The devil is coming

Chapter 508 History is as sharp as a knife

Chapter 508 History is as sharp as a knife
The wind of Jin land slowly blows the promotion;
in fact,
The way to advance in this round has already been clear. After all, Fan Li takes the lead, and then Liang Cheng, Siniang and A Ming follow up;
In this kind of matter, the demon kings basically "share information" because no one knows who will advance first in the next round;
Furthermore, everyone is surrounding the Lord and living this "life" together. It can be said that we are now a team, and this team has a high degree of freedom. Everyone has a great time, and it is not you who advance. Without the conflict of interest, I would not be able to advance, so there would be no internal friction.
The key point of this round is four words - open your heart.
A new level that breaks away from simple "licking", but in fact, it is not difficult.
The blind man had been hesitating and thinking before,
As he said, there was nothing in his heart.
Nothingness is actually a "thing";
As the saying goes, form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.
The blind man is a very smart person. Smart people tend to be very calm and orderly when doing more than [-]% of things, but sometimes they also get into trouble.
Promotion should be an exciting and joyful thing, after all, it means a further recovery of strength;
This style of painting,
This is the foreshadowing,
It is difficult for a blind person to extract that feeling of joy.
As Uncle Zheng said before, if the blind man advanced while wiping the orange flakes from the corners of his mouth, Zheng Fan would be disgusted for ten years;
Now, it's the other way around.
And the emotion of "disgusting" is often very strange. When two people stand together and one of them feels disgusted, the other person often feels that it doesn't matter, and even wants to laugh a little bit.
"Congratulations." Uncle Zheng said perfunctorily.
The blind man held his forehead and waved his hands in the same perfunctory manner.
"I think I just happened to be in a good mood, and it has nothing to do with Orange." Uncle Zheng said.
The blind man shook his head,
"Lord, there is no need to explain this matter."
The blind man raised his head,
What he just said also made him feel a little mentally uncomfortable.
"Thank you for staying here and helping the Sword Master protect the law. I have something else to do."
This was an extremely crude excuse, because if it was a serious matter, it was impossible for the blind man not to know about it, but he still nodded. After Uncle Zheng left, the newly promoted blind man took his place and became the guardian of the Sword Master.
He also needs to be quiet, and even more so, to slow down.
right now,
The most fortunate thing,
He should be promoted in the second half of the batch. If he were the first, then his promotion experience would definitely be asked over and over again by other demon kings to explain in detail many times;
This will be a horrific ordeal;
The painting style is also likely to be led into a strange whirlpool, which is not called eye-searing, but needle-pricked in the eyes.
for a while,
The blind man silently took out the second orange from his pocket.
Put it back in the pocket.
Next to him, there is half an orange left by Uncle Zheng.
The blind man pointed his fingertips forward,
The orange rolled down the steps and rolled forward;
Fingertips tighten again,
The orange began to roll back again;
roll over
Roll over again,
roll over
rolled over again;
At last,
The blind man snapped his fingers,
Half an orange exploded directly.
The smell of orange immediately filled the air.
The corners of the blind man's mouth twitched,
This sickly sweet and sour taste.
Uncle Zheng was indeed busy, and Siniang had been busy signing the pledge room these days. When he returned home in triumph, Siniang told him the news about the "missing" of the sword master, and immediately went to sort out the account books.
The battle against Chu is about to begin.
Snow Customs must have at least [-] soldiers, as well as corresponding civilian husbands;
Now, more savage slaves have joined the army. Counting all kinds of money, food and military supplies, only Siniang has the ability to sort out all these things.
Therefore, Uncle Zheng was embarrassed to ask Siniang:
Didn't I agree that I would start making babies when I came back from Yanjing? When will I start?
She didn't bother Si Niang. She went to bed very early every day at the princess's place. As long as conditions allowed, she would maintain the almost rigid schedule of the Chu nobles. Uncle Zheng didn't go either.
Uncle Zheng walked into an elegant courtyard.
