The devil is coming

Chapter 805 Dungeon Black Armor

Chapter 805 Dungeon Black Armor
The ball was knocked into the air and drew a wonderful arc in the air. After landing, it rolled very far on the grass with its inertia.
Zheng Fan put the club across his shoulder, and the blind man next to him immediately swung the club as well.
More chic, more freehand, and more stylish.
There is a curse word among the people: you don’t even know what you were like in your previous life!
This is a kind of contempt without specific designation, because even the strongest Qi practitioner in the world cannot deduce a person's previous life.
at least,
Zheng Fan has walked all the way to this day and has never heard of the reincarnation of so-and-so.
But unfortunately, here, in the two people holding the clubs, there was a clear direction in the previous life.
The blind man is obviously more refined and pays more attention to details when playing, and most importantly, high-end.
Where is Zheng Fan?
If I had put aside my hobbies other than "painting" for a living in my previous life,
It is estimated that it is similar to what most people write about the third child: reading, watching movies, and traveling.
Even with this "tourism", you still have to hesitate to see if your financial conditions allow it to be added.
"My lord, little Eunuch Zhang's errand was taken over by Zhao Cheng."
"Yes, I signaled."
"My subordinate understands."
The blind man just asked this question. Since he knew that it was Zheng Fan who ordered it, there was no need to ask anymore.
Siniang is the chief steward of the property of the Hou Mansion, and the blind man is the chief steward of the general affairs. At the same time, the cleanliness of the Hou Mansion is also something that he needs to pay attention to.
If Zhao Cheng wanted to take the position on his own initiative, he would not be able to be retained.
Of course, using Zhao Cheng to replace Little Eunuch Zhang also means that the Lord is absolutely cautious in this matter, especially at home.
It's just a small thing, an everyday incident.
At this time, Sun Ying, who was sitting in a wheelchair, came over with the push and support of Chen Xianba.
"My Lord," Sun Ying said.
"Say something."
Zheng Fan and the blind man walked forward with their clubs, while Chen Xianba pushed Sun Ying to follow.
"My brother Sun Liang wrote to me, saying that his virtue and talent are not qualified for the position of governor of Yupan City."
"So, you're going to help him?"
"Yupan City is too important to the east of Jin Dynasty, to the Marquis Mansion, and to the Lord. My subordinates believe that it should be firmly in hand, and after that, Yupan City should be used as the gateway to Yingdu. , spread more widely to the Three Jin Lands."
Zheng Fan glanced at the blind man, who smiled slightly.
There is no need to guess, this kind of layout for the future must be the work of a blind man.
In exchange, Sun Liang was transferred from the position of transfer envoy of Yingdu to the prefect of Yupan City. The territory east of Wangjiang was defaulted to become the territory of Pingxi Houfu.
It is the right thing to run Yupan City in a good way. The geographical conditions of Yupan City are excellent. During the Dacheng Kingdom, Yingdu was the political center, so Yupan City was almost the economic and cultural center.
But the business that Blind Man and Sun Ying want is different from ordinary business. Now that the "territory" has been officially divided, Yupan City can serve as a bridgehead for Pingxihou Mansion's external exchanges in peacetime, with humanistic strength, fine work, etc. It can be carried out in many aspects, and can even further remotely corrode and affect Yingdu;
Once the war begins, Yupan City can be directly transformed into a major military town, playing a supporting role as a transportation point for grain, grass and military supplies in Yingdu during the attack on Chu.
Zheng Fan has no plans to rebel now, and now is not the best time to rebel. However, Zheng Fan is not a pedantic or morally obsessive person, so there is nothing wrong with being prepared for a rainy day.
"Then thank you for the hard work." Zheng Fan said.
"Please rest assured, Lord."
Zheng Fan has met Sun Liang several times. How should I put it? He is a very self-aware person. Not to mention that Sun Liang is already on the ship of the Hou Mansion. Even if he is not, Sun Ying can immediately suppress him after he goes there. This younger brother of his holds the real power of Yupan City;
The younger brother acts as a puppet in the front, and the older brother makes suggestions behind the scenes. This combination is quite good.
Zheng Fan swung again,
After playing,
Some mood languished.
