Chapter 904
Liu Town is a Wubao, but it is not limited to just a Wubao. The main reason is that it seems that a Chu man named Tian is the master of the Wubao here. The people patrolling the walls and outside of Wubao are also Liu Forts. There are Chu people wearing Chu hair styles and Chu clothes, but in fact, behind them are the soldiers of the Yan army who are directly controlled by Zhennanguan. Inside and outside, they are actually soldiers of the Yan army composed of Chu people without armor.
There were quite a few Chu people in the Jindong Army. Some were prisoners captured through the war and reemployed, some were soldiers brought by the Fan family and Qu Peiluo from Fan City, and some were Chu people who had been smuggled over. House soldiers.
It is difficult to qualify as a bidder, and it often requires military merit, but sometimes, there can be "gifts";
Here in Shanggu County, especially this Liu Zhenwu Fort, there are many standard households in it. After all, this is the junction of the two forces;
The common people also understand the principle of appearance. The appearance is the appearance, so you have to dress up well.
The remaining town is a facade facing Chudi, you can add one more;
Here, people from the Chu region sneak in every day, and then they are sent to the Jin region behind Zhennanguan.
The "Chu people" here are well-fed and well-dressed, and they are a window to the Chu land;
Until later generations, the same was true on the border. Often facing the foreign side, the high-rise buildings were exquisite and splendid;
When Zheng Fan traveled in his previous life, he heard that there were people in the area who were responsible for turning on and off the lights in vacant buildings every day;
This is not deception, but wisdom.
These people from Chu have exaggeratedly praised the "standard household" system. Not only using themselves as an example, but also recruiting people to get results. How many adult men, women, and even children can be attracted by one person? It can be counted as “performance”;
The palace attaches great importance to the population of children. In fact, every force knows that children are the future, but before they can become qualified labor force or fighting force, they have to be raised in vain for a long time;
The palace is willing to pay this cost. In the words of a blind person, children are the easiest to be brainwashed.
Wash away his "Chu" attributes and make him think that he is a subject under the rule of Prince Pingxi, and they are all children who are carefully cared for by Prince Pingxi.
In fact, when we were first in Shengle City, this was how things were done in the publicly funded schools. Regardless of whether the children of Yan people, Jin people, barbarians, barbarians, or Chu people came in, they would never take their national attributes seriously. Assimilate into an object of allegiance.
Liu Dahu, Zheng Man and the others have already grown up, and every year, batches of children who grew up in this environment will enter the military and various walks of life under the royal family;
Of course, the above-mentioned method of "pulling people's heads" is naturally a blind man's design. If MLM is used well, it can really unleash extremely terrifying potential.
In this regard, the Chu State has also made a lot of efforts to curb this population loss, but the legs are longer than others. The Chu army only has a few military forts on the south bank of the Wei River, and it is impossible to have all the troops along the long Wei River. When platooning soldiers, not during the flood season, the people can reach the other side holding a piece of driftwood, and then the soldiers of Yan Army on the other side will greet them.
The blind man provided the method, but the specific implementation and improvement are the golden skills.
The Golden Technique allows the fort soldiers and patrol soldiers on the border to receive military merits for dealing with smugglers;
This can greatly stimulate the enthusiasm of the people below to become snakeheads;
However, there are side effects;
That is, some border soldiers felt that it was too slow to "take the bait", so they simply crossed the Wei River to snatch people from Chu villages and towns, which led to the two sides passively starting a new round of friction. The newly built buildings on the other side of the Wei River The Yanren Army Fort was derived from this situation.
at this time,
Zheng Fan is sitting by the window on the second floor of a restaurant in Liuliu Town. The model of the palace is also copied here. The restaurant is also a public property;
Right now, there are only two tables of people on the second floor, Zheng Fan.
At one table were Zheng Fan and Jin Shuke sitting across from each other, accompanied by Tian Tian and Chuanye;
At one table sat the Juggernaut and the others;
The door of the restaurant was closed, and a waiter stood at the door and said it was closed today;
Inside, the first floor was actually filled with soldiers, the guards who could be mobilized by Jin Shu.