She doesn't go to bed very early, and she can't go to bed very early.
When the two maids on guard saw Zheng Fan approaching, they immediately saluted:
"See uncle."
"See uncle."
"Okay, you go down."
Uncle Zheng directly opened the door and saw a beautiful figure sitting inside.
Liu Ruqing wore a purple thin silk gown before going to bed, which highlighted her exquisite figure.
This outfit can only be worn in the bedroom and cannot be worn out.
Although people often say that people rely on clothes, there is also a kind of people who can support clothes on their own.
Liu Ruqing is such a woman. Her appearance, her temperament, her style, her fragility, everything, form the most harmonious symbiosis in her.
If she were in the palace, she would definitely be the kind of woman who could keep the king from going to court early.
Even the melancholy belonging to a widow is decorated with an intoxicating fragrance between her eyebrows, which is just right and just right.
Not resentment, nor hatred, nor sorrow,
But sad;
If it is increased by one point, it will be too greasy, and if it is reduced by one point, it will be too bland.
Just as Uncle Zheng thought, others may be busy and may go to bed early, but Liu Ruqing does not.
In the Fan family, Liu Ruqing has been a widow for many years. When meeting the Fan family during the day, she has to deal with it appropriately. At night, before falling asleep, she has to spend some time lamenting her loneliness;
After arriving at the Earl's Palace, I still have to lament the sadness of leaving home for a while;
Today, because I bumped into a scene that I shouldn't have seen, there was actually an extra chapter.
Fan Zhengwen sent her all the way to Xueguan for what purpose, Liu Ruqing knew very well. Although she was Fan Zhengwen's sister-in-law, it stands to reason that Fan Zhengwen, the elder brother, should try his best to preserve his brother's widow;
But no matter what, this famous doctor uncle whom she once thought was invited by the grandmother of the Fan family turned out to be such a distinguished person.
Liu Ruqing's temperament cannot be said to be cowardly, but in fact, she still cannot escape the constraints of the current world where women are men's dependencies;
She had already arranged her position and sat in the concubine's seat. At the same time, after learning that her brother Liu Zhong would also come to Xuehaiguan, she had already regarded the Earl's Mansion as her new destination.
Originally a single person, what's the difference between being entrusted to Fan's Mansion and being entrusted to Earl's Mansion?
Now that she was mentally prepared, Liu Ruqing was also waiting for the day when "uncle" would enter her bedroom and harvest her body.
This was what she should do, and she didn't think of resisting;
If she really wanted to resist, she would have countless opportunities to end her life on the way from Fan's house to Xuehaiguan.
To be honest, just as the princess once compared Qu Peiluo and Uncle Zheng and concluded that Uncle Zheng was better than Qu Peiluo no matter what;
Liu Ruqing could not help but compare her late husband with Uncle Zheng, but even the eldest son of the Qu family could not compare with him. How could a sick young man from the Fan family compare with Uncle Pingye of Dayan? ?
In fact, comparing the late husband and Hirano Bo together is more like deliberately exalting the deceased husband and desecrating Hirano Bo.
Liu Ruqing knew that the thoughts in her mind were wrong, but she couldn't control where she thought.
Living in the Earl's Mansion, eating in the Earl's Mansion, and traveling in the Earl's Mansion, if you don't think about Uncle Hirano, who else can you think about?
She was prepared,
It might be tonight, it might be tomorrow night, it might be the night after;
However, Uncle Zheng never stayed overnight here, but he would come over from time to time during the day, listen to himself singing, and call him "uncle" twice.
Women have delicate minds, and Liu Ruqing has a beautiful heart. Although she wore white flowers on her hair early in her life, she has often chatted with her sisters-in-law in Fan Mansion over the years.
She also knows some of men's thoughts and preferences.
For example,
she knows
Uncle Zheng seemed to like hearing himself call him "uncle".
Although she is his concubine and his roommate in name only, she likes to call her her elder.
Sister Feng also knew about this, and even ordered someone to call her over and ask him to call her "uncle".