The blind man saw it and said with a smile, "Lord, shall we rest?"
"I don't have such a rich life." Zheng Fan smiled.
Before the expansion of Fengxin City, military defense needs were placed first, so during planning, a large area of ​​open space was reserved outside the city;
If the population of a city continues to expand or even divides into inner and outer cities and expands layer by layer, other aspects of the city's attributes will definitely improve, but the military defense will become riddled with holes.
This is how the King of Jingnan came to conquer Yingdu in a battle after his attack;
A large city cannot be defended unless there are sufficient troops inside. This involves another paradox. If there are sufficient troops, there is no need to rely on the city wall to defend. Basically, they will form a formation outside the city to meet them. enemy.
Spring has begun, the grass is green, and the blind man invited Zheng Fan to come over and play golf together.
"It's just a toy." The blind man said again, "My lord, it seems that Ganchu is really going to form an alliance this time."
"Let's just make an alliance. Isn't the Sun-Liu alliance doomed in the end?"
Sun Ying, who was sitting in a wheelchair, blinked. He didn't understand which alliance in history this was.
The blind man heard this and said:
"But it was not Wei who Sun Liu lost to in the end."
Zheng Fan threw the club on the ground and cursed with a smile: "Just think of it as your wishing me a long life."
At this time, a general came on horseback, it was Liang Cheng.
Zheng Fan clapped his hands and said:
"Okay, A Cheng is back, let's get started."
After returning from the war, Liang Cheng needed to coordinate the matters of appeasing the various troops. Now that he was done with his work, he came back because there was still something very important to do in Fengxin City that had been put on hold.
Everyone returned to the city, and when they were about to enter the mansion, the blind man asked:
"My lord, when will this plaque be replaced?"
"We will wait until the team for the canonization announcement arrives before changing. If we change it early, it seems that we are very rare for this prince."
In the Hou Mansion, Tiantian was running around with Liu Dahu and the prince.
"Take your brother back to the yard, dad has something to do."
"Yes, father."
Tiantian obediently held the prince's hand and returned to his yard. Zhao Cheng, who had changed into a "Xin Xin Nian Nian" eunuch uniform, followed behind with small steps.
"Big Tiger."
"Subordinates are here!"
"You should go home too. By the way, call your dad here. If something happens."
"Yes, my lord!"
"Xiao Yibo."
"The Second Madam and the Third Madam will arrange for people to arrange the arrangements."
"As ordered!"
Hundreds of Jin-clad guards entered the Hou Mansion and were stationed near the entrance to the secret room. They also carried crossbows and heavy shields.
Zheng Fan stood at the entrance of the secret room, with Liang Cheng and the blind man standing beside him.
Soon, Xue San came with a package, which was jingling inside.
A Ming walked over from the wine cellar holding a jug of wine and stretched lazily. Behind him, Cahill followed, also holding a jug of wine.
Fan Li also came, with both axes in hand.
The sword master hadn't taken off his apron yet and walked over with Long Yuan in his hand.
Si Niang is here too.
"Would you like to take a rest?" Zheng Fan stepped forward and whispered.
"My lord, I'm also curious."
"But you are pregnant after all."
Siniang looked at Zheng Fan, and Zheng Fan also looked at Siniang.
Siniang stretched out her hand, gently grabbed Zheng Fan's clothes on his chest, and pulled them.
"Okay, okay, but you have to stand back."
"The servant knows."
"Okay, let's go down."
Lord Zheng walked first, and the others followed.
After waiting under the secret room, Zheng Fan first burned three sticks of incense on the Shatuo Que Stone. There were many people, so he didn't say anything in private.
"Ali, open the door."
"Okay, my lord."
Fan Li stepped forward to open the stone door. There was a mechanism at the stone gate. The mechanism was not complicated, but the premise was that even if you knew how to crack it, you had to have the same strength as Fan Li to open it.
Not long after,
When Fan Li rotated the lock plate back to its original position,
There was a series of crisp sounds from behind the stone door, and it slowly descended, revealing the corridor leading below.
In the early years, a royal censor of Qian State, in order to gain fame, wrote a letter to the official family of Qian State, asking him to inspect the cellars of each major family in the capital. The bigger the cellar, the greater the disobedience.