Zheng Fan is usually an extremely cautious person, but this time, whether he was going to Xue Customs or Zhennang Pass, he acted very casually;
Even the sword maid next door was surprised by this;
In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After working hard for so many years, I have worked so hard, and the most important thing is that the demon kings have worked so hard. Under the premise of such huge sacrifices, if I can’t even understand the direct soldiers under my command, , then just find a piece of tofu and kill him as soon as possible.
this time,
Zheng Fan looked through the window at the street below. A group of Chu people with their families were being issued identity tags in an orderly manner, and then relied on the tags to receive meals.
The food is just the same, steamed buns with stuffing...
The steaming drawers stacked high are exuding the alluring aroma of rice noodles.
Now, this kind of food is gradually called "Pingxi Steamed Bun";
This is naturally due to the people below Zheng Fan's "flattering" behavior towards the prince, but the main reason is still because of this "promotional slogan". When the prince rules and becomes a commoner, not only can he eat white flour steamed buns, but there are also fillings in the steamed buns. It’s shredded radish or pickles, but it also contains shredded pork!
For those who have just been "cheated"...
Do not,
The Chu people who had just been led here had a hearty meal of steamed buns first, which was indeed a great comfort both physically and mentally and could ignite their hopes for future life, and then from here they went to the north of Zhennanguan. Make arrangements.
I help peel peanuts every day and put the peeled peanuts on the plate;
Chuanye helped pour the tea for Zheng Fan, but Zheng Fan didn't even look at it as he had long been used to it;
When helping Jin Shuke to pour tea, Jin Shuke was obviously a little flustered.
Not to mention the experience of following Zheng Fan in metal arts, in fact, for the barbarians, for hundreds of years, the Yan people relied on the Zhenbei Hou Mansion to exert great pressure and fear on the desert;
Now, when the Crown Prince of Yan State was pouring tea for himself, Jin Shu was really unable to sit still. He could only put on a smile while trying to focus on the prince sitting opposite him, borrowing "guts" from a distance. Bar.
The prince finally looked away from the street.
Said again:
"You did very well."
There are two magistrates in Zhennanguan, who can be called officials;
But in fact, the real coordination and arrangement of this area cannot be separated from the magic of gold.
"This is what the general should do, Your Majesty." Jin Shuke is still very honest, "However, the general has a suggestion."
"The general recommends that from today onwards, all the Chu people absorbed by Zhennan Pass should be resettled here. In the future, this place will inevitably become the main battlefield between Yan and Chu again. Sufficient civilian power will be accumulated here to be used for war."
The process of recruiting civilians and auxiliary soldiers and then putting them into the battlefield is a kind of consumption;
And build Zhennanguan better so that when the army fights here, the rear can have more protection.
Zheng Fan nodded and said: "When you return to Fengxin, you can talk to the blind man and you can make a total."
Zheng Fan was not in a hurry to agree. Zhennanguan is the first line of defense against Chu. Whether it is suitable to retain too many Chu people here should be considered, not just simple war factors.
"Oh, by the way, I plan to ask Gong Wang to guard Xueguan Pass, and I plan to ask Gongsun Zhi to sit at Zhennan Pass.
They don't need to bring their own troops, they just need to bring some troops to their posts. "
In fact, this is to further strip away their military power and let the two of them serve as "land lords" in these two powerful passes.
This is a conspiracy, because on the surface it is a promotion, after all, the pass is in hand, right?
Moreover, the two of them have nothing to complain about. Brother Jin Shuke and Ke Yandong are old men in the palace, so why don't they take it first?
If you attack your own people first and then attack outsiders, you will be much more relaxed.
In short, the next theme is that everyone should not take the initiative to cause trouble to the outside world, and just concentrate on farming.
"Your Majesty is wise." Jin Shuke praised.
"Ha ha."
Zheng Fan threw two peanuts into his mouth and said, "There has been no war in these years. We can finally take a break."
"My lord, this is like pulling your fist back a little, so that the next time you punch, the force can be greater." Jin Shuke said.
Because everyone knows that after recuperation, the next step will be the unification war.
Logically speaking, it is still too early. It is safest to give one generation a rest and recuperate, and then leave it to the next generation to complete this great undertaking. But now it happens that the desert barbarian tribe is leaderless, the snowfield savages are scattered, and most of the famous generals and marshals have fallen. And Yan has tiger generals and military gods. Who knows what the next generation of queens will be like?