Liu Ruqing was frightened at that time.
Because she knew Siniang’s position in the Earl’s Mansion,
Even Princess Da Chu has to act small in front of her, let alone her.
Liu Ruqing thought that Siniang was angry that she used such charming methods to seduce Uncle Pingye.
She herself felt a little guilty, because she also wanted to please Uncle Hirano, so she didn't change the title.
Siniang just asked her to call uncle a few times in front of her face.
He asked her to call "Daddy" a few more times.
He waved her off.
After this incident, Liu Ruqing gradually let go as she came to the Earl's Mansion for a long time.
Hirano Bobi's Fan Mansion is indeed very deserted, but she actually likes this desertedness. When nothing happens, she can enjoy raising flowers in her small yard and reading a book, without having to deliberately smile at people. It's very comfortable here.
The only discomfort is, when did Mr. Hirano take me?
Although she knew that as a woman, it would make her feel ashamed to think about this, she couldn't help but think about it, because she was already a "ruined flower".
Most importantly, after getting through the initial confusion and panic, she instinctively wanted to seek a guarantee for her current life.
Moreover, his younger brother will also come here soon.
Although she was called "aunt" by her servants, she, as an aunt, had never caught anything.
Just like a document, it has been written long ago and the handwriting has dried, but it has never been stamped.
This heart,
It just kept floating in the sky and couldn't get down.
It's not that she didn't think about deliberately seducing Mr. Hirano, but her charm came from the inside out, not deliberately. Calling "uncle" on purpose was the best she could do.
Every time I see Mr. Hirano,
As he sat in front of him,
You will feel a tremendous pressure on yourself.
She was afraid of him, so scared that she couldn't control herself.
Liu Ruqing looked at her face in the mirror, and her eyes were slightly moist. She didn't want to think about her husband being as good as Long Yang, but what about the scene in the daytime?
And then,
Uncle Zheng opened the door and came in.
Liu Ruqing stood up in fright, put her hands on her chest, and when she saw Uncle Zheng, she timidly shouted;
This was the first time Uncle Hirano entered her bedroom at night. Liu Ruqing's face couldn't help but blush.
A ripe peach looks like water will come out of it if you pinch it lightly.
Uncle Zheng walked straight over, sat down on the stool where Liu Ruqing was sitting before, and then unceremoniously took the beautiful woman into his arms.
Liu Ruqing exclaimed,
Then he buried his face in Uncle Zheng's chest and tightly grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands.
If everything is so logical, then... it will be logical.
This didn't come too fast or suddenly, but it came too slowly. This kind of waiting is also a kind of suffering.
I gave my body to him today,
Tomorrow, when I face the servants in the yard and call me aunt, I don't have to feel so weak.
The other hand lifted her chin,
Let her eyes meet his.
In his eyes,
It's more like a blue wave rippling into people's hearts. This is not about attracting people's hearts, but that their hearts have already melted.
At the same time, Liu Ruqing also felt the fire that was about to erupt in the chest and eyes of the man holding her.
Living alone in the desert for a long time is like a pool of spring water that can't wait for the breeze to blow its ripples;
When dry wood meets sparks, shyness and embarrassment and the eagerness to refuse but welcome,
This sound enters the lungs, this tune brings emotions;
Uncle Zheng took a deep breath,
"Good boy, shout a few more times."
When he helped the blind man advance, Uncle Zheng was worried that his rhythm would be disrupted by the wind in Jinland. Although he was confident that he was a straight man, at this moment, he also needed Liu Ruqing to help him "prevent the slightest change."
Liu Ruqing put her arms around Uncle Zheng's neck,
Put your mouth to Uncle Zheng’s ear,
"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!"
Buckets of well water poured down from the top of the head.
The swordswoman holding two bunches of candied haws in her hand walked by and saw the person standing by the wellhead. She was a little confused. Then, after she recognized who it was, she couldn't help but said unexpectedly:
"Uncle? Are you practicing at night?"