The investigation was not thorough, and it was impossible for the officials to randomly inspect the residences of the courtiers. However, in the next two months, many more adobe bricks were shipped to the upper capital than usual. It is estimated that many dignitaries were busy filling in the holes. .
The censor's suggestion was appropriate for Zheng Fan. Throughout the ages, there were indeed many secret rooms built under the mansion, but most of them were excavated later when needed. As for Zheng Fan, when the mansion was first built, I focused on planning.
Fan Li, who opened the door, stood beside him, looked at Zheng Fan, and said:
"Lord, please."
Zheng Fan stepped forward and kicked Fan Li.
"You have thick skin, be the first one."
Fan Li nodded and went down first, followed by the thick-blooded A Ming;
From the corridor downwards, you can see thick chains falling vertically, with a huge stone in the middle pressing down on the formation, and at the bottom is a cage.
The limbs of the people in the cage were completely tied up, and their necks were tightly locked.
The black-armored man has been a taboo since he was captured. On the way back from the snowy field, no one checked on him in order to prevent accidents;
Now that the outside affairs have come to an end for the time being, it is time to have a good talk with him about the past.
According to Hu Bamei's prophecy, this person is one of the real demon kings.
Xue San took out the key and handed it to Fan Li.
Fan Li stepped forward with the key, opened the small lock first, and then turned the big lock according to the gourd's instructions.
The heavy cage was slowly opened.
Zheng Fan opened his mouth and said:
"Everyone, be careful. Although nails have been driven into his body and some talismans and other things have been applied to him, no one can be sure that they will work. Although he has not eaten or drank for a while, no one knows whether he has secretly Restored some.
He will attack mentally, so be on guard first.
blind. "
"Yes, my lord."
The blind man walked up to everyone, closed his already blind eyes, and an invisible mental barrier spread out.
The rest of the people also came closer.
The armor on the man in black armor had long been worn out, and his black hair, covering his face, hung there like a dried corpse.
The sword master hugged Long Yuan and carefully looked at the opponent he had fought with.
Xue San opened the package he brought in, or to be precise, spread it out;
Inside are various tools.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..."
The third master kept making various strange sounds from his mouth, which kept echoing in the empty dungeon;
"Ye Qing is back, Ye Qing is back."
He enjoyed doing this kind of experiment. The more powerful and mysterious the target, the more excited he became.
Everyone else stood outside the cage, and only Xue San walked in with tools.
"Where can I cut it? Where can I cut it?"
Xue San first bent down and scratched the black-armored man's calf with a knife.
Xue San knocked, and the sound was very crisp. A series of knocks formed a rhythm, a little expert in selling newspapers.
"Ah Cheng, I've always felt that this guy's physique is very similar to yours."
Xue San shouted.
Xue San stabbed it with the tip of the knife, and a crisp sound came out.
Liang Cheng also walked in at this time, reached out and lifted the hair of the man in black armor that covered his face.
The other person's eyes were closed, as if he was asleep, and his face was green, as if frozen.
Liang Cheng opened his palms, and a piece of evil energy condensed from his palms, trying to test it.
Xue San hurriedly shouted:
"Hey Hey hey!"
Liang Cheng looked at Xue San,
Xue Sandao: "Let's take it step by step, don't skip steps, understand?"
Liang Cheng nodded and retracted his hand.
Xue San took out a small bag from his pocket, which contained white powder. He smeared it on the other party's calf and shouted to A Ming, "Wine."
A Ming, who was standing outside the cage, looked at the wine bottle in his hand and said:
"I believe water will do the same."
"I didn't bring it."
"Why didn't you bring it?"
"Because I know you, an alcoholic, will definitely come over with wine. Come on, come on. If there is blood later, I will collect a jug for you."
A Ming handed over the wine bottle.
Xue San poured the wine on the black-armored man's calf that had been smeared with white powder.
The sound of "ZZZZZZZZI" kept coming.
The muscles that were originally as hard as stone are softening at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"What?" Sword Master asked.
The blind man replied: "Carrion water."
"Can that white powder work if you add water?" the sword master asked.
The sword master nodded.
The blind man said: "It may have miraculous effects when used against physically powerful warriors."