The most important thing is that when the late emperor was in power, Ji Laoliu often complained to himself that his father wanted to do the work of three generations in one generation, and acted too hastily and overstretched the country's power;
After Ji Laoliu sat on the dragon throne, he immediately began to prepare for the next unification war. This opportunity to leave a name in history and become an emperor throughout the ages cannot be passed up, even by his own descendants!
At this time, another group of people came to the street, still queuing up to get wooden signs.
And the prince happened to cast his gaze downwards again,
Jinshu could see this and turned his head to look down.
"That woman..."
It's not that they found any beautiful women from the country, but that the people from Chu who smuggled over were not as miserable as the refugees fleeing famine, but they couldn't dress brightly and live well in Chu. People don't sneak here and start over.
Therefore, among the new team, there was a woman in a purple dress, which was particularly eye-catching.
The hair style is combed, and the clothes are not cheap. To be precise, at this time, "bright" clothes are a symbol of status. Ordinary people value two things most when ripping cloth to make clothes. One is whether it is strong or not. , the second is intolerance to dirt;
The Wubao guards responsible for maintaining order below also discovered the woman, and two guards immediately pushed through the crowd to negotiate.
Even though they were far away, Zheng Fan could still see the smiles that all men gradually showed on their faces...
Jindong under the rule of the palace is stable and peaceful, but this does not mean that everyone and every soldier below is as pure as paper. Under normal circumstances, if a handsome woman is found in the refugee team, it is inappropriate to rob her. After all, if you stay here in the town, you still need to make a sign. If things get too big, you can’t keep it and carry it around;
But it is normal to promise some benefits to someone else's family, give some money, marry someone else's daughter as an aunt or take a concubine. Although it is something that you and I wish to do, although it is a bit of taking advantage of someone else's danger, the family can't say it but still want it. Need to find someone to support you in the new place.
But at this moment, a man came on horseback from far away on the street.
It is forbidden to ride horses in Wubao. The visitor ignored this rule and was obviously confident.
The man obviously knew the woman in purple. After dismounting, he came straight to the woman in purple. Seeing the man coming, the two guards stepped forward to salute diligently, and then stepped away knowingly.
"Your Majesty, his name is Tian Rong."
"The Lord of Wubao who stayed in the town?" Zheng Fan asked.
A smile appeared on Zheng Fan's lips. The downstairs was full of soldiers, but it was obvious that the Lord of Wubao who stayed in the town did not know. Otherwise, it would not be possible to find a woman so close to the prince.
This shows that Tian Rong is only the nominal owner of this remaining town, and his real power has long been evaded. The person who arranged all this must be Jin Shuke.
"Well done."
The prince himself didn't know how many times he had said this to Jin Shuke.
Jin Shuke said seriously:
"My lord, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different. So far, the last general has not dared to hand over the real authority here to the Chu people."
Zheng Fan nodded slightly;
At this time, Ji Chuanye, who was drinking water, suddenly choked. He immediately put down the cup, lowered his head, and started coughing.
Tiantian pats him on the back.
Soon, Ji Chuanye recovered and continued to sit on the bench obediently.
Zheng Fan picked up a peanut, put it in his mouth, chewed it and said;
"Slap yourself."
Ji Chuanye was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips, stretched out his hand, and slapped himself twice.
"Swatting mosquitoes?" the prince asked.
"Crack! Crack!"
Ji Chuanye swung hard twice, his cheeks turning red.
Seeing the prince's brother like this every day, he didn't dare to say anything.
Jin Shuke was a little on pins and needles, his lips trembled, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.
The people sitting at this table are all human beings.
The reason why the prince coughed while drinking tea earlier was because when he heard Jin Shuke say, "Those who are not from my race will have different hearts," he couldn't help but laugh. In order to cover up his gaffe, he pretended to have choked on the water.
The prince is a smart child and has a wealthy family, but a child is a child after all, and he has to be with whomever he wants;
No one can live in a city all day long, and it is normal to suddenly burst into laughter because of a sentence.
Originally, this small detail was in the past, but someone just grabbed it and didn't let it go.
The sword master sitting at the next table was fine. The sword maid, He Chunlai, Chen Daole and the others were all a little shocked when they saw the prince actually slapping themselves.
What is domineering?
What is arrogance?
In a word,
Let the prince of a country slap his mouth.
