Chapter 702
"Master Hou is gone?"
He Sisi came over and asked with some surprise. She originally thought that Zheng Fan would stay for dinner, at least to accompany her man, have another meal and drink some more.
The butcher's daughter has been a princess for several years, so her horizons are naturally different.
She clearly knows what kind of situation her man is facing now.
With a full family, what kind of choices are we now facing?
She didn't try to persuade her man to stop fighting. Wouldn't it be nice to just live like this?
Because she remembered what her father once said when he was in Nan'an County:
This street has and can only have our He family’s butcher shop!
When a butcher fights for appearance, he has to use his butcher's knife; when a prince fights for the throne, how can he just retreat?
It would be really stupid to persuade him to back down at this time.
"Well, go back."
Ji Chengjue smiled and nodded.
In fact, the person surnamed Zheng came over, but he went through a lot of troubles, disguised himself, and used the Sword Master to shield the aura. It seemed that it had no effect and did not give him any tips.
But his coming is actually the greatest support.
His entire state has also adjusted.
This is the power of true friends. It sounds a bit hypocritical, but when Ji Laoliu faced the East Palace alone, and even faced the almost suffocating oppression formed by the dragon chair,
Having someone who can run up behind you, even if it just kicks you in the butt, is precious support.
He Sisi could tell that her man's mood had improved a lot.
The three characters "surnamed Zheng" are often mentioned by men in my family, so they are naturally very different.It can even play a role that a woman like herself cannot.
"Master, I'm here." Lingxiang walked out from behind He Sisi.
"You go to Mrs. Fengxin's house and give some more clothes to Chuanye and some gifts to the old lady. By the way, didn't a new batch of medicinal materials come from the west? I have prepared them. You can send them to the old lady. Use it to replenish your body.
We go there openly and openly, and it looks like that to outsiders. Our family is dying, and now we are planning to leave an orphan. "
"Yes, I understand."
Even though he said this, there was no look of shock or fear on the faces of the two women, because the tone of their men's words still carried the feeling that everything was under control.
"I would like to say hello to the old lady again. She is in good health."
Ling Xiang was slightly surprised. She knew instinctively that there must be a deep meaning in this sentence, but she couldn't guess it. But it didn't matter, she had already married into the palace, and she was Ji Chengjue's person.
at dusk,
A carriage came out of the palace,
In the carriage was the concubine who was canonized after giving birth to an heir.
Lu Mansion opened the main entrance and led the carriage inside.
Lingxiang quickly entered the ancestral hall in the backyard of Lu Mansion.
Yesterday, Ji Chuanye followed Ji Chuanshi to the First Prince's Mansion, but when he failed to return home, He Sisi sent him back to Madam Fengxin's Mansion.
at this time,
Ji Chuanye was sitting there practicing calligraphy.
The old lady was leaning on the bed, holding Buddhist beads in her hand.
The atmosphere in the nunnery was very peaceful. Ji Chuanye did not dare to be naughty in front of the old lady. It was completely different from the excitement he felt when he saw Lord Pingxi yesterday.
The maid brought Lingxiang in and then left.
From beginning to end, no other members of the family in the Lu family showed up.
It wasn't that he didn't miss him on purpose, but that the old lady had given him an order in advance. If anyone came from the palace, they should go straight to him, and no one else would be delayed.
When a person is in a Buddhist monastery, he feels uneasy.
The Great Court Meeting took only half a day, but in the capital, it had already been publicized.
His Highness the Sixth Prince was victorious and the Crown Prince was defeated;
But the crown prince's foundation became more and more stable, and the Sixth Master Party was like an eggplant beaten by frost.
The situation in the court is strange and unpredictable, and this is actually the most typical microcosm.
To be honest, the Lu family's family tradition is just like that. The old lady knows this very well;
After all, I had made the Lu family prosperous by being the emperor's wet nurse. It was not a family of military commanders, nor a family of nobles. Lu Bing, his son, was very good, but he was clearly the only one in the Lu family. The others It's all about crooked melons and cracked jujubes, some family heritage, and some children who are almost as intelligent as demons. Of course, they don't exist. There aren't that many outstanding seeds falling into the Lu family, and they need to be cultivated for at least two or three generations.