Uncle Zheng ignored the sword maid, but picked up another bucket of well water and poured it on himself.
"Uncle, you are too self-disciplined."
The sword maid took the initiative and came over.
Zheng Fan threw the barrel aside and said to her;
"Bring me the veil and clothes."
"Um, okay, uncle."
The sword maid quickly ran out and brought a towel and a set of clothes.
After briefly wiping his body and changing into clothes, Uncle Zheng reached out and grabbed a bunch of candied haws from the sword maid, took a bite and said:
"Children, please eat less sweets at night to avoid tooth decay."
Uncle Zheng walked directly to the front house.
Sign in the room,
Siniang was still flipping through the account books, frowning slightly from time to time.
When Uncle Zheng walked in, Siniang raised her head, looked at him, and smiled.
"Thank you for your hard work, Si Niang."
Uncle Zheng walked to the table and put the candied haws in his hand to Siniang's mouth.
Si Niang opened her red lips lightly and took a bite.
Uncle Zheng asked: "Is it sweet?"
Siniang nodded and said, "Sweet."
While chewing, he continued to flip through the account book in his hand.
"Don't be too tired, pay attention to rest." Uncle Zheng said.
Siniang nodded, continued to look at the account book, and said;
"Well, wait until the servants finish what they are doing."
Uncle Zheng pulled a chair next to him, sat down, and said:
"Tell me, the conversation we just had, does it sound like I am the little puppy kept by a rich woman?"
"My lord, do you want to change the scene mode?"
"Ha ha."
"How are you doing, sister Ruqing?"
Uncle Zheng raised his eyebrows.
Siniang smiled and said: "It's not that the slave family is deliberately watching, but the little hooves in the mansion. Most of them were gathered by the slave family in Hutou City. When they saw the master, they went to sister Ruqing's house at night, and they came right away. The slave family is here to make a report."
Uncle Zheng shook his head and said, "Actually, I didn't do anything."
"Didn't do it?" Siniang was a little surprised, put down the pen in her hand, and looked at Zheng Fan.
Only then did Siniang realize that Zheng Fan's hair was still wet;
With her quick mind, she immediately understood Zheng Fan's thoughts and said:
"My lord, I don't mind this."
"But I don't mind." Uncle Zheng said seriously, "Actually, I think it will be fine for the two of us to make do with each other in this world.
If you want a child, we will have a child. If you don’t want a child, we will live our lives the same way. "
"Slave family..."
"In short, I will not touch them before you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, I don't have to touch them."
"But I really don't mind. Your Majesty, you don't have to hold yourself back at all. I'm not pretending to be virtuous, nor am I being sarcastic."
"Neither do I."
"Wouldn't Sister Ruqing be very sad?"
"I talked to her about it and she understood."
"But there are really a lot of things going on here."
"You are busy with your business. I will accompany you tonight. Come, I will grind ink for you."
"Well, you're welcome."
"The servants use charcoal pencils."
"..." Uncle Zheng.
The morning light will appear,
The door of the house was pushed open from the inside,
The sword master walked out of the house.
The blind man stood up and asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"
The sword master smiled and said, "I feel like I want to have another fight with Tian Wujing now."
"You will win."
"I'm tired of you, having been here for so long."
"Should be."
"Where's Zheng Fan? I have to thank him. From the time I entered Shengle City to now, I have improved a lot in my knowledge of swordsmanship."
"The Lord left a message, saying that we are all one family, so there is no need to be polite."
The Sword Master nodded. He was not a pedantic person. After looking at the sky, the Sword Master said:
"Suddenly, I want to drink something."
The blind man immediately said: "Okay, I'll ask someone to buy a plate of peanuts, a pot of rice wine, and three wine glasses."
"Of course you have to drink this wine in the room where Gou Moli is, so that it tastes better."
The Juggernaut smiled.
Outside Fengxin City,
A carriage was driving slowly,
A group of cavalry, arranged on the left and right, escorted.