Zheng Fan picked up another peanut, threw it into his mouth and chewed it slowly.
The prince with red cheeks did not sit there stupidly waiting for the next announcement, nor did he show any innocent or resentful expression. Instead, he got off the stool and bowed to the golden magic in front of him. Go down,
"It's disrespectful to the teacher to pass on the karma. It's wrong to pass on the karma. Please forgive me for passing on the karma."
Children from ordinary families may be stubborn when they make mistakes and refuse to admit it, but the prince knew exactly what he was going to do.
Jin Shuke stood up subconsciously,
"Sit down." Zheng Fan picked up the tea.
Jin Shuke sat down again.
The prince kept his posture and did not move.
Tiantian wanted to plead for mercy, but knew that he shouldn't speak now.
"Passing the karma, isn't it funny?"
"Godfather, it's wrong to pass on the karma. The karma is just...just for a's not held for a while. The karma..."
The prince really wanted to cry this time, not because he was wronged, but because he really treated Zheng Fan like a father.
As for treating Zheng Fan as his vassal... he doesn't have such a big face...
"Tell me, who is in front of you?"
"It's Chuanye's master. It's the military master you found for Chuanye, godfather. Yes, it's Jin Shuke, the former chief soldier of Nanguan of Dayan Town."
"He was the one who rushed thousands of miles to attack Xueguan; in the battle between Yan and Chu, he saved Gu's life, overturned the battle situation in one fell swoop, and captured and killed the Shizhu Kingdom of Chu; he later accompanied the king on many expeditions, and made a great contribution to Yan. Military exploits.
He worked for Dayan through life and death, served as Dayan's official, and inherited Dayan's title;
Think about it, what he has contributed to Dayan,
Think about it again,
Since you, the prince, were born, apart from helping your father fight for the throne with your grandfather, what contribution have you made to this great Yan?
What qualifications do you have to laugh here when he talks about people who are not from my race? "
"Godfather, the inheritance is wrong, the inheritance is wrong, the inheritance is really wrong."
"Get up and look at me."
Ji Chuanye straightened up and looked at Zheng Fan, his body still twitching slightly.
Since breaking into Jindong, he has never been reprimanded and punished like this by Zheng Fan.
"Today, if your father were sitting here, it wouldn't be as simple as licking his tongue. I guess you would have to kneel there until dawn, and your position as the prince might even be in jeopardy.
This time, I brought you brothers out to show you, to show you what kind of preparations your father and I are making and how hard we are working to unify all the Xia in the future.
You are the prince of Dayan,
If your father didn't abolish you, you would probably be the emperor of Dayan in the future.
Village men and women in the countryside can point fingers and laugh at barbarians, savages, Chu people, and Jin people;
The fact that you can't help laughing proves that you really think and think that in your heart.
Pass on the legacy..."
"The baby is here, godfather..."
"I don't want the unification of all the Xia that your father and I have worked hard to achieve in the future to be ruined by your smile."
If a newly unified emperor is a racist, that's the end of the world.
"If Chuanye understands it, Chuanye will change."
Jin Shuke also said at this time: "Your Majesty, the last general..."
Zheng Fan waved his hand and said:
"Sit back."
The prince sat back politely.
At this time,
Suddenly there was a noise below.
The woman in purple actually pulled out a soft sword from her waist and stabbed it directly into Tian Rong's chest, causing panic in the surrounding area.
After the movement was triggered,
All the doors and windows on the first floor were kicked open, and the soldiers who were originally here to guard and protect the prince swarmed out, directly dispersed the crowd and surrounded the woman in purple.
On the second floor, with a teacup in his hand, Prince Pingxi, who had just finished scolding the prince of a country,
His eyes immediately searched for the figure of the sword master,
I found the sword master standing by the window at some point.
Zheng Fan made a calm gesture, telling Jin Shuke and the others not to move.
The prince held the teacup, walked to the side of the sword master as if nothing happened, and whispered:
"How come you don't know why?"
The sword master glanced at Zheng Fan and also whispered:
"You were training your child, so I didn't bother you."
And added:
"You can beat her even a seventh-grade swordsman."
The muscles on the prince's face were completely relaxed. He propped his elbows on the window and looked down while drinking tea.
"quite pretty."
"Human?" Sword Master asked.
(End of this chapter)

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