Earlier, the Lu family thought they had a good relationship with the Sixth Master, and they also hoped that the Sixth Master could overthrow the East Palace, and their family would benefit from the favor of He Sisi's "mother's family";
The greater the expectations now, the greater the disappointment. The old lady really doesn't want to bother slapping the mouths of those juniors at this time, and is also afraid that they will show any disdain or even say something out of their minds, so she might as well Ground them.
"My slave, please pay your respects to our ancestors."
Lingxiang knelt down in front of the old lady.
She used to be the girl next to the old lady. When He Sisi got married, she took the Lu family as her natal family, and Lingxiang was the personal girl given to her by the old lady, which was also the so-called maiden.
right now,
It can be regarded as coming out.
The old lady sat there and knelt down after receiving this blow.
"Cough cough..."
Then, the old lady coughed and wanted to get up. Since there were no other slaves in the room, Lingxiang immediately got up and came over to help the old lady up.
"Come here, I'll salute you too."
"I can't do it, I can't do it, ancestor, are you trying to force this slave to die?"
The old lady sighed, shook her head, and then nodded solemnly. Lingxiang, who was supporting the old lady, noticed that the center of gravity of the old lady's body was pressing down.
She just lay back on the couch.
This means that the ceremony has been made.
"Girl, it stands to reason that you grew up in front of me, so it is natural for you to kowtow to me. But to put it bluntly, how long do I have to live?
It is only natural that I will eat you a few times. Once I leave, the relationship between the Lu family and you will fade away.
Therefore, as many times as you perform your gift, I will return it several times. Save it for your children and grandchildren. "
"Ancestor, what are you talking about? The Lu family is my natal family, and the Lu family is my natal family."
"Okay, okay, you are also a princess, aren't you? Your status is different. I only want one thing from you. For the sake of my kindness in giving you this opportunity and the kindness that I have given you. , and because I warned you not to sleep with the He family girl before she gave birth to the prince;
If the children of the Lu family are not completely hopeless in the future, then I can give them a helping hand.
If the mud really can't hold up the wall, let it be. "
"Ancestor, don't worry, don't worry."
"Okay, girl, sit over here."
Lingxiang sat down next to the old lady on the bed, feeling a surge of joy in her heart.
It’s not that I’m happy that the old lady treats me as a person, or that the old lady is so polite to me.
But he was happy that the old lady said that he hoped to support his Lu family in the future;
what does this mean?
This means that in the eyes of the old lady, she, Lingxiang, the concubine, and also the entire palace, her husband, the Sixth Highness, can still have a future!
This is a very clear relationship chain, and she is at the bottom.
If my husband is gone, then who am I?
Immediately, Lingxiang woke up again;
What does it mean to let yourself support the Lu family? Those words seem to be speaking to yourself, but in fact, the old lady's intention should be just to let herself be a messenger, conveying the old lady's conditions and the conditions of the Lu family back to herself. s husband.
In fact, it is a homing pigeon.
It's funny that I was a little complacent before.
The old lady stretched out her hand, took Ling Xiang's hand, and said:
"In the early years, I saw many exquisite girls. They were handsome in appearance and clever in heart. They were very pleasing to the eye."
"Ancestor, what are you talking about?"
"First Queen, and Concubine Min."
"..." Ling Xiang.
Lingxiang realized that the next step was beating.
"Girl, I won't have many opportunities to say these words to you again in the future. I hope you can live a good life. Now that you are marrying into the heavenly family, you must learn four words: contentment and happiness.
It doesn’t mean that you should never fight, nor does it mean that you should live the same life as me.
Before making a decision, you have to think about yourself, and you have to think about your children.
Think again about Concubine Min and the late Queen.
You are blessed, Xiao Liuzi, you are different. "
Different from whom?
Naturally, it is different from His Majesty.
"Be content, be content."
"Yes, ancestor, please remember this."
The old lady nodded and said again: "Do you have anything to say?"
Lingxiang nodded,
"Your Highness asked your servant to greet our ancestor Fukang."
The old lady smacked her lips,
"Xiao Liuzi, you are being forced into a hurry."
"Ancestor, please help my husband. It's very difficult for him."
"Who in this world has an easy life?" The old lady closed her eyes, "When I get back, I will tell you, old lady, my body and bones will not last long."
The old lady, who had closed her eyes, waved her hand.
Lingxiang got up, kowtowed under the bed twice more, then stood up again and walked out of the nunnery.
"Send it to my aunt."
Ji Chuanye saluted Lingxiang obediently.