A temporary pavilion appeared in front of it, with a wooden roof and baffles on three sides, leaving one side open for ventilation.
In the pavilion,
Sitting was a man wearing a white python robe.
The cavalry outside the carriage immediately dispersed, and the carriage stopped in front of the pavilion.
The curtain was opened, and a white-haired old man got out of the carriage with the help of a servant.
The old man was wearing a black robe. His figure seemed thin, but there was a strong wind between his eyebrows.
Yao Zizhan, the literary saint of Qian Dynasty, once laughed at himself,
He said that what he did in his life was absurd things, he wrote absurd poems, and he was an absurd person.
This is not because he is self-effacing, but because he really loves freedom uninhibitedly. In poetry, he is free, in the court, he is free, and in his family, he is also free.
In order to match the three absurd sentences I mentioned above,
Yao Zizhan also specifically named the other three.
There was a great Confucian in the south of the Yangtze River in the Daqian Dynasty. He was a scholar who was far-reaching for a period of time, but he refused to become an official all his life. Today, he walks among the people, runs private schools, does not restrain himself, and teaches children from poor families how to read and write;
When he was young, he wrote many excellent works, but after holding his teaching ruler, he mainly read and recited the Three-Character Sutra and some enlightenment poems.
However, Yao Zizhan believed that what he wrote in his life was serious poetry. After all, there is no more serious poetry than teaching and educating people.
There was once a scholar in Xishan County of Daqian who passed the palace examination in spring and was selected as Tanhua by the official. However, he did not continue to write about Tanhua's romantic story. Instead, he resigned and returned to his hometown half a year later. Xishan County was hit by a drought. It occurs frequently, so it is one of the few poor places in the country.After he resigned and returned to his hometown, he led his tribe and villagers to dig canals and design river courses. It took him 20 years to do it. After being exposed to the weather for a long time, the former flower explorer now looks like an old farmer. the difference.
Read the books of the sages and do the deeds of the sages. Moreover, food is the first priority for the people, and the people are the most important thing for the country. Therefore, he will do decent things throughout his life.
the third,
It's not about killing people.
But a Chu man.
He was born into the Chen family of the great Chu State. The Chen family was also a second-class noble of Chu State, but he was not the direct son of the Chen family. He was not even a concubine, but an illegitimate son.
Throughout his life, he took his mother's surname as Meng and Shou.
After Meng Shou came of age, he entered the Great Chu Literature and History Pavilion and edited the "History of Chu" with his master.
After completing the "History of Chu", at the age of 30, he entered the Jin Dynasty and was invited by famous people to compile the "History of the Jin Dynasty". He completed it in seven years.
I heard that someone promised me a thousand pieces of gold, and I wanted him to write a good word for me in the "History of Jin" and use the Spring and Autumn style of writing.
But he still stubbornly insisted on leaving a note in the "History of Jin". After Emperor Dezong, the power of the imperial family fell away, and the three families were divided into Jin.
Named directly, the power of the Jin emperor lineage began to be shared by the three vassal families, the Situ family, the Wenren family, and the Helian family, after Emperor Dezong.
I heard that people imprisoned him for three years because of this sentence. During this period, they tried to force him to change his writing through coercion and inducement.
Later, I heard that the old head of the family passed away and the new head came to power. He respected Meng Shou's character and pardoned his departure.
Since then, everyone in the world has called Meng Shou, and his history writing is as sharp as a knife.
It took seven years to compile "History of Jin", plus three years of imprisonment. When he left Jin, Meng Shou was already forty. Later, some literati wrote poems because of this, and he entered Jin without confusion, and the spring breeze was still a young man.
Meng Shou did not return to Chu, but was invited by the officials of Qian State to join Qian Dynasty. He went to the Hanlin Academy in Beijing and spent three years compiling "History of Qian Dynasty".
Therefore, in the opening chapter of "Qian Shi", Emperor Taizu bluntly states that Emperor Taizu plundered his empire.
