my majesty shows me!
You can keep moving forward,
I am the regicide,
And the one who forced your father to death,
It's you, Qu! "
"Come on, don't hesitate, kill him, kill them, kill them! I don't blame you, I don't blame you!"
A Ming roared.
A Ming seemed to be too deeply involved in the drama.
He even added it himself:
"In Da Chu, there is no captured emperor. After my death, my decree was passed down and my fifth brother Xiong Tingshan was invited to enter the capital of Ying to preside over the affairs of the court!"
Perhaps Zheng Fan's previous threats and simply had an effect,
Or perhaps A Ming's self-exposure had an effect,
Qu Mingxuan stopped moving forward and began to retreat.
Because no matter how fast his body skills are, they are not as fast as other people's swords.
The rest of the nobles did not dare to say anything at this time, because one of the bad things about today's situation was that the regent had passed away and Da Chu was once again plunged into civil strife.
At the same time, what the regent said about passing on the administration to His Highness the Fifth Prince also made many nobles present feel trembling.
This sentence once again solidified the "fact" that this was the true regent.
Because only the regent can issue such a decree in this situation.
However, His Highness the Fifth Prince is in Wutong County, and what he is responsible for is the interests of the local forces in Wutong County and the Shanyue tribe.
In other words, the basic base of His Highness the Fifth Prince is not in line with the long-standing nobles of the Chu Kingdom present, so no one wants to give His Highness the Fifth Prince a chance.
Uncle Zheng shouted:
"Let us go, your regent of Dachu, and I will return it to you!"
No one responded.
Uncle Zheng directly ordered:
"Golden magic is good, lead the horse!"
Whoever dares to stop him will be killed by the regent! "
There are really a lot of horses here. Not to mention other things, there are [-] white horses that Qu Peiluo brought with him when he welcomed his bride. They are all good horses.
Under the leadership of Jin Shuke, the Xuehaiguan soldiers ran to bring their horses over one by one, completely ignoring the weapons of the Chu people around them.
The horses were brought in. Uncle Zheng got on the horse first, then picked up the princess from the platform and let her sit in front of him.
Siniang took the regent hostage and got on a horse. Everyone was ready.
The nobles of the Chu Kingdom on the periphery were like sculptures. No one stopped them during the whole process because no one dared.
Not far away, dust was flying, and about 2000 Qingluan Army troops had arrived and formed a formation in front, but they did not rush over.
Zheng Fan hugged the princess with one hand and held the reins with the other.
The princess could feel that Uncle Zheng seemed calm, but in fact, his body was very stiff, which meant he was nervous.
Really nervous,
Because life and death are in an instant.
This is different from when you led the army into battle before, because in the past, no matter how unpredictable the future was, you always had a chance to fight for survival and victory, but here, once you overturn, you are destined to be overturned.
This feeling of walking a tightrope is very exciting, but Uncle Zheng feels that after this walk, he should be more careful down there.
In life, a healthy balance between work and rest.
"Jin Shuke, let go of General Huwei! General Huwei treats people sincerely and is a good person. Good people must be rewarded!"
"Yes, uncle!"
Jin Shuke threw Qu Peiluo off his horse.
After Qu Peiluo rolled twice on the ground, he passed out.
"Everyone, things have not changed. We will meet on the battlefield in the future. Please tell me your names. I, Uncle Pingye, will spare your lives so that you can participate in my wedding!
Walk! "
The Yan people rode away, but the more than 2000 Qingluan Army soldiers who had already arrived did not receive military orders from the upper echelons of the Qu family. They hesitated and did not choose to stop them.
Qu Mingxuan stood there, clenching his fists.
Today's incident has completely disgraced Qu's face.
But now is really not the time to worry about the Qu family's own face, because the regent is still in the hands of the Yan people.
The Qingluan Army was still dispatched. The Qingluan Army on the outskirts of the Royal Villa set off first, and several cavalry teams with more than a thousand riders pursued them first. At the same time, military orders were issued to various places, requiring the establishment of blockades to intercept them.
The nobles of the Chu people finally came to their senses and responded.
Earlier in the Villa, everyone was shocked by Zheng Fan's move of directly stabbing the regent. As soon as Zheng Fan left, all the troops immediately took action.
However, the initial pursuit was bound to be somewhat restrained.
When the nobles over there learn that the regent has not been captured, the pursuit will surely intensify rapidly, and the boundless anger of the Chu people will inevitably be vented.
This is, after all, the country of Chu, the land of Chu!
But there must be a time difference between the two military orders here;
Uncle Zheng wants to make a name for himself, but he definitely doesn’t want to make a name for himself behind his back, so now he’s pretending, and he’s showing off. The only thing now is to come back alive!
After Zheng Fan's group rode out from the imperial palace, they headed straight for Zhou County. The north gate of Zhou County was suddenly set on fire and a team of more than 200 riders rushed out. Finally, it went all the way west and northwest, splitting into two groups and starting to continue galloping.
The large number of Chu cavalry chasing after them immediately split into two groups and continued the pursuit.
And late that night,
The window of a guest room on the second floor of an inn in Zhou County was pushed open from the inside.
Uncle Zheng looked up at the moon in the sky and stretched.
At this time, Uncle Zheng had already taken off his military uniform and dressed up as a businessman.
Sitting on the bed behind Uncle Zheng is Xiong Liqing. She is holding a candlestick and directing the wax oil to drip down.
Uncle Zheng and the princess are still in Zhou County.
Siniang A Ming led one group, and Xue San led the other group. They had already headed to Qishan and Mengshan respectively to prepare for "escape".
And they are actually all bait, and Uncle Zheng is not among them.
Because the road to escape is destined to be very dangerous, there are bound to be too many accidents, and it is extremely dangerous.