Lingxiang stopped in front of Chuanye, bent down, reached out and touched his head.
"To pass on the legacy, be good."
Lingxiang left, her carrier pigeon was completed, but she didn't know what would happen next.
After Lingxiang left, a man wearing armor walked in from the back door of the nunnery, holding a mask in his hand.
"I'm home."
"Yes, my son is back."
Lu Bing is back. He is very busy today, but his mother still sent someone to let him come back.
Lu Bing has always admired and trusted his mother. This is no longer a pure emotional bond between mother and son, but more like a sympathy between the only two people in the family who have brains.
"Did you hear what you just said?"
"I heard you, Mother."
"Do you still remember what Xiao Liuzi said to you yesterday?"
"What do you think?"
"My son still listens to my mother. My son is only loyal to Your Majesty."
Wei Zhonghe's secret agent was in the Ming Dynasty,
Lu Bing's yamen is in Yin,
Even a prince knows how much help it would be if he could get Lu Bing's support.
The old emperor, who had been recuperating in the back garden for so long, was able to quickly take control of the situation when he returned. Firstly, it was because of his majestic power, and secondly, the Secret Service and Lu Bing's yamen still helped him to firmly control the situation. Tentacles of power.
The old lady shook her head.
Lu Bing was puzzled.
"Your Majesty will eventually leave. Your Majesty's body and bones have long since expired. This time when the two kings of the North and South come back, the anger in Your Majesty's heart has been relieved."
When that tone is gone, the days will naturally be numbered.
"What does mother mean by saying this?"
"As a mother, I want to renew our romance for our Lu family."
Lu Bing knelt down,
Press your forehead against the ground,
"Mother, today it is my son who personally picked up Ji Changwang's family."
Ji Changwang, doesn’t he also want to continue a romantic relationship?
Whether the dragon robe or the jade seal is real, can he, Lu Bing, still not know?
The old lady stopped talking.
Lu Bing waited for a long time,
Looked up,
He found his mother leaning on the bed looking at him.
"Your Majesty, have you ever tasted Ji Changwang's milk?"
"..." Lu Bing.
"Your Majesty, you have eaten my milk."
"Yes, mother." Lu Bing could only agree.
"You all think that Your Majesty is ruthless, but in fact, my mother knows best. Your Majesty attaches great importance to friendship."
"..." Lu Bing.
After all, mother and son are talking,
After all, as the head of Emperor Yan's secret service, he wouldn't be able to guard his own home without being spied on.
Lu Bing did not agree with this statement.
The old lady sighed, looked away from her son, and turned to Liang Zi at the Buddhist nunnery.
"Son, you once followed His Majesty and Liang Ting over the Tian family courtyard wall; you also met that girl from the Min family. That girl stood in front of my mother and screamed at her every time.
Your Majesty,
Just watching from the side and smiling.
My mother can feel it,
The two girls that His Majesty likes most in his life are these two girls, and His Majesty is sincere towards them. "
The old lady opened her mouth,
Sighed again,
"It is said that King Nan has destroyed his whole family. Even you have said privately that in this world, King Nan has lived a very miserable life, but he has no mirror in his field. No matter how miserable he is, he can still charge outside the fortress and gallop on the battlefield.
Where is your Majesty?
You can only move from the palace to the back garden, and then move from the back garden back to the palace.
He has to live and live in front of the world. He has to let his ministers and his people see him from time to time and know that he is still there and still standing there.
As soon as King Nan returned to the Marquis Mansion, he could hide himself deep in the mansion and not accept the imperial edict, but His Majesty still had to go to court and face civil and military affairs.
That day, His Majesty was taking a nap here, and my mother saw the spots on His Majesty's body.
It is said that
The late Emperor collapsed and died after taking these pills. "
"My son is stupid, what do you mean?"
"My mother has always asked you to be His Majesty's sword. You can only be loyal to His Majesty. This time, the emperor and his ministers are indeed the rule. Your Majesty is still here, and your sword must adhere to His Majesty's will.
His Majesty said nothing, but His Majesty did not have much time left.
Your Majesty, your Majesty is nostalgic. Mom, for you and the Lu family, has kept this sweet love alive. Whether it can be passed on to others depends on you. "
"Mother is still forcing her son to take sides." Lu Bing shook his head, "Please forgive my son for being disobedient. This time he disobeyed mother. The previous generation of the Lu family was just a humble family. Now, life is much better than before.