The word "plunder" shows that Qian Guo founded his country by bullying and plundering other people's orphans and widowed mothers.
The official family of Qianguo did not confine him, nor did they make it difficult for him. They gave him a gift to go out to work.
At the age of 44, Meng Shou entered Yan and compiled "History of Yan". This revision has taken nearly 30 years to the present.
One reason is that the aristocrats of Da Chu respected the ancient times and had many ancient books that were well preserved; the Wen family of Jin State, who loved elegance and elegance, also had a rich collection of books; not to mention the Qian State, a Hanlin Academy was a collection of literature. , and the history of Qian country is short.
Although the Yan Kingdom was founded 800 years ago, it has been at war almost all the time, and the emperor died in battles from time to time. In other aspects, few people have recorded it in detail, and the Yan people did not pay much attention to culture and education.
Therefore, when compiling "History of Yan", there were not so many historical materials and ancient books at hand to verify and proofread. In many cases, I had to do it myself. In the early years, I had to visit the houses of various powerful people in the Yan Kingdom to ask for books;
Furthermore, as people get older, their energy is not as good as before, and writing history will naturally slow down.
However, Meng Shou traveled around the world and compiled the history of the four major countries alone, making him the best historian in the world.
Yao Zizhan commented on this person and said: The pen of history is like a knife, not the pen is like a knife, not the history is like a knife, but the mind of the person who writes is like a knife;
Call it that, be a decent person for the rest of your life.
at the moment,
Meng Shou stood outside the pavilion and looked at the people standing inside.
Tian Wujing walked out of the pavilion and bowed:
When Meng Shou entered Yan State, he asked for a letter from the Tian family, and the Tian family agreed. The only request was to accept Tian's son Wu Jing as his disciple.
Therefore, Meng Shou was Tian Wujing’s teacher in the Literature and Educational School.
When the master and the disciple met, there was no inkling.
Meng Shou touched his stomach and said, "Master, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?"
"it is good."
Meng Shou entered the pavilion with Tian Wujing's help.
Food and wine were already prepared on the small table in the pavilion.
Meng Shou picked up the chopsticks and started eating and drinking.
Tian Wujing also picked up the chopsticks and ate with the teacher.
for a while,
Meng Shou put down his chopsticks, and Tian Wujing also put down his chopsticks.
"You continue to eat. As my teacher is getting older, I can no longer eat. I often get hungry quickly, but after two bites, I feel full. You are still young, so you should eat more."
"Teacher, Wu Jing has used it before."
"Teacher, the team sent by Dachu to pick you up will be here in a few minutes."
"Then we have a good relationship. Master and apprentice, we can talk for a while."
"Why does the teacher need to return to Chu at this time?"
"The "History of Yan" has been compiled, why not return home? Thanks to His Majesty the Emperor of Yan, he has to take the books collected by the powerful people into the palace. Otherwise, the "History of Yan" will not be completed in my lifetime." , Hahaha, those aristocratic families, in the past few years, have begged grandpa and grandma one by one to become teachers, but in the end they only treated them as teachers and were just beggars, and they ended up in this situation, it’s, it’s right!”
Tian Wujing also smiled.
A long time ago, Meng Shou once told him that after studying history books for most of his life, he became more and more confused about right and wrong. He only knew that every page of this history book was soaked in the light of swords, intrigues, and intrigues.
Even under the upright and upright words of praise, there are often dark waves hidden.
When you read history, you can know the ups and downs; but when you study history, the more you practice, the easier it is to lose the human touch in yourself, because when you study history, you can't have your own opinions, preferences, or preferences. Position, over time, you may even lose yourself.
"By the way, disciple, do you know what my master is doing with you?"
Talking about what I am proud of,
Meng Shou grabbed the edge of the small table with both hands, stood up slightly and moved forward, looking at Tian Wujing, as if an old naughty boy was showing off his skills, and said:
"What I am practicing with you is the Benji. It is the same discipline as that of Zhenbeihou. In my opinion, my disciple is the same as the Zhenbeihou Mansion and is qualified to use the emperor's special discipline!"