The entire length of many movies is actually about escape and the various things that go on during the escape.
Therefore, Uncle Zheng chose to do the opposite. The most dangerous place was the safest place. He chose to stay first and let the Chu people's attention be attracted to the two groups. It was best to chase and intercept them. Use all the methods, just toss it hard.
at this time,
Looking at the moon in the sky,
Uncle Zheng really feels like he has jumped out of the Three Realms and is no longer in the Five Elements.
A low cry came from the princess' mouth.
Uncle Zheng turned around and looked at the princess who was dripping wax on herself. The hot wax oil was dripping on her smooth arms.
Fortunately, Uncle Zheng is not stupid and does not think that the princess's dignified and virtuous appearance hides such strong tastes.
He saw the mark on the princess' arm where the wax dripped. It should be the legendary fire phoenix mark that only core members of the royal family can possess.
She is temporarily sealing the mark.
Uncle Zheng just kept watching, watching the princess complete these steps.
After finishing,
The princess was leaning on the bed,
There is sweat on the body,
Hair is messy,
Lips are red,
Uncle Zheng smiled.
The princess looked at Uncle Zheng and asked:
"Does it feel like you've been raped?"
Uncle Zheng nodded.
The princess smiled,
"I just eloped with you, and you treat me like this?"
Uncle Zheng shrugged.
The princess bit her lip and said bitterly: "My arm hurts so much from being burned. Please tell me more about the edict and make me feel better."
"Hahaha." Uncle Zheng breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Who will continue to feed the bait to the fish that has been hooked?"
"So all men are like this, they don't know how to cherish it when they get it?"
Uncle Zheng walked to the bed, sat down, shook his head and said, "No."
The princess sighed, looked at the solidified traces of wax oil on her arm, and said, "I never thought that one day, I would take the initiative to cover this mark."
This fire phoenix mark is a symbol of the royal family and the pride of the Chu royal family.
"If it's like this, is it safe?"
The princess said: "It should be temporarily sealed for a period of time, unless a wizard is nearby to investigate."
"That's not completely safe."
Zheng Fan took out a red stone from his arms and threw it to the princess.
"Bringing it with you can completely cover the aura of the fire phoenix mark on your body. Even if Wu Zheng walks in front of you, he won't be able to notice it."
a long time,
The princess held the red stone, looked at Zheng Fan sideways, and asked:
"So, why didn't you tell me earlier when I was dripping wax?"
"Because the slightly painful expression on your face when the wax is dripping, I think it is very beautiful and I want to appreciate it for a while."
"Uncle Hirano!"
"General Zheng!"
"Zheng Fan!"
"Smelly man, bastard!"
"Do you really want me to regret the first night with you?"
In fact, the princess really wrongly blamed Uncle Zheng.
The reason why Uncle Zheng didn't dare to throw the magic pill directly at the beginning was that he was worried that the magic pill would lose control and fly out suddenly and smash the princess's head.
Uncle Zheng has always been aware of the murderous intention of the magic pill against him;
At the same time, it becomes clearer that Mowan’s murderous intention towards the opposite sex close to him is even more serious!
I will kill whoever wants to be my mother!
After hesitating and weighing, Zheng Fan decided to give out the magic pill after seeing that the princess herself could not guarantee that this method could completely block the aura of the fire phoenix.
Because according to Murphy's law, the probability that a wizard happens to be very close to you is obviously small, but the probability of a magic pill suddenly bursting out and killing the stepmother is high.
So when you choose Magic Pills, just think of it as a mouthful of milk for yourself.
In addition, Uncle Zheng couldn't help but complain in his heart that the royal family of Yan State had been vigorously raising and breeding wild beasts, while the royal family of Chu State was busy installing navigation and positioning devices on their core children.
"Those two groups of people were sold by you like this?" the princess asked after putting away the red stone.
"Don't say it so harshly."
"But they do take risks for you, and even, many people will die for you."
"Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while."
"You don't feel guilty?"
"If I don't return to Yan State alive, I will feel the greatest guilt for what I have done to them."
Uncle Zheng felt that there were two groups of people. Firstly, there were arrangements by the Fan Mansion. Secondly, there were barbarian soldiers reserved there to support them. Thirdly, there were demon kings leading each group. Some people might be sacrificed, but they should be able to go back. of.
The reason why I didn't follow them was because I wanted to be foolproof.
Admittedly, the biggest reason is that Uncle Zheng is afraid of death.
"You have a thick skin."
Uncle Zheng replied: "You should have known it when I held you in my arms in your bedroom.
Besides, we were on a blind date.
In folk blind dates, the man goes to the woman's house, that is, to meet once, and the woman secretly hides behind the window to take a look at the man. After the parents of both parties discuss the dowry and gift, the decision is made.
The two of us have met a lot and know a lot about each other, right? "
"But what about the parents' orders?"
"After I take you back, I will write a letter to His Majesty the Regent. Da Chu's State Letter will definitely reprimand me, but in private, His Majesty the Regent will send me a personal letter calling me a good sister-in-law.
Your brother is the emperor. People like the emperor are the most realistic. "
"I am now the sinner of the entire Dachu."
"Believe me, when I lead my army into Dachu in the future, the nobles present today will crawl at your feet and regard you as their greatest savior and hope."
The princess bit her lip and looked at Zheng Fan.
Don't say
This expression is quite cute.
Uncle Zheng was lying on the bed, resting his arm on his pillow, and said:
"Stay here for two more days, and then we'll head back."
The princess is silent,
for a while,
She got out of bed.
Uncle Zheng raised his body and looked at her and asked:
"Why go?"
"Get hot water and wash your feet."
"Doesn't she feel like a good wife and mother?" the princess asked.
"Adding the word 'this palace' will make it feel better."
(End of this chapter)

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