The son feels that the Lu family is not Zhu Zigui's destiny, and his life is pretty good now, so he should be content. "
The old lady nodded when she heard this.
"My son has something else to do outside."
Lu Bing stood up, turned around, and prepared to leave.
And then,
The old lady said:
"Son, a knife, when you are not going to use it, will you hide it, throw it away, or... destroy it?
Because if you place it casually, you will still worry that one day it will be picked up by someone else and hurt you? "
"..." Lu Bing.
The old lady smiled:
"When His Majesty was in his prime, you did not retreat. Now, do you think you can retreat if you want to? In the civil and military affairs of the dynasty, there are indeed many ministers who do not need to stand in line. They can just stand there and watch the situation become clear.
But, son, you can't do it.
If you don't take sides, you are waiting to die and the Lu family will be destroyed.
The new king will be jealous of you and have no romantic relationship with you. Why would you keep a sword that has no romantic relationship with you, emperor?
Mother didn’t ask you to betray His Majesty,
Mother means,
Your Majesty has actually given it to you a long time ago.
Maybe you have been a minister for a long time, and you are finally separated from His Majesty, and you can no longer guess His Majesty's intentions. "
Lu Bing turned around and looked at his mother.
"I leave Ji Changwang's affairs to you. I don't hesitate to let you appear in the court wearing armor. Don't you know what the purpose is?
Your Majesty is giving you a chance,
Give you a chance to stand in the sun.
Wei Zhonghe's position will inevitably be changed;
but you,
Now that I'm standing under the sun,
Became the new Commander-in-Chief of the Secret Intelligence Department, and merged the two yamen for the new king's use;
Just be dried and burned to death by this hot sun!
what is an emperor,
When the emperor gives you kindness, he will also prepare a frying pan for you!
Do you think you can stand there and do nothing, just to have peace of mind? "
Lu Bing closed his eyes, hesitating and struggling.
"Listen to mother, son, when the time comes, your majesty will be here, mother will be here, and you will be here too. When the time comes, you can ask your majesty in person.
Take [-] steps back and talk,
Although our Lu family has a large population, among the whole family, you and I are the only two sensible people.
Those idiots have followed you and my mother and son to enjoy the happiness of the Lu family for so many years. We, mother and son, have really made the wrong move and stood in the wrong place. They deserve the disaster that has caused the whole family.
There is no reason to enjoy the blessings along with the hardships, so we can’t take the responsibility together. "
"Mother, there is something my son has always wanted to ask his mother."
"Mother actually planned to side with His Highness the Sixth Prince from the very beginning, right?"
"As my mother, I will always stand by His Majesty's side."
"Yes, my son knows."
"This is the gift list. Take a look at the medicinal materials on the gift list. Remember that you have read some medical books before."
Lu Bing reached out and picked up the gift list from Ling Xiang from the coffee table in front of the old lady. He scanned the row of medicinal materials, frowned slightly and said:
"There are several medicines that seem to replenish qi and blood and have mild properties. But if they are mixed together, they can cause retrograde chaos of qi and blood and make people comatose."
"Go and cook the medicine. In two days, prepare to report to the palace. Your Majesty will decide whether you want to come or not."
"My mother is old and may not be able to withstand the medicine, and it is impossible for my son to watch his mother hurt his body like this for the sake of the Lu family's fate.
Your son, you still have this kind of conscience and this kind of bottom line. "
Lu Bing simply refused.
"Mom is old, really old."
"No matter how old you are, you are still my mother and son, Lu Bing. You will never do such a thing. It is absolutely impossible."
A smile appeared on the corner of the old lady's mouth,
"What I mean is that my mother is old, her health is not good, and her life is gone. Isn't that normal?"
Lu Bing continued to shake his head.
The old lady then said: "So, your majesty will think it's normal, because your majesty is also old. I don't know, your majesty will simply wait to go downstairs, and then call my mother to blow the cattail leaf fan for him, and won't bother to look at it." .”
"This..." Lu Bing felt that he seemed to have thought something wrong.
"Xiao Liuzi asked Lingxiang to ask about my mother's health. My mother is well-being, but my mother is not the only one who lives in this Buddhist nunnery."
Speaking of which,
The old lady shouted to the outside;
"Jianye, have you finished practicing today's copybook?"
(End of this chapter)

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