Tian Wujing still just smiled.
"I know you don't care, but I have to do something for you. Disciple, no one in the world knows you, but I know you. It's not easy for me to know you!
We are born as human beings and fall into the history books with only a few pens. But how can we write everything about a person's life with just a few pens?
If you really want to do that, you will have to endure countless sufferings.
My disciple is suffering, and my teacher knows it. "
Tian Wujing remained silent.
"If we go further southeast, we will reach Zhennanguan, right?"
"Yes." Tian Wujing replied.
"If Zhennan Pass is broken, Dachu will be in danger, right?"
Tian Wujing shook his head and said: "It can only be said that if Zhennanguan is gone, the situation between Yan and Chu will be completely different."
"As a historian, I hope that this time you can break Zhennan Pass, go straight to the capital of Ying, destroy the Chu State, and then attack Qian and quell the Qian State.
A lifelong historian, the history of the Four Kingdoms he compiled seemed beautiful, but was actually boring;
Since the fall of the Xia Dynasty, the world has been unified more than 800 years ago. The failure to compile a unified history is actually a great regret shared by our historians for 800 years.
Fight, and then create a Great Xia, and then create a great unification. Later generations of historians will no longer have to travel and work like a teacher. "
"Disciple, I will try my best."
"But... As a Chu native, even though I have been wandering abroad for half my life, I have never forgotten the beauty of the Chu land, looking for feet on the banks of the rivers, admiring the snow on top of the city of Yingdu, and the long and lingering poems of Chu...
What a great Chu, what a great Chu,
If it were just like this,
It's a pity. To be honest, I really can't bear to be a teacher. "
"The teacher is from Chu after all."
"Yes, I am from Chu after all, so as soon as I completed the "History of Yan", I asked your Majesty to resign and return home. Fortunately, my teacher was only an old man, and he could not stand up to one soldier. Otherwise, Even if I can pass His Majesty's test as my master, when I come to your disciple, I'm afraid I will follow the old practice of Yupan City and kill you here for my master."
Tian Wujing said nothing and looked calm.
"Fortunately, if I am useless as a teacher, I will save my disciple another trouble.
In fact, there is another reason why I want to return to Chu as a teacher.
I have been reading about history books all my life, but I have never been able to see history with my own eyes. This time, my master is preparing to be at the city gate of Yingdu, waiting to meet me. Disciple, please don’t let your master down. "
"Yes, my disciple, please remember your teacher's instructions."
Meng Shou stretched out his hand, and his accompanying servant took out paper and pen.
"When you go to a place, remember a place, write a place, your majesty is still there, the King of Zhenbei is still there, and you are still there, waiting for the lights to go out and the fire to go out, and the people to cover the coffin;
But I think for my teacher, if I can write more and record more, I can let future generations understand you better when they read this paragraph.
Don't worry,
Master knows that you don’t care about this, disciple.
But I care about being a teacher.
Not for you, my disciple, but for myself as my teacher.
In the Spring and Autumn Period described in this book, all the people were basically transformed into bones. Fortunately, the great struggle came before us, and the world was in turmoil. Fortunately, my disciple, you are the one who supports the grass in the waves. Fortunately, you can still have this face as a teacher;
Looking back at today after a thousand years, it will be impossible to beat you no matter what.
If future generations read history to this point,
Regardless of whether he is gnashing his teeth and yelling at you, not being able to agree with you and feeling that your heart is like a snake or a scorpion, or being secretive about you and not being quoted, or it is someone who can understand you, Tian Wujing, or resonate with you;
They will definitely blame me. Why didn’t I write more in your book? Why didn’t I write more? Why couldn’t I leave more words about you for them to read?