The sword master shook his head and said, "It's against morality."
"One will be prepared for you later."
"I do not want."
"The quantity of this powder is not large. The more it is in your hands, the less it will be spread out, and the more moral justice will be in the world."
The sword master nodded and said: "Okay."
After the muscles softened, Xue San started cutting with a dagger. Soon, a piece of meat was cut off. He wrapped it in silk cloth and used a wine bottle to catch some of the black blood that overflowed from the wound.
The amount of blood was not much, and it stopped flowing after a while, but it was enough.
After Xue San finished, he carefully stuffed the silk bag into his arms, stood up, and returned the wine bottle to A Ming.
A Ming took the wine bottle and said, "Why did you choose to bleed your feet?"
"I'll go, you really want to drink it, this blood is probably poisonous."
"Centipedes can also be used to make wine. It's not a big problem, it's just that it's too close to your feet."
"In other places, I'm afraid that I'll be tortured to death by him accidentally."
Xue San walked out of the cage, leaving Liang Cheng alone.
Zheng Fan said: "A Cheng, try using evil energy to see if there is any reaction on him."
There is a feeling that this thing may be some form of zombie, not necessarily a pure zombie, but in terms of expression, it is really too similar to A Cheng.
During the pursuit, there was a female priest-like existence who always used her own blood as a sacrifice and supplemented it with other people's fresh blood to awaken it. This method of summoning evil things was really too familiar.
Liang Cheng stretched out his hand and placed his palm filled with evil energy on the forehead of the black-armored man.
The evil spirit began to pour in,
But the man in black armor still closed his eyes and remained indifferent.
Liang Cheng turned around, looked at the people behind him, and shook his head.
no effect.
Liang Cheng walked out;
A Ming put down the wine bottle and took a water bag from Cahill. Looking at Cahill's flaming red lips, he knew that the water bag inside was not wine.
He walked in and poured blood on the forehead of the man in black armor.
The man in black armor remained indifferent. A Ming carefully observed it a few times to confirm that it was not absorbing blood.
Cahill asked with some confusion: "Could he be dead?"
Xue San immediately said, "No, during the days when you were away, I noticed that he made some movements, and the gatekeeper also reacted."
At this time,
Fan Li scratched his head and walked in.
Zheng Fan looked at the blind man, who frowned. He had not arranged anything for Fan Li in advance.
But Fan Li can indeed do miracles sometimes, so you might as well let him try.
Fan Li walked into the cage and stretched his arms and waist.
Clenched his fists,
Facing the face of the man in black armor,
"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...
After a series of critical attacks,
The green color of the black-armored man's face faded a bit, and a bruise began to appear. At the same time, the muscles and bones of the face also shifted.
But, still didn't wake up.
Fan Li rubbed his fist and grinned, it hurt.
Zheng Fan held his chin in his hand and fell into deep thought.
At this time, Xue San said: "My lord, do you want to..."
Zheng Fan directly rejected it;
His suggestion was to bring Tian Tian over.
That night, Xue San discovered Tiantian, who seemed to have some resonance with this thing.
But Tiantian is Zheng Fan's rebel. Lao Tian entrusted the child to him, not for him to do any experiments.
"I will try again."
Zheng Fan took out the magic pill and slowly walked into the cage.
"Son, try to see if you can wake him up."
The red stones floated, and the figure of Magic Pill also appeared. He looked at Zheng Fan and shook his head.
Zheng Fan nodded and motioned for the magic pill to return to the stone.
Just as Zheng Fan turned around and was about to walk out of the cage,
A black shadow spread from the man in black armor and spread along the chains to the entire cage. The door of the cage seemed to be pulled by a force and closed quickly.
Fan Li roared and immediately held the cage door with both arms. The sword master's eyes were quick and Long Yuan unsheathed it directly and got stuck on the door.
Failed to close.
The black shadow retracted instantly and disappeared without a trace.
Zheng Fan stretched out his hand, dusted off the dust on his sleeves, and forcibly suppressed his trembling calves.
Try to keep your voice from shaking and be relaxed and happy.
"Hey, do you want to play Capture the King and capture the thief first?"
(End of this chapter)

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