The King of Zhenbei is not a familiar teacher, and he doesn’t care to pay attention to me, a rotten scholar;
Your Majesty, as a teacher, I am afraid that if I ask too many questions, I will be unable to leave Yan. Hahaha, when I heard about this family in Jin, I was not afraid of being a teacher. It was clearly stated that the three families were divided into Jin; when I was in Shangjing, I was not afraid of being a teacher. I just remembered it. Winning the country is unfair;
But when I am approaching old age, I have become a little cherishing my life.
Too far, too far,
Come on, come on.
Since ancient times, I like to add color to the historical materials. When I read other people's colors, I often sneer at them, but for my disciple, I am willing to add color to you! "
The so-called color enhancement is to use artistic processing techniques to render historical figures to make them more three-dimensional, such as making up some things he has not done and things he has not said.
If Uncle Zheng were here at this moment, he would be able to understand immediately. Isn't this the saying "The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan"?Yes, Sima Gong was the hoe next to Chen Sheng at the beginning, and he heard it with his own ears.
"My master, here are three paragraphs prepared to add color to you. One paragraph is about the question and answer that my master had with you when you were young: I asked you, what is your ambition? You replied: A man should have the ambition to fly high, to draw a sword across the horse and stand on horseback. Shape the world again!”
Tian Wujing shook his head. This was made up. When he became a disciple of Meng Shou, he was no longer a child and his mind was mature. How could he speak like this.
His master, as a historian, made up stories about his childhood in front of himself, his apprentice and a person involved.
Meng Shou continued:
"The second paragraph is, 'The overthrow of all the clans in the world begins with my Tian family!'"
Speaking of which,
Meng Shou slapped his thigh,
"Disciple, do you know that just because of this sentence, for thousands of years, no matter who reads history, they will not be able to avoid your sentence!
What the common people see is your ruthlessness, your coldness, your disownment of your relatives;
But there must be people who see your difficulty, your dedication, and your suffering! "
Tian Wujing remained calm.
Meng Shou pointed around,
"Come on, come on, I plan to add another one to my master. Later, General Nian Yao of Chu will come here in person to take my master back to Chu. Nian Yao will ask his disciple a word..."
Tian Wujing said:
"Nian Yao didn't dare to come."
It’s not that I won’t come, it’s that I don’t dare to come.
Because of Uncle Zheng’s coquettish behavior in front of the Snow Customs,
As a result, after this, the envoys of the two countries were not beheaded during the war and the exchange of questions before the battle became things that no one dared to do for fear of being beheaded.
Jedian Wujing himself was a third-grade peak martial artist.
He was young and would never dare to come.
Meng Shou slammed the table,
Angrily said:
"No, Nian Yao is here and he is standing there!"
Meng Shou pointed to his servant and said.
"He is Nian Yao, don't you think so?"
The servant pointed at his face, looked at his master and Tian Wujing, and finally nodded and said:
"Yes, this slave is Nian Yao, the general of Da Chu."
"Well, look, disciple, Nian Yao, isn't he here?"
Tian Wujing shook his head.
"Disciple, the history books of the ages are true and false, false and false, true and false, why can others add color to it, but I can't, and I can't add color to my disciple?
Come on, Nian Yao, come and ask. "
Servant: "Okay, I'll ask."
"You ask, King Jingnan, do you really think that your Dayan cavalry is unparalleled in the world?"
Servant: "King Jingnan, do you really think that your Great Yan cavalry is unparalleled in the world?"
"Disciple, come on, come on, General Nian Yao is asking you something, answer quickly, answer quickly."
Tian Wujing finally nodded,
He has practiced Xuan, so he can see that his teacher seems to be excited today, but in fact he has reached the point where the oil is almost exhausted. Even if he enters Chu, his time is running out.
He is willing to cooperate with his teacher at this time.
Tian Wujing looked at the servant, his eyes slightly focused.
The servant's knees immediately trembled and he knelt directly on the ground. He really couldn't bear the terrifying momentum of King Jingnan!
Tian Wujing said:
“In my opinion, the iron cavalry in the world can be divided into two categories.
One category is our Dayan cavalry; the other category is other cavalry. "
(End of this chapter)

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